With regards to the sweaty thing, have they ever discussed CHARGE syndrome or DiGeorge syndrome as a cause of your LO's issues? I only ask as we have discovered from parent the world over that we all have sweaty babies but its not considered a symptom as such just something that I common between them.
Hiya, how is Robyn doing??
Ava failed her hearing test last week so is to be referred to ENT and to be put to sleep for more detaildd hearing tests. And we finally had her genetics appointment today.....but i still dont really feel like we have answers. After a thorough examination and a full history the doctor said that she thinks that Ava has a syndrome, but she wasnt 100%, so wanted to spesk to her colleagues and check the literature before she will tell us what that syndrome is. She did say that its rare, and that there is usually a very characteristic EEG, which although Ava is now having seizures hers came back normal last time. She also said that she needs to check whether it is possible to have this syndrome without the H acronym......which has lead me to think CHARGE straight away. We now have a good 6 weeks or so to wait until we hear back from them with a possiblr diagnosis. She said thzt this syndrome they have not yet found the gene that is responsible for it so its a clinical diagnosis
Hiya, Robyn is fine thank you. Has been a busy wee while here for us. She her surgery and now that her grommets have been fitted she no longer needs her hearing aids. she has alos become much less congested since they removed some more bone from the back of her nasal passage and so she can breathe and feed much easier. She hasn't needed her Ng tube to feed for over a month now. She was developmentally assessed and came back as 7 months for gross motor skills and around 10 months for everything else so is doing pretty well with all that. Buther heart isntdoing so well. We have been told its looking likely she will need another heart operation in the new year. The next one wont be quite as high risk as the previous one but is obviously still a big worry.
Sorry to hear you need to do the GA hearing test that is a pain, we could never get good readings from that as robyn has such noisy breathing it only ever piced up her own noises. From what they have said it does sound like it could be CHARGE that they are thinking it is. The only thing against that is that there has now been a gene identified with it but it is only affected in 50% of cases and it has only recently been discovered so it is possible that your doctor just isn't aware of that yet. (Our doctor was insisting on calling it CHARGE association at first as he was insistent that it wasn't officially a syndrome until we showed him evidence that it had recently been changed since they had discovered the gene. The one that is affected is the CHD7 gene.)
do you hve a facebook page? there is a group on facebook for mums and they are veryhelpful and give great advice even if CHARGE hasn't been diagnosed yet. Search for 'parents of infant and toddler CHARGErs' they will be able to give you answers to a whole host of questions. x