Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

Hey Ladies.. I will try and post a couple of the 3-d photos later.. but here are a couple of belly shots :) My son took them this morning - 29 weeks.


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OMG 30 weeks!!!!

Kim, thanks for the pics...looking lovely :)

I have done the rest of the decorating in the nursery this weekend. I will post some pics at the end of the week (minus furniture). And I will also do a bump pick this week.

I hope everyone is ok.

I have been struggling with pain in my 'bum bone' as I call it. hehe. I think its your cocxyc/tailbone. It just aches all the time but i'm just having to get use to it.

Nic xx
Hey folks!!!! I am 29 weeks today, so excited!!!

Had my first Parentcraft class yesterday and it was brilliant. It was a small class so easy to get to know the other girls (just 4 pregnant ladies and 3 female partners, all seemed to be our mums, as it's an all female class). We had a talk by a Physio first about the different pains you experience and the changes your body goes through, and then a short break with tea, coffee, juice, water and biscuits.

Then the midwife chatted for a bit and it was brilliant having her answer all of the little questions that bounce around in your head all day. With it being such a small class, no one was afraid to speak out and as we are all close in due dates, we were all going through the same issues. It was also lovely that it was an all female class as very little was off limits!

Mrs_P, I am feeling for you with the tail bone pain. I got it REAL bad in my early days. I seen a physio for it and she wasnt really able to offer me much advice other than to work on my posture. Not sure if you are finding this but it hurt me much more when I was wearing something flimsy, like leggings. As soon as I wore maternity jeans with a little more support, it really eased the pain. May be worth a shot xx
Hey girls,

Sorry for the absence! It's so great to hear how everyone is getting on. The past few weeks I've had a couple of bouts of illness from chest infection and tonsillitis but all is clearing up now and finally got a full-ish night of sleep without coughing- it was magical!

I feel SO way behind everyone in terms of prep. We have no nursery organised and I haven't been to any classes. In some ways, I'm not too worried but when i hear other ladies getting so prepared I get nervous.

BTW, is it true that a lot of women take after their mothers in terms of labouring time? I found out that me and my brother were born 7-10 days early and within 1.5 hours!! We live 45 mins drive from the hospital, lol.

Can't wait, in just two months or so, we'll all have little ones in our arms no matter how well-prepared or not we are :)

No nursery for me either. With both of my sons I got all the stuff I thought was necessary and never ended up using any of it. So this time Im keeping it simple.Baby will sleep with us,just like my other 2 did,lol. I did get her car seat and basic things. I never did any classes with any of my pregnancies either so dont feel bad. I wouldnt have the time even if I did want to. The only class Im wanting to take is a CPR class since my second son has choked numerous times in his 3 years. Time is going by sooooo slow for me,Im so busy,but still bored.
Well i have finally done is 30 +3 :-)

Nic xx


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I've finally took some nursery pics. Still awaiting the arrival of furniture though.

My 31 week check up with midwife this afternoon. will let you know how it all goes.

Hope you ladies have had a good weekend!

Nic xx


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ahh Nic!! you look amazing!! looking at your bump.. my guess is boy :)

The nursery is awesome too!! looks like a great size!!

We're not doing any classes either, we will attend an information session at the hospital in a few weeks, but that's it.

Sorry to hear that some of you are having some tailbone pain! hopefully it eases soon for you!!

I'm feeling great, my back has been a bit sore, but that's only when I'm on my feet for too long.

As for my weight gain.. ahhh.. well at my apt last week, I was up 42 lbs!! aahhh my goal is to gain no more than 60lbs, so that's 2 lbs per week for the next 9 weeks.. good think I'm having a c-section at 39 weeks... I'm okay with the weight and i have managed to do MUCH better than last time.. when I gained over 90 lbs....

I'm supposed to be seing the doc every 2 weeks now but he's away in 2 wks, so we're going 3 wks :) he said if I had any questions I could still call his office or the hospital has a 24-7 phone number on the maternity ward where you can call and talk to a nurse. I told him that I'm good with 3 wks since I've had no complications this pregnancy.

