Support Group failed IVF/ICSI IUI or any failed assisted conceptions 2014

I just woke up and wiped deep red blood on my tissue?? im so so scared... just made an appointment with my FS after work.... what on earth is this? :cry:
I just woke up and wiped deep red blood on my tissue?? im so so scared... just made an appointment with my FS after work.... what on earth is this? :cry:

Maybe it is the cyst? Maybe it's leaving you now! Don't immediately think bad! Might turn out to be a good thing? Dumb question but, it couldn't be AF?:hugs:
Is that what happens PSP when the cyst goes?? I came off my period last week,, and i NEVER bleed or have any kind of spotting... just periods thats all..
This is very weird for me 6.30pm can not come fast enough! im sure she will do an Ultra sound and its only been 10days since the last scan and i cant really see the cyst to have gone in that short time?? so i will not upset myself if its still there.... but definitely want to know whats happening :shrug: also i will mention my very sore boobs to her been like this since egg collection... i hope and praying its nothing sinister.
Is that what happens PSP when the cyst goes?? I came off my period last week,, and i NEVER bleed or have any kind of spotting... just periods thats all..
This is very weird for me 6.30pm can not come fast enough! im sure she will do an Ultra sound and its only been 10days since the last scan and i cant really see the cyst to have gone in that short time?? so i will not upset myself if its still there.... but definitely want to know whats happening :shrug: also i will mention my very sore boobs to her been like this since egg collection... i hope and praying its nothing sinister.

I honestly don't know, :nope:sorry, I never had one! I suppose it would make sense if it burst. Sounds bad but as long as you don't have a ton of bleeding, probably it would be good to get it gone! It could be just your hormones still being crazy. (would also explain the sore bbs!) Maybe they can take blood and check your levels to find out what is happening. I don't have any bleeding or spotting normally either (except AF of course!) but I am having brown "old blood" spotting everyday. I asked FS and they said it's just because the BC I am on is low dose and it's breakthrough.
Let me know how the appt goes, I'll be thinking about you today...:hugs:
PS I just did my Lupron! yay!:thumbup:
Hi ladies :hi:

We have had 5 failed IUI's. Our insurance doesn't cover IVF so we're not sure if we'll ever be able to do it.

I'm so sorry Chris, I just don't know what to say. What are your options? To pay yourself and that's it?


Pretty much yeah. I mean we could put it on our credit card....but $15,000 is an awful lot of credit card debt to be in!! :wacko:
Is that what happens PSP when the cyst goes?? I came off my period last week,, and i NEVER bleed or have any kind of spotting... just periods thats all..
This is very weird for me 6.30pm can not come fast enough! im sure she will do an Ultra sound and its only been 10days since the last scan and i cant really see the cyst to have gone in that short time?? so i will not upset myself if its still there.... but definitely want to know whats happening :shrug: also i will mention my very sore boobs to her been like this since egg collection... i hope and praying its nothing sinister.

Awww hun. :hugs: Don't go to the sinister thinking yet. But that's easier said than done as with every ache and pain I have, I automatically think the worst. I'm sure it's nothing serious. :hugs:
Hi ladies :hi:

We have had 5 failed IUI's. Our insurance doesn't cover IVF so we're not sure if we'll ever be able to do it.

I'm so sorry Chris, I just don't know what to say. What are your options? To pay yourself and that's it?


Pretty much yeah. I mean we could put it on our credit card....but $15,000 is an awful lot of credit card debt to be in!! :wacko:

Wow! Is that how much it is in NY? :wacko:Would your ins pay for medications, ultrasounds, lab work, office visits at all? My ins says it does not pay for anything IVF related, however, when pushed, they have and do pay for all but procedures. Something to look into. :thumbup:I'm able to do a cycle for $8400, some places here are more or less. Some even will give you a portion of your $ back if you don't get preg in a certain number of tries. Yep, still a lot of $ but less than 15! Plus we are able to write off all of the out-of-pocket expenses after a certain dollar figure on our taxes, plus mileage and other non-IVF related medical for the year.:hugs:
1 IVF cycle at my clinic is $9,800 but that doesn't inlude the meds. The meds would be around another $4,000. I work for a Catholic hospital so I very highly debt that they'd pay for any assisted conceptions no matter how much you push.
Hi ladies i hope your all doing well...

Wallie thats good news that they can go within a Cycle :thumbup: I know its only been 1 Month today since my failed ICSI but from Egg collection up until now my boobs have been tender... really really sore and it just gets like that right before a period??? :shrug: and i have just finished...

Did any of you ladies experience tender boobs after the failed IVF?? oh i just feel my body still out of whack :wacko:

I have been having the opposite, no sore boobs. Weird!
Is that what happens PSP when the cyst goes?? I came off my period last week,, and i NEVER bleed or have any kind of spotting... just periods thats all..
This is very weird for me 6.30pm can not come fast enough! im sure she will do an Ultra sound and its only been 10days since the last scan and i cant really see the cyst to have gone in that short time?? so i will not upset myself if its still there.... but definitely want to know whats happening :shrug: also i will mention my very sore boobs to her been like this since egg collection... i hope and praying its nothing sinister.

