Team Jelly Belly!!!

Aw Gabby! I could cry. Thanks hunny. You have made me feel so much better.
You are such a fabulous, fantastic friend :hug:
The test was qualitative BetaHCG so I hope you are right and they just weren't able to find the tiny bit that was there.
Last time around I was doing my temps and I saw the implantation dip at 8DPO and I got a positive blood test at 12DPO but this time around I have no idea what my temps are, and therefore when implantation would have been. What a bug!

I am so happy for you about your temps rising and you timed your bding just right, so you are all set for your bfp this month.

I hope my storey hasn't put anyone off from testing,
when are you girls going to start?
Oh Debs! I'm so sorry hun, but in all honesty I still do think you are pregnant!! I have seen way to many cases where this same thing has happened and the girls were all still pregnant! They say blood test pick up HCG levels sooner but I just don't feel thats right, not from everything I've heard. I got a pretty nice :bfp: just 3 days after my implantation so test again tomorrow morning and we will see. Your chart looks picture perfect for pregnancy, dip and all so I don't see how you can't be! I feel you have a little :baby: growing nicely inside you right now!!! I can't wait for that stronger darker :bfp: girl! :hugs:
Oh and no I haven't told the rest of my family yet, as long as everything goes well on Thursday and we see the heartbeat we have decided to tell the rest of our family. But holding out a little longer to tell work, not ready for that just yet :rofl: going to hold out as long as I can!!
Great to hear from you R! Let us know how telling your family goes, that should be a wonderful time! I cant wait to do that!

Debs dont lose hope, i am afraid if someone loses hope we are all going to be down! Its still possible!

Well Gabs my temp went down, yet again. NO AF YET! I am getting mad, because i know i am going to start now so where is she! I am just ready to start next cycle even though today is only cd 27, thats how long last months was, so I am expecting her anytime. I have had cramps on and off since yesterday! I am really getting down though because i took a hpt a dr and it was neg, now i know af is due because of temps so i know i dont have a chance, but i keep going back and forth, like maybe my temps are crazy, i just want to be pg!

My dr kinda made me mad yesterday though, she said dont worry, youre too young to worry and everything is fine. I was like ughh how do you figure everything is fine when my lp is only 7 to 9 days, thats not fine. She didnt reply, like she thought i didnt know what i was talking about. I just thought it would be easier to get pg after getting pg the first time. I know its only my 2nd cycle trying but i wanted it so bad this month and now I am depressed. The dr even said she didnt know how much of a proven fact the progestrone would help but it couldnt hurt, like i was crazy and she was giving me something to shut me up. uhhh i am rambling sorry. just down in the dumps today
Debs, I really hope the test was wrong. I had a blood test done before I was pregnant with my son. I got a light positive on an HPT. I went into the doctors and while I was not trying at the time specifically I was really excited. The nurse came out and said nope you are not pregnant. I started crying right then and there. I had to wait for my ride to pick me up and while I was waiting the nurse came running out looking for me to tell me that the test took a little while to show it was positive. With a qualitative test the lab could test for a high HCG before they consider it positive. Some labs determine anything over 5 a positive while others say anything over 10,15, or even 25. I hope your levels were just not detected by their test and a stronger :bfp: is in for you.

Everyone else I hope all is going well.
Nothing new to report here just moving into our new house so I have not been online until now. I did not get a good temp because my son was nervous about his new room and I do not know when I went to sleep but I woke up at 2:30. Don't know when I went back to sleep but woke up at almost 6 and got a temp of 97.97 so I put that in. Tomorrows temp will be the deciding factor if i oed, i hope i did because have not had the chance to :sex: in the past 2 days.
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all the great support. I am going to hope that I was just too quick off the mark. FS has told me to wait until Friday before I do another blood test.
Oh well, if it isn't this month then we will just have to try again next month.

How are you all doing today?

1stBaby, my first gynea I went to last year when we started trying was the same as your doctor, she also said because I wasn't in my thirties yet I really had no need to worry, silly cow. And now look I am going to be thirty in January and who knows if I will be pregnant by then. I changed gyneas, if this doctor isn't prepared to understand your need to be a mother and doesn't understand that it is their responsibility to help you achieve this then maybe you should ask around if there is someone else you can go to.
The one thing I can say is that you will only be able to start taking the progesterone tablets after you have your CD21 test, otherwise you will obviously get a false reading.

