Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

I know Kate.. my body has never really liked bcp.. I have migraines so have to be on low estrogen pills.. I've had 2 different pills actually trigger migraines... sigh.. and I've tried many different ones, at one point my family doc told me that there was only 1 more I could try and that some women's bodies are just not meant to be on problem is always spotting mid cycle... although I would classify this as slightly more than spotting. It's definately hormone levels though, since I take my pill in the morning, then by noonish the bleeding is almost gone, then starts again over night until I take my pill the next day.... I have a pap and possible colposcopy on Friday so will ask this doc what she thinks :) she's a gyno... I'm followed by her since I've only had 2 normal pap smears in the last 7 -8 years... so i get them done every 9 months.

Kate I was very concerned about when to have kids and how it would impact my career... I'm a professional engineer.. and I worried being out of the work force for a year would hurt me... but to be honest it hasn't at all. I was a little more concerned when I was pregnant the first time, I was 29, and working as a consultant, but you know life went on and what ended up happening is that they realized how much work I really did and they appreciated me so much more when I got back. When I had Cameron I was working in the federal govt, and I'm already at the most senior level that I would like to be for a looong time so it didn't matter... and I work with a lot of women and there's always at least 1 of us off :)

So for me no real impact but I completely understand the concerns.

Hope your body o's soon :) and becky hope you're getting busy since I think you're ovulating now right?

:sex: too busy to talk right now :sex: haha just kidding, I'm just making dinner and will update later!!!! X
Hi ladies!!

Well it wasn't a beach day as in a hot day lying on the beach, more of a brisk walk along the beach to blow the cobwebs away. It's still cold ish here and has rained all day today. Not as freezing as it is for you both tho, I hope spring starts emerging soon!

Kate yay for officially trying!! Keeping my fingers crossed for a nice surprise early bfp for you. Otherwise I too would exaggerate how long I'd been trying to get help sooner, especially given they you know you didn't ov in the past and you know what you need to help solve the issue! I know you're not temping or oving opks but any idea where abouts you are in your cycle now and when you could potentially ov?

Yeh I did worry about my career with Freya. I loved my job and my boss had discussed promotion with me so I knew it was on the cards. Shortly after I told her I was pregnant she gave the job to someone else!!! So was all very stressful. However since then I put my family first, I went back part time and I'm not worried in the least about taking another year out. I earn the same (pro rated for my 3 days) but less stress now. I do enjoy working tho.

Kim I'm sorry your body is so unhappy on the bcp. Would you consider condoms r anything instead? I agree it sounds hormonal, my mid cycle bleeding and spotting lat month was almost certainly hormonal I'm sure. I hope the gyno has some ideas to help. I'm having acupuncture and taking agnus castus and starflower oil to regulate my cycles and sort my hormones out but I've no idea if any of those could help while you're on bcp. Acupuncture maybe could.

So I think I'm ovulating today. Pos opk last night and temp dip today! I'm hoping for a big temp rise tomorrow and then ill feel confident I did ov. Dtd last night, the night before and will tonight too so given it our best go!! I'm happy my cycle is more normal so far, no odd bleeding or spotting since af. Fingers crossed!!
Ladies I need some temping advice! I woke an hour early this morning and went for a wee. When I realised I couldn't get back to sleep I took my temp and it was 97.05, very low!! I took it again at 6am as normal even tho I hadn't slept and it was 97.45 which was more what I expected. Which should I use? I thought I oved yesterday and the low temp means I def didn't but the higher temp if followed by another rise tomorrow round suggest I did. So annoyed this happened today of all days!! X
Becky sorry no advice on the temping... I've never done it and don't know the "rules" so to speak. How's your EWCM?

get to bding anyways I guess right? :) sounds like you've got it covered.

I'm going to give my body 3 months to get it right then look at other birth control options.. .may even give it until my apt in June since if we aren't going to be able to have any more babies I may have an IUD put in.

Yeah it was hard being on my own with Logan so young.. but to be honest I embraced it, I loved being everything ... I'm not so good at sharing parenting hahaha I like things being my way hahaha Don't get me wrong I had my moments.. I remember once when he was about 2.5 and giving me a really hard time, I put him in the car, drove to a friends house dropped him off and said I'd be back in an hr! lol mommy needed a time out!!! hahaha I love that we had that time just the 2 of us, it was very special to me.
Thats understandable kim! I've had a day or two like that myself lol.