Nayla, how was the appointment? I've been thinking about you all day!:hugs:

1 IVF cycle at my clinic is $9,800 but that doesn't inlude the meds. The meds would be around another $4,000. I work for a Catholic hospital so I very highly debt that they'd pay for any assisted conceptions no matter how much you push.

Chris, ugh, that's a stinker! $4,000 -I know it's alot of money, but not a bad quote. My meds would have been close to $10,000! Hmm...the only thing I can think of is maybe you could get into a study? I know a couple that was able to get into a study at their FS. Cut the cost to almost nothing! They had 1 embryo transferred and now have a baby boy! I wish I could offer some other suggestions. We are on our own with procedure cost and have borrowed the money (3 times!) so I know where you are coming from!:hugs:
Hi ladies,

Thankfully i slept well last night, We didnt get to see the Dr till gone 7pm! when we did she asked me the colour of the blood and does it hurt etc etc? did an Ultrasound and what was once a 5CM Cyst is now 2.5CM im so so happy i cried in the room! i said to her i was so scared it burst or you were going to tell me its 10CM!! i just thought the worst! (its how i deal with pain is always think of abnormal blood tests and bad scans ) PSP your were correct hun! xx

She said its normal to have blood with a shrinking Cyst and the Uterus lining is shedding.. she told me hopefully the Cyst will be fully gone by CD2 i cant believe it shrunk so much within 8 days! i so hope it will be a clear screen by next scan Than i can give this ICSI another Shot!

This is the happiest i have felt in ages!! (sad as it made sound but it was just nice to hear some good news, i just feel like something bad will come out of that clinic...) not getting to happy as like mentioned ANYTHING is possible with every visit...

Also she touched my boobs and said its normal and its the pills, so all in all feeling much better :) xx

Thank you for all your love xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well.
Nayla, what kind of cyst did they say you had? My last ultrasound, which was done over a month ago, picked up on a 2cm cyst around the area of my ovary, which they think is a fimbrial cyst or a corpus luteum cyst. Thing is, I'm pretty sure I've had it about three months now as I've been having a lot of pain on that side since my icsi failed at Christmas. It seems like yours has shrunk pretty quickly. Maybe these cysts are common after ivf because of all the drugs?
We have an appt with a different doc next Tues for a second opinion about having a lap and dye. Just hoping like mad that it will go well and he'll be nice. I really want to find a nice doctor as I'm so disappointed with how things have gone with my clinic I had the ivf with.

ps- Congrats to Poohbear! This is what we all hope and pray for!
Nayla, that is great news :happydance: I have been stalking you to see how you have been getting on :haha:

You are doing so well - I hope i can be half as positive when i am giving this a go again in a couple of months. :hugs:
Hi ladies I hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed the Royal Wedding as much as I did :thumbup: its was beautiful xxxx

Lou32- Hi Hun,I really dont know what kind of Cyst it was? :shrug: All the FS told me was that its very very common after failed IVF'S and usually they go away themselves usually between 4-8 weeks... Its due to all the stimulating drugs and didnt want to start or do anything till its gone fully?? She has given me Marvelon Pill and told me that should help it :thumbup: I so hope that you find a Good Dr soon, its very tough not being comfortable where you are? when it 1st failed i was telling my husband we need to find a new dr ASAP! i was getting myself in a pickle! as time passed by i thought she has my notes she will know my body better [-o< I just feel theres a ton of pressure for us to get it right 2nd time round... I so hope it works for us,,, i dont know how long i can keep going and living like this... :nope: Your in my prayers xx

Lainey- Aww thanks Hun, I have my moments... some days i feel like a lion and i get take over the world, than the next second im like a mouse and very frail... Im trying to think Positive, My husband was saying the other day ' say it doesnt work again Hun than what???' sent shivers down my spine... we have to keep going and going....

Baby dust to all xx
Hi ladies I hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed the Royal Wedding as much as I did :thumbup: its was beautiful xxxx

Lou32- Hi Hun,I really dont know what kind of Cyst it was? :shrug: All the FS told me was that its very very common after failed IVF'S and usually they go away themselves usually between 4-8 weeks... Its due to all the stimulating drugs and didnt want to start or do anything till its gone fully?? She has given me Marvelon Pill and told me that should help it :thumbup: I so hope that you find a Good Dr soon, its very tough not being comfortable where you are? when it 1st failed i was telling my husband we need to find a new dr ASAP! i was getting myself in a pickle! as time passed by i thought she has my notes she will know my body better [-o< I just feel theres a ton of pressure for us to get it right 2nd time round... I so hope it works for us,,, i dont know how long i can keep going and living like this... :nope: Your in my prayers xx

Lainey- Aww thanks Hun, I have my moments... some days i feel like a lion and i get take over the world, than the next second im like a mouse and very frail... Im trying to think Positive, My husband was saying the other day ' say it doesnt work again Hun than what???' sent shivers down my spine... we have to keep going and going....