Sara, how are you enjoying the new house? I hope your son settles into his new bedroom.

Rhonda, Thursdays just a heartbeat away!!!! I hope you will post a picture of your little bean.

Sarah, have you been to see your movie yet or is it next weekend?

Nlytin and MsTwiggy are you two still holding out until Monday or have you POAS?

Jai-Jai, we miss you. I hope you settle into your new place and set up your computer room soon!!!

Mel if you read this we are waiting for you when ever you are ready to come and join us.
AF came today. :cry: I did not expect her to come two days early.
I was hoping she wouldn't show up at all.

Literally in tears as I type this :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Good luck to the rest of you ladies :cry:
what a gloomy gloomy day. it's even raining out, matches how i feel inside.


why is AF so awful, throwing false symptoms here and there :cry:

sorry girls, dont mean to bring the rain clouds over on our thread. i just needed to share my sadness.
Ah msTwiggy I am sending you a giant big :hug:

AF is a witch! We have Team Jelly Belly, so no matter what we will all hang together.

Go get yourself a bar of chocolate and a glass of wine and endulge in all the things you won't be allowed when you are preggas.
I will probably be joining you soon ms twiggy, af is a cow and she is playing mean mean tricks on me. My temp went up today, WTF! sorry but thats how i feel idk what to think now. i was only out because of my temps, but now they went up some. i got af last cycle at this temp on this exact cd, so that may be a clue :witch: is on her way, but i have never seen it go back up like that.
How exciting 1stBaby, I look forward to seeing what your temp does tomorrow.
That dip at 10DPO could be implantation. FX your temps keep going up :)
I know, i just feel like tomorrow is so far away! I still have c cm, yesterday was just a little compaired to the days before being sooo much. But i know i get a little right before af, its all running together now, i am getting so confused haha. I didnt know that my temps could keep going down down down and still have an implantation dip. i keep thinking i have af cramps but then i realize its in my thighs , this is so weird to me. I keep sneezing too.
hey ladies...hope were all doing well.

Ms. so sorry the wicked witch got you!!:(...dont give up babe! are you today..did you test again?

1st baby...soo excitied about the temps! Hope your bfp comes in no time!:)

Jai jai texted me...she hasnt tested yet...and no af(due today) Fingers crossed for her!:)

Im at work today..::( sorry this is short..take a look at my temp shot up today...does this mean anything at all..? ...cp is really soft today..eek!
AF came today. :cry: I did not expect her to come two days early.
I was hoping she wouldn't show up at all.

Literally in tears as I type this :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Good luck to the rest of you ladies :cry:

:cry: Oh mstwiggy I am sooo sorry hun. :cry: I thought for sure you were in this month. I'm sorry babe!! Sending you lots of :hugs: as I know how awful it feels when :witch: arrives unexpectedly. but Debs is right you are still staying here with us no matter what!! And just think you still have 1 more chance at getting your Christmas baby!! :hugs:

Debs have you poas lately? I am dying over here, please do one for me tomorrow morning!!

1st baby way to go on the temp rise!!! Hopefully will be good news for you, what DPO are you at? When do you plan on poas?

Anyone heard from Gabby today??

Some news on Jai_Jai, she will be away from us for atleast another 2 weeks if not more :cry: Her broadband will not be hooked up for another 16-17 days so we will wait patiently. I know she's still having symptoms but has not poas yet. I will let you know if I hear otherwise.

Yes I know 4 more days I am getting excited!! If I get a pic of my little bean I will most definately post it for you all to see.

Love you all!:hugs:
Oh no, Jai-Jai won't have internet access for 2 weeks. That is aweful. Thanks Gabby and Rhonda for keeping us posted. Do you know if she is going to POAS tomorrow?

I gave today a skip since I didn't feel anything would have changed yet from yesterday but I did sneek out the house and buy a couple more tests to keep me busy until I go for my final blood test on Friday. This waiting game sucks and my 2ww has just turned into a 3ww.

Who is testing tomorrow? Nlytin? 1stBaby?

