Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

And im sorry to hear you are feeling Down. It took us 8 months after our Mc. :(. Is it possible yoh aren't ovulating?
I'm not sure if I ovulated last cycle. I'm temping this time so I will know if I do ovulate. I did have pos opk a few days ago, a big temp dip yesterday and a big temp rise today (but I do have a cold so could be hot from that).... So we will see. If my temps stay up I guess I ovulated. We have dtd so that's good but I started bleeding a few days ago and have now been bleeding for 4 days, so I very much doubt I'd get pregnant anyway :cry:

Did you enjoy the chocolate pudding, it sounds yummy!! I'm more of a savoury tooth so I love crisps, cheese and anything along those lines, bread and toast etc mmmmm. I really feel crap about myself, my clothes are tight etc but I just feel so down about ttc that I can't stop eating. Vicious circle!

Another big temp rise this morning so I'm thinking I did ovulate which is good news! If I have a third elevated temp tomorrow I think ff will give me cross hairs. Yippee. I still don't think ill get preg with all the bleeding I've had but the fact I ovulated is happy news.

Do you temp Kate? Just wondered how you know if you ovulate x
Hey Ladies

Sorry to be MIA... what a crazy time!!!

Becky glad to hear that you did ovulate, that's positive, maybe you're going to have a shorter cycle post mc which is great for ttc. When you say bleeding, is it a lot? or more like a spotting?

Kate chocolate pudding for lunch!!! :) hahaha i loove it!! I'm more of a hard candy kinda girl, my favourite being cinnamon hearts... I ate almost a whole bag of them 5 days after my gallbladder surgery and ...well my body did NOT like it hahahaha good luck on your surgery on the 6th. As for whether to ttc or not, I was in the same situation and I figured that as long as the baby hadn't implanted it was fine... but who really knows.

AFM well things have been crazy.. no I haven't tested, but I have been bleeding since forever!! spotted for about 1 week after the special ultrasound which then progressed to bleeding for the past 10 days.. sigh... I"m on CD 17 ish I think... and due for AF next wednesday some time... I think I screwed up my hormones because I had stopped my bcp and then missed 3 days and started a new pack...since I ovulate early I think it threw my body totally out of wack...

I too am trying to lose some weight, my incentive is that I think it's essential for me to even have the possibility of having another baby. I am a really big pregnant person, which I would assume puts added stress on my uterus... so if I ever get pregnant.. I will be eating crazy healthy!! I have quite the sweet tooth so it's really really hard for me... I love my carbs, my muffins, doughnuts bagels etc.... so I'm doing 2 shakes a day, one for breakfast and one for lunch, then a reasonable supper. I see my surgeon next week and will ask him for the all clear to exercise and I'm going to get back into that, we have an elliptical and a rower in our basement, so when the kids go to bed we are going to do that!

Sorry for being away for so long, I do read your replies, I really hope to be seeing some bfps from you guys shortly!!!! and then god willing, I'll be catching up to you!!

Take care


Lovely to hear from you Kim! Sounds like you're doing fab on the healthy eating diet, what a good motivation for you, I was the same before my wedding! The only tie I've been happy with my body. Now I don't have much motivation as I want to get pregnant anyway so why get a flat tummy now?! It's only really my tummy I hate as my weight goes straight there.

Tmi warning.....The bleeding was only really on wiping and only in the afternoons and evenings but alot on the tissue including ewcm style lumps in it. It's not coming out onto my underwear/liner bar a few spots here and there. More than spotting but less than af. I think it's hormonal, my worry is that my lining would now be thin from bleeding and an egg won't implant but only time can tell me that so I'm trying to to over think it.

Sorry you've been bleeding too. I hope yours stops soon as well. Roll on June and your appointment. I'm willing your uterine wall to grow grow grow!!!

Chinese food and wine tonight after a long day. The road out of my village was closed and a 15 minute journey took me an hour and a half. It was crazy and when we got there Freya was asleep grrrr!!!

Happy weekends lovely ladies x
Hey Ladies

Becky if it was only when you wiped, I would guess it's your hormones and it was probably around ovulation...? where are you in your cycle now? How are you feeling?

Kate good luck on your surgery on Thursday. Did you decide to try this month?

