Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

Hey ladies

Well it sounds like everyone is doing awesome!!

Jill wow that he's engaged already!!!

I have been leaking for a while already... it doesn't drip out but the tips of my nipples crust with white/yellow milky stuff, I clean them off and it comes back (sorry TMI) It's a good sign especially if you are plannning on trying breastfeeding!!!

Yipee on the pram!! awesome!! I think we've got everything now excpet a diaper bag, my sister keeps saying she wants to buy it for us, I'll give her until the first week of june, then i'll just buy it myself :)

I am planning on being done work June 1st!! yipee!!! I put in for a week of family leave (it's a special leave we get - 5 days every year and if you don't use it you loose it), then we'll see how I'm feeling. I'm hoping the doc will put me off on sick leave for the last 2 weeks and then I officially start my maternity leave on June 22.

I too am definately slowing down.. if I make it until 9 pm at night that's a good day!! right now my 5 yr old is in a lot of activities... sat swimming, sunday is hockey, monday and wednesday t-ball.... I'm crazy!! but the swimming and t-ball will be done before the baby comes so I figured that I'd get in as much before as I could!!

Right now I'm just trying to get all of my work stuff sorted out before I leave on June 1st.. crazy to think that I only have 3 weeks of work left!!! and to make things a little more stressful, I have someone who reports to me at work.. she just lost her baby in the 2nd trimester... so terrible, so I've been having to deal with HR and compensation and get her all set up and I have to confess that although I'm a very relaxed pregnant person, I do find myslef paying close attention to all of his movements... it's made me realize how truly blessed we are to be able to have these little babes in us growing and I'm appreciating the whole experience a lot more...

Oh and I think I'm officially HUGE!!!! my OH had to help me put on my socks this am... LOL I would have gotten it.. eventually ... LOL

Well hope all you special ladies have a great weekend!! It's mother's day here in Canada not sure about for you UK ladies.. but just in case Happy Mother's Day ladies!! and mothers' to be too!!

Chat soon.


That is so sad about your colleague, it must be horrible for her.

I finish work in 4 wks and 5 days and I am looking forward to it. I dont really have many days in work during that time what with annual leave, bank holidays and appointments, so I'm sure I'll ge grand.

I was at the Midwife yesterday, she checked my BP and Urine, both were fine, as was the baby's heartbeat. She had a feel around my tummy and said something to the student midwife to note, I assume it was fundal height or something. She also said baby's head is still down, so I guess that's good.

I too am getting quite big now. It is such an effort to do anything below the waist. I can't put on sandals or socks, underwear is doable, but only if I am propped up.

Getting into bed is also a military operation. My OH laughs and says the organisation of my pillows is like the Krypton Factor (uk ladies will understand).

Apart from that, all is going well. Baths are my saviour, I just love relaxing in the warm water, takes all the aches and pains away, but the after bath routine is getting rediculous now, there is just so much of me to moisturise and oil etc!!!

Anyway, enough of my moaning, hope everyone else is doing well xx
Kim and Joey, you both made me giggle about feeling huge. Can totally relate. Never knew it would be like this. Joey I especially enjoyed your comment that there's 'too much' of you to moisturise, hehe.

thankfully it's coming into summer and we can do slip-on shoes eh?

Lots of weekend love to everyone!
He he yes feeling huge now for sure! Everything is so much hard work isn't it! Jill absolutely thank goodness for flip flops!!

Oh and I spoke too soon re colostrom, like you described Kim I've started getting crusty White bits all over the nipple area. Weird but also exciting as it's another sign of how close we are!!

7 weeks to go roughly!! Xxx
Well hello ladies, on for a moan really lol!!!

I had 4 hours sleep last night! 4 Hours!!!! OH swore he wasnt snoring, but I could hear him, even through the ear plugs. I finally lost it and took all of my 1 million pillows that i need when sleeping now and went downstairs, where, I must say, I did sleep well, until 5.45 when the sun, which very rarely makes an appearance in belfast, decided to burst through every gap in the blinds.

