Support Group failed IVF/ICSI IUI or any failed assisted conceptions 2014

Hi Tory

Where did you get your dhea? How much do you have to take? I have thought about it but am a bit scared! I've heard it can hep poor responders which is me all over x
Hi Flower - I tried acupuncture and will start again with my new cycle in the new year. Not sure if it helped my fertility but it went a long way to helping me feel sane! Good luck with your FET x
Hi Silarose

Got it from amazon not started taking it yet. Perhaps I should read up about it a bit more before I self medicate. As I over responded last time. Once I receive it will tell you a bit more.

Tory xx
Hi everyone - sending you :hugs:

Tory I don't know enough about dhea - but if you over responded last time I would be very cautious to take it. My first cycle I over responded and they said that it compromised the quality of all of my eggs (out of 24 - 12 mature - 3 fertilized with icsi = 25% fertilization).

For this cycle I was focusing on quality and not quantity (out of 10 eggs - 6 mature - 6 fertilized = 100% fertilization). I took some special multivitamins called total fertility that are meant to improve egg quality. A small research study was done on the vitamins (people with previous failed cycles) 94% got pg on their next cycle after using this.

I did a fair amount of reseach on the effect of hyperstimulation on the quality of eggs.

Sending you tons of :hugs:
Hi ladies :flower:

I'm feeling all sorry for myself today as I have a stinking cold, off work sick as spent all night awake coughing and blowing my nose YUCK!!!

Tory - my DH is just the same, I'd love to start next round as soon as we get the results from our immunology tests but DH wants a holiday, he wants to wait until March though as where we plan to go the weather will be warmer then, I'd rather spend the money on our next cycle but DH feels we need a holiday so at the moment next ICSI is on hold till April/May time. He keeps saying things like 'what's a few weeks difference going to make' blah blah blah. I just keep thinking by the time we get round to another cycle another one of our pregnant friends would have had their baby and I'll be nearly another year older. I didn't realise you had a foster son - how wonderful, how long have you been fostering for?

Lolly and Helen - I hope you're both feeling better - looks like there's a lot of bugs going around - at least we'll hopefully be better by Christmas fingers crossed x

Flower - we had two pregnancy announcements last week too, I hate the way they take you by surprise, just as I'm starting to feel better about the situation its like a knock back. I agree with your statement about having to hit rock bottom, not sure I'm there yet but coming close!!

Hope everyone else is ok - HI Silarose, Inky, Blue and MySillyGirls - sound like you're gonna be busy doing laundry for a while te he he xx Hi to everyone else too :flower:

Can't believe its nearly Christmas :wacko:
Hi lovely ladies. Hope everyone is doing great.

Just wishing everyone Happy Holidays and good luck to all as we enter 2011!! I hope we are all blessed with our babies next year!!!

I'm hoping to start again in February 2011....a fresh cycle. Praying it all works out!
Hiya ladies! Christmas is almost upon us...baking cupcakes and desperately watering the Xmas tree (which has been gasping its last breaths since they day dh dragged it home)...

Starting lupron on 12/30. I am actually kind of glad the holidays are taking our minds off this..
MissMonty, I hope you feel better! The other day, I went in for a haircut and highlights. The stylist had a horrible cold and kept sneezing my direction. I have been panicky that I will catch what she has. LOL!
Hi everyone

Sending you all loads of Xmas luck. Hope those of you with nasty colds feel better soon.

Still waiting for af to come after my chemical. Has been a month now - does anyone know how long it takes for af to come after a chemical. Argh! So sick of waiting - just want to get going! Feel sooooo impatient. Am totally scared that if I don't get in quick the nhs will whip my funding away! Not good when I am facing possible redundancy!
Hi, there is so much to catch up with that I don't know where to start.

First of all wishing you all a 'Merry Christmas'. Currently, I am snuggled up on the sofa with a laptop, and its snowing like mad outside. Now, I used to like the snow but am now getting really fed up with it (the UK are rubbish at dealing with snow - including me) For the past couple of days, coping with treacherous conditions has been my focus. Its taken my mind off FET I can tell you. At the back of my mind has been self preservation so that I will be able to go forward with it. I am so pleased that I am not undergoing treatment now.

Anyway, that rant over. I will catch up. I'm sorry to hear some of you have got colds (going around and nasty) Oh I can relate to the husband thing. My one is in denial. Although, he is lovely he is not very good at expressing himself, so when the cycle failed I felt like I shouldered it all.