AFM the bleeding FINALLY stopped... sigh.. although still kind of spotting.. weird really, but I'm due for AF this week... see what happens hahaha

I've decided to take some Red Raspberry Leaf tea, apparently supposed to help tone the uterus.. I'll try anything :)

Also on a crazy note.. because my life is never boring.. hahaha. Got a phone call from my son's school last week, thank goodness on the 1 day a week that I work from home, all they said was "how far are you from the school" I said, 10 mins why.. they said "we've called an ambulance for Logan if you can be here in 15 come here otherwise meet us at the hospital".... he fell outside on the playground and cut his head open... he was okay only a couple of stitches, but the head bleeds a lot so there was a lot of blood and it freaked everyone out!!! not a fun phone call to receive!! So after I asked the school what would have happened if I was at my office downtown... they said they would have sent him by himself in the ambulance!! he's only in grade 1!!!! anyways hopefully I don't get one of those phone calls again!! I guess boys will be boys!!

Well take care. Chat soon!!

Hey Kim,

Oh gosh how is Logan now? I can imagine you were petrified!! I can't believe they would send him on his own in an ambulance with no teacher or someone he knew to hold his hand. I'm glad he wasn't seriously hurt and hoping he's feeling better. Having 2 boys you will probably have your fair share of broken bones and stitches after they climb trees and things.

I'm 6dpo now. I had assumed the bleeding/spotting was purely hormonal and related to ovulation as it stopped after I ovulated but I had it again last night. :cry: I have no idea why it's always in the evenings but will see if there's more tonight. I'm praying not but suspecting there will be. Grrrr. I'm glad your bleeding has stopped and hopefully your cycle returns to some normality quickly.

Raspberry leaf sounds like a plan. I'd be googling like mad on what can help thicken the uterus. At least then you'll have tried everything and you never know, it might work!! Fingers crossed.

How are you Kate? Is your mum doing ok after her fall?
Hey Becky

Yeah Logan is fine, no concussion which is good (since he's already been admitted for one when he was 3.5....) just 2 stitches... I was upset about the ambulance, Logan is a very level headed kid and if anyone could handle it I would say he could, and he was scared, there was a lot of blood and all of the adults were freaking out... the paramedic didn't even bandage him up until in the ambulance because he said that he just wanted to get him out of the school because of the chaos... urg...

Yeah that sucks about the spotting.. it must be hormonal but I don't know what it means... my bleeding was pretty much the same I would bleed in the morning... a good bit... and then nothing in the afternoon evenings... this went on for 10 days!!!

Yeah I agree with you, figure I'll try the red raspberry leaf stuff.. it's the only thing that I have found so figure I'll give it a try. Other than that kegels and such to strengthen the uterus wall. Unfortunately it's not something that there is a lot of information on, since usually most women don't know that their wall is thin until the deliver...

Well fingers crossed no spotting tonight!!! if it is hormonal I don't think it will impact your chance to get pregnant.. it will probably just make it harder to figure out when you are ovulating!!

Good luck.

Kate how's your mom?

Kim, sounds like Logan's school need to do some risk assessment planning for when a child has an accident as chaos is the last thing they need. You should give feedback to the head teacher, poor Logan. I'm glad he didn't have concussion, that's good. I hope the stitches aren't too sore for him.

I'm still having a tiny bit of brown spotting but nothing too bad at the moment. I hope you are right and it doesn't affect my chances of getting pregnant. I know I ovulated as I am temping, and we dtd at good times, but still I don't have a good feeling for this cycle. Trying not to get obsessive about it but not easy.

Keegals is a good idea to strengthen the wall and build the muscle up. My ante natel class gave us tiny stickers that we were to put everywhere like on your phone, on the kettle, on the bathroom mirror, in the car, so each time you saw a sticker you did 10 keegals. I was rubbish at doing mine but it was a good idea to have the constant reminder and means no one else knows what's going on!!

How's your hubby feeling about everything that's been happening with you? I remember you were going to hold off telling him about a possible pregnancy because of how upset he was over your loss so I hope he's holding up ok too at the moment.

Well it's my day off today and Freya has a cold so is grumpy. The sun is out though so we will go out later maybe to the park! Hope you guys both have a lovely week.

Becky x
Hey ladies, hows things?

How are the keegals going? Are you doing anything else to try and strengthen the uterous wall or did you not find much that you could try? I hope its working as we speak :hugs:

Things not so good with me really, I had the spotting after af, spotting over ov and then from 5dpo and full on af came at only 9dpo. I have a drs appointment friday and will ask for a scan to check its not retained tissue causing it. I am also taking agnus castus and starflower oil this cycle and I have acupuncture booked. I suspect this could be hormonal and all of those are meant to help regulate the hormones so fingers crossed.

