Aw, it's so great to be chatting with you ladies again!
2016, I was told the morphine shouldn't have any long term effects on baby, it has just made him very sedated the last week. At the minute I'm just taking oral morphine before bed so that I can sleep, but I'm going to try tonight without it. You're absolutely right that the pain triggering labour is far more serious than taking the morphine itself.
Since they did not cut into the womb, I should still be able to have a vag delivery, though if I have a C-section, they would just cut into the wound that I already have. I think I would like to deliver naturally as long as there is minimal risk of having an emergency C-section, otherwise I would elect to have a C-section. The thought of any more emergency or stress in the delivery really upsets me, so I just want to make sure things go as smoothly as possible!
MM - after I give the C-section/natural delivery option some thought, I might ask you for some advice on C-sections if you don't mind!
Devi - those are such gorgeous pics!!! And your hubby looks so unbelieveably happy too! Did you get any fab gifts? was your party at home?
Britt - when do you get confirmation on whether you will be accepted for IVF in Oct?
Hibiscus - congrats on reaching the 3rd tri!!! woohoo!!!
Nicole - I haven't heard from you in ages, it's so wonderful to see you back on the thread!! How has your pregnancy been going?
GG - good luck with your interview on the 13th!!
Aurora - I can't believe how close you are now, you must be so excited!!
Tink - Happy birthday to Finlay