Support Group failed IVF/ICSI IUI or any failed assisted conceptions 2014

Hey Lou,

I thought I'd respond because I have a suspected hydrosalpinx too. We were initially referred due to MF and so they didn't test me. It's only following DH's sperm being okay during the two IVF attempts and the fact that it was the Professor who runs the clinic who did one of my scans and spotted the potential hydro that I was able to ask for the lap and dye which they've agreed to. I'm so frustrated because I feel like I might have wasted 2 years TTC and 2 IVF attempts.

The good thing is, from what I have read there are good success rates once the tube has been removed. It took me a while to get my head round the fact that the removal of a tube could actually increase my chances of getting pregnant but its true.

So take it as a positive that they've found it now and stick to your guns and get them to treat you. I can't see why they wouldn't, my clinic were very open about the impact a hydrosalpinx can have on IVF/ICSI success rates, I just wish they tested for this a lot more but as you say it all boils down to money.

If its going to take a while for the next ICSI then it gives you the time to get the hydrosalpinx properly checked out and removed if necessary.

Asking about adoption is the bog standard question for people who don't understand what we are going through. If you get the hydrosalpinx sorted then you have a much better chance of the next ICSI working so don't give up!!!

Thinking of you,
H xx

PS Flower, so sorry to hear your story. Have you been fully tested for everything? Might be worth asking for more tests for you to give you the best chance of getting there. I'm sure you will get there though.

PPS Hi to everyone else xx
Hi Helen - thanks for responding. Was it a regular tv ultrasound scan they spotted it with you? I must have had a million of those scans and no-one has ever seen a problem with me, which makes me wonder if the blockage is causing fluid to fill the tube or not. I posted in the LTTC forum to ask if anyone knows if a blockage always causes a hydro, and how they spot one. Does it have to be a lap and dye?
Also, if they remove a tube do they remove the ovary too? Or does it stay there floating about on its own?! Sorry if this is a stupid question!
You're right though, if losing a tube means a better chance of pregnancy, then so be it. My acupuncturist had one of her tubes removed and she went on to have two kids (and she got pregnant the month after she had the tube removed). I doubt that would happen with us as DH's swimmers are v slow anyway, and if anything seem to be getting worse, but I suppose we all just want the best chance don't we?

I kind of have a theory and I may be way off the mark here, but I'll tell you anyway. I had quite a lot of bleeding from my ovaries (I think) after my egg collection last time as I had so many follicles (i have multi-cystic ovaries) and I also had a bit of bleeding around ovulation the cycle after my failed ivf, which I think was my ovaries still feeling pretty sore and recovering. Do you think it's possible, with this amount of bleeding, that some of it could have got stuck in the tube and blocked it? I can't help but wonder, especially as this past cycle I had a lot of pain around one of my ovaries which I've never had before and I wonder if the blockage is as recent as since my ivf....
Im really sorry Lou, but on the hopeful side, once the problem is dealt with, your next ICSI attempt should be a success. Its crap that it takes so long to find out these things and then another wait to get it sorted. I wish i could wave a magic wand for all of us :hugs: I haven't had anyone mention adoption to be before but I wouldn't like it to be suggested now still feels like we're at the beginning of our journey! Sorry you feel down, i hope we can all pull each other up again when we feel like this. :hugs:

I've had a scan today and im now on the cyclogest (nice!!) and i have my ET booked in for Thurs 24th. Im so excited but very nervous for my frozen embies....please let them thaw safely [-o<[-o<

ps i would love to watch comic relief with a nice glass of wine right now :wine:

Hi angiemon
You've just reminded me Comic Relief is on! Might flick over as Corrie is pretty depressing tonight and it might be welcome relief from googling 'blocked tubes...'
I was reading through Helen's journal and I can't help but think I'm heading for the same agonising wait.
I know I'm wallowing, but honestly, I don't know what I did to deserve this. Just when you feel like you can't take any more hurt and upset and it just goes up a notch. And to make matters worse I have pretty bad cramps after the HSG this morning. I'm thinking this is probably a bad sign.
Oh, and how lovely to be on the Cyclogest! I remember reading extensive debates on various forums about whether to use the front or back door ;-) That's when you know you need to step away from Google!
Good luck! Fingers and toes are crossed for you! x

Sorry got caught up in watching Comic Relief last night. In answer to your quesions Lou, they picked up my potential hydrosalpinx during one of my follicle scans during my second IVF.

