Team Jelly Belly!!!

Hello! I'm finally back! I can focus again! Yay!
First of all, I wanted to address everyone individually, but I just can't-I'm glad everyone seems ok, but Gabs I'm sorry about your situation, it's true-they should be taking care of you! And Rhonda, NO, you're not allowed to get sick again!!! I think the room will be absolutely adorable, can't wait to see it! L-I loved the little Dot scan!!
Oh, and I've also voted! :)

This time change has me all goofey, but I think I'll catch up now that I can relax and I don't have all this stress. Things have been very busy with me and I am surprised I've been remembering to temp!! One thing that I know has helped me is taking my supplements regularly, physically I feel wonderful, and even have lots of energy! I love this stuff and I wish everyone could take it!! (I've decided that it's also what is helping my cm, lets hope it brings on some EWCM too!)

On the TTC front we've decided to (try to) BD only every other day (we'll see if we can help ourselves...:blush: ). I don't think it matters that much because I can get pregnant, it just doesn't want to stick. I just thought maybe the :spermy: would be stronger and maybe make for a strong zygote to implant solidly...I'm dreaming, I know. Anyone have any ideas that make the egg stick?? I've heard to take asprin, but I really don't know if I want to do that. I suppose I'll google it.

Oh, and Sara-hope you are :sex: as much as possible to catch that egg! Hope you have good cm! :rofl:

:hug: everyone!
Hey Mel! Glad your doing better!:) I know you could get progestrone to help thicken your lining to make bean hang on........correct me if i'm wrong. Sorry i'm not to good in the ttc department with the extra stuff. And yes i know tons of women take aspirin.....why don't you want to do that? I take aspirin for other reasons everyday and my doctor is fine with it.

Rhonda~hope your feeling alittle better! I can't wait to see pics of the room!!!!:) HOw exciting! Oh btw Brayen is ADORABLE! I have a pic of owen kissing my belly when pregnant with Gavin too cute!:)

Lyiana~ how is the m/s this week? Dot is adorable!!!!:) Can't wait to find out that it's your little man! fingers crossed!!!:)

Debs.....Sweetie i know your surgery is tomorrow and i just wanted to say Good luck and that I hope everything goes smoothly. You will be in my prayers for a nice easy recovery and on the road to a sticky BFP!!!:)

Ash~good to hear from you! Glad things are going well. I"m jealous of your weight loss..that's awesome!!!

Lea~ How are you doing? Sorry when is your next scan?

Jenna~ i want another belly shot b/c i'm assuming you are growing!:)

Michelle~ any verdict how are things looking? FIngers crossed sweetie!

Caroline~ where are you in your cycle? I see you've been busy.

As for me.....Still dealing with Gavin's cold and bloody nose..and of course i haven't called the doctor yet. I think its just he's got cuts inside his nose so i'm trying to not clean it out so much and be as gentle as i can..:(. And hubby is at work and well i was at work last night so haven't gotten a chance to talk to him . He is seeing the chiropactor twice a week and icing his back every two hours. THANK GOD he is funtional on his own! Gosh Monday was like having three kids, i even had to dress him on tuesday for work ! ......he is a baby when he does get sick or hurt...specially b/c it doesnt happen often. :)

And OMG OMG OMG I had a dream last night about my new baby finally!!!!!! my dream it was a GIRL!!!!!!!!! I have been dying to dream about baby to see what dreams said boy or girl.......obviously i know it doesnt mean much but still hoping. In my dream i went for a scan and they i thought FOR SURE it was a boy...and she goes NOPE you've got a little girl in there...............AHHHHHHHHHH I WISH THIS DREAM WOULD COME TRUE!!!

