I'm 17DPO, three days late. All of my AF-like cramps have disappeared, though I have been having odd ov-like cramping on and off the last two days.
After lying down for a while my back will be incredibly sore upon standing up. I feel like a stiff old person. Not only does my back hurt, but my back muscles cramp up, and my legs get all stiff.
I've been feeling like I'm running a fever (chills, backache, muscle aches, general discomfort) but my temperature (standing temp, not basal) is normal.
I keep tasting bile in my mouth after eating (acid reflux?), and I'll get that metallic taste in my mouth quite often. I also get incredibly bloated in my lower abdomen after eating, instead of just my stomach.
My boobs are sore, but more unusually they are very full and... well... awesome. I like them like this
I'm very tired and tempted to nap most of the time, even though it's a bright and sunny day and I like being outside.
(TMI WARNING) I got less lotiony CM this cycle post ov. I usually get it a lot and then it dries up and I'm super dry for two days or so until AF arrives. This time instead of getting white it turned clear and watery, and I've had tons of it. It's not stretchy, it's just clear and watery... kinda like a water-based lube.