Support Group failed IVF/ICSI IUI or any failed assisted conceptions 2014

Thank you to everyone for your good wishes. I did my 2nd test stick this morning and got another BFP :) It truly is a miracle baby!!!! My dh's sperm must have gone from swimming backwards (stupid sperm) to be like olmypic swimmers that can break down walls. I don't know how this happened (well apart from the obvious) with 2 blocked tubes and being told just over 4 months ago that i would never be able to get pregnant naturally. I do think this story (MY STORY, agggghhhhhhh) will give others hope. Well i hope it does cause it has given me and my dh hope back :) love and kisses to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

So pleased for you wishful!!!!

Congratulations again honey xxxxxxx
Have posted on another thread also but just wanted to doubley celebrate with you wishful! CONGRATULATIONS!! (so jealous....:happydance:)!!!

Love to all you ladies, Wishful has started a good year for us ALL!

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you to everyone for your good wishes. I did my 2nd test stick this morning and got another BFP :) It truly is a miracle baby!!!! My dh's sperm must have gone from swimming backwards (stupid sperm) to be like olmypic swimmers that can break down walls. I don't know how this happened (well apart from the obvious) with 2 blocked tubes and being told just over 4 months ago that i would never be able to get pregnant naturally. I do think this story (MY STORY, agggghhhhhhh) will give others hope. Well i hope it does cause it has given me and my dh hope back :) love and kisses to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wow, it goes to show what wishful thinking will do!!
If you don't mind me asking, how many swimmers were you told your DH had? Really makes us all feel like anything's possible.
Oh wow, what amazing news, wishful! I was reading this thread and I couldn't believe it when I read your two posts- you must be over the moon! Huge congratulations to you!!
Wow, it goes to show what wishful thinking will do!!
If you don't mind me asking, how many swimmers were you told your DH had? Really makes us all feel like anything's possible.

Hi Lou. Dh's first SA was in Feb 2010 (so 11 months ago now) and his count was 2.7 million and 11% motility. His second SA was in April 2010 and his count was 7.3 and motility was 15%. His 3rd and final SA was in July (I think) and the count had gone down to 6 million and motility was 20%. Havent got the paperwork from the 3rd SA as that was done in our fertility clinic but can remember the count was 6. something. The first 2 SA's were done in another hospital. They found round cells in his 3rd SA so he was put on antibiotics and he was put on them again before our egg collection in November just to make sure any infection was gone!!!! The other hospital never mentioned any round cells but i think our clinic was more thorough and properly checked his 3rd SA for any abnormalities!! Hope this helps xxx
After the worst night last night i got up this morning and did a pregnancy test cause my af is a week late after my failed ICSI. I got a BFP. I'm in total shock!!! I just cant believe this. Like i have 2 blocked tubes. Maybe the failed ivf cleared one. I really dont know what to think. I did a ditigal test and it said i'm 3-4 weeks pregnant. Could it be wrong??? What the hell???? Oh my god, i'm actually afraid to get excited!!!!!
After my last post to this post my head is spinning!!!! Please let this be real!!!!

Wow - Congratulations - you have given me hope :happydance:
Hi girls!! Just an update for you all. Just got the results from my first Beta hcg blood test and it's 602. The doctor said that's perfect. And YES it is a miracle baby because as far as they know I defo concieved the cycle after my failed ICSI!!!!! The clinic were as baffled as myself and my dh!!! All they could say was miracles can happen!!! Hope this gives so many people hope. Thank you all again for your good wishes. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi girls!! Just an update for you all. Just got the results from my first Beta hcg blood test and it's 602. The doctor said that's perfect. And YES it is a miracle baby because as far as they know I defo concieved the cycle after my failed ICSI!!!!! The clinic were as baffled as myself and my dh!!! All they could say was miracles can happen!!! Hope this gives so many people hope. Thank you all again for your good wishes. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

That's just incredible. You must be so excited! Maybe your DH had something as simple as an infection then that cleared up with the antibiotics. They say tubes can clear, and you're proof that they can! It's just amazing that these things really can happen!
Hi Inky

I know you have stayed away from B'n'B for a bit. Think its sometimes what you need as I have found that I to have become a bit obsessive. Its good to talk but sometimes its best to try and forget about everything (not that it ever really goes away). Anyway just sending you my love and hope you are holding up ok. Not long to go now.

