Ladies!!! May is here!! ahhh!!
Joey, I had my first parentcraft this week. There were loads of us there. It was nice as some people were quite up front and asking loads of questions. Some about things I hadn't even though of!! I really enjoyed it. Next weeks class is pain relief. Looking forward to that one! hehe. Also, lovely profile pic!!

Lovely that you got another scan!! As for the 'big baby', as long as its a healthy happy baby thats all that matters

I can't wait til I get to tour the maternity unit. You can actually book a private room at my hospital. Its £45 per night and has an ensuite bathroom. I may do it but you can't pre-book (obviously). This would just be instead of going to the ward after I leave the delivery suite.
Jill, I wouldn't worry about not having anything ready. Babies don't need much!! As for classes, I enjoyed my first one but to be honest, most of the stuff I already knew. The internet and books available nowadays are just as good. Glad you are feeling much better. That is really odd about the dream! It is very sad to hear about your friend. I can only imagine how awkward you feel though you want to be there for her. I would just make sure you stay in touch and when she is ready she will let you know.
Kim, lovely to hear from you. I can't wait to get the furniture in the nursery. Its quite a big room and easily gets a double bed in so we are really lucky. About the weight, if you are comfortable with it then thats all that matters! And as you say, you are still under your target weight gain so all is good.
Becky, looking forward to see your nursery prep and bump pic!!

Let me know how the NCT classes go. I have just started NHS ones but not sure if to do the NCT or not.
Kate, lovely to see you are still good! I hope you are settling in well. Keep us informed on how you are going on.
My weight gain seems to have stopped!! Last week I put on my usual 1lb but this week i lost 1lb. I have a feeling its because I have been eating less. I just haven't been hungry. I think the baby is sat on my stomach.
Up until this week I was feeling all good. However, this week tiredness has hit me full swing again! Yesterday I went for my usual swim and got out of the pool shaking. I had some toast at home and then slept for 2 hours. When I woke up I had something small to eat then had a bath. Felt so ill in the bath so got out and lay down for a couple of hours feeling really sick. It did pass in the end though.
I think I have been overdoing it. I have just carried on as normal and I suppose I just can't do it now. So afternoon naps and ordering my DH about is my plan now. hehe.
4 weeks left at work!! woop!!
My 31 wk appointment went really well. My uterus is still measuring 29cm though but she said its still ok for how many weeks. Next appointment at 34 weeks.
And on another note.....3 day weekend for all us in UK. yay!! 3 whole lie ins!!! hehe. Think I might just sleep for 3
Nic x