Team Jelly Belly!!!

Yeah I am Creamy/ slightly watery creamy if that makes sense. I am trying not to stress but it is hard to feel like I might have another problem cycle. And not sleeping well does not help me to not stress.
Shame Sara. Perhaps it is because you are taking your temps vaginally?

The faint BFPs were both very easy to see and both of them were a light pink. This brand cost twice as much as the one that came back negative but I am more interested in seeing the one that gave me a negative go positive then get another positive from the first one. Gosh that was a tongue twister!!!

It would seem we are all riding quite the emotional rollercoaster. Weird temps, AF and dodgy BFPs.

We all need some good luck to make us happy, FX we don't have to wait much longer.
Hello Ladies, nothing much going on here. I have this weird feeling in my breast, not really painful but an odd sensation. I have been exhausted by the time I walked throught the door the last week and counting. I'm not sure what to think. I'm trying to get enough rest one night to see if I can kick it. That's about it.

1stbaby, so sorry :witch: got you today. It is good that your body is working itself out and on to a longer lp and :bfp: next cycle.

Debs, I know this must be driving you crazy if it's driving me crazy. :bfp: :bfn: :bfp: :bfn: back and forth. Are you going to try again tomorrow?

Gabs, OMG that looks like such an implantation dip. I have my FX for you that it is and your :bfp:

Srm, I think you O'd. If this is the first time you temp'd vaginally you don't have anything to compare it too. Even though it wouldn't be an exact match it would defiinetly give you somethin to work with. Enjoy the 2WW!!!
I am hoping my temps are weird just because I am taking it vaginally. Only time will tell though. I really felt like we had done it this month for some reason. So I think that is why I feel so upset.
Srm..yeah i know what you goes up tomorrow!

Debs..i am too temping vaginally ...they say its more accurate but wouldnt you think if there is wet cm ..that it would be werid!

Yeah Debs..i agree its kinda crazy for us all right now....:(.....PMA everyone..we are doing the best we can!:) WE will get PREGGO, just it's not in our hands on when..:) I will say a prayer for each and everyone of you !:)

Debs..hun if the very expensive tests are positve then i would totally be happy! I wouldnt worry about the negative one! I think you should go out and buy a clearblue digi..and see what that says!
Thanks you guys have made me feel a little more hopeful about Oing and I do feel a little less stressed.

So like i said i've been kinda constipated the last two days...but i am sometimes in general...well TODAY is soo bad..its so annoying i cant go to the bathroom..and when i try nothing but a rabbit drop, and spots of blood!>>>>OMG SO SORRY IF ITS TOO MUCH..hehe i had to tell you. I work in healthcare so nothing bother me, sometimes i get out of hand...anyways..this better be a symptoms or i need some stool softener. LMAO you actually read yes i drink TONS of water! All day long...? OH well only time will tell.:)
Just got a text from JAI JAI....she tested this still no sign of it, 1 day late! Pray for her it was just to soon! :)........FINGERS CROSSED!!!
I remember the constipation when I was preggo, I remember baking bran muffins for the first time in years to try and help the situation and eating tons of prunes. Definitely could be a sign.

Bugger about Jai-Jai's BFN, FX it is too soon.
Hey girls,
Went to my doctors appointment friday. Gave me a pregnancy test and it was negative. Have blood test today since still no AF.. praying for good news!! Happy Monday!
Sounds like it may be too soon for Jai. FX for her!!!

Gabs, hopefully that constipation gets better. Try some prunes like Debs did.

Waiting2bmommy, I hope the blood test comes back +! Good Luck and let us know!
So DH and I have decided this is the last month temping and using opks. The only time i got pg was when i wasnt even thinking about it and thats how we are going to do it again. i am not even going to count days, try not to at least. I am such an anal person, and when i want something i want it now and i want to do everything to the best it can be done, and god is telling me that this is out of my control and i should just be patient. The only reason i am doing those things this month though is to make sure i have charted at least two good months and i get the hang of things and to make sure everything is working right, plus i have the blood test anyway so i have to know what days i am on and i want to be able to tell her when i think i ov. Dr said i am too young to be obsessing and worrying like i am. I dont really agree, but i think i need to relax more. This was only my 2nd try after losing my first and i should calm down. She said not to worry till at least a year. Its so hard for me because all my friends are pg, i think thats what hurts the most, but when it happens for me, it will be my time. Then DH promised if we are not pg we are going away for a long long weekend for vacation just us somewhere away at the end of Jan.
That sounds like a good idea, 1st baby. My OH says this stresses me out at times, but it's hard knowing what you know and not trying to maximize your chances. Hopefully by going the relaxed, natural route you'll get your :bfp: in no time.
Good luck 1stbaby, hope the stress free plan works for you.

By looking at my charts do you gals really think I Oed? Can it be possible to have fluctuating temps from month to month? Meaning can one month my temps be around 98.0 after O and then another month take a few days to get up to 98.0? If I did O when FF says then I do not think I caught the egg. I have lost my PMA about a :bfp: but am hopeful that if I am not PG then the :witch: will be on time.
grrr......i have ewcm here and there..i get this about one or two days before af.....I know shes not due for awhile..but i just feel like if i am seeing ewcm now.....that im not pg! gosh its soo can i keep getting ewcm? .....although i did read that you can see ewcm about a week after o...which i am.....gosh i hate

SOrry bout the vant..just all of a sudden dont feel pregnant!:(
If my temp is down tomorrow..that whats going on?????tear
remember girls that some people feel like they are not pg and it turns out to be a symptom! PMA! good luck.
increase of CM can be a sign of pregnancy! Fingers crossed Gabrielle!

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