~*Team 2012 Baby*~ babies in our arms by the end of 2012!! ~*13 bfps and 3 angels*~

So, I've been having this light cramping feeling this month, along with feeling a bit nauseous, so I decided to test this am... :bfn: :cry: I wasn't really holding my breath for a bfp, but it still sucks seeing that one lonely line. *Sigh*

I knowhow you feel luv! I hope your doc appt goes very well and you get that :bfp:. Last month I was dreading taking a PG test because I didn't want to see that negative. I just try to stay positive ad remain calm so I'm not as stress.
Cara - I decided I will only take a PG test once I' m at least 2 weeks late. I can't stand getting a BFN! It totally discourages me. I prefer waiting for AF...somehow it's better. So sorry for your disappointment. But unless AF comes, don't be too sure. Baby dust to all my ttc friends!
Thanks guys. Counting down the days until we get those test results backs.
Hi there ~ may i join in with the group? :kiss:

I was pregnant with my 1st but m/c 2 weeks ago at 7 week+6 days :cry:. Im ready again to start getting back into the TTC but me and DH are not back to how we fully were before the m/c. He seems to be scared to DTD incase i get pregnant again and we have to go through the heartache of losing the another one. Ive tried talking to him but maybe it will take some time...
Im now using OPK's and trying to work out some kind of cycle. Im getting faint second line so guess my body is doing something :wacko:

Anyway! Reason im here is because I WILL be holding my little baby by the end of 2012 along with the rest of you! YAY! :happydance: xxx
Inoue - Welcome! That must of been very hard. Just keep positive.

Yesterday was at my sister-inlaws 3year old's b-day party. The dreaded question (so...when is it your turn?) came up frequently...argh!! I never get use to that question and I never know what to say. I ussually end up saying, "when I can afford one" What do you gals say to those questions? Any advice?
Inoue - Welcome! That must of been very hard. Just keep positive.

Yesterday was at my sister-inlaws 3year old's b-day party. The dreaded question (so...when is it your turn?) came up frequently...argh!! I never get use to that question and I never know what to say. I ussually end up saying, "when I can afford one" What do you gals say to those questions? Any advice?

Thanks for the welcome! Yeh im keeping PMA, just cannot wait till i do have my first little one :happydance:

I HATE hearing that question "so... when is it your turn?", "are you still trying for a baby?" and "so...any news yet on the baby front?"... NO NO NO NO NO!! :gun:

Family and friends can be your most loved, but bloody nora do they make use feel uncomfortable sometimes! I have to say i agree with what you reply with as an answer. I say with high mortgage and bills rising were kind of NTNP, it will happen when it happens. Just hope they back off with the answer. Most people have shut there mouths now after the mess of the m/c ~ hope it lasts a little longer! [-o<
Hi ladies, Im new to this forum. Really hoping for a 2012 baby. been with my husband 5 1/2 years and married 3 months. we've been TTC for the 3 months.
I read something shocking today!! Saliva kills sperm!! NOOO....! Is this really true?
I read something shocking today!! Saliva kills sperm!! NOOO....! Is this really true?

yes spermies are delicate little fellas and they need a specific ph level in order to survive and swim the huge journey up to meet the egg. I think the main problem with saliva is that it creates a barrier that the sperm cant swim through same as most lubricants do. The best thing for sperm is ewcm or watery cm they can live in that for up to 5 days. Xx
Trying not to symptom spot... but last night at 7dpo I had a small bit of bright red blood in my CM. Mind you, not much at all, but some. Last month at 10dpo I had a small amount of brown blood in my CM. So I'm more than willing to admit that it may be nothing, but the fact that it was a different color and it came earlier I want to let myself feel some hope.

Either way, when I go on vacation in a week I'm going to have to take both feminine products and a test as I'm supposed to start AF the first day we're on vacation. :dohh: Silly body. Doesn't my body know vacation is for running around on the beach in a bathing suit? Not sitting on the couch cursing the world.

Anyways, still hopeful for my 2012 baby and am keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks to my new symptom the husband creature is disinclined to have sex as if there is anything going on he doesn't want to disturb it. :dohh: I tried to tell him it doesn't work that way.
Righty, AF gone, on the climb to O day now... Strangest AF I've had in a while - spotted for ages before she came full on (sorry for the TMI!) but never mind... she's gone now..

