Support Group failed IVF/ICSI IUI or any failed assisted conceptions 2014

Hello Alocin

I'm so sorry to hear your story. I think I can relate to some the things you have said. I to have cycts on my ovaries. The present a large endo cyst. Before my 1st ICSI cycle I had to have 3 months of zolodex injections to shrink the 5cm/golfball cyct. I also had an MRI just to be sure that there was nothing more untoward. I know what you mean about having that as an ordeal in itself. I was petrified throughout. Luckily the results were clear. The cyct reduced by half and I luckily was given the go ahead for ICSI but the cycle failed quite early on. After three months I resumed the zolodex and had my final injection yesterday. We have our 2nd cycle commencing 28th Feb.

I understand only too well the strain treatment can put on a relationship. You hospital will offer councilling, It will not be specialist marriage councilling but sure they can help in some way. And if not will be able to point you in the right direction. Do you know your next steps?

I send you all my love,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Alocin,

I'm new to this thread too, such a shame we all have to meet in this way..... In just a couple of days I have been made to feel so much better just by tapping away at the keyboard and the lovely girls on here with wise words of support.

This is such an emotional thing to go through, there's the why question always at the back of your mind, everything seems so unjust when you see people popping out kids all over the place, teenagers on TV talking about it like it's the same as having a cup of tea.

All I can say is seek help from someone, a counsellor or therapist as without your marriage you have no one to share this with - couples counselling would be good to perhaps help your other half understand what you're going through. It's tough.

Happy to help where I can.

Liz x
Hi Ladies,

I'm sorry I am here but I'm sure you'll know what I'm feeling.

My OH and I have been ttc for years. Eventually got told OH had sperm antiboides and IVF would be the best option for us. We tried 2 x IUI too but with no luck.

So today, one day after EC, we found out that our 6 eggs never fertilized. Three were immature and three did not fertilize. We had conventional IVF even though we assumed we'd need ICSI since OH has these antibodies. The hospital said there was nothing wrong with the sperm and said that there was no reason for ICSI and to do IVF. We talked about it a couple of times actually. I was very pleased that the sperm looked so good and I think OH was especially pleased with himself. So anyway, we have nothing now. No Halloween baby, no time off work this year, nothing. It's so shit....

The embryologist has been great though and he's fixed up an appt for us tomorrow at 9am to see the Consultant. I need to really know when we can try again. We paid for this cycle ourselves but are on the waiting list, so I need to find out where we are on that and decide if we try again ourselves. If it's June for NHS IVF I can wait but if it's longer I think we'll pay again ourselves.

I must say throughout this whole IVF thing it's the waiting for something to happen that gets me. I've not been as happy in a long time since starting my nasal spray and injections. Now I'm back to the waiting game AGAIN!!

Sorry girls, this is so shit, I never thought this would be the outcome. I thought I'd at least have one embie to put back on Thursday.:cry:
Wallie, I am so so sorry that you are here :hugs::hugs: I remember you from the November thread and you were so looking forward to this.

It makes me so angry that so many of us have to go through this shit for what should be our right, and that so many kids get taken into care and those that would be great mothers struggle to conceive. It's not fair and its not right.

I wish I could give more comfort but hopefully the result from OH's sperm is a good result. Same happened for us, we got referred due to MF and then both times we've had IVF rather than ICSI. I'm currently waiting (yes know all about the waiting, drives me craaaazzyy!!!) for tests for me. Have you had yourself fully checked out? Might be worth it, especially if you have to wait a few months for NHS.

I'm sending you a boatload of hugs and I'm pleased you get to see your consultant soon. At least that will help you move on. Would recommend seeing the counsellor as well. Most of us on here have benefitted from that.

We are all here for you and thinking of you. So sorry you had to join us.

H xx
Hi all

Alocin - it seems Lolly has given you some really good advice on the cysts. I think as the others as says counselling is a very good idea. Infertility and all the crap that goes with it is stressful and has an effect on a relationship. It feels like myself and my husband have weathered a storm too. I had counselling, because was very down in myself, and in turn was affected my relationship. You could try relate or somewhere like that for couples counselling.

Hi Wallie - I am so sorry you have to be here, and echo alot of what Helen has said. I still have a strong feeling they should have done ICSI on you. Hopefully, you will get some answers this morning. I know how you feel about the waiting game. I have waited 6 months in between treatments. Its all the build up. Its so hard. anyway, thinking of you.x

Well, today I go in for FET. No phone call from clinic yet, but still plenty of time. I feel sick and obly slept for four hours last night. I hate all this. Anyway, speak soon.

By the way Lolly so pleased for you with your start date at the end of Feb. Its going to go fast! Sounds like little kitty will keep you occupied until then.

Also , Helen, Lizz, Lou hope you are all okay today. xxxx
Hi Ladies,

Wallie, I feel so bad for you.....I never imagined that when I started off on this ridiculous journey a few years ago it would be 2011 and i'm still sitting on the starting blocks.
You're absolutely right the waiting is the killer, but i'm hoping that after your appointment today you will feel a little better. I had my follow up appointment yesterday following a failed ICSI last week and I feel a whole lot better. It doesn't make the horror and shock of it not working go away but it does help you to plan your next steps.

My waiting feels like a lifetime. We'd been TTC for about 3 years then I went to the hospital over a year ago to find out why we couldn't conceive, they basically threw me out as they said i didn't fit in with the BMI you have to conform to, put me through a couple of tests (HSG, scans and blood tests - DH sperm tests) then screwed up 2 appointments 3 months apart (the one we did manage to have the Doc said - go away for 3 months i'm sure you'll get pregnant.....scientific!?) which meant I had to practically beg my GP to write to them again, in the meantime I lost 3 and a half stone and then turned up for our appointment last September for them to say we've rescheduled it for another 2 months! I cried and demanded they sort in out in a snotty tearful way, so we waited 4 hours and they squeezed us in. It was then they recommended IVF as the only way as the swimmers weren't up to it.

