Hi ladies,
Kate, I'm sorry your recovery has been so painful, I'm glad you are hopefully well on the way to being much better now though. As you af came so early and was only spotting for 3 days, is there any chance you are pregnant? Just wondering. If not..... Now that you are officially trying, good luck! I hope you are ovulating and that your bfp won't be long!
I know what you mean, I knew I wanted a baby asap after we got married, had been wanting babies for years by then. And I knew I wanted roughly 2 year age gap, but when I got pregnant so quickly, it did feel a little scary and somehow not quite as exciting because I hadn't been wanting to be pregnant so badly for so long if that makes any sense. Anyway I will be ecstatic next time, having been through this! But I agree, it's a different kind of decision on when to have no 2.
How's your cycle now Kim, on the bc? How long until your next scsn to see how your lining is? I think you said June. Could a private scan tell you how things are going before then? I hope those keegals are doing the trick!!
I had my second acupuncture session today and if nothing else, I think it's helping my peace of mind. I enjoy the time and the fact that its all about ME! It's very therapeutic and he asks me alot of questions so I pour alot of stuff out to him! I really went int today with the weight of the world on my shoulders and came out feeling so much more positive! I'm just getting too stressed with ttc, analysing opks, temping, cm, cp, comparing this cycle to last and to a 'normal' one blah blah blah. It's exhausting. But I feel more positive today. I'm cd15 and I oved on cd15 last cycle, no signs so far this cycle but I've had no mid cycle bleeding which is good and I don't normally ov until cd20 so I'm taking this as a good sign that,y body is going back to the way it used to be. So fingers and toes crossed I ov in the next week. I'm hoping for a more normal lp this cycle and no spotting. If I get a bfp, obviously huge bonus and will be ecstatic but if nothing else, I'm just hoping my cycle is better this month. I'm also taking agnus castus and starflower oil, not sure if I said before.
Anyway..... Good luck ttc Kate, can't wait to hear how it's all going. Will you be doing temping or opks or anything?
Hope you're well too Kim, not long till you are ttc with us too I hope.
What are your weekend plans? We took Freya to the beach today to collect stones and shells, she's had a lovely day. Tomorrow my in laws (Freya's beloved nanny and bambi) are coming over so she will be thrilled to see them! Can't wait. Enjoy ladies. Xxxx