I think I dealth with the mc at the time by assuming I'd fall again soon and now I dont think that will happen and I feel so desperate.

We have a second viewing on our house today so I am hoping we may get some good news there soon. If not we are seeing another agent this weekend and will try them. Selling the house and buying a new one would really be good news and give me something positive to focus on and take my mind of ttc, which is all I think about at the moment.

Kate how are you? Did the surgery go ok and have you started TTC now? Hope your Mum is ok and all alright your end.

Becky xx
Hey ladies.

Becky I'm so sorry that your body is not behaving... I wouldn't think that there is any retained tissue since you would be getting positives on your hpt.. Hopefully your body helps to regulate soon. Hopefully your doctor has some advice or good insight.

I know what you mean about everything being ttc... I'm trying to move past it but it's hard.. and when i feel like sometimes I can move past it, I almost feel guilty about it... sigh...

I'm sure that you will be pregnant before you know it and it will be amazing... sorry that the waiting is so hard. I think we all deal with mc how we need to in the moment, and then as time goes on we deal with different aspects, if that makes any sense? So I'd say keep grieving and dealing with the mc how you need to in order to be able to get through the days. Focusing on ttc is a good thing I'd say.. although noone really wants to be ttc for too long since that's stressful in it self. i've often said that I'm not sure how people do it, I like you have always been lucky and got pregnant quickly..

Good luck on the house!! we bought and sold last summer.. it was so stressful since we had bought the new house first... we were 3 weeks away from owning 2 houses!!!

Kate how was your surgery? and your mom!!

Keep us posted.

Afm.. well nothing new to report, doing kegels when I think of it and taking the red raspberry leaf tea... I can't imagine waiting until June.. sigh... seems like forever away, but I know it's not.. I just think that we should be able to tell sooner if it's getting better or of it's just going to stay the same, you know... oh well...

So I'm keeping on keeping on... the weather has been trying here... still sooo cold, they say the coldest winter in 20 years... and sooo much snow.. we have a storm coming tomorrow... 5 - 10 cms... sigh... and my OH is going away on business tomorrow for 5 days, so I guess that means that I am shovelling... I guess I can't really complain it's my first time this winter.. but it's the middle of MARCH!!!! feels like we'll never have spring. I'm glad that I bought some extra winter clothes for Cameron in early Feb... I figured they would go to waste if it got warm too fast... but no worries.. hahaha we're using all of them!!! How are your little ones? Cameron is hysterical these days! he did his poo on the potty this morning too which was super cute. he won't pee on the potty but poo he doesn't mind. Today was the first time that he told me he had to poo then I put him on and he actually pood... when he heard the poo hit the water he looked at me in amazement hahaha hopefully now he'll know what that's supposed to feel like. :)

I've babbled enough.

Take care ladies.

hey everyone sorry I have seen missing lately. I am finally feeling human again. I have not looked at my phone computer or TV in over a week. The recovery was agonizing. I'm glad to be on the other side of it. That being said, I am still having pain. All of my teeth are numb and it feels awful. In other news, my last cycle was 34 days and now I just got my period and that was a 22 day cycle. I don't know what is going on with my body I am used to a regular 28 day cycle. I saw my new OB on Monday and he said try for a few more months before getting any treatment. I go back to see him on the 14th and I need to have blood work done and a semen analysis for my partner. I really hope we are successful we are going to start trying in a week. I am really excited but also feeling nervous I suppose that's normal although, what's normal when you're trying to conceive? I hope you all are doing great and again I'm sorry I haven't been on much. I am so happy to have the surgery over with. I was not anticipating a rough recovery.the weather is seemingly nice lately so I hope spring is on its way it feels long overdue. What are you ladies up to this weekend? Becky, keep your head up but always feel your feelings you will come out on the other side of this. I promise. My mom is foing well her sling finally came off yesterday. We have decided to enrol reid is nursery school part time come September so that's my biggest news lately. sorry if this post all over the place I am talking on my phone to type as my computer is dead and I really miss you guys! Can't wait to hear back, take care.
hey everyone sorry I have seen missing lately. I am finally feeling human again. I have not looked at my phone computer or TV in over a week. The recovery was agonizing. I'm glad to be on the other side of it. That being said, I am still having pain. All of my teeth are numb and it feels awful. In other news, my last cycle was 34 days and now I just got my period and that was a 22 day cycle. I don't know what is going on with my body I am used to a regular 28 day cycle. I saw my new OB on Monday and he said try for a few more months before getting any treatment. I go back to see him on the 14th and I need to have blood work done and a semen analysis for my partner. I really hope we are successful we are going to start trying in a week. I am really excited but also feeling nervous I suppose that's normal although, what's normal when you're trying to conceive? I hope you all are doing great and again I'm sorry I haven't been on much. I am so happy to have the surgery over with. I was not anticipating a rough recovery.the weather is seemingly nice lately so I hope spring is on its way it feels long overdue. What are you ladies up to this weekend? Becky, keep your head up but always feel your feelings you will come out on the other side of this. I promise. My mom is foing well her sling finally came off yesterday. We have decided to enrol reid is nursery school part time come September so that's my biggest news lately. sorry if this post all over the place I am talking on my phone to type as my computer is dead and I really miss you guys! Can't wait to hear back, take care.
ahh Kate I'm so sorry that your recovery has been so hard!! poor you!