As for starting another cycle quickly when you fail, I know I needed a break. I have not has treatment since August/Sept. This will be nearly four/five months. I felt drained by it all and wanted to get my life back. This is partly due to a funding issue also. I think it is also fear that I will fail the next cycle. I think everyone is different.

Tory - I did pick up on the DHEA,I would definately discuss that with your clinic. I read some research which is not altogether good. I am a nurse and knowing what I do would be very reluctant to self medicate. However, ask your FS.

Just to let you know what I am doing to prepare for next cycle. I think Tory, you asked what others are doing. This time I have not limited myself. I am loosely sticking to weight watchers. Think I do it every other days at the moment. Am not loosing any weight but not putting any on. I am disappointed to say have done no exercise lately (because of tiredness and laziness) and I must admit to a few odd tipples here and there. It is the party season after all. Having said that partying got cancelled saturday due to snow. Boo Hoo!

Oh, have also been baking cakes, iced my christmas cake, made mince pies and biscuits. Baking is not good for a diet!!! So it would seem couch potatoe is my preparation at the moment. I can say that I am very relaxed and have not felt the need for accupuncture this time (is £35 a session)

I also plan to get wasted on new years eve.

As for feeling sad about others pregnancies (tell me about it) As I was icing my cookies today I felt saddness as it is an actvity that you do with a child, as I did with my mum. I have had a feeling lately that time is just passing me.

Anyway, sorry I have not spoken to everyone individually, but I wish each and everyone of you a happy christmas. I hope everyone can try and have a nice christmas and try and forget the saddness for a while, and look forward to a brighter future ( xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Hi Girls

Thanks for the advice regarding DHEA think I will not use it as after reading further it is not very good for over responders and some of the issues that I have. This support site is a wealth of knowledge only wasted £6. Does anyone know anything about wheatgerm?

Blue really pleased for your BFP where did you get your total fertility tablets from?

OMG just realise I am like give me the drugs must be having withdrawal from the IVF stuff lol

Thinking of you all

I got the vitamins from my clinic but they can be ordered online.
Approved for use during IVF protocol, Total Fertility™ is a “super‐antioxidant” and preconception supplement that contains specific vitamins and minerals to prepare female patients for fertility treatment. Total Fertility™ is also a complete prenatal supplement that can be taken during pregnancy whether going through fertility treatment or conceiving naturally.
With the rising cost of InVitro Fertilization it is essential for women to prepare their bodies for fertility treatment to achieve optimum egg and embryo quality.
Total Fertility™ is the first supplement formulated for women undergoing fertility treatments. Total Fertility™ also provides complete prenatal balance through nutritional science. Total Fertility™ is not only formulated to boost reproductive health prior to conception or IVF transfer, but it also meets a woman’s post-conception nutritional needs. After conception or transfer, Total Fertility™ can be used as a prenatal vitamin. This allows you to use the supplement until it is gone, saving money and eliminating waste.

Price: $275.00
Thanks for that info blue. That stuff sounds good, especially the anti-oxidant qualities. It is quite expensive, bit if it worked for you then its worth a try! I might try it. Just to add to the conversation, I use a prenatal vitamin. I think most of them are quite good, but also I also take royal jelly capsules, and from what I have read these are said to improve egg quality. I also take B complex. This is mainly because I have get quite bad PMT. I have read some good stuff about wheat germ as well. I think after christmas I am going to zita Wests detox plan. Its a difficult time of year to stick to any plans (for me anyway!)

IT annoys me however, that I take all the vitamins and do all the healthly stuff and my husband refuses to take fertility blend or chinese herbs or anything to help his low sperm count. GRRRRRRR.

Anyway, had better go, am off this week and have decided to go to the gym. Despite loads of snow things look abit better. I might be able to get out after all (beginning to get bored ) and have only had 3 days off!! Anyway, byexxxx
Hi everyone,

I hope you don't mind me gatecrashing your thread, ive been reading through it and trying to pick up everybodys stories, its a sad thread to read through but does offer hope too!!! As others have said, Inky, was a great idea to start this thread.

