Support Group failed IVF/ICSI IUI or any failed assisted conceptions 2014

Hi Wallie, well we have our review appointment on 17th May, and we are going away on a week's holiday to the sun on 29th May - DH thought it would be a good idea to have a wee break before the next go - I have to admit I am really looking forward to it :happydance: - I love the sun!

So our next go will probably be June / July - the clinic have been really good and said last week it's up to me - whenever I feel ready. But i'd rather do it in the next couple of months rather than leaving it any longer than that. I dont know what my review appt will bring - my nurse said last week they might not change anything next time - i responded really well, had good eggs and had 2 grade 1 embies put back and it didnt work, but up until then it all went well? So it could just be the same for me - i dont know how i feel about that :nope:
That sounds like a good idea Lainey with the holiday coming up. That's me now 2 months since my bfn and I am definitely ready to go again now. I'd probably said I could have started again maybe 2 weeks ago, I just felt right about it again. Obviously I'll not be though.

Even though they're not changing anything it certainly doesn't mean it won't work. Honestly it's just pot luck if you ask me.

Where are you heading on holiday. Mine is in 15 days now to Florida for a fortnight. It's 33 degrees there just now. I think I'll fry!

Hey Wallie - we're off to Tenerife for a week :happydance:. Our main time off work isnt until the end of August, but after everything last week DH thought we could use a break before trying again. I wasnt too sure last week but now i am glad we've booked and am looking forward to it. Florida sounds fab - have done a lot of travelling but have never been to America - 1 day hopefully!

I think you are right - it is pot luck. Its hard not to keep analysing everything you've done though - I am kind of at that stage just now. Fingers crossed for us both next time around :hugs:
hi ladies im in need of your help, my cycle failed on the 28th feb and ive not had an af since, for about 3 weeks ive been having pink blood streaked cm sorry tmi on and off, do you think this is normal after a failed ivf (never had it before) or should i be getting myself to the gp, i have no pain or anything just the pink cm and only when i wipe sometimes, dh said imagine if one of the embryos had stuck but i think that would have to be an absolute miracle and surely not possible when i used about a dozen tests x
RAF wife I'm sorry about your bfn from my own cycle I had no af for over 10 weeks and the same sort of thing as you if you r worried do go to gp but I wool say it's normal it's your body trying to get rid of meds let us no hun xxx
Raf, I would have thought you should have had proper AF by now. Maybe a phone call to the clinic would ease your mind as I'm sure the doc will be useless.
thank you i was thinking its probably normal after ivf but it helps to hear it x
thanks wallie il give it another week and see what happens x
hi ladies im in need of your help, my cycle failed on the 28th feb and ive not had an af since, for about 3 weeks ive been having pink blood streaked cm sorry tmi on and off, do you think this is normal after a failed ivf (never had it before) or should i be getting myself to the gp, i have no pain or anything just the pink cm and only when i wipe sometimes, dh said imagine if one of the embryos had stuck but i think that would have to be an absolute miracle and surely not possible when i used about a dozen tests x

So although I did have AF soon after my failed IVF, I also had the slight pinkish cm for a bit after the AF. Seems it was at least for the whole week that I ovulated. I've since had another AF and now have spotting, like brown and clear on my pad. Almost like I'm wanting to get AF again but I'm on the pill. I figure it's just the medication but I'm going to ask FS about it when I call on monday just in case. And yep, I did that thinking maybe, just maybe they were wrong at first and it did work. But they had me do a blood preg test before I could start my BC and of course it was neg. Do you have any plans for another go? Just wondering because my FS said if my second AF didn't come by 35 days they would look into it. It was here in 28 like my norm so I didn't have to.:dust:
I haven't been on here for a while about how I am etc, but I'm miserable, so I thought it'd help to get it out.

We had our review appt on Tuesday which was 8 weeks after our failed IVF #1. They'll up my meds next time to get more eggs and do ICSI as there seems to be a binding problem with our eggs and sperm.

I'd been told twice before that our NHS round would be June 2011 but on Tuesday we were told its going to be August as the unit is being refurbished! I'm totally gutted it's going to be even longer than what I expected.