So I'm soooooo tempted to find out what the sex is but i will have to face reality then if there isn't my little princess...its such a big decision lately for me. If i didnt get scans alot i could wait but i doubt I'll be able to hold out! hehe

Miss you all!:)
Oh my I forgot Sara.....I'm sorry my dear! What's the verdict? do you think you o'd? Btw opks would be almost positve for me....then no line....then a week later and SUPER dark line. My cycles varied so opks were fustrating for me...and expensive!!!!!! Good luck hunnie i hope you got that egg!!!!!!!
Hi girls.
R - that picture is sooo lovely. :) Made my day!

Debs good luck tomorrow. :hug:

G - hope the boys are feeling better. x

Mel - wow, wish we had your BDing problem! I love my husband, but man every day is waaaay too much for me! Good luck with the new approach. I think asprin is really safe to take, so if you want to give it a try it won't do any harm. Although I don't know about whether it works for this or not. want me to do the science detective bit?

L - wow, that scan is from outside? awesome!

S hope you got your eggy xxx

Based on past cycles I should ovulated today - so going to do the BDing tonight. But I've got hardly and CM, so I'm not sure. Will opk when I get home. I've had lines the last couple of days but no positives. I'm not really banking on much happening this month. going to see what my scans says, but I think I can't get pregnant at the minute - but it'd be nice to be proved wrong.

Still busy - but yep - have to check in with my girls.
We're sharing bumps in my August Mommies i took some pics a minute ago...and thought of course i better share with my best friends.:):hug:\

btw.....Stretch marks are from just Owen(1st baby) they are just big right now b/c i'm preggers...hehe


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Gabby!! Love Love Love your belly!! Its definately growin :happydance: with a baby girl inside!!!! Don't worry I have loads of stretchmarks from Brayden too...part of becoming a mom I think. And just a note about find out vs not finding out the sex...if it is a boy (which its not) wouldn't you want time to adjust to it and not find out at birth? I'm glad I found out ahead of time with Brayden, it gave me time to adjust that I was having a boy (cause I wanted him to be a girl so bad, lol) And if it is a girl you have sooooo much to buy! I am still shocked at how much I have to buy, thank goodness I got all the big stuff in netural colors, but the little stuff really adds up let me tell you!

Glad you all liked that pic, Brayden is ALWAYS coming over to me and just lifting my shirt up saying "kiss the baby" thank god he hasn't done it in public :rofl: he lifts it up as high as he can, oh god bless him though! LOL

Thank you all for voting, seems that we are tied at the moment, guess that means that either name will be a winner. I also did a poll on ingender and Kaiya Ashlyn is winning on there :happydance:
Gab! Your little person is growing a lot!! I love your belly pics :) Rhonda, I forgot to mention how sweet I thought your pic was too, and you look lovely!!
Caroline...the BDing is, well, :blush: not usually for me.......:rofl: I wish I wanted it more!! :rofl: (Oh, I'd be in so much trouble if he knew I said that.....hehehe) You're welcome to be a scientist and let me know if you get any conclusive info :D I have read very mixed reviews and also that it doesn't really increase chances or solidify implantation. Who knows........ ???

I like Kaiya's more unique than Brynn.............
I like Kaiya's more unique than Brynn.............

Thanks hun I think it flows better with our last name too, Kaiya Ashlyn McDonald. But that's just me :D I "tried" suggesting to DH today that we tell family and friends the name and that way they could help us with the middle name and he said NO WAY! :dohh: So I guess its up to him now :cry: but I'm not done fighting!! :rofl:
Lol R your too funny. I would go with Kaiya Ashlyn as well!:) Flows good.:) How exciting!

In regards to finding out.....yes indeed I think it would be good to know so i can BUY stuff it that is the case........but idk b/c its our last baby it kinda makes me sad and think i should just wait. But oh gosh i would be SOOOOOOO friggin excitied, blessed, happy! if it is indeed a girl!

Thanks for the comments girls.:)
Good Morning Ladies,

You certainly can join Honey.............Welcome!

Mel, Good luck withe BDing every other day. I hope you catch that egg. I have never heard of using aspirin so I don't know, but if it's safe what could it hurt. You're trying to make a baby.