5 more wks of work... not that I'm counting :) LOL June 1st should be my last day... if I'm feeling well I may work 1 more week... or maybe a day or so here or there. I have 5 days of Family leave that I have to use or I loose them, so I'm definately going to take the week of June 4 - 8 as family leave and then maybe work 1 or 2 days the week after...I have 10 weeks of sick leave that I can use, as long as my doctor gives me a note...

Okay enough babbling for me!!

Chat soon.

Lovely pictures Nic! The nursery looks good. We are still trying to find someone to put our wallpaper up for us and we’ll then build the furniture. We are on holiday w/c 14th May so hope to have some photos for you after that! I will also put a bump pic up this week  Literally everyone is guessing boy for me so will be interesting to see what you guys think.

I haven’t had too much pain in the tail bone unless I am on an uncomfortable banqueting type chair at a meeting for too long, and then it all goes numb. My desk chair is pretty good so seem to be doing ok. I do have lower and middle back pain though which niggles.

We are doing NCT antenatal classes and start 15th May. I am looking forward to it and I think one of the biggest benefits of these particular ones are to meet other couples also expecting a baby at the same time. As we are not from where we live (we relocated for work 3 years ago) and don’t have family or many friends here I think this will be really good for us. The CPR class is a good idea Cecelia, I’d like to do that too.

I have my 31 week midwife appointment on Wednesday. I love them! I have 5 working weeks left as I finish 8th June and have a week’s holiday in May. Plus we have several bank holidays in May and early June so get those too. Can’t wait!!!

Kim I dread to think how much weight I have put on. People keep saying I haven’t put it on anywhere except the bump but I know in myself I have and I know I have been eating pretty much what I want when I want. Still not long to go now and I can think about losing it again after baby is here.

Hope you are all well. Kate I hope you are settling into your new home and all is good with you.

Have great weeks everyone!


Ps – just wanted to say what a lovely thread this one is and say thank you to everyone for being so supportive. I am on a few July ones and they don’t even seem to notice or acknowledge me on the others but we have a real support system going here and I am so excited to see the final bit of the journey for us all. I hope we’ll keep in touch in future. xx
I love the nursery and the bump, things are coming along nicely!!!

Mrs w I agree this really is a fantasticly supportive thread and has helped me so much. It's been lovely doing this journey with u ladies. Xx

I had my 30 wk apt today, got another scan, was well chuffed. Ob said to me "I'm sure this is no surprise to you, but you are expecting a big baby"!!!!! My mum was with me and asked how big. She said if the BFG continues with his growth rate it should be around 9lb 4!!

I'm not too worried though as I know this isn't always v accurate but regardless she said so long as my bloods come back clear, which she suspects they will, it seems to be a good healthy weight.

Had the tour of the delivery suite, the rooms are brilliant, the standard is very high, they are extremely comfortable and have all different things to help with labour! Was quite scary seeing it all but I know it is better to see it now and prepare myself.

I have 20 more days of work even though I don't finish until 13th June as I have some annual leave booked. It's all feeling so real now!!!
hey everyone! sorry i have been so absent, after the move there was just so much to do, and im still not unpacked! it been crazy, hoping to start our nursery this weekend hope everyone is doing great!
Hey girls, lovely to hear all the news!

So, last night i had this awful dream that I was bleeding like a period... and when I woke up, a close friend told me she just had a miscarriage! I'm sure it's just coincidence but I do feel so bad for her. she doesn't really want to talk about it or be comforted by people right now and, of course, I am not really sure what I can do without making it more painful for her by the presence of my bump.... am I best to just let her be alone until she's ready? Don't want her thinking I don't care or that I'm too wrapped up in my own baby.......... :(

On another note, how is everyone feeling energy-wise? xx
Ladies!!! May is here!! ahhh!!