Becky, use the higher temp. After you've been up to use the bathroom, your temp would no longer be relevant. I think the second temp makes more sense .
Thanks both. I had a huge temp rise this morning so I've def ovulated. Done all I can, now the waiting starts!! Got a pretty busy 2 weeks tho so hopefully it goes quick x

Kim I can imagine it was hard having Logan on your own, I have huge respect to any single mummies or mummies who were single. It's hard enough with an other half for support!

So I found out today a friend at work who is only 26 and had a brain tumour removed recently has cancer :cry: we thought it was benign but it was grade 3 cancer. Puts my worries into perspective. Feeling very reflective. Xx
Wow, scary. You're right about perspective.
Im glad you o'ed. Im jealous lol. I hope your 2 week wait goes by quick.

You could still have a 2014 baby. Yay!!!
Wow Becky, perspective is right. I find this happens every once and a while, something really helps you to put things in perspective... and enjoy and appreciate what you have. I had a co-worker die in the earthquake in Haiti.. she was only 30... I was heading to her funeral, it was just after Logan's 3rd bday party. My mom was watching him for me, I told him I was going to say good bye to a friend, he asked where she was going, and i told him that she was in the sky. He went and got his bday balloons and said here mommy take these so that you can get up to the sky to say good bye...ahhh soo innocent and I will remember that always.

Becky I hope that you've caught that egg!! fingers crossed!!!

Kate any idea when you think you may ovulate? Are you temping or using opks?

I had my most recent pap today, with the gyno. I asked her some questions, she said there was nothing that I could do to make my uterus wall thicken, it will or it won't we won't know. She said they could do some surgical procedures to strengthen my uterus, but I'm not sure that's something that we want to pursue. The good news was that my last pap was almost normal!! yipee!! only 1 step down, which is great! here's to hoping the one today was normal. I need 2 normal ones in a row before I can go back to my family doc... I've only had 2 normal ones in the last 8 years :wacko:

Anywho chat soon. Hope you ladies have a good weekend!

Awww bless Logan saying that, don't kids say the most wonderful things! I'm so sorry to hear about your co-worker. It's really hard to watch someone go through something so scary and tough at only 26, it made me hug chris and Freya that bit tighter last night. I've been so busy stressing about getting pregnant, moving to a bigger house and my job, yesterday I realised none of that really matter. I've got a gorgeous healthy daughter & wonderful healthy hubby and I'm healthy and happy.

That's hard that you can't do anything about strengthening your uterus wall. It's good to know the surgery option is there tho, just incase you ever decide you want to consider it. I'm still hopeful it will be recovering well! And fingers crossed for a normal pap result. Is a pap the same as a smear test?

I'm so relieved I've ovulated and done all I can this cycle. Ill be in a frenzy next wkend no doubt!! I'm not testing early tho! Kate, I really hope you ovulate!!

I am not temping or doing opks yet. I go back to my obgyn on the 14th and im going to tell him about my last two weird cycles I looked it up online e and it says if you have for example a 36 day cycle and then for example a 22 day cycle, you didn'ovulate. I have mild pcos so I can attribute my annovulayory cyclecycles to that.

Logan is so sweet. Kids are so vulnerable and therefore so honest. They really see the good in the world that we find overshadowed by the bad.

Becky im feeling very positive about this cycle for you :)
Ha ha! No not yet, I'm 9dpo today. I don't think it's going to be good news tho, I found some brown cm last night and this morning and feeling generally crampy. This is exactly how my early af started last cycle although it was a bit earlier. :-( so feeling a bit down really. I know I'm not officially out till af arrives but I feel out already.

How about you guys? Did you ovulate Kate?

Sorry I haven't been on much. My friend with the brain tumour found out its cancer and has been given 5 years to live. I know I'm so so lucky and should live everyday to the full but I'm feeling a bit disillusioned with the world and pretty sad and scared.

Becky, I totally get that as im certain kim does, given our history with cancer in the family. Sending good vibes to your friend.