Well maybe you'll end up with a short cycle :) it's great for ttc!!

It's good that your ob won't make you wait too long before taking chlomid, hopefully you get lucky on a natural cycle!!

Becky I hope you're doing better this weekend :) :hugs: where are you at these days?

If it's any consolation my cycle is all screwed up too.. sigh.. I'm on bcp, but my body has never done great with that... I am spotting.. day 3 of bcps this month... never did get af last week, which wasn't overly surprising since I had bled for the 3 weeks before af... wait and see what happens I guess hahaha

I've had a slow weekend so far, my OH has been away on work since Wednesday, he gets back tonight. Tomorrow we have a busy day, my older ds has 2 hockey games and then a bday party!

hope you ladies are having a good weekend...

Thanks kim :). Well, I dont know if that would even be considered a cycle lol it was like bloody spotting for 3 days? Confusing. And it was a very short cycle and I have not had anything since. Not sure what to think. In other news, dh and I started trying this week! Woo hoo! Im so excited now. Hard to imagine we may conceive on our own soon :). I had a harder time deciding when to have the secondbaby, I found the decision much easier wwith having a first baby. Is that backwards? Did you feel that way at all kim?
Hi ladies,

Kate, I'm sorry your recovery has been so painful, I'm glad you are hopefully well on the way to being much better now though. As you af came so early and was only spotting for 3 days, is there any chance you are pregnant? Just wondering. If not..... Now that you are officially trying, good luck! I hope you are ovulating and that your bfp won't be long!

I know what you mean, I knew I wanted a baby asap after we got married, had been wanting babies for years by then. And I knew I wanted roughly 2 year age gap, but when I got pregnant so quickly, it did feel a little scary and somehow not quite as exciting because I hadn't been wanting to be pregnant so badly for so long if that makes any sense. Anyway I will be ecstatic next time, having been through this! But I agree, it's a different kind of decision on when to have no 2.

How's your cycle now Kim, on the bc? How long until your next scsn to see how your lining is? I think you said June. Could a private scan tell you how things are going before then? I hope those keegals are doing the trick!!

I had my second acupuncture session today and if nothing else, I think it's helping my peace of mind. I enjoy the time and the fact that its all about ME! It's very therapeutic and he asks me alot of questions so I pour alot of stuff out to him! I really went int today with the weight of the world on my shoulders and came out feeling so much more positive! I'm just getting too stressed with ttc, analysing opks, temping, cm, cp, comparing this cycle to last and to a 'normal' one blah blah blah. It's exhausting. But I feel more positive today. I'm cd15 and I oved on cd15 last cycle, no signs so far this cycle but I've had no mid cycle bleeding which is good and I don't normally ov until cd20 so I'm taking this as a good sign that,y body is going back to the way it used to be. So fingers and toes crossed I ov in the next week. I'm hoping for a more normal lp this cycle and no spotting. If I get a bfp, obviously huge bonus and will be ecstatic but if nothing else, I'm just hoping my cycle is better this month. I'm also taking agnus castus and starflower oil, not sure if I said before.

Anyway..... Good luck ttc Kate, can't wait to hear how it's all going. Will you be doing temping or opks or anything?

