Team Jelly Belly!!!

Aw, that video was so cute! Thats hilarious too! I am sorry about your friend. I keep telling my friends who pop up pg the names not to use, they respect it so far. I have not had that happen, but I would be so mad if it did. I dont really have any good advice that will make it better, but be excited youre having a girl! My friend is in labor as I sit here and type, she is going to be a St. Patrick day baby. I am going there later tonight after its all said and done. I am jealous, and we are falling out, but I am too good a person to not go. I am too nice sometimes. She has not been there for me at all in my good times and bad, so I feel a little anger towards her. O well, I have to put on a happy face. My boss just told me not to get pg since my coworker is pg. Since there are only two supervisors myself and her, my boss said to wait three months so we are not on maternity at the same time. grrr it would be hilarious if it happened now though. but i guess we are going to wait three months so that it doesnt. :(
Ash I wouldn't listen to your boss...if you don't want to wait 3 months than I say don't, he'll just have to deal, he can't control your life, I mean what if you already are?! Things just happen sometimes :) If I were you I'd keep doing what I was doing and if it happened so be it! :hugs:
Rhonda that was so funny :rofl: and then Jenna's reaction to your voice.......:rofl: silly Jelly bellies! :D

Well I was at the hospital all afternoon because my very good friend had her baby girl today......(weird that Ashley's friend/frienemy had hers too.....)
She's adorable and I'm so elated for them!! I think the doctors thought I was her sister because I look more like her than her real sisters. Ha. Well that's my news for the day. I'm happy, now I have a brand new baby to dode over! I'm sure the jealousy will creep up, but for now, it's just pure excitement and happiness that everything went well!
You guys I'm feeling so depressed right now. My good friend (who lives right down the road from me and is also preg, 2 weeks behind me) just told me what she's going to name her little boy, Brody :cry: and all I want to do is cry my eyes out. That's what I was going to name this one if she had been a boy, I LOVE that name and think it would have sounded so cute with Brayden. :cry: But now that she took it I will never have it. I'm so upset...and I'm not even having a boy! But I wanted to have one after this one and that is what I was going to name him :cry: well that's out the window now :cry: I am so terrible!! :hissy: and these damn hormones aren't helping me any! Thanks for letting me vent girls. :sad2:

All I can say is I completely the last 6 years I've had friends have baby after baby and siblings for those babies. I've lost numerous names, middle names and so forth...but one way to look at it is that the name Brody might become the next 'Aiden' or 'Emma'* and you'd want something more unique for your next little guy. :hugs:

*My point isn't that these names aren't nice, it's that they were voted most popular in 2007 and top 10 in 2008. (And a great friend of mine had both an Emma and Aiden :rofl: )
Hey now!!! I like the name Adien!!! hehe.....Thinking of either Adien, Jack, Seth, or lucas for this one....haha if it's a boy.

sorry I"ve been MIA!!!!!!!! I can't find team jelly belly untill like page 5 and thought ok they havent typed anything????? So i finally said theres no way and opened it and sure enough 3whole pages missing me! hehe.

I'm doing good and Gavin's nose seems to be better so i"m holding off on the blood tests..b/c i'm SURE he's fine!:) Owens still sick but to be expected. He has the really high fevers and were on day 6 of this........hopefully soon.....but he's drinking enough and resting so tahts great!
I'm off bedrest b/c i'm done bleeding so thats great! Just back to pelvic rest! I took the boys to the zoo today!! Its 72 degrees here!!!!!!!! IT was nice we only stayed for 2 hours b/c Owen needs to rest but can't keep him inside all day on a day like this. :)

Rhonda~ Brayden is adorable..and haha your hubby seems so serious on my hubby! haha. I like Brody but hey the next one maybe a girl so who knows! haha

Jenna.....BUMP PIC please!!!!!!!!!!!

Lea...Great taht you get to stay home..its wonderful isn't it?!

Debs~glad all is going well with you. I have stage one as well...we found that out b/c i was constantly bleeding after i had owen and having bad abdominal pain. I've been lasered 3times.....:( But so far it's been so much better. You will get your baby now!! God can't make you wait any longer!:) Keep resting babe!

Mel~ awe a new baby girl. How fun...I'm sure its hard but your such a sweet person that when you hold that baby all you can do is smile and feel happy for your friends.:) Soon it will be your turn

Ashley~ I disagree with your boss.....!!!No waiting unless thats what you want! you keep doing what your doing and if it happens now it was meant to be!:)

Sara~ I miss yoU!!!!! Are you pg or what?????

Michelle~ so did af offically arrive...:( I hope not! but then again a BFP or af would be better then limbo!

