Support Group failed IVF/ICSI IUI or any failed assisted conceptions 2014

I have another question as well.. I'm sorry for TMI but when I went for my day 2 of IUI yesterday they asked me to empty my bladder before the procedure and when I did, there was suddenly copious CM, was greenish yellowish in colour.. what could that mean? I'm also taking progesterone suppositories (not pessaries). It hasn't happened after that..
Furthermore.. I had around 4 - 5 "good sized" follicles (not VERY good but just good.. around 16 - 17mm..) on one side and two smaller ones on the other side on the day of the HCG shot, i.e. the day after my last Menogon injection (150 units).

There are no issues with DH's sperm count.

Do you think there's a chance I could succeed this month? I've decided to test on the 28th, on my birthday. 14 dpiui would be on the 26th though..
I'm sorry I'm no expert but what I can gather is that your doc is doing two inseminations, yeah with the one IUI?

Maybe it depends on the amount of HCG they give you when you ovulate but as I said above, I thought that was the norm.

I suppose we cannot tell if it will work until it will work, sorry to be blunt, we can only try. Sorry, I've been at this game for a while and I've hardly any emotions left. You just have to try and see if it works. Try and relax and don't stress too much, it'll only upset yourself.
I want to go to my mom's place during the TWW. It's like a 3 hour drive. Would it be safe?
Sarah - with IVF they say to carry on as normal so it's probably the same with IUI. You should be fine to go. Had bit of a crappy night last night. Burst into tears after I smashed a glass and couldn't stop crying. I think OH was bit put out it was his beer festival glass but he wouldn't dare say anything about it! Didn't sleep v well so I took this aft of as flexi. Bit disappointed in myself though as I've cheated on my diet! Had a lovely choccie shortbread and a packet of mini cheddars. Trying to tell myself it's medicinal...Back to the gym tomorrow! Helen, it must have been hard seeing your SIL. At least you've got it over with now which must be bit of a relief. York is lovely and not far from me at all. xx
Lou im sorry you got upset, sometimes its the little things that set it all off. And dont worry about breaking your diet, you need a pick me up every now and again. I hope you enjoyed it :hugs: nice to finish early, i have too. Have had a family visit today to a dad who doesnt believe in play. This poor little girl, her mum has special needs and her dad doesnt want her to have fun. She never went to nursery and now at school she has big problems as she has had no stimulation or experiences to learn. I tried to talk about how he can help and he just didnt want to know :cry: its just not fair :nope::nope:

Never been to york but have thought about going as its not far and quite quick by train!

X x x x x x x X
Hi just wondered how everyone is doing? Is exactly a week til we get our immune and sperm DNA test results. V v nervous.
Hi Lou

Have been thinking of you now its drawing nearer to 30th :hugs: I really hope you get the news you are praying for, whether thats all clear or something shows that can be addressed. Not long now hun :hugs:

I'm doing ok thank you. Busy which I think is good and time ticks along quite quickly. April still seems an age away to get things moving. Think I may give it til February and try my luck :shrug: Fed up of waiting for my life to start :nope:

Hi Helen if you are reading. Sorry that I haven't been on the other thread, not much to report I guess. Hope you are coping ok? Would understand if you weren't though. Thinking of you sweetie :hugs:
Hi all,

Today is my birthday (32) and what am I doing? I'm collecting my period in a cup to send it to Greece. Seriously, you couldn't make this sh*t up LOL.

A friend called with birthday wishes and in the space of that phone call I learned that she was thinking of baby no. 2 (her first is 1 year old, I was with her through first stage labour this time last year) and that two of our other friends are pregnant and due in April. Bleurgh, it's so hard, literally all my friends have got pg in 2010/11.
I say friends but really I've cut myself off seeing them lately, it's not that I don't wish them well but I just feel excluded from this chapter of their lives, DH says we'll get them back and have stuff in common again when their kids are teenagers. I guess need to make some more, new friends in the meantime.
I wish I hadn't had the news today tbh, I had been putting a positive spin on being child free on a birthday.

Lou, are you nervous the results will show something or that there'll be clear and still no answers? I'm not sure what I'm hoping for with my greek tests tbh. Whichever you wish for, I hope it works out for you. Will they not give you the results pre the consult so you can go armed with Q's?

Lolly, I hear you on the fed up on waiting to start life, we feel in limbo too (we'd been planning to move overseas but then infertility hit). There's no harm in trying your luck in February really is there?

Evie, how are you?
Hi Ladies! and Nell I'm fine. AF has started properly with me today too. bleugh is how I feel to that.