I then discovered that over the weekend, my little (nor not so little) BFG has grown so enormous that the very same maternity clothes that fitted me on friday, would no longer do. So, I am in work, shattered, wearing as close to pyjamas as is socially acceptable (a black t-shirt and black Yoga bottoms - it is fashion homicide) eating my lunch, and it is only 10.50am.

Ah well, only 8 (ish) more weeks to go lol!!!!!

Hope everyone is doing better than me xx
Hey all!!! Hope everyone is well.

Just wanted to update with a 32 week bump pic, anyone else got any to share???


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Morning gals!

Kim that sounds like a very sad situation for you to be sorting out at work. I can imagine it is uncomfortable for you. And like you said, it makes us all feel so much more blessed that everything is ok.

I am with you all on the sock thing. I can just about manage. But the other day i tried to put a pair of boots on and had to get DH to do them up cause I just couldn't reach!! haha.

Happy Mothers day for you guys last weekend. Our mothers day here in the UK is in March so it has been and gone!

Joey, your sleeping situation sounds just like me! lol. My DH's breathing just keeps me awake and I can also hear him when he snores even if I have ear plugs in. I just find myself getting very angry. lol. I haven't yet resorted to sleeping on the sofa though.

The clothes thing is getting me down also. Some of my maternity tops do not fit now!! I have lived in leggings and long tops for the entire pregnancy. And I can't even wear my maternity jeans now cause they are so uncomfortable. I used to have a work wardrobe and a home wardrobe and now i just have 1 very small wardrobe for all!

On top of this, my neice has decided to get married in 3 weeks time........I am now issued with a challenge to find something to wear for that!! Nightmare.

Love your bump pic Joey!!! Looking good :)

I have a little exciting news from this week! My nursery furniture arrived on Tuesday. And DH spent all afternoon and evening putting it all up so its all done!!! I love!!!! I will get some pics up. Only issue is I have to keep the door shut as my cat now things he has a new bed. lol. NO WAY!! (so i have to keep sneaking in there to look at it. hehe)

Also, I am finishing work in around 3 hours to go and collect my pram!! yay. Another exciting day. Then comes the challenge of seeing if it actually fits in my car. hehe.

I just wanted to share also that I went to the Breastfeeding parentcraft class last night. I was very unsure about going as I dont want to breastfeed. But, glad I did as far from encouraging me into has made me realised even more that I dont want to do it. Also, DH was trying to talk me into it. After hearing all the information, he didn't realised the commitment and pressure it puts on women and so is now happy with whatever decision I make. Good good.

Also, someone at work said to me today...they always say breast is best. But best for who?? And there is no point breast feeding your child when you are crying tears onto its head. awww....this would be me I know it! So I am very happy with my decision now.

I hope all you ladies are doing well!! Keep in touch.

Nic xx
Hi girls!

Just nipping in for an update. Joey and Nic am with you on the sleeping, I have ear plugs too! DH has been ok recently its more if he drinks quite a bit he snores and gets cross if I try to move him or stop him! The worst is getting out of bed in the night for wee, it takes ages I feel like an old granny easing myself out of bed!!

We started NCT classes this week and had an evening session on Tuesday and all day yesterday. So far so good, there are 7 couples and all seem nice. We've covered a lot already including the stages of labour, massage, pain relief (nateral and medical), induction, changing nappies and bathing a baby and also just getting us to talk and think about stuff like how we'll feel on day 1, after a week, after a month and what our coping stratagies will be, who we want there when we get back from hospital, how soon we want visitors etc. Its great, enjoying it. I think the ladies will be another brilliant and local support network. Will we have a thread to keep in touch once babies come? I hope so, will miss you all if not!!

Nic, great news on the nursery. Ours is pretty much done too! Got the wallpaper up and the furniture and it looks lush I love it and keep going in there just to look around! There was a tiny chip on the dresser on one of the drawers and we ordered a toy box and they sent the wrong thing but mamas and papas have been great and are sorting all those bits for us.

