Team Jelly Belly!!!

Hello ladies,

Thank you all so much for the words of comfort. Definitely made me feel better :) I didn't drown my sorrows in wine but i did better. 2 new handbags and a new jacket later I'm as happy as a clam. LOL! Retail therapy is always the way to go for me.

1stbaby, am sorry she got you too. Actually am planning the same thing, no more opks or charting for me it's too much pressure. I'm just going to let it go this month. I can foresee another problem already, DH is goin to be travelling for work a lot and by the looks of it, will not be around for the next window of baby dancing. Therefore, might not be much hope for me next month either.

Oh well, i'll continue to follow everyone else's progress, and hopefully, will be able to see your :bfp:

:hugs: love you all!!
you never know, when you stress less you may ov a diff day, thats a great idea, just let it go this cycle and bd every chance!
Good Morning ladies! How are we all today?

Ms Twiggy~ so glad you went and treated yourself...glad you bought lots, because next shopping will be for that lil bean that will be in your belly.;) HUGS

!st baby~ I think you are doing the right thing by taking the relaxed approach....i know its hard but usually in the end is WAY better news! YOu as well...go treat yourself to something nice...i say a massage!:) HOpe af isnt too terrible. HUGS are you today? Did you POAS ? Please dear lord if Debs had POAS....LET IT BE POSITIVE>....PUt her and us out of misery!..She's a wonderful, strong women, and just wants to teach these things to a beautiful baby!...Amen.:) HUGS.

Jai Jai....WE MISS YOU DEARLY!!!!! I hope and pray that your POAS today was POSITVE!:) We are all thinking of you. HUGS

SRM.....DID FF give you an O date yet? I hope so!! HUGS

Nlytin..ONLY 4MORE days..eek! Where are those symptoms girl...are you not sharing them with us???..hehe .....HUGS

Sarah! ..your moive comes out in three days...HOPE you like it..i personally need to look into that as well!:)....Take care babe, i miss you. HUGS

Rhonda~..oh goodness...i was rereading this and thought omg...i forgot someone! SO SORRY!....HOw are you feeling...? So excitied for you to see your lil bean in two days!:) Is hubby going with you?

And for me.....Well, my temp went up today! I hope and pray that it was Implantation yesterday but im not going to get too excitied. I have to admit the last two night i was in bed by 9pm.....and wanted to go to bed by 730pm! Thats not like me...SO TIRED! Fingers crossed its a good sign!
Yeah a massage sounds soo good! DH is going to take me somewhere nice in January, we think we decided Great Wolf Lodge, they have a spa and he agreed to get a massage with me plus its in my hometown which is less than an hour away. We will be going at the end of Jan though, so until then, its work work work. At least there is Thanksgiving and Christmas before that, so we get a nice break for a minute this month, then another next month, and then we are taking a vacation. Right now we are just paying bills and saving money for Christmas though, so anything for me has to wait. On a positive note, now this cycle i can go back to temping at 7 instead of 6!

Your temp looks good GABS! I hope that was implantation as well!

Gabby that little note was adorable and I am so excited about your temps. Wow! Definitely looks like implantation and spot on the right date :happydance: :wohoo:

Glad to hear our AF girls are treating themselves and a PMA plan is in place :)

Has anyone had a text from Jai-Jai today to know if she POAS and what it was?

As for me what a nighmare, this is my past few days:

I POAS at 11DPO and got a faint :bfp:.
Rushed off to get a blood test and it came back :bfn:

POAS on Monday 13DPO and got another faint :bfp:
then I POAdifferentS and got a :bfn:

POAS on Today 14DPO and got another faint :bfp:
then I POAdifferentS and got a :bfn:

Fertility specialist said it was too soon to test, he has told me to do another blood test on Thursday 16DPO at the earliest.

I must say though that I am getting a feeling like :witch: is only a few days away, gosh I wish I could just know either way.

FS said that the progesterone won't keep :witch: at bay if she really decides she is going to arrive and I must say I don't quite understand that, perhaps he has put me on an extremely low dosage, very confusing but glad to hear that I won't be putting off the inevitable if she is going to come I don't want to start next cycle any later then I have to.
Hi Ladies, Still tired and boobs are having that strange throbbing they were having the other day.

Gabs, that sure looks like implatation to me. When do you plan on testing?

Debs, What's the word?

