Team Jelly Belly!!!

MT I'm so sorry hun, my thoughts and prayers are with you right now :hugs:

It is that way here in the US too, doctors will not even listen to your problems until you've been ttc for a year without any luck. It is sick, a year is a very very long time, especially for someone who wants a child so badly...its wrong I agree!

Well I have a doctors appt at 10 this morning so I'll be back on later, hope you all have a good day today! :hugs:
Mel, I'm sorry to hear that. You are in my prayers.

Rhonda, that was a great story! You must have some really nice co-workers.

I don't understand the year wait. If a two people are relatively healthy and aren't getting pregnant within 3-6 months a doctor should want their patient to be in the know about what could be wrong or just to know that everything is ok. Hell, if nothing else just to ease their minds!
Mel - big hugs honey - I'm sorry about your lady. I hope you're ok.

Mel and Sarah - good luck with the BDing - we're just getting started.. :)

Aw, thanks guys about the mean doctor! It was what I knew already, nothing till 1 year or 18 months (eek!) I would totally lie and say it was longer, but I guess it's on my records when my coil came out, so no chance!
I'm feeling pretty chilled out about it all this month, I keep forgetting to take my temps! I think in a way that's a good sign. And I'm only on bnb to see you guys are ok.

Hope all the sick babies and mummies are feeling better??

How's the snow R?

Jenna - where are the FRER on offer? I should stock up!

Debs :hug: hope you're ok

Hey girls. Had a long meeting at work today..Blah...but was nice to get out of the house. Owen is feeling better and Gavin just had the yucky cold. On the plus side its 50's degrees here which is awesome!:)

I know here in the US its a year before doctors will do anything. But i think you just need to find the right doctor. When we were trying to get pregnant the second time i wasnt having any luck. I saw my doc a few times and at 5months of ttc she gave me clomid!!!:) I think I have a very good doc(somedays yes i know i get annoyed with her staff......think b/c i'm a nurse myself.) Anyways if you can build a good relationship with your doctor and they understand you, i think you two can make an agreement.....or i just have an awesome doc!:)

Mel....I didn't quite understand....your mother or your grandma? Either one of course I'm so sorry and you are in my and your family. Take care and hang in there.

Debs.....Hope your doing okay!
Ladies, I just want to report that I'm sorry I've not been posting on here, but I'm very sad. My old lady is in hospice and is taking her last breaths now. I'll try to get back on soon, but I just haven't been very well.

Debs...hun, we are worried sweetheart, please tell us what's going on :hugs:

Oh mel :hug: prayers bein sent!
hello luvs, hope you're all doing great. i'm still having awful MS, on the contrary of getting better, mine seems to be peaking up. gosh.

i think it's pretty much the same everywhere, here it's also the 1 year wait, doctors tell you o try for a year then come back if nothing happens. Although just like Gabby, I was lucky to have a wonderful doctor who told us to come back after 6 months of no luck.

I waited a little more, and got my BFP after about 9 mths of TTC :)

So I believe there are good doctors out there, it's just the problem of seeking them out
Hello all. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes...I feel I can explain now-This lady is a family friend that I helped care for. She's 84, has diabetes, agressive lung cancer and heart disease. We knew it was soon, but this was a shock, it was sudden. She is still breathing and they say it might be up to 3 days more! Poor thing, I just don't want this to drag on for her.

OK, so I have been feeling low about my latest ttc crapola and I have wanted a pet for so long, something to cuddle. I am on an awesome all natural supplement that helps my allergies and now I can be around animals again! So, I got a cat from the humane society! She's so pretty. I have to download my pictures and attach them. I've semi-obligated myself to create a journal, but I'm just not ready to tonight. So for now, unfortunately...(hehe) you gals will have to put up with my ramblings :D the TTC world, how do you get your eggy to stick around? I know I've had a chemical, and this is the second. I need them to stick!