We've just got our BFN on our first ICSI cycle, on Sunday. I had real hopes for the cycle as had quite a smooth time of it and had a really good blasto put back, but it wasn't to be! Not really left the couch since, only to walk the dog. Not been to work (i work with my family so im lucky in that respect) but maybe if I had to go to work, it may be better. My OH has been great but hes at work, finishing today for Christmas thankfully, so feeling a bit lonely!!
I know many of you have been through much more than me already so I dont want to feel sorry for myself and on the plus side we have 4 frosties so am hoping for a FET transfer early 2011 like you Inky and Flower but i am the same and am having reservations about FET but I have read (a hell of alot over the last 2 days) and there are lots and lots of babies out there from FET's :happydance::happydance: and perhaps with less drugs, our bodies may be better places for little embies. I dont think i had OHSS on my fresh cycle but i did stop stimming 3 days before my trigger and had to wear patches for 7 days to lower my E2 levels so who knows whats going on with our bodies eh!!!!

Anyway didn't mean to go on about myself so much-hope everyone is looking forward to christmas.

Hope you don't mind me joining the thread

Angela xx
Hi Angiemon - I'm sorry for your failed cycle :hugs: I hope with time you will start to feel a little better :flower: It's great you have several frosties waiting for you - I found the FET mush less stressful on the body and much quicker. I wish you all the best x
Oh hi Angiemon, first all welcome to the thread. And secondly sorry you have to join it in the first place. I think we have all felt what you have so can relate to what you are going through. So sorry. I have read alot about FET as well. From what I gather, once the embie has thawed and shown signs of growth you have just as much chance a fresh cycle. So am being positive. Its funny I think my E2 levels was high, but my clinic does not monitor bloods. My FS said that high E2 levels can interfere with implantation. So thats quite interesting that you have said that.

I know how you feel about being 'abit lonely', I felt like that when I failed cycle. My husband was also back at work. I remember dragging myself to tescos to go out (tescos is a stones throw away from where I live) and I remember seeing a mother and child and almost bursting into tears. Then I dragged myself to get my hair cut and nails done. I just didn't know what to do with myself. Oh I also bought some very expensive makeup I didn't need. When I did actually go back to work I did feel better. You probably just need some 'you' time to recover anyway.

By the way you havne't talked about yourself, this is what this thread is about. Anyway, do take care and if you get lonely post, and I'm sure someone will answer youxxxx
Hey Angela - welcome but as Inky said sorry you have to join us. You'll get plenty of support here.

I'm going to have a look at the Total Fertility tablets, DH reckons I should talk to the Fertility Unit before starting them but I'm wondering if they'll just say don't bother. They seem quite flippant at my clinic about what can and can't stop you getting pregnant. They are good in lots of other respects though.

My DH took a lot of persuading to take the zinc and Vit C tablets but he started taking them and his count went up so.

Silarose, I can't remember how long my cycle was after the chem pregnancy but I was using OPKs and I definitely didn't ovulate for about 4 weeks afterwards.

\I'm loving all the baking. I'm going to go on a health kick in the new year so for now I'm overdosing on mince pies and chocolate. Come the new year though my body will be a temple LOL.

If I don't get on here again (probably will though!) I wish you all a wonderful Xmas. I know it's not the Xmas we would all like but it really could be a lot worse for us so lets just eat, drink, sh*g and be merry!!

H xx
Helen my clinic sells the total fertility vitamins on site - and the fs didn't even recommend it - it was me who asked after reading the article that was in the waiting area next to the bottles. When I asked her if I should take it, she said it was my choice.

Millions of :hugs:
Hi everyone,

We've just got our BFN on our first ICSI cycle, on Sunday. I had real hopes for the cycle as had quite a smooth time of it and had a really good blasto put back, but it wasn't to be!

Angela xx

Hi Angela, I just went through an unsuccessful round of icsi in November. It was our first attempt too. I felt like my heart was breaking after doing the test. The girls on here were so supportive and after a couple of weeks I started to feel a bit better. At first I just kind of switched off from everything and everyone. I didnt want to talk to or see any of my friends or even my family. But after a couple of days back at work I felt like I could focus on other things. When I was at home all I could think about was the failed cycle and my little embryo that didnt hold on. I had to wait a couple of days to talk to my fertility specialist and that was a good thing in hindsight because I spent those days writing all the questions down that I could think of. I now have a new plan to look forward to in February but until then I am going to enjoy the christmas hols and throw myself into work in the new year. I really hope u feel better soon but I do understand that it does take time. Its not fair but maybe our luck will change soon. U also have those little frozen embies to think about. There could be a real little fighter in that bunch. All my hugs xxxx
Hi everyone.

Hi wishful, its good to see you back, and you sound like your feeling better.

Just really wanted to come on here and wish everyone a merry christmas, I plan to try and totally forget infertility over the period and eat, drink and be merry. Hope everyone else can try tooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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