Gabs, Look at that belly it's beautiful. I wish I had a belly like that. I think you were small to begin with so it shows beautifully on you. Me not so much until later. I have gotten bigger but not where you can see a clear bump. BTW, my next scan is a week from today, the 19th.

Rhonda, I love that your DH has given you so much input on the name. When I was pregnant with DD every name he shot down and no suggestions of his own. When we finally got to Zoe I didn't dare change. He was such a pain in the butt for that.

Caroline, Good Luck tonight and the next couple of nights. FX

I got stretch marks with Zoe. I thought I was in the clear because It didn't happen until my 8 month (I guess that's how much belly fat I already had:rofl:). Stretch marks are hereditary, if your mom got them then so will you.
Rhonda, I love that your DH has given you so much input on the name. When I was pregnant with DD every name he shot down and no suggestions of his own. When we finally got to Zoe I didn't dare change. He was such a pain in the butt for that.

Oh I never said he gave any suggestions :rofl: he did exactly what your DH did and just shot everything down that I suggested, getting him to look in the baby name book was like pulling teeth. He's been a massive pain in the butt!! I got mad a few weeks ago and was like I've had it, you don't put any time into looking for a name, you keep saying you'll get to it but you don't so I'm going to name her and you'll just have to like it! So he said well I get to pick the middle name then :dohh:
Hey girls! I'm at work today...just sitting at the computer doing orders and stuff...just to make some money.HOW BORING!! I could never do a sit down job.

Anyways..I started spotting again last night and then it got alittle worse today even though all i've been doing is just sitting.AH!!! I also have some tummy pains down low...feels like a cramp that is continous! GRR
so called the dr.and played phone tag. They said actually that I had a scan just two weeks ago so they didnt feel the need to do one yet? wtf? But i'm suppose to leave work(they dont know i'm just sitting all day ) but to leave and then go in for fetal heart tones. I'm going at 415. I think it's ridculous that they dont want to scan but whatever i guess...what do you all think?
I'm just again fed up with all this crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for my rant. ..all done.:)
:rofl: at Gabby....sorry its not funny but your little rant was cute :) I don't blame you for being upset, but is too many u/s bad for the baby?? I don't know just wondering? You do have one next week any way right?? Or is it the week after that?
Honey, hello again-I've seen you here before! :dance: Tell us a little bit about yourself, what you'd like to be called (most Jellies use their real names) and maybe even a pic of you and your OH-most of us have shared that too, if you look back you'll see us! :)
I was invited to the Jelly Bellies a few weeks back because all of my cycle buddies except for one (1stbaby) had gotten their :bfp:s and I had nowhere to go. Jelly bellies are of all stages as you'll see. Hope you like it here with us! :hug:
Lol its okay to laugh at me.....hehe

Um Nope u/s are totally fine. Member starting 3rd trimester I get em once a week. Anyways I was suppose to schedule one for next week but she just saw that i had one two weeks ago and she doesnt want to check the placenta untill 4weeks has passed b/c she said there is no change. ...Now i know the bleeding is probably due to the previa like every other time...but it still worries me ya know! Specailly b/c i have this stupid pain.
I didnt mention the pain to them but will at the appt b/c tyenol hasnt helped it at all. So we'll see.
GRRRRRRRR AF is on her way!!!!!!!!! DAMNIT.. I HATE YOU AF.... I am crampin and spottin and can just feel it MF'er GRR.. I am on CD 25 so she will be here in the AM which is only one day earlier than before i had my loss... I was on 27-28 day cycles.. Which i guess is good my periods are back on tract.. Goin to take Vitext next cycle to lenghten my LP.. Will see how that goes then might bring in PRESEED the followin month... I will catch up with you guys later i am at work just needed to vent!
:hugs: awww Gabs try not to worry!! hope all is going well at ur apt, guess u'll be there soon!! I will post my belly over the weekend :D

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