Well this is an update, she passed away in the middle of the night :sad2: At least she's not suffering. :hug: to all....
Awe Mel I'm so sorry sweetie for your loss. But you know she's in a better place and not suffering. I'm sure she is blessed to have someone like you take care of her. Take care sweetie.

Before I became a nurse i use to do in home care and i LOVED it so much and even worked in a nursing home.......but i got attached to everyone and their families....

I had this one lady she was 96 years old, a widow and never could have children and wanted them badly. Well she had a few nieces but that was about it. I started taking care of her as an aid when i was 17. Everyday we talked and hung out and even when i had off i would come and visit with her. One thing she always said to everyone is....."do it like Gabby"...meaning put her brief(diaper) on the way i did it was the cutest thing! no one ever could make it nice and high and tight like i did! hehe. Well i ended up leaving about 2years later b/c i was busy with the family and school. But i still went once every two weeks to visit. I'd bring Owen with and take her for walks with him outside and we even took pictures.:) we were like her daughter and grandson. She loved it!:) Well i got pregnant with Gavin and started going only when i could..about once a month. She was so excited that i was having another and said i hope its your little girl!:) hehe. I went back about a month later and she had broken her wasnt walking very good and things like that. Caregivers were telling me this so i spoke to her and told her she can't give up walking yet! your 98years old and still walk lady!!!! hehe. Well I got a call saying she was indeed walking again........bless.

About a month went by and I was going to go and visit her but decided not to b/c it was hubbies birthday. So i didnt go. I went about a week later and when i walked in....staff started crying...................She had passed away...:(:(:(

They said they tried to call me but my number had been changed(which it had.) I was devasted. Apparently she got a bad infection and just went down hill. She laid in bed for 5days straight before she died. They told me that she kept asking where i was and if i was coming.....and i didnt come:(. .......Only to find out she died on the DAY that i was all ready to go visit...but didnt because it was hubbies birthday. :(

Well so sorry for my long story. but i thought it would be nice to share. I will always keep Claira in my heart. She was a dear friend and i truly know i made her smile. :)

Heres a pic of Claira, Owen and I....:cry:


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Should mention......I STILL go and visit the people that are left there and its so nice to see that some of them remember me.....although alot pass away or start getting forgetful....hehe very cute.
Mel, I'm sorry to hear about your family friend. I'm sure she was very grateful to have your love and support towards the end of her life.
Hi Girls,

Sorry I have been away for so long, I haven't read any of the posts yet, I am going to go and do that right now.

In the mean time I thought I would just let you know that I have been on quite the emotional rollercoaster.

I knew I was out but must admit that I held onto a 10% chance of hope that grew bit by bit when AF was still not here last night and my FS made me do a blood test, needless to say half an hour after doing the blood test I saw a tiny drop of blood and at 1 AM she arrived bags in hand ready to make a week of it!

Emotionally I am just so warn out but you know how this all goes, we have to put our happy face on and try, try and try again.

I have been scheduled for surgery under anesthetic to have a Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy on Thursday 12th March 2009. He will be checking absolutely everything, from Endo, possible scaring from my previous ops (this is my main concern), blocked tubes, ovaries etc. At least by the end of next week I will have a better idea what is going on but on the down side it means I am going to have to sit this month out.

Okay I am off to catch up on what you girls have been up to.

I love and missed you all.

Big hugs,
Oh Debs I am so sorry babe!!! GIANT :hugs: i can't imagine all you've been through! We love you too and are all here for you sweetie. i actually had a dream that we met last night and we were instantly best buds :) I hope all goes well with your surgery and they find the cause so you can stop wondering. XO

Gabby what a sweet story, I'm sorry you lost you lady friend too MT but just think how special you made their lives and she left happy. She's no longer suffering and is watching you from up above, and when you do finally get pregnant hun know that she is up above watching over your baby until its in your arms. I bet you get your bfp this month...just watch! :hugs:

Liyana I'm sorry your still getting sick, you can't have too much more of it I wouldn't think you start your 2nd tri that went fast! I can't believe how fast time is flying by...I'm going to be 24 weeks tomorrow, holy!! And my baby will be viable :happydance: I start 3rd tri in 2 weeks!! eeee!!! That can't be right, it is but wow!!

