Support Group failed IVF/ICSI IUI or any failed assisted conceptions 2014

Hi Helen

Great to hear from you, but not so good about your bad day. I'm sorry you are feeling so low at the moment. I agree with Sila though, stick with the councillor for now. Even though it doesn't change anything sometimes it's just good to unload to someone neutral. But I guess it depends on your support group. I found councillor helpful as I didn't tell many people about ICSI, so found when it failed I didn't have many people to talk to. I tried to talk with DP, but there's only so much he can take before getting upset and so councillor was great for that. Thinking of going again soon.

Its good that you seem to be quick to have your lap and dye. Fingers crossed for some positive results. Think you deserve it.

Why is it everyone seems to be pregnant?!! Had a meltdown when heard some of our friends are having their first. They don't know about our treatemnt so won't be sensitive. Dreading seeing them and having the scan pic thrust in my face. I don't even feel bad saying it, know I don't have to justify myself to you ladies.

Good luck tomorrow Sila, I hope that your follies have caught up.

What a rollercoaster ride all this is, will be happy when we can all get of and enjoy life fully.

Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi everyone

I know long time no hear.

Helen - welcome back. Hopefully Lap and Dye will show everything is okay. Sorry you are feeling down.

Lolly - hope all is going well with the zolodex. How long dyou do that for, and what does it actually do. I am abit naive on this.

Sila - hope your follicles have caught up (as said by others.) I agree, its a nerve wracking time

Hi Lou32 and Angiomum. Hope you are both okay.

As for me, I'm okay. I guess I'm about as skeptical as they get. I am doing a natural FET, on Monday I have first USS, to check when I'm about to ovulate. I think the worst thing wil be waiting for embies to thaw. Also, don't expect it to work as FET has less chance but going ahead anyway. I realised today, that I have waited 6 months in between treatments, and it has felt like a lifetime. Just hope it works this year.

Also, I'm fed up of this bloomin baby boom. I'm sick, like everyone else of having to make polite conversations about people's children, and their pregnancies. Like everyone else, I want to be the one that has something to look forward to. Anyway, just needed to get that off my chest. Take care everyonexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Inky

Lovely to hear from you. I wish you all the luck in the world with FET. I'm not going to give you all the spiel about positivity etc. I'm sure you've heard it 100 times over, as we all have. Feel how you feel. I just hope you hold up ok and that 2011 with be your year, one way or another. You're in my thoughts :hugs:

The zolodex is to reduce an ovarian cyst. Had it last cycle and it reduced it by half. Now having it again with hope it'll make it smaller or maybe even go, fingers crossed. Have final one of three a week monday and then all systems go. Well in March anyways, we will get the exact date to start at the appointment.

Good luck with everything. THAW EMBIES!

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxx :flower:
Hi Lolly

Thanks for your kind words. All I can do is hope I guess.

I wasn't aware that zolodex reduced cysts. It seems to be very successful from what you are saying. I have given zolodex (usually to men with prostrate cancer) and think you are brave having it because its quite a nasty injection isn't it. If its the same kind, I usually give some lidnocaine (local anesthetic) before administering it. Anyway, its a means to an end isn't it!

March will come round quickly.

Anyway, take care Inkyxxx
Hi Inky

Yes it is for the treatment of prostate cancer. I read this on the packaging before my first treatment and did challenge the nurse before she gave it to me, just to make sure!!

You sound a lovely nurse, mine just stick in in!!! Does hurt but think i'm getting used to it now, only one more to go.

I hope you've had a nice weekend and thinking of you, Lolly xxxxxxx
Hi everyone

Inky -good luck with FET tomorrow. I am having ec tomorrow. Fx'd for both of us that things go to plan. Bring on the 2ww argh!!!!! Good luck honey.

Lolly and Helen - thanks for your good wishes - I'll let you know how things go tomorrow xxxxxx
Hi Lolly, ah thank you. Your very brave anyway, us nurses (and I know a few doctors) aren't half so

Sila - good luck for tomorrow - hope you get a good nights sleep. I will be thinking of youxxx

Hi to everyone elsexx
Best of luck Sila!!! Let us know how you get on. Got everything crossed for you.

Inky - can totally understand you being a bit sceptical, FET does have a lower success rate but it does have a success rate so why shouldn't it be you?

Hey Lolly, sounds like you're going through it a bit. Thinking of you.

I'm feeling a bit better today, thankfully and it's great having your support - thank you.

H xx
Good luck ladies, bring on the 2ww (bleugh!) But hopefully with a fab outcome :dust:

Hi everyone,
It's been a while since I checked in with you. Unfortunately the bladder condition I have flaired up the past few weeks and I've been whiling my time away on a different forum moaning about my pain! I did miss all of you though. There's certainly a lot more hugs and smiley faces on here than there is over there! :) I happed to mention the fact I'd been through IVF and was going to have another go and one of the girls asked why we didn't just adopt. Does this annoy you like it does me? I'm fed up of people asking me if we've considered it. Like it doesn't go through my mind ALL the time that it might come to that. Of course we would, but I don't think other people understand what's it's like being faced with this - they don't realise how much we'll fight to have children. You just have to read this thread to see we're a resilient bunch!
Anyway, we had our follow-up appointment at the clinic and saw a new doc. He wasn't v nice (maybe it's me, but there aren't many doctors I do like. Maybe I just rub them up the wrong way by asking lots of questions, but they all seem to get really defensive, which winds me up even more).
Basically said I'd responded "beautifully" to the drugs and that we should have another go as it was bad luck. He did say he thought it might have been the sperm quality which ultimately let us know (DH's count had gone down from around 25 mill per ml to 10 mil! Before that it had been 38 mil. No idea how that happened.)
He refused to send DH for any tests to find out why motility so low. He only agreed to a basic hormone blood test.
Only success really was that he agreed I could have my tubes checked (a HSG). He argued against it due to budgets etc and I pointed out that we wouldn't be taking any more money from the NHS as we had had our free go and would be private from now on, so didn't the NHS owe it to us to tell me if we can get preg naturally? He reluctantly agreed. I have to arrange it when I come on my period. I also have an MRI planned for around that time too for my bladder problem, so that's gonna be a fun fortnight.
We're going to Care in Man'cr next week for an open evening, which I'm really excited about!
Sorry, I've really waffled on here...
Lots and lots and lots of luck to Sila and Inky. Will be thinking of you in the dreaded 2WW. Take it easy and put your feet up, read a good book. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you.
Hope everyone else is OK. Sorry I didn't go back through all the posts.
We need a BFP on here soon!
Sorry, I just want to add that if I have to read about one more pregnant celebrity then I'm gonna scream!!! It's bad enough with friends and family being pregnant without having to watch a pregnant Holly Willoughby and Emma Bunton every Sunday night, stare at pregnant celebs on the front of newspapers and read their announcements whenever I go online.
Don't read the Daily Mail's Femail! It should be re-named Celeb Pregnancies.
AAArgh! Just had to get that off my chest!
Hi Lou

Lovely to see you again. I absolutely agree with you about the adoption thing. My friend said that to me the other day. Its almost as if people have no faith IVF/ICSI will work. My reply was that I'm not at the stage of even considering adoption yet. I also know that IVF/ICSI does work. Sometimes it just takes quite a few cycles and tests to get there. Its costly and time consuming but adoption is also. So why not try for your own.

Its really good that you are going for the HSG, I think its sensible, and to be honest I may also have more tests next time. Hopefully, it will just confirm that you are okay.

You must feel better since you v'e had your appointment. Interesting to hear what FS said about DH's sperm. I have read some research that suggests the sperm DNA influences development of embroyo from day 3, so if not good,is not going to develop. I must admit this my greatest fear. Having said that lots of people have had success with ICSI with MF. It seems there are so many factors that influence implantation also. Also I think 2 embies are better than 1 (I don't care what the HFEA says)

As for Doctors. Well I work with them. I pretty much always rub them up the wrong way. I will say there are some very good doctors. I think alot of them do not like their expertise questioned, but why shouldn't you take control of the situation - as the patient. Especially, when you are paying. I think that was very brave. Many of us (including me) are too meek and mild.

I must admit my consultant is very nice, but having said that I did make a complaint (. I waited two months for a followup and felt like I was left in limbo. ) Its a long and boring story. However, maybe that's why she is so nice.

Anyway, I know what you mean about celebrities and their pregnancies. Just gets on your nerves. I can't even watch dancing on ice. I am not that keen on Holly or Emma Bunton anyway. Why is an ex spice girl judging ice skaters anyway?

I'm sorry to hear about your bladder problem. Thats all you need. Hope you get it sorted soon.

I'm pleased that you get more support from this forum. I agree I also do. I think it is has attracted a nice bunch of people. I think we have to help each other through this. Its the only way.

Anyway, hi to everyone. sila, hope everything went fine. speak soon
Hope everyone else okay

Hiya Inky and Lou - just wrote a really long message to you both and accidentally deleted it argh! Will write it again tomorrow as need to go to bed early ready for transfer tomorrow.

Inky is your transfer tomorrow too? Sorry I'm finding it difficult to keep up with everyone. Good luck hun xxx
Inky, honestly I feel like my biggest battle is with doctors at the moment. Not as much with the TTC but with my painful bladder. I've had two different diagnoses and all the urologists I've seen are out of ideas. My last one put me back on long-term antibiotics which have just caused me more pain, just like I told her they did last time, but she refused to believe they could. They never listen to my opinion and it feels like I'm talking to myself. I'm thinking of seeing a specialist in London just to rule out a couple of things, so we'll see. Won't be cheap though, which makes me feel angry. I've always been a big supporter of the NHS, but I have to say I feel really disappointed in in after the year I've had. I agree there are some good doctors, and I've met some absolutely lovely nurses who have been complete angels, but there are too many doctors out there who can't see past their own arrogance. Anyway, yet another rant over!

Ooh, you must both let us know how you're getting on. Wow, night before transfer is both exciting and nerve-wracking as hell. We're all willing you both on!

Well I decided to buy one of those fertility monitors off ebay in the hope that I might have some kind of miracle like Wishful did (figured that if the chances of it happening naturally are slim, I might aswell give us a good chance and trade in the the internet cheapie OPKs for a super duper monitor!), but I didn't even get past the first hurdle of receiving the monitor this cycle as it's got lost in the post. Maybe someone's trying to tell me I'm wasting my money...or maybe Royal Mail's just rubbish...Who knows!
Hi girls on my way for et now - will catch up with you later x
Oh good luck on ET sila. Fingers crossedxxx
Hiya ladies

Lou - well done for insisting on an hsg . I have also discovered that doctors vary a lot and some are better than others. The good ones listen to us as we know our bodies the best and have vested interest in getting things right . The bad ones just make everything so bloody stressful !Good lick with your tests and I hope your bladder gets better soon . Let us know how you got on at care

Inky thanks for the good wishes . I had two eight cell embies transferred so I am putting my feet up this afternoon . How are you getting on Hun ?

Sorry for short messages but am on my phone xxx
Hey Sila - congrats on being PUPO!! Got everything crossed for you, hope you have a lovely, relaxing 2ww.

H xx

PS Welcome back Lou and well done for sticking to your guns x

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