CD7 today.. anyone else at a similar point in their cycle?

Inoue - Welcome! That must of been very hard. Just keep positive.

Yesterday was at my sister-inlaws 3year old's b-day party. The dreaded question (so...when is it your turn?) came up frequently...argh!! I never get use to that question and I never know what to say. I ussually end up saying, "when I can afford one" What do you gals say to those questions? Any advice?

Ohhh yes I know that question all too well!!!

My answers range from

"when you stop hassling me about it" if I'm grumpy
to "when I'm more settled in at work, noes not good for my career" or "Christ we've just moved house not for ages".

Interestingly although people ask they all seem to think
I have more than enough on my plate to be trying as well - of only they knew hey!! X
Trying not to symptom spot... but last night at 7dpo I had a small bit of bright red blood in my CM. Mind you, not much at all, but some. Last month at 10dpo I had a small amount of brown blood in my CM. So I'm more than willing to admit that it may be nothing, but the fact that it was a different color and it came earlier I want to let myself feel some hope.

Either way, when I go on vacation in a week I'm going to have to take both feminine products and a test as I'm supposed to start AF the first day we're on vacation. :dohh: Silly body. Doesn't my body know vacation is for running around on the beach in a bathing suit? Not sitting on the couch cursing the world.

Anyways, still hopeful for my 2012 baby and am keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks to my new symptom the husband creature is disinclined to have sex as if there is anything going on he doesn't want to disturb it. :dohh: I tried to tell him it doesn't work that way.

i am due on this week im on holiday too ! I didnt bring test cos my oh wud think me crazy and i even forgot my diary so dont know what cycle day im on. :doh: i know im due on either tomorrow or tues but i cant test till wed so... Wish me luck! Fingers crossed for u too i hope af stays away on ur hols. Just put swimsuit on anyway i am lol.xx
Any others close to testing time in team 2012? Xx i seem to be out of tune with everyones cycles.. :(

I'd love to join Team 2012 - how fabulous to have a Year of the Dragon baby!

I'm on the first serious month of TTC, and due to test Tuesday (always assuming no AF tomorrow - hope hope!)

Argh. So I am trying to be patient and wait for the 7th, but I cannnn'ttt!!! I wanna know what is going on, like.. yesterday! Although I heard that a SA takes about 2 weeks to complete, I am glad we got it done when we did. That means next Tues the results will be in and the Dr appointment is that Thursday.

Welcome LaVerne!!

Fx'd TheAnie & Josephine! :dust: that the :witch: stays in hiding and a :bfp: comes out to play! :D :haha:
hi ladies, im in! :)
on to our 3rd cycle TTC, have been NTNP for over a year now.. really want that 2012 BFP!
I would  to join the team 2012 baby! I'm 27 yo, my DP is 29 yo and this is our first cycle of TTC  have been bbt'ing and doing OPK's and I'm on my cd16 today and think I still might be waiting to ov even though I had pos OPK's on cd12 & 13... Little confused on that one does anyone know if that's normal? My temps have been low all month and today and yesterday went high for me, 36.3 when im normally around 35.9, so hoping it's the same tomorrow as according to fertility friend that is my peak if it stays up at 36.3 for at least 3 days... But I still haven't had any EWCM so maybe not... I came off implanon April 29, my last cycle was 40 days and didn't have ov pains until cd22 last time, but this time had ov pains cd10 & 11... Oh so lost 
Hey ladies! How is everyone? I'm getting close to Oing and hd EWCM a few days ago so I'm thinking I'm around my fertile time. Will test with an OPK later this evening. Wis me luck. The sooner O comes and goes the sooner I can relax :haha:
All the best to everyone ~ seems like everyones O is coming at the same time! How wonderfull! :happydance:

My OPK's are coming up stark white (1 line) so guessing ive missed my ov or my body didnt produce eggy after m/c. Anyway! Keep doing OPK's daily, maybe get AF soon (i hope) :coffee:

Make sure you ladies get alot of :sex: in over the next few days!! :kiss:

PS: Where can i get my glittery "Team 2012 baby" from :blush:

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