I'm home today decided to take a vacation day, there isn't much to do at work right now so I'd rather be here...there is always tons to do here. I'm patiently waiting for the UPS truck to show up with my baby's bedding...ok not really patiently I keep looking out the window every 2 minutes :rofl: Oh and good news on the name front I think we are making progress!!! I have decided on her name and "think" I have convinced DH of it. I keep calling my belly Kaiya and he used to get mad but he doesn't anymore, and last night I said I was going to name her and he said ok but only if I get to pick the middle name. :happydance: So pretty sure her name is going to be Kaiya!! Don't know what the middle name will be yet but the 2 contenders are Brynn and Ashlyn. DH said Brynn is his first choice and Ashlyn his second, of course mine are the opposite, Ashlyn is def my first, but I guess he gets to pick :dohh: If it were up to me she'd be Kaiya Ashlyn...what do you guys think????
Just finished reading.

Gabby, how are you doing sweetie? I hope you are getting the rest your doctor has prescribed you. I get so worried when you say you are bleeding. How are your little boys? Are they getting better?

Sara, not too long now and you are going to be :sex: like mad :rof: hope you get that eggie :sperm:

Rhonda, I am so sorry about all that snowy weather. Please feel free to tell it to come to SA for our winter, we have only ever had snow where I live 3 or 4 times and then it was more sleat!

Jenna, you are so cute offering to work out a payment plan for the FRERs. I was half tempted but I think my days of HPTs are over. Next time around I am going to do my best to wait until I am 2 days late and then just do a blood test. I am tired of waisting all that money and having my heart broken by BFN after BFN. How is your little babba? What are you thinking this week, girl or boy?

Lea, gosh your scan is just around the corner. I hope you get an excllent shot so we can all guess. Is this pregnancy like you last one or does it feel different?

Mel, so sorry about your family friend. I am glad she didn't have to suffer at the end.

Liyana, so sorry about the morning sickness. Hopefully this will be your last week of it.
Looking forward to seeing your scan next week.

Sarah sweetie, it looks like I will probably be joining you with TTC in May. I hope you are getting ready.

Caroline, so sorry that your doctors is going to make you wait but it the same thing here is SA, you have to try on your own for a year. Mel and I know what it is like, I hope you get your BFP before you year is over.

Michelle, so glad your body is bouncing back and you have ovulated. FX this is it.

Girls it is time for some good news.
Who is going to post a BFP, come on we need some inspiration.
Gabby, that was such a sweet story. You and MT are angels to give of your heart and time like that.

Debs, I'm so sorry for the :witch: arriving. You deserve your :bfp: and I hope with all that your dr. has planned it will help you get there the next time you try. :hugs::hugs::hugs: Both pregnancies felt the same but I am a more tired this go around which probably has to do with running after a 3 yr old and working full time. Love you and Miss you!

Rhonda, both are pretty but I like Kaiya Brynn.

It's funny Rhonda is entering 3rd tri in 2 weeks and I'm entering 2nd tri in about 2 wks. How exciting!
gals first of all i am hoping this will post since i am doing it from my phone. debs so sorry af found you. i hope may is a good month for you. mel so sorry for your loss. hugs to you and your family. rhonda hope the bedding arrived. gabs lovely story such a warm heart you have. as for me i dont know what is going on since my temps are headed in the up position but i had light lines a few days ago on the opk and now i have no lines. i guess a few more days of temping will help. i can log onto ff from my phone ok but bnb is difficult. i do not know if it will be anytime soon that i will be able to fix my computer but i will try to log on here at least once a day. love you all.
First off, thank you all for your supportive words! I've really been a mess with my recent crappy AF and Janets hospital stays, now this...what a rough 3 weeks it's been!! I'm actually pulled together more right now. And the things you've said have helped a lot, and Gab...I really appreciated your story as well...interesting how similar it is to mine!! TBH Janet was the only one who I talked to about my struggles TTC and she is the only one who knew that we were actively trying, and boy was she rooting for us 201% :!: I had always hoped that I'd be able to share the joys of pregnancy with her as she wasn't able to have children herself due to fertility issues but tried everything and even had an IUI back in the 40s, got pregnant long enough to tell her beloved MIL before she passed, then unfortunately lost the pregnancy due to stress (surrounding the death of her MIL) and complications. She never got pregnant again after that. I so had hoped to tell her that I was expecting before she passed, but instead I whispered to her yesterday that next time I see her I will have little ones at my side. :sad2:

"Janet, you were loved by many and will be missed immensely."
big massive :hug: to you Mel. I'm so sorry for your loss. Gabby you're a saint to be be so sweet to the little old ladies. I'm sure everyone of them counts their blesssings that you're in their lives.

Debs honey, I'm soo sorry it's not happened this month. :hug: I'm glad your doctors are taking good care of you.

R - did you get your bedding?? I got the verbaudet catalog through today - it's sooo sweet and full of lovely things. I just need a baby so I can go on a shopping spree!

Sara I hope you're BDing is going well. We just started this month. A bit later then normal to try and keep the stamina going, as I've ovulated later then I've expected other months.

Liyanna - sorry the MS is so bad. poor you.

Lea - you're able to edit the calendar - you need to login to do it, clicking the link just shows you the calendar - it's a bit annoying, I'm goign to try and work it out. but go to: and login and add what you like. or you can ask me to do stuff. But I'm so busy I'm not on bnb that often at the moment. mind you PMs get sent to my email.
Oops I forgot to say about me!

I went to the doctors again yesterday for a smear and for her to check my cervix. She said it looks healthy and fine and no errosion. So she had a think and said she'd send me for a scan to check for a polyps. I'm really pleased she's taking me seriously, that bleeding and spotting for 2 weeks is not good.
I'd kind of hoped it was errossion as it wouldn't be a TTC problem, where as polyps can stop you get PG - but I think they can be sorted. Anyway, I should get a internal scan in 2-4 weeks. So I'm happy with my Drs I guess she's doing what she can!

Feeling chilled about TTC this month. I think my BnB obssession has gone and I've got lots of things going on this month, so I'm not thinking about TTC all the time.

Fx that will help!
right HUGE catch up :rofl:

Mel - so sorry about Janet, i know how painful it is and hope that all sorts itself out!! she prob has gone straight to heaven and had a rnat with the one in charge to send u a :bfp: soon!!! :D

Gabs - what a lovely story!! how r u?? bleeding stopped, anymore update? how are Gavin and Owen? better I hope?

Rhonda - did ur beding arrive? eeeek!!! How is ur weekend going? u know I love Kaiya Ashlynn, but maybe u have to compromise....:hissy: I think I have choice over the girls name and Jos over boys so I hope girl but i think boy!! only 4 weeks and 5 days til we find out :dance:

Caroline - I am glad ur DR is doing something :wohoo: will make u relax, FRER is BOGOF in Boots on hpt and OPK - go stock up!!!

Debs - just reitterate what said in ur journo :hugs: love u

Sara - Hope the OV happens soon, how confusing - just keep :sex: like mad!! ;)

Lea - glad ur ok and enjoyin this preg - it does get better in a few wks i promise :D

Liyana - hope ur feeling ok and not to busy!!

Michelle - FX this is ur month :dust:

as for me work is busy uni is busier and there are not enough hrs in the day and i miss u! i am hating pretendng not to be preg at work and constantly worry about what i am wearing etc etc and i am gettin bigger by the second i think, slept in tl 10am this morn and still in bed after eating a seeded bagel with marmalade mmmmmmmm got lots of tidying and cleaning to do and uni work :grr: but thats fine-ish!! I also was naughty and bought a doppler will collect it off my Mum today as had it delivered to hers and she is out atm and i am desperate to try it :D hope everyone is doing well :hugs:

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