Support Group failed IVF/ICSI IUI or any failed assisted conceptions 2014

Lainey 27 I forget to say that I'm sending lots of sticky happy vibes your way. My clinic like to think of failed treatment cycles as a lesson on how to do things better the next time. You reacted really well to treatment, so much so that they don't want to change anything! That's great because they're not worried about it not working so fingers crossed for a sticky one next time :)

MyHeart, sending you hugs! I hope your appt goes well and you get some insight for next round!:hugs:
Thank You Psp2011

Is that your little boy in your avatar? He's must be a very proud mummy :) Hope ICSI #2 gives him a little brother or sister xxxx
myheartcries - thanks so much for your kind words :hugs:. Hopefully i will be better prepared next time - fingers crossed for your next time too. :hugs:
MyHeartCries, yep, that's my little icsi #1 angel! It really can work, he's proof and why I'm still trying now.
My first ivf - bfp on 6,7,8 days post 5 day transfer, but a beta of only 20 on day 9, which rules out a healthy pregnancy. I'm now waiting for a second beta to confirm (tomorrow) and my period. I'm hugely crampy - should I expect af once I come off progesterone?
I'd give anything to feeling the tugging pains I had last week as tried to implant. :-(
Sorry for the random post on your thread, but I guess I need to rant and I would ike to know when to expect Af so we can hurry along to the next cycle!
My first ivf - bfp on 8,9,10 days post 5 day transfer, but a beta of only 20 on day 11, which rules out a healthy pregnancy. I'm now waiting for a second beta to confirm (tomorrow) and my period. I'm hugely crampy - should I expect af once I come off progesterone?
I'd give anything to feeling the tugging pains I had last week as tried to implant. :-(
Sorry for the random post on your thread, but I guess I need to rant and I would ike to know when to expect Af so we can hurry along to the next cycle!

So sorry! I did get af quite fast after going off the meds, but some don't get it for awhile so I think it's just individualized. You should be able to start the next cycle pretty quickly, but don't forget to leave yourself time to grieve the failure of this one. I wasn't able to start for a few months after my BFN in feb since I switched FS's and timing was a bit off for appts etc. But turns out it was the best thing. I'm so much better now than before. Good luck! Hope AF comes soon for you!:hugs:
Hi chocolatecat-
I am so sorry this cycle didn't work. I got my af 3 days after I stopped meds but I was very crampy for days prior to my BFN. So I don't know if that makes a difference or not.
Thanks guys. I've been really crampy for days - not very painful, just pains at least once an hour. My bubs don't hurt much any more.

Going for a beta today to confirm the loss, then I can come off the progesterone and start looking forward (ha ha ha) to AF and my next cycle!

I'm trying to take some positives from this month.
1 - first 2 weeks were fine, no probs with the injections
2 - egg collection was fine - once my family is complete I'm happy to be an egg donor
3 - got a fabulous hatching blastocyst (even have a pic, which now makes me sad)
4 - 2 blasties on ice (not as good quality though)
5 - FET is funded on NHS, and only have to have 1 cycle off if I look well this month (have 2 cysts)
6 - we can find the £3000 needed for another round of IVF in 4 months if needed (i hope!!)
7 - No spotting!!!! This has always been my worry - that I'd never get PG because I bleed so soon after ovulation. Obviously the progesterone and the 'bro trying to stick has prevented it this month.
8 - my hubby is amazing
9 - I can start roller skating again for a few weeks

That's a great list of positives right? Sigh. Still feeling blue of course.

hugs to you all
Beta was 17. so game over for this cycle.
BUT we can crack right on with the FET as a natural cycle straight away.
yay! :)
Beta was 17. so game over for this cycle.
BUT we can crack right on with the FET as a natural cycle straight away.
yay! :)

I am so sorry. It is nice that you get to get started right away again! I am very jealous. I will probably not get to start for at least another month, or more.

Roller skating sounds like lots of fun! Where do you roller skate?
I don't feel like I need to pause to grieve - I'd rather stay optimistic and look to the future, and hanging around is only going to frustrate us. So I'm very pleased the FS is happy for us to carry on straight away.