Hope you're well too Kim, not long till you are ttc with us too I hope. :hugs:

What are your weekend plans? We took Freya to the beach today to collect stones and shells, she's had a lovely day. Tomorrow my in laws (Freya's beloved nanny and bambi) are coming over so she will be thrilled to see them! Can't wait. Enjoy ladies. Xxxx
oh my gosh, a beach day sounds FANTASTIC! It snowed all weekend here.. it's getting ridiculous, the snow should be pretty well gone right now, but as I look out my work window, there are still enormous mounds of snow :(. Hopefully spring like weather is not far off (it was -12 this morning!).

I did test to see if that "af" was really a bfp, which it wasnt. I have just never had a cycle like that, ever. I am excited that we are actually trying now, but I am not temping or doing opks yet. I want to think that it is "light-hearted" trying. My dh doesn't want me all stressed out like I was last time we were ttc, and miscarrying does that, as we all know :(. so anyways, I see my obgyn again on April 14th, where he will give me bloodwork to do and give my dh a SA, he said he wants me to try for a while before he gives me clomid, he said another 4 cycles. I told him we have been trying since Sept, I know I shouldn't have lied to him, but I just don't want him to say I need to try for 12 months before he gives it to me. If I am not ovulating, "trying" is a joke. I hope the bloodwork he gives me shows I am ovulating on my own, but I am not sure it will. I weigh 10 lbs less now than I did when I got pregnant with Reid, I know that weight can contribute a lot with getting pregnant. If I could lose another 10, I would have a great chance of ovulation on my own, but, we all know how hard it is to lose weight.

We didn't do too much this weekend, went to visit my mother in law on saturday for the night, Reid woke up at 4am and wouldn't go back to sleep, so sunday was a joy hah. I just had 2 weeks off (march break) so today is my first day back at work. The boarding students come back tomorrow so today is just sort of a catch up day, which is great. I sort of thrive on routine = im kind of lazy at home. So it's pretty good that I am back to work and back to structure. I work until June 20th and then I am off for 6 weeks (summer break), and although it is unpaid, I am still so looking forward to having the summer off :)

I suppose I have rambled enough, how is everyone doing!
hey ladies

yeah for me it was easy to know I wanted both but my situation was so different. For Logan I was with my ex-husband and we'd been together for years, I was ready for a baby for a long time. We were waiting for him "to be ready" for at least 3- 4 yrs so when he said he was finally ready... I was pregnant 3 months later :) my ex and I split up when Logan was only 4 months old and I knew that I wanted a second, but I wasn't sure that it would ever happen.. so when I met my OH and he desperately wanted to be a dad... well that was a no-brainer, I was pregnant 2 months later hahaha I find this one more difficult, but my scenario now is probably more similar to you guys, since I would now have a little one at home, since there were 5.5 years between my other 2 it was different. But that age gap has been amazing!!!

Kate congrats on officially trying!!! I hope that you are ovulating, glad to hear that at least you're doing blood work, that will help to strengthen your argument with the doc if you're not ovulating. We're braving the snow here too :( I can't wait to be able to head to the park... and Becky really the beach hahaha that's cruel for the two of us hahaha Kate that's nice to have 6 weeks off in the summer I would love that!!! We are very structured here too, Logan thrives on it... Cameron is very laid back and doesn't really need the same level of structure, but he goes along with it :)

Becky my cycle has been a nightmare... my body has always struggled with bcp... where I have a 21 day cycle, my body really doesn't really like being pushed to 28 days.. so by starting my last cycle 3 days late I have really screwed up my body... last cycle I bled for the first 15 days of my cycle... it stopped, the week when I was supposed to get AF I didn't... I then started my next cycle (my current one) and I started bleeding on CD 10 - CD12 (so far :))... I have an apt with a gynecologist on Friday but I may have to cancel if I'm still bleeding... it's just for a regular pap smear... It sounds like your cycle is settling down!! finally!!! good luck getting that bfp this month, I really hope this is your month.

AFM just waiting doing my kegels, taking my red raspberry leaf tea... also I can't get a private scan anywhere, since I need a special ultrasound where they insert saline into my uterus, this needs to be done by a doctor...

take care ladies!!

Kim what a crazy cycle. Sounds like your body us rejecting the bcp. Mt brother and I are 5 years apart and we've always been close so I understand the larger gap as well. I am going to be having opportunities at work in the coming years so I want my mat leaves over by that time so it won't effect my candidacy. Lots of upcoming change.
Kim that must have been so hard separating when logan was so little. Youre a very strong woman! Has being at child bearing age effected work opportunities for either of you?

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