I am cross about our pram though, had floods of tears earlier in the week as it was due to be delivered in the frist week of may and when we rang to check where it was they said the stock is so in demand it will now be late June!!! Think its so bad they can do this, what if the baby is born early?!

Is anyone else going to try raspberry leaf tea? Its meant to tone the uterus muscles and make pushing easier. Just wondered as my midwife said not to take it till 36 weeks, nct teacher said 34 weeks and on here ladies seem to start from 32 weeks.

Also anyone else got a birthing ball to sit on? I got one this week (UK ladies, £4.99 argos) as they are meant to be great for your posture which is what makes baby be in the right position ie, head down and facing the back.

Back to work next week boo hoo but only 3 weeks left.

Hope you are all doing ok - less than 7 weeks to go now!!

im just too excited not to share:cloud9::cloud9:

you guys are getting so close!!


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Mammaspath, yay!!!!!! Hope all goes well and lots of sticky dust to you xxxxxx
Amy congratulations!!!! That's brilliant news, thrilled for you! Keep in touch xxx
Amy thats just brilliant news. Thanks so much for sharing and for poping in. It is lovely to share your good news.

I hope all goes well :)

Nic xx

Just thought i'd let you know about my afternoon yesterday.

I had my 34 week checkup with the midwife. Everything was fine but she was measuring me small so I had to go up to the hospital for a check up.

I had to have all the checks done again, blood pressure, urine sample, measuring etc. I also had to sit on a monitor for an hour. It measured the babies heartbeat and braxton hicks and i had to press a button everytime I felt baby move.

So after 3 hours there, and 2 more midwifes doing checks. I saw the dr. Female a mad rush....very rough with me. She felt for the baby just as a BH came on and she was so rough it really hurt!! She declared everything was ok and said I could have a reassurance scan if I wanted one. I declined it as I knew everything was ok and didn't want to take up more time.

So....I have another appointment next week now for a check up at my clinic again. Hopefully everything will be fine.

I am quite happy though cause baby was monitored perfectly fine and measurments can always be out.

Also, raspberry leaf tea. I am having this. I started at 32 weeks with 1 cup/capsule a day. Today I will in crease to 2 cups/capsules a day. I have the tea bags and the capsules as I don't really like the taste of the tea. 36 weeks you should in crease to 3 a day and 38 weeks to 4 a day til the end.

I hope it will help with 2nd stage labour.

Ooohh...and the midwife also said that baby is head down and 3/5 engaged. :)

Nic xx
Oh Nic, what a time of it you had. Glad you are feeling reassured though and that baby is engaged!!!! Exciting!!!

I had my final parent craft class yesterday, I learnt a lot of post natal stuff, bathing the baby, first aid and what to expect from the health visitors and community midwives as well as how to look after myself after the birth. To sum up, I'd say that the classes were useful, a lot of the information I was given was what I had already read, but it was excellent to get to discuss some issues with a professional as they came into my head and also to meet other expectant mothers (even though the last two classes consisted of just me and my mum as the other girls dropped out!!!).

My ankles are doing my head in. I am retaining so much fluid, my legs look like sausages and my fingers have just ballooned!!! I have checked my BP and protein in Urine and all is clear, so midwife happy enough that it is just normal pregnancy swelling, but it actually hurts a bit. When I mentioned this, she just said it is because my skin is stretching and tight over the swelling.

Ah well, the joys of pregnancy.

I am 33 weeks today, cannot believe I have only 7 more weeks to go, and I dont know if I mean that wow, it has went quick and I have only 7 more weeks, or if I mean, really, I have to do this for 7 more weeks lol.

The weather here is actually quite nice at the minute (for a change), the last time I seen the sun I could still see south of my bump!! It is very pleasant but the heat doesnt help with lugging around this extra weight lol - never happy!!!

I got some lovely shelves for the nursery, I have been looking for ages and I think I have found just what I am after, have to unpack them and have them put up before I will be certain, but they look promising.