No sign of AF yet - I do hope she hurries up - the cramps are rubbish :*(

I play roller derby - a contact sport on roller skates - not compatible with pregnancy unfortunately. I've missed it heaps and my team mates loads over the last few weeks - it was great to get back on my skates yesterday. Only 2-3 weeks before I need to stop again. I'm running out of excuses!!!
Oh I was going to ask if that is what you did but wasn't sure if it was big in the UK or not. I would love to try but I am a very big clutz so every time I threaten to do it my husband freaks. I fell of a curb one time and sprained my ankle so I can hurt myself without even roller skating! I had a patient once who did derby and she was so excited to give birth so that she could do it again. Enjoy your 2 weeks of skating!
Hi Inky.

I just failed my first ICSI. My husband has severe teratozoopermia. I am 34, (35 in August). We had only been trying for a few months & I was using a high tech. fertility monitor & noticed I was ovulating super late - like on the 23rd day of my cycle. Also my cycles ocillated between 25 days up to 31 days. So we went to the fertility doctor & he said this was fixable with a pill, but he wanted to run a gauntlet of tests on both of us...and BOOM....DH had Severe Teratozoopermia..So we jumped from trying naturally to maybe we had a problem that could be fixed with a pill, to ICSI as our only option.

I had to go on the birth control pill for 21 days first and I have gained a LOT of weight on it. (before the pill I had a "good" BMI) Also it made me very grumpy and extremely tired. I thought I had a real shot at a first time go with ICSI. I had 40 follicles (20 in each ovary) and they seemed to be moving along on track. When I woke up from my egg retrieval they had only collected 7 eggs as one of my ovaries was not accessible. Of the seven, 5 were mature, 3 fertilised, 2 were transfered on day 2(a 4 cell and a 5 cell both dubbed "good" but not "excellent"). I had severe cramping for 4 days, and 1 day of bad headaches and then all was mostly normal except for the ambiguous symptoms from the Estrace & Progesterone driving me crazy.

I have my offical pregnancy blood test tomorrow, but I took 2 early detection preggo tests first thing this AM & both came back concretely negative.

I just want to schedule a follow up with our doc ASAP. We are at one of the very best clinics, but like most places, you mainly talk to the nurses & care team & only the doc before & after a cycle. I wonder, does he review all the blood tests & ultra sounds each time? Is it really him increasing or decreasing meds after each test? I am probably paranoid.

Anyway Inky, as far as keeping positive, I have decided to resume my walking regime that I abandoned throughout my first ICSI cycle. Not continuing it was a mistake. I am not going to let these drugs turn me into a complere Umpa Lumpa. I have gained so much weight that the only clothes that fit me are my girlfriend's maternity clothes. I am also going to start hacking away at my to do list, and I may even set some unusual goals, like getting my XMAS shopping done before Halloween this year...I am also going to try to schedule a shared activity with my husband once a week.

Sorry this is so long.
Hey Sukie - fingers crossed for you tomorrow. I agree with your plan of staying active.
as I put above, I had to stop doing the sport I love during IVF, and one of the few positives of it not working was getting back on my skates. I've also got a theme park trip planned. We have to take the positives when we can!

Ttcne - I'm also a terrible clutz - with no spatial awareness and a constant stream of bruises, but that just makes me a slow learner when it comes to skating. I'm sure I'll get there eventually. And it really is amazing fun and such a life changing activity. Even hubby is now involved. But it really isn't something I can keep doing once I'm PG. I dont' want to risk a fall and losing it now. I only started a year ago, and has been one of my 'well if I'm not PG I'm going to make the most of my pre-kids time" activities. Along with trips to Vegas, lots of nights out and spending money on ME! :)
Some selfishness helps us get through the tough times I think.

had my first bloods/scan today for the FET cycle. Looking good. Still have a huge endo-cyst, but shouldnt' affect FET. And a few follicles on the go - so I seem to be doing ok.

AF was grim - heavy, but brief at least. I spend the whole weekend at a roller derby bootcamp, so the pain of being knocked about hid the cramps!!
Hey Sukie - fingers crossed for you tomorrow. I agree with your plan of staying active.
as I put above, I had to stop doing the sport I love during IVF, and one of the few positives of it not working was getting back on my skates. I've also got a theme park trip planned. We have to take the positives when we can!