Don't count yourself out just yet.

I did not ovulate but I see my obgyn on the 14th so at least I feel happy about that
Thank you hun, yes sadly cancer affects all too many wonderful people. So sad but thank you for the kind words. He is being positive and new treatments are being developed every day.

That's good you have your ov appointment to look forward to, I hope he will help.

I just took a test bfn obviously lol. Why do i do this to myself? Blah.

Anyways tgif everyone. My mother in-law is watching reid tomorrow for a few hrs. This will only be the second time she has watched her. Im going to spend some time with my mom. Hoping to have a productive afternoon. Whats everyone's plans for this wknd?
Sorry for the bfn, they are so disheartening to see. I'm glad I don't have any tests with me or I'd probably do the same out of panic, grasping at straws :cry:

I am spotting red blood now, was fully expecting a big temp drop today but its still up so maybe tomorrow. I had hoped for a normal 14 day lp but its only 10 dpo for me today.

We are away this wkend with my in laws at their holiday home so lovely family time. Freya adores them so she has a total ball! Enjoy your time with your mum xx
Cycles can be so confusing. Sorry you're spotting. Im thinking maybe I need to start temping again. What time do you wake up to temp becky? My breasts feel sore. I think my body tricks me into symptoms. I can already feel the ttc mind taking over me again.
Sounds like a nice wknd Becky, just the relaxation you need.

Kim, we're missing you. How have you been? Hope youre having a great weekend.

The weekends go by too fast dont they! I had a fairly productive day which always feels nice.

My af is due Thursday but who knows if it will be early or late. Heaven forbid it be regular!
Hey Ladies

Becky so sorry about your friend... it's hard sometimes to think about all of the bad in this world, Kate and I know all too well about Cancer... and we've both been lucky, so hopefully you (your friend) will be too. You are right though, five years is a good chunk of time and new drugs/therapies are found every day.

Kate sorry about your crazy cycles.. what's normal hahaha good news that you see the doc again soon!! I know you said that she was going to make you wait longer for clomid, are you hoping to convince her to get some now?

afm well life has been crazy, work is really busy this time of year, and myself, oh and ds1 have had a head cold all week, not terrible or anything but enough to be very very exhausted!!! then Cameron got a stomach bug... he threw up in his sleep last night at 10 pm.. who knew such a little body had so much food in his stomach!!! sigh.. poor little monkey.... he was up throwing up every 45 mins or so last night until about 4:30 am... and nothing since, so we're hoping he makes it through the night tonight.

So needless to say we have no real plans for this weekend.. other than resting and getting everyone well.

Becky hopefully that's just some implantation bleeding...

It was af sadly. Cd2 today. My temp is still up but I'm going to stop temping until after af now, what is the point really, and start again in 10 days or so.

Kate, I set my alarm for 6 am everyday. It's a nightmare really because often I then only have an hour until Freya wakes so can't get back to sleep. But also, because on certain days I'm so anxious to see what my temp will do, around ov or 2 ww, I wake up really early and can't sleep which I know can mess up the temps. It's quite stressful but I can't stop.

Biggest worry at the moment is that I have this 9-10 day lp. Many women says that ok but I know Freya and pregnancy 2 were late implanters. With Freya I had an implant bleed on 10 dpo and no bfp until 14 dpo, so by the time an egg goes to implant now, I'm already on my period. I'm trying acupuncture, vitex, b vits, starflower oils. The dr won't do anything until I have been trying for a YEAR. Just feeling totally crappy and helpless at the moment.

Sorry your body is giving you symptoms Kate, it's so cruel, unless of course you are pregnant and I hope that is the case. If not, I hope af turns up on time so you can start tracking things. Definitely worth temping, at least you'll know for absolute certain if you've ovulated or not.

Kim, I'm so sorry poor Cameron is poorly, sickness bigs are the worst. It's awful seeing them so so ill. You must exhausted too. I hope everyone is feeling better and you've got some sleep.

And thank you for the kind wishes about my work friend. I know my problems are a dip in the ocean compared to his.... I know I need to pick myself up and dust off and live life but I'm struggling and it doesn't make my problems any less real sadly. Sorry for the downer :cry:

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