Baby dust to all xx

Nayla, I know what you mean. We have talked about that too. And since we are lucky enough to have one child already, I have decided that if this doesn't work, we will be done trying. For a variety of reasons, the majority being that there is no $ anywhere to use/beg/borrow! but we all will not have to worry about that! IT'S GONNA WORK THIS TIME!!
Yeh, do you think that as it didn't work 1st time we're thinking it will the 2nd time. That's certainly my hope but I can just see if failing too. Jings, I don't know what I'll be like if the 2nd one fails too. I think I'll be suicidal...
Wallie, I know exactly what you mean. On one hand I can't wait to get the second go under way, but on the other I am absolutely petrified of doing this again and it not working :nope:. It is so scary. I dont know if anyone else felt like this, but I seemed to be handling the BFN better when we initially found out? But the last few days I have felt really tearful and down, although, AF is due to arrive shortly, so I dont know how much of that is down to PMT :haha:

When is your holiday to Florida?
Oh yeh, I was upset with my BFN and after going back to work the next day it got better for about 2 weeks. After that I was on a downward slippery slope, the realisation that it didn't work, no baby when I should have been due, my whole life changed suddenly and then all the pregnancy announcements nearly killed me. My best friend at work, who knew all about my IVF eventually told me his wife was 11 weeks. I was so angry, devastated and hated him all at once. Then once AF was due again I was so depressed and cried for days before AF appeared. Since then every 4 weeks I've been so depressed and have taken myself off to bed for a few days and I'm miserable.

I so hope that 2nd time is lucky for us, I really don't want to have to go through this a third time, especially when the chances are that'll be my last...
Yeh, do you think that as it didn't work 1st time we're thinking it will the 2nd time. That's certainly my hope but I can just see if failing too. Jings, I don't know what I'll be like if the 2nd one fails too. I think I'll be suicidal...

Exactly! I'm thinking that almost all IVF's work either 1st or 2nd time, so second time's the charm!!
Not even going there, the possibility of it not working!:wacko:
Hugs to you all :hugs:

My goodness you ALL sound just like me.. tears streamed down my face reading your ALL HONESTY im scared to death that it wont work again its crazy... I go bed eventually around 2AM thinking of all the bad stuff that can happen again! :cry: and i read that the 3rd IVF success decreases a little after the 1st and 2nd.. :shrug: to me it sounded like if it doesnt work 2nd time theres a high chance that it just was not meant to be :cry: it makes me tremble... many women will say oh dont worry it will work 2nd time... yet thats what many said on my last cycle... and the worst thing is I KNOW IT DIDNT WORK AND THERES EQUALLY THE SAME CHANCE OF IT NOT WORKING NOW :cry:

Only now after 1 Month my heart feels a tiny bit soothed, at one point i thought i was going to die of a broken heart, never ever felt this kind of pain before.. :nope: and theres a chance that it all can be starting again in a few weeks and i so so so dont want to go through that hardship again if its a no (but i need to realistic and not kid myself it will work it will work)... :cry:

Wallie i would never kill myself but i had depressing thoughts in my head and i have reached the lowest of the low 'what do i live for now? what do i look forward for now?' i would curl up in a ball in the corner of my bedroom and cry my heart out... sleep all day.. i looked like death... and as you mentioned friends are telling me that there pregnant left right and centre! this journey is draining to the heart and soul... i just thought having to do IVF in itself is such a hard thing to accept and the Lord will bless me finally! than when it failed i feel like screaming 'GIVE ME A BREAK!'

I know many many friends and family that have got pregnant had babies... and pregnant again with number 2 while im still painfully fighting to make number 1 :cry: i hate it has to be like this...

Lainey im also very very emotional over stupid things.. i will be peeling the potatoes and it will be taking forever and i will have tears streaming down my face... i look at my cat and i will start crying... adverts dramas... anything and everything makes me so so tearful... i feel this failed IVF has made me so so weak emotionally i just dont know how i will move forward if its a no.... :nope:

Also i feel for my husband so badly.. he feels so helpless and sad and just has destroyed as I am... he was the one that cried in the clinic i cried on the drive home... I feel so so sorry for him i love him so so much and i know he will excel as a dad.... it was weird he never comments on people and friends having a baby... and recently when he was at work he calls me hes so so down, i was thinking no way hes lost his job... than he says 'you know Gary I was like yes.. he just told me there expecting again in winter life is not fair!! he just had his baby girl recently!!! what the hell is this :cry:' i had to be the strong one and tell him to relax our time will come soon... (when deep down im thinking will it??) i just feel sorry for our men....

Sorry for being so morbid and depressed... but i wish i can be doing cartwheels and have confidence ozzing out of my mouth and ears... I am terrified ladies... i want this so so badly for us all :hugs: I FEEL EVERYONES HEARTACHE... PSP i love your attitude your so strong hopefully once i have started the treatment my confidence will come back again.....

All we want is to be a mom, why does it have to be so so painful :cry:

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