I still log on and look on here daily but I've nothing to say really, just waiting really on IVF even though I can't be arsed with it all again. It's just so emotionally demanding after it fails although obviously I hope it doesn't fail but I can't help but think it will and then that's it, childless forever more.
Hi Ladies! and Nell I'm fine. AF has started properly with me today too. bleugh is how I feel to that.

I still log on and look on here daily but I've nothing to say really, just waiting really on IVF even though I can't be arsed with it all again. It's just so emotionally demanding after it fails although obviously I hope it doesn't fail but I can't help but think it will and then that's it, childless forever more.

Hey all
Wallie, I'm exactly the same as you... just waiting, waiting... we were going to have another try in Dec but waiting until January now... I guess it will go quickly enough
Hope everyone is looking after themselves :flower:

Just popped on to say good luck to Lou for tomorrow.

Not been on here much, hubby has been trying to ban me from going on because it was upsetting me too much.

Don't really have much to report, no further forward as to what we do next. Saw a counsellor which helped and I'm just taking it day by day. On a positive note though one of my friends is adopting and just heard she's been matched with an 8 month old and 19 month old. If we were going to adopt that would be just the sort of ages I'd like. So pleased for her.

Hope you are all as well as can be expected :hugs::hugs:

H xx
Hi everyone and thanks for your good luck messages. They wouldn't give us our results before the consult, which is crap. I suppose my biggest worry is not so much the immune stuff, but the sperm dna fragmentation test. If it's bad they could say OH's sperm will never work. What then? Do we give up or try donor sperm? I don't feel all that comfortable with DS, but can't contemplate this being the end either. Maybe i'm just ahead of myself but I can't stop thinking about it. We are also seriously struggling with money at the moment and I just hope they don't say I need lots of expensive medication and drips etc...Oh, I suppose I need to know so should stop moaning! To make matters worse my IC has flaired up bad and I feel like I need to pee all the time!! Helen, I'm glad the counsellor helped. Oh and Lolly, the PM thing was my fault! I'm on my fone at moment and tried to reply but somehow sent the message back duh! Hi to everyone and hope you're all keeping strong in this minefield of pregnancy announcements, esp at
Hi girls, I had a positive on Friday but didn't want to post too much in the last cycle but found out it was a chemical today. Were totally heartbroken and I have to admit a bit drunk now too. I can't believe the jump from elation On friday to comPlete shit today.
Wallie and lou, I think your great and hope everything works out in jan and lou I hope your results help, I so want this to work for you and Helen I've followed you for a while now and I know youre thinking of adopting and I think that's brilliant. I just think its so not fair wHat were all going through. I think of you all so much and it's bizarre because we've never even met! Xx
Sorry azreal I didn't mean tO miss you out. It must be unbelievably hard to have gone through ivf so much. I wish you sO much good luck in jan and I suggest a meet up in s. Australia for all of us :) x
I'm sorry Angie, must be awful for you getting a bfp and then it not sticking. Must be WAY harder than a bfn! :hugs:

What happens now for you, a new fresh cycle sometime?
Sorry azreal I didn't mean tO miss you out. It must be unbelievably hard to have gone through ivf so much. I wish you sO much good luck in jan and I suggest a meet up in s. Australia for all of us :) x

No problem at all Angiemon! So sorry to hear of the chemical. Such a seesaw of emotions! Thank you for the good luck wishes and YES if anyone ever visits Australia be sure to visit us here in good old South Australia - there's always a spare bed :flower:
angiemon - I'm so sorry, I had a chemical with IVF2 and it really really hurt to see those 2 lines and be so close yet still so far ((hugs))

lou - good luck for today, I hope it's all good news.
I'm sorry Angie, must be awful for you getting a bfp and then it not sticking. Must be WAY harder than a bfn! :hugs:

What happens now for you, a new fresh cycle sometime?

Hi Wallie,

Thanks I feel a lot better today but I think sometimes it hits you again in a few days. Probably still a bit numb. Its really hard but I suppose its further than I got before so I have to see the good in that too. I know it didnt stick properly but I did a few things differently. I ate the core of the pineapple for 5 days after ET and I downloaded meditations from a website called Circle and Bloom (its $50 but there is a new track for every other day and I think that really helped too. Just thought for your upcoming cycle, it might help. I also didnt come up baby and bump nearly as much as I have done in the past.
I think we might look in too doing a fresh cycle in Mar/Apr and I want to try and get my OH to go snowboarding. We'll see.....

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