Joey, I had my first parentcraft this week. There were loads of us there. It was nice as some people were quite up front and asking loads of questions. Some about things I hadn't even though of!! I really enjoyed it. Next weeks class is pain relief. Looking forward to that one! hehe. Also, lovely profile pic!! :) Lovely that you got another scan!! As for the 'big baby', as long as its a healthy happy baby thats all that matters :) I can't wait til I get to tour the maternity unit. You can actually book a private room at my hospital. Its £45 per night and has an ensuite bathroom. I may do it but you can't pre-book (obviously). This would just be instead of going to the ward after I leave the delivery suite.

Jill, I wouldn't worry about not having anything ready. Babies don't need much!! As for classes, I enjoyed my first one but to be honest, most of the stuff I already knew. The internet and books available nowadays are just as good. Glad you are feeling much better. That is really odd about the dream! It is very sad to hear about your friend. I can only imagine how awkward you feel though you want to be there for her. I would just make sure you stay in touch and when she is ready she will let you know.

Kim, lovely to hear from you. I can't wait to get the furniture in the nursery. Its quite a big room and easily gets a double bed in so we are really lucky. About the weight, if you are comfortable with it then thats all that matters! And as you say, you are still under your target weight gain so all is good.

Becky, looking forward to see your nursery prep and bump pic!! :) Let me know how the NCT classes go. I have just started NHS ones but not sure if to do the NCT or not.

Kate, lovely to see you are still good! I hope you are settling in well. Keep us informed on how you are going on.

My weight gain seems to have stopped!! Last week I put on my usual 1lb but this week i lost 1lb. I have a feeling its because I have been eating less. I just haven't been hungry. I think the baby is sat on my stomach.

Up until this week I was feeling all good. However, this week tiredness has hit me full swing again! Yesterday I went for my usual swim and got out of the pool shaking. I had some toast at home and then slept for 2 hours. When I woke up I had something small to eat then had a bath. Felt so ill in the bath so got out and lay down for a couple of hours feeling really sick. It did pass in the end though.

I think I have been overdoing it. I have just carried on as normal and I suppose I just can't do it now. So afternoon naps and ordering my DH about is my plan now. hehe.

4 weeks left at work!! woop!!

My 31 wk appointment went really well. My uterus is still measuring 29cm though but she said its still ok for how many weeks. Next appointment at 34 weeks.

And on another note.....3 day weekend for all us in UK. yay!! 3 whole lie ins!!! hehe. Think I might just sleep for 3

Nic x
Hi all,

Nic - hurray for the bank holiday weekend :-) Yes will let you know how NCT goes, we have heard really good things and hoping to meet some nice people.

Lovely to hear from you Kate! have a great weekend doing the nursery.

Sorry to hear about your friend Jill, thats really sad. I think you should keep in touch with her as normal and let her know you are there for her. Its going to be hard for her but at least she'll know you are there if she needs you and wants to talk.

I had my 31 week appointment this week too. Bump measuring 31 cm so spot on and baby is now head down ready for exit in 9 weeks or so!

Energy wise I am definately slowing down. I just cant do as much as I used to be able to and dont want to either. I am constantly tired again now and find being on my feet much really shattering and it hurts my back. I get pains in my ribs too and cant eat anywhere near as much as before and if I do, I really suffer afterwards feeling like I will explode!

Not long to go now though, getting so excited!! Enjoy your weekends everyone.

Hey girls

So, this past 2 weeks I've had more of a sore pelvis and struggling to pee as well as feeling movement much lower...

Just got back from the midwife appointment and found out that baby's head is 3/5th engaged already....! The midwife suspects our wee one might be a bit early... all my siblings and I were early too so guess it's possible...

I suppose it's all guess work really and baby will just come when they're good and ready but it did make me think I better get some things organised soon just in case! Don't even have a place set up for baby to sleep or any kind of hospital bag.

Has anyone else had their first or subsequent babies heads engaged early?

Wow jill, I'm sure that was a surprise!! I haven't a clue if I'm engaged, maybe my midwife will chk on Thursday, all I know is that he is a big bruiser and his head is down, found that out last week at my scan.

I have a bag sitting in babys cot that I have been adding to every time I'm out shopping and have been ticking off that rediculously long hospital bag checklist as I go along. Not sure if ur in the uk but I got great deals on breast pads, disposable knickers and maternity pads in asda just yesterday.