I seem to have awful PMS since IVF too which doesn't help my mood. I just am so upset and I don't know how to get through this. I wish I could just go to bed and sleep until it's time to start IVF again.
Hi Ladies is it Ok if i Join you all, I think its easier to talk to other women that have been through this :hugs:

Some of you may know me, if not a quick introduction about my story it will be 1 Month on Wednesday since my Failed ICSI :cry: I was given 70% success that it will work due to my Age 28 and the quality of the eggs, they placed back two 8 Cells Embryos everyone seemed to be happy and confident that it will work and deep down i was thinking 'this is my time to shine' :cloud9: Got my Blood tests done coming to the end of the 2WW it was 3 HCG they said come back in a few days and has to be at least 10 to be a pregnancy :cry: my heart was about to beat out of my chest waited a few days again repeated the blood test it was 3.7 HCG and 100% no :cry: my world fell right in front of me (we went private it cost so much!) stop taking the drugs and my period came 3 days later.. it was very strong and lasted almost 1 week... :cry:

We wanted to pull ourselves together and not dwell too much and repeat it again this Month, FS said that i was stimming on the lowest of dosage and my Ovaries will be back to its size and ready to start ASAP... we popped in last week she said she will up my stimming a little bit and she will scrape my Uterus maybe it helps to make it stickier? (they scrape the uterus after a failed cycle) she did the scraping and wow took my breath away very painful indeed... once she did the scraping she did an Ultra sound to see the Antral Follicles and to make sure im ready to go.... Than there it was on the screen a HUGE Cyst 5cm, which she said was due to the stimming (never had a cyst before) and we have to give this cycle a miss :cry: Im hoping that it will go naturally by next months cycle so we can start again... [-o<

it just feels one drama after another. My husband was going to book us a short trip to spain, but now he needs a root canal this week, and we just cant afford it... Were scrimping and saving for this cycle, but its a dent in both our accounts :cry: i guess i have to keep going to get those DOUBLE LINES.

Wallie- i know what you mean by waking up and starting it all again, it really does consume our lives..

Theres a few of us in this situation and life can be so mean, but im sure we will get there :hugs:
I had a cyst after first IUI which delayed the next one, it went away with my next AF and we got to try the next month. They are seemingly common but it's shocking when you don't expect it... :hugs:
Tell me about it Wallie, when i saw that huge black cloud on the screen i was thinking what now! if you dont mind me asking was yours a big cyst? im a little worried about it mine as its 5cm, and it needs time to go, oh i do hope and pray it goes away [-o<
Hi ladies :hi:

We have had 5 failed IUI's. Our insurance doesn't cover IVF so we're not sure if we'll ever be able to do it.
Tell me about it Wallie, when i saw that huge black cloud on the screen i was thinking what now! if you dont mind me asking was yours a big cyst? im a little worried about it mine as its 5cm, and it needs time to go, oh i do hope and pray it goes away [-o<

I don't know what size it was at all, if she did say, I wasn't listening. The nurse was so matter of fact I was shocked and ended up in tears in the car park for about an hour before I left to get home. It did clear up on it's own though. I've heard of others having cysts too and they just go.... next AF wasn't any heavier or anything but thankfully it did go and I got to do my next IUI. Still didn't work mind...
Hi ladies :hi:

We have had 5 failed IUI's. Our insurance doesn't cover IVF so we're not sure if we'll ever be able to do it.

I'm so sorry Chris, I just don't know what to say. What are your options? To pay yourself and that's it?

Since we've done IVF we've found that OH doesn't have antibodies now but we've found we have a binding problem which only ICSI can assist with. It's just one thing after another but at least I have an answer (I hope anyway). What are the docs saying about your situation now. OH's sperm is okay, you ovulate don't you???
Hi ladies i hope your all doing well...

Wallie thats good news that they can go within a Cycle :thumbup: I know its only been 1 Month today since my failed ICSI but from Egg collection up until now my boobs have been tender... really really sore and it just gets like that right before a period??? :shrug: and i have just finished...

Did any of you ladies experience tender boobs after the failed IVF?? oh i just feel my body still out of whack :wacko:
Nayla, my bbs stopped feeling sore as soon as I stopped the meds. Probably it is just going to take some time like you said.
Hang in there hun!:hugs:

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