Sarah, I have to admit with non-stop advertising and the talk here in the group it makes me want to check out the movie. If I don't I know I will at least by it on DVD when it's released!

MsTwiggy, Isn't retail therapy the best! I have a handbag and shoe fetish myself. Glad you enjoyed yourself!
Good Morning ladies! How are we all today?

Ms Twiggy~ so glad you went and treated yourself...glad you bought lots, because next shopping will be for that lil bean that will be in your belly.;) HUGS

!st baby~ I think you are doing the right thing by taking the relaxed approach....i know its hard but usually in the end is WAY better news! YOu as well...go treat yourself to something nice...i say a massage!:) HOpe af isnt too terrible. HUGS are you today? Did you POAS ? Please dear lord if Debs had POAS....LET IT BE POSITIVE>....PUt her and us out of misery!..She's a wonderful, strong women, and just wants to teach these things to a beautiful baby!...Amen.:) HUGS.

Jai Jai....WE MISS YOU DEARLY!!!!! I hope and pray that your POAS today was POSITVE!:) We are all thinking of you. HUGS

SRM.....DID FF give you an O date yet? I hope so!! HUGS

Nlytin..ONLY 4MORE days..eek! Where are those symptoms girl...are you not sharing them with us???..hehe .....HUGS

Sarah! ..your moive comes out in three days...HOPE you like it..i personally need to look into that as well!:)....Take care babe, i miss you. HUGS

Rhonda~..oh goodness...i was rereading this and thought omg...i forgot someone! SO SORRY!....HOw are you feeling...? So excitied for you to see your lil bean in two days!:) Is hubby going with you?

And for me.....Well, my temp went up today! I hope and pray that it was Implantation yesterday but im not going to get too excitied. I have to admit the last two night i was in bed by 9pm.....and wanted to go to bed by 730pm! Thats not like me...SO TIRED! Fingers crossed its a good sign!

It's ok hun...I am feeling crappy today, as I have for most of this pregnancy so far. Not sick really just off and down in the dumps a lot, pissed at most everyone I work with because they want me to work and I don't want too!!! :rofl: I have zero motivation and am feeling very lazy, I hate it! Also having the most off the wall dreams and horrible ones at that where people in my family had died. :cry: Then another dream last night that I found out dh only had "boy sperm" :rofl: and I wanted a girl so badly that I went and slept with a co-worker, that didn't work out too well, going to spare you all those details!!! But now I can't even face him today!! :hissy: Stop the ride I want to get off!!!!

only 2 more days till my scan!!! :yipee:
Well good news and bad news. Good news is that my son slept from 6 P.M. last night until 6:45 A.M. this morning and I slept all night too. Bad news is that my temp went way way way down to 97.34 and FF took my O day away. It is weird because I have been having these weird crampy feelings on Thursday (the Day FF said I Oed) friday (the day my temp went up, Sat Sunday not so much and yesterday and now my temp dropped Do not know what is going on. So confused but still so glad to have slept all night I can not be in too bad of a mood. Glad your temp went back up Gabs.
Just an FYI Gabby I got a :bfp: just 3 days after implantation with a FRER!!
Ah Rhonda, Sorry hun. Bad dreams suck, especially when they involve work collegues.
Yikes and they you say they are really vivid, hopefully this will pass quickly.
You are over half way through your first trimester so not too much longer and then you are into the good stuff.

Nlytin, sore boobs :) Excellent sign.
Debs....OMG i cant believe those test??! GRR thats annoying!!!!!.....i THink its a bfp though...:) fingers crossed!

Rhonda~ sorry your feeling so lousy...tbh i'd take that any second.:) At least your get to see the lill bean whose making you so tired and everything will be good!:)

Nlytin..sore boobs good sign! .....when are you testing??? idk when im going too....i want to like friday but i dont think im pg this cp is kinda low..:(
Good Morning ladies! How are we all today?

Ms Twiggy~ so glad you went and treated yourself...glad you bought lots, because next shopping will be for that lil bean that will be in your belly.;) HUGS

!st baby~ I think you are doing the right thing by taking the relaxed approach....i know its hard but usually in the end is WAY better news! YOu as well...go treat yourself to something nice...i say a massage!:) HOpe af isnt too terrible. HUGS are you today? Did you POAS ? Please dear lord if Debs had POAS....LET IT BE POSITIVE>....PUt her and us out of misery!..She's a wonderful, strong women, and just wants to teach these things to a beautiful baby!...Amen.:) HUGS.