May be you will be the first of us to go!! All the best, take care and kep us posted xx
Wow jill, I'm sure that was a surprise!! I haven't a clue if I'm engaged, maybe my midwife will chk on Thursday, all I know is that he is a big bruiser and his head is down, found that out last week at my scan.

I have a bag sitting in babys cot that I have been adding to every time I'm out shopping and have been ticking off that rediculously long hospital bag checklist as I go along. Not sure if ur in the uk but I got great deals on breast pads, disposable knickers and maternity pads in asda just yesterday.

May be you will be the first of us to go!! All the best, take care and kep us posted xx

It was a surprise but am not going to get my hopes up! Have read many different accounts of delivery times from people who were engaged at this point...... everything from weeks early to days late. Finally started getting milk coming in this week too. It's all becoming a bit real suddenly. Would be interested to know from you ladies what things you noticed happening in the time just before labour started....

We are still completely unprepared but that really made me wake up and make a packing list for hospital! I am in the UK so will definitely check out ASDA, thanks so much for the tip!!

Also, it seems we won't have time/funds to do anything about a nursery or much else than the basics but someone did just give us the most gorgeous vintage coach built pram. Needs a clean and a matress but it's great because we live in a small town where I walk everywhere and the big wheels are ideal for the cobbles and the beach sand around here. One thing sorted! yay!

How is everyone else feeling?

When does everyone start their maternity leave?



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Jill it’s so funny you say that as starting this week I have a really sore pelvis too and feel as though baby has dropped lower. I didn’t realise they could engage this early. Interested to see if any do hear anymore from anyone who has experienced that before. I guess mine is maybe a co-incidence or stretching pains. I haven’t had any milk leaking or anything either.

Oh Jill I love your pram!! Can I ask where you got it from? I am looking for one exactly like that to take to Goodwood Revival where everyone dresses in vintage clothes. Its so cool!!

Joey – Happy birthday!!! Hope you are having a fab day. I really need to start thinking about collecting the items for my hospital bag as well soon. I’ve got quite a bit to get in the way of maternity pads, breast pads that kind of thing.

I am on holiday next week so sorting the nursery and then have 3 weeks left at work, finish on 8th June – counting the days now, cant wait!!

I am feeling so tired and achy! But really getting excited too.

Hope everyone else is well.

Hey Becky

Just googled Goodwood and it looks amazing fun! The pram is second-hand but I've been told the best places for them are gumtree and ebay... It's a silver cross kensington (an old one). Basically, i heard that brand new ones are like £1000 but the ones made 20-30 years ago were made so well that they can still be used and you can still obtain replacement parts for them. So this one just needs a clean and a new matress in it... you can get them starting at just £100. Ours was bought from my dad's work friend for just £150. I think the main thing is checking the wheels still have tread on them and nothing is broken on it.... I've been told they're such good quality they can be kept and used for many kids, just change the matress for each baby basically....

Hope that helps!

Hi all!!

Its good to hear some of our babies are already in the correct position for arrival! I have no idea which way round my baby is. Though I do think he/she is head down because of where I get kicks etc. I hope my midwife can tell at my next appointment. Exciting.

I too have been slowing down. Everything is such an effort now!! I do keep getting a bit annoyed as DH hasn't been helping with anything! He is so untidy and i am a clean freak so it does wind me up sometimes. He does a lot of overtime at work though so I sort of let him off a bit. But every now and again I just let rip at him. lol.

Becky I am with you fully on the eating thing. I keep trying to just graze throughout the day else i'll eat a big meal and am so uncomfortable afterwards.

Joey thanks for the tip on asda. I went the other day and got allsorts of bits and bobs. Bargain!!

Jill that pram is gorgeous!!! My mum had one just like it when I was a baby. Really vintage. love love love.

3 weeks left at work for me. MAT leave starts on 1st June and I cannot wait!!

Just one more thing....I remembered to take my bump pic this week :) Taken at 32+1. One of my (male) friends summed it up this week by saying "you look like you've got 2 arses"! lol

Nic xx


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