They don't remove the ovary and don't ask me how but say they took your right tube out, they have said it is possible that your right ovary could produce an egg but that it would travel to your left fallopian tube! It's beyond me but it's true apparently.

Obviously I'm no medical expert so have no idea if your theory is right, I guess all you can do is ask when you have your appointment.

Hope you're feeling better today and thanks for popping by my journal. Yes the waiting is crappy but less than 3 weeks for me now, woo hoo!

Angiemon the best of luck for ET, let's hope we see some more graduates from this thread soon!

H xx
Lou - Im glad i dragged you away from depressing Corrie, Comic relief was good though although i kept on falling asleep and missing the bits i wanted to see i.e fake that!!
The progesterone is still playing tricks on me. Is it in or is it not :wacko: but if it brings a baby, i would happily put the whole pack up somewhere :haha:

Hi helen-thanks for your kind wishes. How are you? Are you starting again soon? Sorry if you have wrote it in a previous post. I think I followed some of your progress on the october thread, i was just reading then not posting but it is hard to keep up with all you read. When i first came on i read so many threads but i have seen you alot. How are you feeling???

Hi wallie-how you doing?

Lou - Im glad i dragged you away from depressing Corrie, Comic relief was good though although i kept on falling asleep and missing the bits i wanted to see i.e fake that!!
The progesterone is still playing tricks on me. Is it in or is it not :wacko: but if it brings a baby, i would happily put the whole pack up somewhere :haha:

Hi helen-thanks for your kind wishes. How are you? Are you starting again soon? Sorry if you have wrote it in a previous post. I think I followed some of your progress on the october thread, i was just reading then not posting but it is hard to keep up with all you read. When i first came on i read so many threads but i have seen you alot. How are you feeling???

Hi wallie-how you doing?


Hey I'm good. Just chillin this weekend!
Hey Lou,

I thought I'd respond because I have a suspected hydrosalpinx too. We were initially referred due to MF and so they didn't test me. It's only following DH's sperm being okay during the two IVF attempts and the fact that it was the Professor who runs the clinic who did one of my scans and spotted the potential hydro that I was able to ask for the lap and dye which they've agreed to. I'm so frustrated because I feel like I might have wasted 2 years TTC and 2 IVF attempts.

The good thing is, from what I have read there are good success rates once the tube has been removed. It took me a while to get my head round the fact that the removal of a tube could actually increase my chances of getting pregnant but its true.

So take it as a positive that they've found it now and stick to your guns and get them to treat you. I can't see why they wouldn't, my clinic were very open about the impact a hydrosalpinx can have on IVF/ICSI success rates, I just wish they tested for this a lot more but as you say it all boils down to money.

If its going to take a while for the next ICSI then it gives you the time to get the hydrosalpinx properly checked out and removed if necessary.

Asking about adoption is the bog standard question for people who don't understand what we are going through. If you get the hydrosalpinx sorted then you have a much better chance of the next ICSI working so don't give up!!!

Thinking of you,
H xx

PS Flower, so sorry to hear your story. Have you been fully tested for everything? Might be worth asking for more tests for you to give you the best chance of getting there. I'm sure you will get there though.

PPS Hi to everyone else xx

I was tested but 2 yrs ago (should i be re-tested) I'm going to def ask my dr. to run more tests if need be.... I posted this as a thread about hypothyroidism.
"I've been reading some stuff online and I'm thinking that might be WHY my fresh ICSI and FET failed! Everything was great (lining, blastocyst quality) I just don't understand why it hasn't worked for me, and now I'm thinking it might my my underactive thyroid. I have been taking synthroid to regulate it and my family doctor says my levels are good, but my FS never mentioned anything about my thyroid or it affecting the outcome, but now I'm thinking otherwise. I don't have my follow-up appt for another 3 wks... I'm going crazy trying to rack my brain of why it didn't work...I'm desperate for answers, and desperate for this to work. Thoughts????"
Soo I've been thinking about this alot and wondering if this might be the reason. It's pretty sad when we have to be our own doctors, ya know!