Dont think I have anything else going on, hope everyone else is doing well!!! xxx
Hi ladies.

Well I had a very nice midweek day off yesterday. Me and DH went to the park, then had a bbq at his mums. Then we had our final parentcraft class.

The last class was as Joey has mentioned. What to expect after the birth and what the midwives do etc. The highlight of this was that the midwife got a lady to come in with her 5 day old baby!! She then did the 5 day old checks. Which was weight and a heel prick test. This test was awful. Baby was screaming throughout. Felt so sorry for it!! He was very very cute though and I got a bit emotional thinking oh my god I have something nearly that size in me!! I can't wait for baby to arrive now.

Only 1 week left at work. I really hope the weather holds up! are all you other ladies getting on?

Nic xx
Hey everyone!
We had a bit of a scare yesterday.... I got suddenly swollen all over with no swelling to suddenly have feet, ankles, legs and hands/wrists that were were extremely swollen... Also, my weight jumped up overnight and I just felt rubbish so called the midwife and, of course, they were worried about pre-eclampsia. I saw the local doctor who took my BP and it had jumped from 120/67 to 160/110 in the space of a few days. He told me to basically get my hospital bag as there was a chance I'd have to go deliver the baby and they took me in an ambulance to the nearest maternity ward. It was so crazy.....

Anyways, I just spent the night there but they have said it's not pre-eclampsia, thank goodness! My bp came down gradually to a normal range on it's own and baby had a healthy heart and movements so they let me go in the morning but plan to keep a closer eye on me for the next couple of weeks.

Bit of an adventure but glad baby is fine.... really must remember to pack a hospital bag though. I had absolutely nothing ready here for myself or baby.... xx
Jill that is really scary!!

Though like you said, you know all is ok with the baby and you did the best thing to go in and get checked over. Scary to go in an ambulance though!! Glad you and baby are all ok. Maybe it is the heat?!! I hope things settle down.

I'm with you on the hospital bag. hehe.

Last night I packed baby's bag :) So I just have my bag and DH's bag to do now. Must do it in the next 2 weeks!

Nic xx
Hi all

UK ladies – how are you feeling in this heat?! So wonderful to see the sun but wow, I am so hot!!

Nic – did they say how small baby was? Sorry you had to go through all that but great that everything is ok and they ensured you got checked out and received reassurance that all is ok with the baby. Wow to being 3/5 engaged already! Does that mean baby is likely to be early?

I think I’ll start with the raspberry tea on Monday so 34 and a half weeks (even though my midwife said 36 weeks) and increase how many cups I drink as I go along. Fingers crossed it helps!

Joey – glad your swelling is normal although still really annoying and must make you uncomfortable.

Jill – So sorry to hear about your scare and swelling too. Could it be the heat as you are in the UK aren’t you? I live on the south coast – boiling!! I am so glad it isn’t pre eclampsia and that’s good that they will be monitoring you closely for the next few weeks. I hope all remains ok – thinking of you.

We are doing NCT classes and have a few more sessions to go yet. Really enjoying the classes though and leaning new things but mainly meeting other couples with similar due dates and really thinking about things that we might not have considered before eg how we’ll feel, how we’ll cope etc.

I haven’t done my hospital bag yet – really need to do it!

Update on my pram too. They delivered the car seat and had delivered the pushchair and carrycot too, so I was very excited. Until we opened it and saw the colour packs weren’t there so all the insides basically are missing and you can’t use it without those. When we called they said again that Icandy have problems with stock and it now might not arrive until July!! So likely after baby is born. I am so cross and upset – the one item we splashed out on, its cost quite a bit and I expected it all to be perfect 

Anyway have lovely weekend’s ladies and hope all the ladies suffering feel a little better.

good to hear you are allright photographer!

it's almost go time for some of you guys!@

afm, i went in for an hcg was 200 and the doctor said that was first sonogram is June super nervous but staying positive!

hope all is well with everyone!

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