Lolly xxxxxxx

Ps: Love the piccie!!
Oh hi Lolly, just dropping by. Everything you have said is spot on. I have also been very busy with work too and going to the gym (and this is exhausting.) I do appreciate the support on here. I just think I have a tendency of over analysing and researching, and sometimes this doesn't do me any favours. I have to keep myself away for periods and try and forget! (which is very hard)

Thank you for your lovely kind words. By the way I love your avatar. What an adorable little kittie? anyway, thinking of you too. Hope all is going well. Have you got your own journal, Poppy? I'll be back soonxx
Hi Inky

Good to hear from you. Thanks, the little kitty is my Billy. Love him to bits but my god does a kitten wreck you house, imagine a baby!! Haha!! Woulod be loving it! Anyways he's next to me on the bed now, and must admit sadly he isn't smelling to nice right now!!! Ewwww! :haha:

I had my second zolodex injection monday and last night felt the rage just hit me out of no where! Started a massive argument with OH, really nothing to argue about, then cried, then got mad again. Never really had PMT due to my absent periods so all this is a bit of a shock. I also vowwed not to log on to B'n'B for few days but here I am again. Its great for support and talking but I am finding myself similar to you and reading to much into everything. It can make you insane!! Love this site but at same time it keeps treatment at the forefront of the mind. Tricky one. I'm not sure if i'll start a journal when treatemnt begins or just hide away like last time, guess will have to see what frame of mind i'm in at the time. Hopefully better than last time!

Good for you with gym, and keep plodding on at work. I have interview monday, already stressing about them looking into my sickness!! Don't think them discovering i'm due further treatment in march would go down too well... they would only be thinking maternity cover also (I soooo wish!!!!) Anyways there I go again over analysing!!

Best go and sort the stinky cat!! Take care won't you and much love,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:
Hi everyone

I am having a bit of a panic. I am starting my next round of ICSI. I was told to take the pill, then stop and wait for af, then take clomid on day 2. I stopped the pill on Sun and I thought af started on Thur evening but it was light so I didn't count that as day 1. Overnight and on Fri morning I defo got bright red flow - I filled a reg tampax in the morning (sorry tmi). I thought 'yay' this is day 1 and booked my scan. However, on Fri afternoon it was very light. Last night I got a bit of flow and small clots when I went to toilet in the night, but today it is very light again. I have taken my clomid today as I think it is day 2 - but now I am so unsure. My periods are normally REALLY heavy and this one is different. Like I say - there has been red flow but much lighter than normal. I seem to remember the nurse sayingxxxxxx that the pill could make your period lighter but I am not sure. I have had to take the clomid today in case I 'missed the boat'. What do you think? I so hope I haven't jumped the gun - but I do think today is probably day 2! HELP!! I am in such a panic ladies xxxxxxxxx
Sila - I'm sure AF is always lighter on the pill (I think I can just abour remember so far back when I used to take it!) I remember getting a bit of a shock when I came off it because my periods were much heavier and more painful. They were a breeze on the pill.

AF arrived for me today, which was a relief. Had the worst PMT for the past few days - so much more worse than normal (those blasted ivf drugs still playing tricks with my body?!) Unfortunately the PMT happened to coincide with a visit from the MIL. Not a good combination.
Countdown for us to Weds, when we have our failed icsi follow-up appt. Can't wait as it feels like we're in limbo at the moment, stuck in a never ending cycle of dragging my miserable arse to work and wishing I could just get pregnant and go on mat leave!
Hiya Lou

Thanks for the reassurance honey. I've calmed down a bit now - it couldn't really have been anything other than af really!

