GP has just phoned, my FS referral has been rejected by the powers that be
It isn't the doctor's fault, he felt really bad and kept apologising

Apparently because of my age we have to of been trying for 2 years and even then because we fell pregnant in September last year I may have to wait for 2 years after our loss which will take us up to 28th October 2012 before I can even be referred and then christ knows how long it will take
He said to keep trying and in all liklihood we will fall pregnant before then. He has asked me to come back in 6 months which will be Christmas week

I don't really see the point in trying tbh as I do think there is something wrong - the fact that I am not ovulating naturally pretty much proves that and although the clomid works I am just worried it is masking something else. Sorry to be so maudlin ladies but I finally though we were getting somewhere and now it has just been snatched away because at 25 the NHS doesn't believe I am a priority for being childless.