Ttcne - I'm also a terrible clutz - with no spatial awareness and a constant stream of bruises, but that just makes me a slow learner when it comes to skating. I'm sure I'll get there eventually. And it really is amazing fun and such a life changing activity. Even hubby is now involved. But it really isn't something I can keep doing once I'm PG. I dont' want to risk a fall and losing it now. I only started a year ago, and has been one of my 'well if I'm not PG I'm going to make the most of my pre-kids time" activities. Along with trips to Vegas, lots of nights out and spending money on ME! :)
Some selfishness helps us get through the tough times I think.

had my first bloods/scan today for the FET cycle. Looking good. Still have a huge endo-cyst, but shouldnt' affect FET. And a few follicles on the go - so I seem to be doing ok.

AF was grim - heavy, but brief at least. I spend the whole weekend at a roller derby bootcamp, so the pain of being knocked about hid the cramps!!

I have been going with the selfish school of thought, too. I figure in a year or two's time that I will regret if I don't live it up now. I am not a big drinker but all I could think about during the 2ww was alcohol and caffeine so I have been having a glass of wine more often and i'm loving it. We also did a nice weekend away. Your amusement park trip sounds like fun. I am trying to get my husband to agree to one of those. That is also something you can' do while pregnant.

Glad your AF was brief. Mine hung around like an drunk girl at a frat party!

I really need to try the roller derby. I use to roller skate a ton as a kid and I would love to do something on skates again. Even though the only broken bone I have ever had was a result of roller skating!

Hi Inky.

I just failed my first ICSI. My husband has severe teratozoopermia. I am 34, (35 in August). We had only been trying for a few months & I was using a high tech. fertility monitor & noticed I was ovulating super late - like on the 23rd day of my cycle. Also my cycles ocillated between 25 days up to 31 days. So we went to the fertility doctor & he said this was fixable with a pill, but he wanted to run a gauntlet of tests on both of us...and BOOM....DH had Severe Teratozoopermia..So we jumped from trying naturally to maybe we had a problem that could be fixed with a pill, to ICSI as our only option.

I had to go on the birth control pill for 21 days first and I have gained a LOT of weight on it. (before the pill I had a "good" BMI) Also it made me very grumpy and extremely tired. I thought I had a real shot at a first time go with ICSI. I had 40 follicles (20 in each ovary) and they seemed to be moving along on track. When I woke up from my egg retrieval they had only collected 7 eggs as one of my ovaries was not accessible. Of the seven, 5 were mature, 3 fertilised, 2 were transfered on day 2(a 4 cell and a 5 cell both dubbed "good" but not "excellent"). I had severe cramping for 4 days, and 1 day of bad headaches and then all was mostly normal except for the ambiguous symptoms from the Estrace & Progesterone driving me crazy.

I have my offical pregnancy blood test tomorrow, but I took 2 early detection preggo tests first thing this AM & both came back concretely negative.

I just want to schedule a follow up with our doc ASAP. We are at one of the very best clinics, but like most places, you mainly talk to the nurses & care team & only the doc before & after a cycle. I wonder, does he review all the blood tests & ultra sounds each time? Is it really him increasing or decreasing meds after each test? I am probably paranoid.

Anyway Inky, as far as keeping positive, I have decided to resume my walking regime that I abandoned throughout my first ICSI cycle. Not continuing it was a mistake. I am not going to let these drugs turn me into a complere Umpa Lumpa. I have gained so much weight that the only clothes that fit me are my girlfriend's maternity clothes. I am also going to start hacking away at my to do list, and I may even set some unusual goals, like getting my XMAS shopping done before Halloween this year...I am also going to try to schedule a shared activity with my husband once a week.

Sorry this is so long.

Sukie- I'm so sorry. This whole thing just sucks all around. I agree with chocolatecat that the best thing is to stay active during all of this. It has really helped me. You sound like you have a really well laid out plan!
I am not trying to over commit just indulge and treat myself good! What has helped me is to do a couple of projects and just enjoy myself. My number one secret is a glass of wine and a good book in the sunshine.

Those of you who had BFNs, did your temps return to normal after the 1st AF?
I've posted a new topic, but had no reply:

Sorry, I did not take my temp so I have no idea. I didn't feel any different in that regard though.
Thanks PSP. Was your cycle normal length after the failed IVF?:flower:
hmm, I think so. But I know that can vary from person to person.

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