~*Team 2012 Baby*~ babies in our arms by the end of 2012!! ~*13 bfps and 3 angels*~

Karenlyn-I did another one at 10pm and I'm convinced it was positive. The one side of the test line was much much darker than the control line, but the other side on the test line was a little lighter. But all 3 I did yesterday got darker and darker. The ones I dud before that hardly had a line so I've convinced myself it was positive. Bd last night anyway! My temps have gone up 2 days in a row now and are now at the coverline so fingers crossed it goes up again tomorrow then I'll know for sure!! Also had creamy ewcm last night again and lots more than normal! Argh! Just wish my body would leave a note saying 'I'm normal again, o'ing today, bd and I'll let you know if it works!' if only things were simple!!
congrats to kmTigg and luckyhug! thats great news i thought we were due some more bfp on team2012 by now! hurrrah they are still coming xx
Ha! That's just to much to ask. :)

When I got my darkest line on a OPK, it looked like that, too, dark on one side, lighter on the other. At the time, I took it as a not-positive (though I THINK we BD'd in time!), but after that my lines faded away into nothing. So maybe that's what a positive can look like with these crappy OPKs? Keep me updated because we seem to be having similar results with these OPKs, and if you ever get a perfect, full line, I'll know to look for that next cycle. :)

Good luck and FX for your O!
Wish I'd bought digi o es to use when I thought I was getting a positive from the cheapies. Think I might invest in one next month if I don't get a bfp!!
does anyone know what is a good price for cheapy opk's? i have never bought online before. recommend a brand?

the ones i get from the shop are £1.99 for 5. they have a green handle but its dark green... not the lime that some have spoke about.

i've read conflicting opinions on whether when one side of the line is darker its pos or not. im sure on peeonastick.com they decided it depends on the brand... even her tap water was showing 2 lines! with the one half of test line lighter. she rang up and they said it means not positive, but on another brand they said it means positive!!

i hate opks sooo unreliable. xx
I paid £9 for 30 opk's and 10 hpt's on eBay. I've now decided that yesterday's opk's were positives coz I just did one now and the test line is barely visible so I'm gonna count yesterday's as positives. :)
Can I join the team? Been a combo of NTNP and TTC for a little under a year, just started really hard ttc!
Hi all!

I am totally in with you!! Me and OH have been trying since may 2009 and no luck yet. So were stepping up our game! Really hoping for a BFP on Saturday as that would make a baby due 3rd march 2012 and that is my birthday! I lost 2 1/2 stone and still losing. I have some early symptoms but don't want to get my hopes up as I have been disappointed so many times!!


Wow, lots of conflicting info about OPKs! Now I'm going to assume that the half-dark half-light test line I got was a positive... so maybe I ovulated this cycle after all, on CD20. I guess I'll find out in a couple of weeks.

I got my OPKs on Amazon, but they're also on eBay. I'm also thinking I'll invest in some digis for next month, just to double-check when I'm Oing. That plus temping should have me covered, I think. :coffee:

Hey Ellie, good luck for your BFP this weekend... come back and let us know how testing goes!
I wish our bodies would give us clearer signals. It's 2011... there should be a better way to tell when you're ovulating! :growlmad: I saw a comment on another thread saying our CM should go all sparkly or something when we ovulate. I would LOVE that!

This is brilliant!!! If only it were that easy:wacko:
"I've got glitter crotch, baby, I'm ready to go!"

It would make life SO much easier... :haha:
^^Haha. Oh yes, could you imagine the looks on other people faces though?! Glitter Crotch! Woo! :haha:
Hi everyone,

I'm really hoping for a summer 2012 baby so please add my name to the list!

Going to give the SMEP a go this month. I've bought Clearblue digital OPKs, got the cough syrup to help with cervical mucus & I'm also going to try Pre-Seed for the first time this month. I'm on CD6 today. This will be our 10th month trying and the docs told me yesterday I am looking at November at earliest to even see the gynae about my bleeding between periods! So FX for our BFP this month!!
Advice please ladies!
Im pretty sure im ov today as my opks have suddenly gone negative after a few days of progressively darker lines. The problem is that we havent had much chance to bd the last few days. We bd tuesday morning and this morning. Do you think we should bd once more tonight for good measure or would twice in one day do more harm than good? Any opinions would be much appreciated! Babydust to all xxx
Kitcatbaby-once more tonight can't harm you but having done it earlier today, the spermies should be inside you anyway. I think I ov'd today to. Opk's were dark yesterday and nothing today. Bd last night but probably do it again tonight to be sure!
Kitcatbaby-once more tonight can't harm you but having done it earlier today, the spermies should be inside you anyway. I think I ov'd today to. Opk's were dark yesterday and nothing today. Bd last night but probably do it again tonight to be sure!

o cool we are cycle buddies =) we can help to get eachother through the dreaded 2ww! How long are your cycles?
ithink you are right will probably dtd again tonight it cant do any harm to get some extra little guys up there lol.
Fxd we both get our bfps this month! How long have you been ttc if you dont mind me asking? Xx
This is my first month ttc and my first month off bcp after 8 years on it!! I'm on cd23 today. Not sure how long my cycles are coz just come off bcp, but if I o'd today I guess it's gonna be 36 days. Was 31 days before I went on bcp so guess it's not that bad. Still new to all this and getting to know my body so hopefully I'll get used to it soon and get a bfp!! I had bad o pains last night and I remember getting them when I was a teenager so I'm convinced I o'd today! Yay, a buddy to go through tww with me!! I'm gonna wait longer than 2 weeks before testing though, maybe an extra 2 or 3 days coz I don't know my cycles. How long have you been ttc? Fx'd for our bfps!!!!
Ha! I found a site which gives me all the ttc abbreviations... Finally I understand all you're saying!! CD17 today and have really sore bb's... So I'm either o now or dpo. My cm is going watery and stretchy too.
This is my first month ttc and my first month off bcp after 8 years on it!! I'm on cd23 today. Not sure how long my cycles are coz just come off bcp, but if I o'd today I guess it's gonna be 36 days. Was 31 days before I went on bcp so guess it's not that bad. Still new to all this and getting to know my body so hopefully I'll get used to it soon and get a bfp!! I had bad o pains last night and I remember getting them when I was a teenager so I'm convinced I o'd today! Yay, a buddy to go through tww with me!! I'm gonna wait longer than 2 weeks before testing though, maybe an extra 2 or 3 days coz I don't know my cycles. How long have you been ttc? Fx'd for our bfps!!!!

This is my 4th cycle ttc, i had the implant removed back in november and have just settled down into a 29 day cycle. This means i do have quite a short luteal phase of 11 days between ov and af arriving so i dont actually have a two week wait lol just an eleven day wait. Its still torture waiting though! I also had ov pains last night so am almost sure im on track. Will definitely be nice to have someone to symptom spot with this 2ww = D xx
Ha! I found a site which gives me all the ttc abbreviations... Finally I understand all you're saying!! CD17 today and have really sore bb's... So I'm either o now or dpo. My cm is going watery and stretchy too.

Hi hun glad you are now able to understand lol all the ttc lingo takes a bit of getting used to. If you are cd17 with sore bbs and ewcm then my guess is that you are ov'ing today =D fxd you get your bfp hun xx

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