Hi Ladies
I was finally discharged from the hospital today...what a frightening week it's been! I am finding it difficult to walk right now as my wound is healing - they had to make an 8" incision, but they did an amazing job with the stiches, I should hardly have a scar. I will be off work for the next month to recover. Baby has been so quiet this last 12 days, and I'm sure a lot of it is because I've been on morphine the whole time. I am so happy to be back home. The cyst had bled so badly it started to make my organs toxic, and whilst they cleaned up as much of the blood as possible, there was still some left behind which is making my kidneys sore. But the pain is nothing compared to what I've been though! The most frightening moment was when we were in A&E, and about to go into surgery, and the pediatrician said to us that if our baby was born premature that evening, they would probably have to resuccitate him since his lungs wouldn't be developed enough, and if they weren't able to being him back within 15-30mins, he would die. Half the time I couldn't understand all of the doctors cause they're all talking in Chinese whilst I was in pain, and Ryan can't speak any chinese at all. This morning I finished my medication to stop the contractions, so hopefully it should be smooth sailing from now on. I just wanted to thank you for all of your kind words and prayers which I have read... I feel so lucky to have had so much support...and I'm so glad to be back!!