How have you been doing?
Inky..Thanks for the info! I'm def going to look into this! Congrats on your BFP...I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months! :hugs:
Hi Flower, i agree with Inky. During my fresh cycle with all the drugs, i look back now and think i went a bit doolally :wacko: and I had really high E2 levels and had to take more meds for risk of OHSS but now im doing a cycle with only the progynova (this is to increase the lining and to stop ovulation) and im feeling so much better - no side affects.. I know I havent got as far as ET yet but i am def feeling better so perhaps this is something you could talk to your FS about. Infertility issues really do suck but just looking at different threads, IVF/ICSI def does work, it may just take a few times for some of us. I hope you are feeling a bit better :hugs:


I def can't wait to talk to my FS, there is so much I want to ask, and so much I want answered! lol
It's just sooo hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel after two failed cycles (especially when everything is "perfect")
The last couple of days have been so hard, but I'm not done fighting for this yet... I hope we all are blessed in the end! Hope your doing well!
Hi Angiemon, its hard to keep up with everyone's stories isn't it? So many nice people on here going through horrible stuff they shouldn't have to. Anyway, I'm currently awaiting for a lap and dye, they think I have a hydrosalpinx which means I might have to have my left tube removed. I'm hoping that, all being well, I should be able to try naturally for a bit once they've done what they need to. Bizarrely I should have a better chance with one tube following the op.

Wallie - good to hear that you are having a nice weekend :thumbup:

Flower, I know how you are feeling at the moment. With my second IVF I had better quality embryos and the first time I had a chemical pregnancy so I expected to get pregnant again but nothing. The truth of the matter is they just don't know why it works sometimes and not others. They say with all things being equal (i.e. no problems with either partner) a woman only has a 20% chance of conceiving naturally each month so you do sometimes wonder how anyone does manage to get pregnant!

I think you should raise any concerns when you have your follow up but it might just smply be a case of keeping on going. I'm sure you will get there.

Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend.

H xx
Hi Helen - I've been doing a bit of reading up on hydrosalpinx and there seems to be two treatment options; either removal of a tube or clipping it. Did they tell you one was better than the other?
Flower - you're right that it's sad when we have to be our own doctors. I've been my own doctor for over a year now not only with the infertility but also my painful bladder. No two doctors agree on anything and so you're left with several 'theories' on what could be the problem and you have to go with your gut instinct. One thing I've learned is that doctors are NOT always right and that you absolutely have to question them. They're only human, even though they like to think they're better than the rest of us. Of course there are some doctors who are absolutely fab, but I've only met a couple of them so far. If I were you I'd do the research first as there's bound to have been people in the past in a similar position. What doctors don't understand is that they may have gone to medical school and know all the medical theory, but we're living it and people can often become bigger experts in a particular condition than the doctor cos they've researched it so extensively. They should never dismiss what we have to say, although in my experience they do. Sorry, turned into a bit of a rant about doctors there! Good luck and I hope you get some answers soon. x
Hi Lou, my clinic said that removal was better than clipping.

H xx
Hey Lou,

I was tested but 2 yrs ago (should i be re-tested) I'm going to def ask my dr. to run more tests if need be.... I posted this as a thread about hypothyroidism.
"I've been reading some stuff online and I'm thinking that might be WHY my fresh ICSI and FET failed! Everything was great (lining, blastocyst quality) I just don't understand why it hasn't worked for me, and now I'm thinking it might my my underactive thyroid. I have been taking synthroid to regulate it and my family doctor says my levels are good, but my FS never mentioned anything about my thyroid or it affecting the outcome, but now I'm thinking otherwise. I don't have my follow-up appt for another 3 wks... I'm going crazy trying to rack my brain of why it didn't work...I'm desperate for answers, and desperate for this to work. Thoughts????"
Soo I've been thinking about this alot and wondering if this might be the reason. It's pretty sad when we have to be our own doctors, ya know!