Jai Jai....WE MISS YOU DEARLY!!!!! I hope and pray that your POAS today was POSITVE!:) We are all thinking of you. HUGS

SRM.....DID FF give you an O date yet? I hope so!! HUGS

Nlytin..ONLY 4MORE days..eek! Where are those symptoms girl...are you not sharing them with us???..hehe .....HUGS

Sarah! ..your moive comes out in three days...HOPE you like it..i personally need to look into that as well!:)....Take care babe, i miss you. HUGS

Rhonda~..oh goodness...i was rereading this and thought omg...i forgot someone! SO SORRY!....HOw are you feeling...? So excitied for you to see your lil bean in two days!:) Is hubby going with you?

And for me.....Well, my temp went up today! I hope and pray that it was Implantation yesterday but im not going to get too excitied. I have to admit the last two night i was in bed by 9pm.....and wanted to go to bed by 730pm! Thats not like me...SO TIRED! Fingers crossed its a good sign!

It's ok hun...I am feeling crappy today, as I have for most of this pregnancy so far. Not sick really just off and down in the dumps a lot, pissed at most everyone I work with because they want me to work and I don't want too!!! :rofl: I have zero motivation and am feeling very lazy, I hate it! Also having the most off the wall dreams and horrible ones at that where people in my family had died. :cry: Then another dream last night that I found out dh only had "boy sperm" :rofl: and I wanted a girl so badly that I went and slept with a co-worker, that didn't work out too well, going to spare you all those details!!! But now I can't even face him today!! :hissy: Stop the ride I want to get off!!!!

only 2 more days till my scan!!! :yipee:

I'm not sure if that dream about sleeping with your co-worker was not meant to be funny but I couldn't help but laugh. The good thing was it's a dream and nothing more. I'm sure we have all had a dream about a co-worker at one point. Hopefully you can get off at the next stop. Can't wait to see your little bean! Let the countdown begin!
OH Rhonda...btw....i had very bad vivid dreams with my last pregnancy...i swore someone was in our house..i kept waking hubby up to was soooo bad! i never slept! so sorry! i know how you feel.....and i didnt know at the time that it was cause i was preggo!

Do you still have your ff chart? can i take a peak?
Debs, I don't know why these tests are messing with you but you can not get all those positives and not be pregnant. Come on 16 DPO hurry up and get here.
R- love your dream it made me laugh so hard. So excited for your scan.
Nlytin- When are you going to test? Your chart looks good and sore boobies re good
Nlytin its ok it is kind of funny! I have been having very vivid dreams since before I got my :bfp: just within the last week or so they have been very bad vivid dreams though.

Just reading through my last post, did you happen to notice how all over the place I am? What an emotional roller coaster I am!!! :rofl:

srm0421 glad you finally got a good nights sleep! I bet you feel amazing today!

Debs still thinking your :bfp: is real!!! Did you check online to see how much HCG each brand measures? Every test is different!

They are so going to fire me today I can't get off bnb! :rofl:
Ohh gotta run to the loo....again!
R- I feel good about sleeping great but sad and confused about my temp and it seeming that I did not O, I really wanted my cycle to be some what normal and now it seems I might have a problem. I can still O today if my temp goes back up high tomorrow which would make it CD22 I have had quite a few with that O day so maybe I am getting back on track. I did :sex: last night and will tonight just to cover tracks.
srm0421 do you use OPKs?? I don't know much about temping but your big dip today could mean your going to ov soon, maybe tomorrow? Get busy :sex: girl!!!
Ok so in my other thread in 1st trimester everyone knows everyone by first name and that is how we all talk, just dawned on me that I only know 2-3 of your real names...anyone want to share? Most of you all know but just in case I am Rhonda.
I am Sara, nice to meet you Rhonda I only knew to call you R because of the other girls, otherwise I would have referred to your screen name.

No I do not use OPKs, I have never had this problem before, once my temps rise to 97.9 I Oed end of story no other confusion though last cycle was so out of whack I do not know what normal is anymore.
My name is Lea. Nice to meet you Rhonda and Sara, :)

Sara, I agree with Rhonda, I think you migh O tomorrow. Maybe try giving the OPKs a shot, they might help you pinpoint O better. I don't know if you mentioned it before but how long are your cycles?

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