Gabby and Sarah you two ovulated late, do you know when are you going to test?
I am going to wait and test until Tuesday now, and then again if no af on Friday. I dont know when af is due now, she technically is due tomorrow if this is a 28 day cycle no matter when i oved *like last month*, if I have a 14 day lp like i am supposed to af is not due until Thursday making it a 32 day cycle, which is long for me. Either way my lp is getting longer and that gives me hope, unless i am pg and then i dont care what my lp is!!!!!!!!!!! I have searched FF for charts that are like mine, and good news is there are lots of people who are pg and their temps go down anyway! I hope this is the case. Still having lots of c cm today too! O and i am only 10 dpo according to ff.
Mrs. Twiggy- So sorry the :witch: got you. I hope she leaves quickly so you can get started again.
Debs- Glad to hear you are still positive even if the :witch: shows up (really hope she doesn't though). I am supposedly 3 DPO today so my test day is tues the 25th.
R- can not wait to see the picture of your bean, have fun. My son has gotten used to sleeping with someone and it is a new house so he was nervous his first night but slept in until almost 8 (he usually wakes up at 6:30). Last night he stayed at my moms so we could get work done today. Thanks for asking.
Gabby- how are you feeling. FF put me at 3 DPO today so hope we get :bfp: s together. when are you testing?
1st baby- really hoping your temps stay up. crossing fingers for you.

I am really mad that I did not get a good nights sleep last night either. I went with the temp that was closest to my waking time. I did take my temp at 1 something this morning and I went to sleep before 9:30 last night so I had enough sleep and it was 98.14 but this morning it was 97.99 so I used that one because I did not want to throw off my temps too much. But now my temps look slow rising and I am not sure if that is because I am taking them vaginally this month instead of orally but I thought they would be similar temps just slightly higher doing it vaginally. Oh well I am still on the wait and see plan and it sucks. :rofl: Hope everyone else is doing well. I have a math finaly today so I will only sporadically be checking back.
Hello Ladie, I see so much has happened. Nothing to report over here. I bought some ICs on Friday and waiting for them to come before I begin the POAS journey. No since in wasting a :bfn: on a CB digi.

Debs, I'm sorry to hear about the Neg Blood test results. I hope Friday will bring you that :bfp:. I'm glad you are staying positive either way.

Ms Twiggy, sorry :witch: got you, it sucks when she surprises you and comes early like that. On the bright side you can start a brand new cycle to get your :bfp:!

1stbaby, I was so happy for you when I saw that your temp went up. Maybe :witch: is not on her way after all. Even if she, like you said your lp is longer.

R, please post pics of your little sticky bean! Can't wait!

Thanks for keeping us up to date on Jai. I'm glad the :witch: has not come for her.

Srm, that plan is the worst, but hopefully you will be able to get a good temp tomorrow and you can have a better idea of what is going on.
Nlytin- Thanks I am hoping tomorrow I will have slept good and get a good idea about if I did O and even though it might not tell me when it will give me a good idea. I doubt I caught the egg anyways if I did O when FF says because we did not get any :sex: in that day. We did the night before and I did not move and stayed elevated so if by some miracle we caught the egg then that is why. You are still early so hopefully when your ICs come in it will be a good time to get a :bfp: I do not know when I will start to test.
Hey y'all! I'm about to start my 3rd paper of the day, but I just wanted to pop in and say hi!!

Deb, don't give up hope hun...those qualitative tests are soooo funky and totally depend on the hormone level they trace...which I thought was pretty much 25 most places. Something I learned on was that HPTs often times can trace lower amounts of hCG than they say, but just dont claim to because they don't want to say for sure that they detect such low levels. Good Luck! I hope you get your BFP

MsTwiggy, I'm sorry that AF got you...that really stinks! Baby Dust for next month!!

1stbaby, I hope you figure out what is going on with your LP! But, if your LP is only 7 days, then you didn't ovulate by 7 days ago anyways, so maybe that's why you haven't gotten a BFP yet! Anywho, Good Luck!!

R, I'm so glad that you're doing well

Srm, you're not sleeping well? Insomnia was the first sign of pregnancy for me!

Nyltin, Good Luck!! I hope that you get your BFP this month!!

Gabby, I haven't seen your chart yet today...but I'm thinking you probably O'd later than you originally thought. I hope that you and your OH got to BD as much as possible over your Oing time!!

As for me, I'm still definitely 1000% waiting to husband and I keep talking about how sweet it would be to have a sibling for Michael, but I just don't think I'd be able to handle I'm just going to wait a bit longer =). Maybe we'll start trying in March or something, since the hard part of my last semester will be over with!! I guess we'll see =).

OHHH!...who is going to see Twilight this friday? ME ME ME!! I'm so excited! Anyone else?

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