Good luck for your follow up appointment. Am I right in remembering you were considering changing your clinic and were looking around at others? (CARE rather than Leeds?) I hope the new fs at your current clinic makes you feel more confident. Let's hope they are able to answer all of your questions etc.

Work is a struggle for me at the moment too. I just don't feel like I belong there - I should be looking after my children at home. It's my total ambition to be a housewife lol! I'm just going through the motions everyday with this obsession in my head argh!!!!
Sila and lou, you have both said exactly what i am exactly feeling.

We will have our babies this time!!

Hello my lovelies,

How are we all doing? I had to take a break from this site as it was all getting on top of me.

Since I last posted I've been to see a Counsellor, it was helpful to talk things through but didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know. I really couldn't believe it though because I met an ex work colleague for lunch the same day and she told me she was pregnant! Of all the days!! I managed to somehow hold it together for the rest of the day before coming back in the house and breaking down in tears (again!) in front of DH.

I also had my follow up yesterday, to cut a long story short (more details in my journal for anyone who is interested) I'm now awaiting an appointment to have a lap and dye and it looks like my plan to start my third attempt at the end of March is out the window.

Obviously I'm hoping the lap and dye will show that we should carry on trying naturally but I just feel once again my life is not in control and I'm sick of it!! I also couldn't believe how sad I felt yesterday at the clinic, I felt a failure because I couldn't conceive naturally and a failure because I couldn't conceive with IVF. Not a good feeling!

Anyway from what I have picked up from other posts:

Silarose - really hope your follies pick up for your next scan. Am thinking of you :hugs:

Lolly - its rubbish when friends get pregnant, I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

MSG - quality not quantity, hope your ET goes well :)

Inky - hope your snow babies are thawing nicely

Lou - how did your follow up go?

Hi to everyone else, sorry if I have missed anything important - it takes a while to catch up!

H xx
Hi Helen

Sorry you had such a bad day yesterday. I know what you mean about counselling not telling you anything you didn't already know. I went to see a counsellor and just talked to her like I would talk to 1 of my friends. I have to go again next week and feel really unsure whether I want to. I think I will try it and not go again if it's not for me. It's so hard hearing about everyone else being pregnant isn't it? After my awful scan yesterday I was sitting next to 2 girls with beautiful bumps all day! I was just fighting back tears every time I looked in their direction. They are getting so much attention at the mo - I keep getting emails about their baby showers - what people have brough so far and what is needed etc. I am so insanely jealous it kills me. All I could think yesterday is that won't ever be me! It's normal to cry after someone makes a pregnancy anouncement and I'm glad you've got your DH to support you. Hope you are feeling a bit better today. I have got loads of friends 'trying' at the mo and honestly don't know how I will cope if it doesn't happen for us soon!

Good luck with you lap and dye honey. I hope it gives you some answers and helps you along your journey which is not over by any means! How long do you have to wait? I was told they had to do my lap within 4 months. After a couple of months I called in as I hadn't heard anything. The lady on the phone sent me an appointment straight away - I am sure she would have done this if I would have phoned earlier as she was so helpful and appointments didn't seem to be a problem. Might be worth a try for you to do this to get things moving?

I am trying to have PMA today - maybe my follies will catch up. Though every time I think that I feel sick with fear that it is just false hope. Oh well at least I have stopped crying constantly like I was yesterday.
Hey Sila, good on you for the PMA. I hope it gets you through the day.

I would probably recommend you see the counsellor again, I think it can't do any harm. I might see mine again but I think I need to know where I'm at before I do that. I've been told I shouldn't have to wait too long for the op, should be Feb/March I guess. The letter will come from the hospital not the clinic and I have no idea how long they take to turn these things around, I hate waiting!!

Boo for everyone being pregnant. It will be our turn soon though, we have to believe that.

Thinking of you,
H xx

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