You wait for appointments, wait for conclusions, wait for your period, wait for injections to start, wait for scans, wait for follicles, wait for collection, wait for transfer and then wait..... still in the same situation.

I hope you're ok, try to take some time for yourself and work out what you need. I'm a massively impatient person, and so frustrated by the waiting, but when we're all successful someday we'll look back and say it was worth the wait.

Inky - Fingers crossed for you, take it easy.

Hope you other ladies are ok.

Thanks for your very kind words ladies. I had a terrible night and hardly slept, so wasn't in the best of moods to go to the hosptial AGAIN this morning. It's such a pain that drive plus OH and I have to take two cars all the time as we work in different directions to the hospital.

On the way there we were late so I phoned to advise them of this, due to roadworks. The lady on the phone knew who I was when I mentioned the appt with the Consultant and said don't worry one of your eggs fertilised! OMG, I nearly cried with excitement. So after a few hours waiting around they tranfered my one little embie into me. It was 3 cell and by the time they transferred it, it was 4 cell. I am so over the moon I can't tell you. I really can't. At least now we have some hope that this will work and it didn't end with nothing fertilising.

They did say if this doesn't work we'll get a review appt and look at increasing meds and doing ICSI, if there's a next time.

Send me all your dust ladies, I sure need it.

Thank you so much for your replies, I can't believe how this has turned around for me. I wish you all the luck in the world, each and every one of you. :hugs:
That is bloody fantastic wallie. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I know, I still can't believe it. Having acupuncture tonight too!
Thats so great Wallie, it so good to hear stories like that! Hope the 2ww goes by quickly (yeh right!!)

Good luck to you too Inky. When you say your going for FET today, does this mean you are starting or are you actually having the ET?

I haven't been on here for a while, ive tried to keep up with what everyone is doing but alot happens..ive been feeling pretty crappy since Christmas really. We are waiting for a FET too! Yes, waiting that is the hardest part isn't it? We had our follow up appointment on the 19th Jan and were due to start on first day of next cycle which is today (got full flow last night early), but not starting as ive been ill for nearly 3 weeks now(chesty cough, congestion and then a bloody tooth infection) had antibiotics last week but they didn't do anything so i am now on 2 lots from yesterday, one from doctor and one from dentist and am feeling very crap today what with AF too!! Anyway moan moan moan, sorry moan over!
Anyway the FS said i should WAIT (that word again) til next month so that I feel as 100% as I can be. This I know is good advice but again its the waiting thing....its also my dads 70th birthday at the end of the month and were having a big family party so I already had that in the back of my mind to wait til after to start more treatment. IvF just rules everything doesn't it??

Why is it so easy for what seems to be everyone else??
I've got a friend who's ttc and her OH only likes people who have had to try really hard to have a baby :haha: he hates these ones who fall preggers at the drop of a hat. I must admit, I couldn't agree more. We've had to fight for this, so everyone else should too. :haha:

Yeh, waiting and waiting. Even I've now got a 2ww but at least it's the first 2ww ever that I've ever had a chance of success, at the end of it.
That made me laugh (which is a feat in itself today),:haha: yes sometimes it seems to be far to easy!!

I know the 2ww is hard but like you say its still good to still have hope and obviously your embie has showed lots of heart already :thumbup:

Good luck Inky and Waliie :wohoo::wohoo:

Let's turn this into a lucky thread!!

H xx
Hi Angiomum. Sorry to hear you aren't well. The constant waiting is hard. Sorry to hear about your tooth infection. Just last year, I had an absess and the whole side of my face blew up. Felt like a freak. It also makes you feel quite ill because affects you systemically. Sorry about your cold. Next month will come round quickly. It just feels like there are loads of obstacles. (this I can relate to)

I've been waiting since early september for this, and finally had two embies thawed and put back today. Its been the hardest 6 months ever, having had to wait. So really know how you feel. It won't be much longer.

Wallie - I agree with youf friend's OH!!!

Anyway, speak soonxx
Hi Inky,

Congratulations on being PUPO, the thawing process is supposed to be the hardest obstacle for FET so yay for you :happydance::happydance:

Thankyou for your kind words on me being ill. It feels like one thing after another!!

Good luck with the 2ww and hope your embies are sticking nicely tonight, I did love the PUPO feeling!!!

Are you doing anything different to last time??

By the way, one of the girls on another thread has just got her BFP from FET.

OMG Wallie!!! I was just about to say how sorry I was when I caught up with the thread!!! That is amazing news, that little embie is a true fighter! As requested millions of :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: and please share with Inky as you both deserve it! We all do. Inky so glad to hear your little ones thawed well. Congratulations!

Hi Inky and Wallie, how are you both doing, hope your taking it easy!! Thinking of you


Hey Angiemon, yes doing away fine here. Got a sniffly cold but doing well otherwise. Thanks for asking!
Hi everyone

Even though don't quite believe it yet and have a few hurdles to get through still. Thought I would offer you all some hope. I had a BFP today. I have done many tests. This was following the transfer of two Frozen embroyos. Whilst still not out of the woods, the BFP has given me hopex

That is fantastic fantastic, fabulous news! In fact i'm even doing a little bit of crying for you, it's so brilliant!

It's good to know that there is hope, especially after how dreadful it can all make you feel, and how when you're going through it it seems like it will never happen.

Liz xxx

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