Hi! I just wanted to add that I just had a failed ICSI and am considering a FET or another ICSI soon and my new doc just suggested that he check my thyroid levels. I haven't had a thyroid issue in the past but maybe there is something to this? I also have a hydrosalpinx, but am not a candidate for surgery or removal. I only have one ovary and I think it is on that side. He said if it was removed, it could cut off blood supply to the ovary. Also I have a history of abcess and going in is too dangerous. However, according to my chart, I had this hydro back in '02 and was able to get pregnant via ICSI with my son in '03 so he thinks it should work again. Not sure why it failed this last attempt. :cry:
Hi psp2011 - Sorry to hear your icsi didn't work. If it's worked once though, surely it's gonna again? Might just be a case of try and try again until you get there. I know that's probably no consolation right now though as I know how difficult and emotionally draining the whole thing is. If we all had the money I guess we could try and try again, but we don't...I pray for that lottery win every day. Don't know why as praying hasn't worked so far!
Interesting about what your doc said about the hydro. I've been researching like made (there's a whole forum on blocked tubes on one of the other fertility sites which addresses this issue loads) and it seems like most women struggle to come to terms with losing a tube/s at the start and sometimes refuse it, only to decide to have it removed or clipped in the end. I'd also read on there some speculation about the fact removing it can affect the blood supply to the ovary (like your doc said), but then some people said when you clip it some fluid can still leak?! So I just think WTF are we supposed to do then?? Some women are also given Doxycycline in the run up to egg collection as a non-surgical alternative, as it's supposed to make the toxic fluid non-toxic. There doesn't seem to be much research on whether this is as effective though.
And some company in Americal claims to be able to unblock it with massage which, I'm sorry, I may be desperate but I'm not stupid. I just don't believe it.
Interesting about the thyroid issue.
I can't help but think that there are so many little things can make a difference which are not routinely tested for and which could, potentially, affect the outcome and give an explanation to so many women when, in reality, they get told it just doesn't work every time.
So fed up of this waiting, and it's only been four days since I found out about my blocked tube and I'm going crazy wanting to move forward!
Some women are also given Doxycycline in the run up to egg collection as a non-surgical alternative, as it's supposed to make the toxic fluid non-toxic. There doesn't seem to be much research on whether this is as effective though.
And some company in Americal claims to be able to unblock it with massage which, I'm sorry, I may be desperate but I'm not stupid. I just don't believe it.

Funny you should mention these 2 things! I'm almost positive I was on Doxyxycline for a bit during my last cycle. Could be why? Also I too saw the company that says they can do that massage. (wurn technique I think it said) Well, I asked my doc, just wondering if he had heard of it. He said it's junk and that's all I needed to hear. :dohh: I figured it was too! And if it wasn't, I would hope I would have been offerred it as an alternative way before now! So anyway, I think we are going to try ICSI one more time next month. Financially it is really going to set us back, but I just feel like I gotta give it one more try before I give up. My hubby is so nice about it. (He doesn't want to spend the money and would rather not.) But wants me to be happy so he said one more shot. It's gotta work this time, right????:thumbup:
Sounds like you have a great hubby psp. I try not to think about the money and the fact we're bankrupting ourselves for something everyone else gets for free because, as the end of the day it's not just "something", it's a baby and I'd pay anything.
Really hope it works for you this time x
Thanks Lou! So what is your next step now? Do you know when you will be doing your next round?
Hi girlies.

Im so sorry that you are going through all these things - IVF is so hard already, it must be awful. Im thinking of you xxx

I know this is a support thread but as ive been speaking to you, i just wanted to let you know that i am now pupo with 2 embies transferred today, cant believe that they only had to thaw 2 of our 4 embies. :hugs:

I do hope you can start soon


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