Well have a good rest of your day girls! Miss you all!
My frienemy lol thats a great word! I am going to the hospital around 7. she is not even halfway there yet. I hope nothin is wrong, she may have to have a c sec, who knows, but either way yeah she will be born today. i agree, we are not going to stop doing what we are doing because i dont want to stop, and i feel like if it was meant to be at the same time that would be great and hilarious at the same time. which would leave my boss hurting but still funny. i love my boss to death, she is funny and super nice, she was joking about it, but at the same time she would be left with so much to do if that happened so there is some truth, but i dont care hehe.
:rofl: I knew I'd get in trouble putting Aiden in my last post. I adore the name Emma too! So, again, I was just stating the fact that the names were popular. :blush:
Thank you Gabs and it's great to hear that things are so good, aside from Owen still being a little sick...and you aren't bleeding anymore, that's fab!! :hugs: And I appreciate what you said as well...I hope I get to hold my own baby one day....:sad2:

Ash-Sweetie, I'm so hoping you don't have to wait another 3 months...I want nature to take its course NOW! :D And you are so sweet to go and support her, no matter what. :hugs:
Oh, and I think we need a Seth!! :D But you know you might have a little girl in there....
Good morning everyone, love to you all! :hugs:

Aww Michelle I'm sorry hun...this isn't right, its been months now since a Jelly Belly girl has gotten pregnant, time to break the cycle...who's going to do it? Sara?? Isn't it about testing time for you hun....where are you :cry: we miss you terribly!!! Are you unable to get online through your phone anymore?

So last night was good, I finished making DH's frosting and put his cake together, I got a quick little video of Brayden helping daddy blow out the candles on his cake if anyone wants to watch it I think this link should work...

I also took some pics of him eating it I'll have to upload those later. I decided to tell Tim that for his birthday I decided I was going to do the stay at home thing, he was very happy. I really think it will be something I'll have to get used to but all the little signs are pointing me in that direction so I guess I'm going to go for it. I got more sleep last night than I did the night before so I'm a little more awake but still not 100%...I think I may end up asking my OB for sleeping pills again, I had to at the end with Brayden because I wasn't sleeping at all. Its getting harder and my feet are starting to hurt more, I still have 14 more weeks, this little girl is going to be huge I fear!

How adorable!!! BTW i sent u a request on facebook lol...
Ok so i had a lil spottin today AGAIn (been like this for 3-4 days!! Still nothing.. Either a) Im preggo and maybe cervix more sensive from my surgery or B) Af needs to get her arse kicked for being mean
Morning girls. Sorry I've been MIA. I'm really busy, plus I'm really trying to be laid back about TTC this month, and I don't think BnB is that good for me. although I missed you girls heaps!

Sorry the witch seems to be here Michelle...:hug:

Sorry the kids are sick again Gabby. hope you're all better soon.

R - that video is the cutest thing. Really made me smile. And like Jenna it's lovely to hear your voice! I guess cause you've got an American accent it makes more of an impact on us!

J - I'm sure you can judge when the time is right to tell them, but I'm sure they're guessing already if you have a bump. They can't fire you, and I think they sound pretty reasonable. Do you get maternity pay from them when you've not been there that long, or just statutory? They won't fire you, but I guess the worst that can happen is that they don't keep the job open for you (illegal, but they can probably get away with it) - but you would get statutory I think. Do you have a good contract or is it temporary? Good luck with it all x

MT hope you got that eggy - Fx

Debs sorry about the endo, but I think MT will be able to help you heaps and you can def still get a BFP.

sorry you're still sick (and alone :() Liyana - wish I was still in Singapore then I could have come to visit.

Well I think I'm 7 dpo - I've not been that good at taking my temps this month. I've not had any spotting yet, which is good. i had it from 5 dpo last month. I'm off to Boston on Sunday morning, so I'm trying to decide when to test...AF is due Sat/sun...I could wait for her, or test before I go - but what if it's BFP and then I bleed? I'll be all alone?? but if i'm there and AF doesn't come I'll think I'm PG, but what if I'm not!! I'll be so sad. Very confused. I guess AF might make the decision for me if she comes on time.
Got my scan date for the 1st April - but I have a big meeting at work, so need to rescedule...not easy with the NHS. hopefully I'll get my BFP and then I won't need to be checked for polyps.

As the I get close to AF I'm getting less chilled out about things...grr. I know I care as much as any other month, but I've been trying to fool myself into thinking I don't mind if it's not a BFP this month as I don't think I can...I'm not a good liar.

Sorry if I don't check in for a while. I've got a million things to do at work.

love you all xxx
*Cry* Woke up with more spottin today and Helluva cramps so AF im sure is on her way.. I am in ALOT of pain UGH.. So not in the mood to deal with work today! No one better cross my path today! lol:hissy:
You guys I'm feeling so depressed right now. My good friend (who lives right down the road from me and is also preg, 2 weeks behind me) just told me what she's going to name her little boy, Brody :cry: and all I want to do is cry my eyes out. That's what I was going to name this one if she had been a boy, I LOVE that name and think it would have sounded so cute with Brayden. :cry: But now that she took it I will never have it. I'm so upset...and I'm not even having a boy! But I wanted to have one after this one and that is what I was going to name him :cry: well that's out the window now :cry: I am so terrible!! :hissy: and these damn hormones aren't helping me any! Thanks for letting me vent girls. :sad2:

All I can say is I completely the last 6 years I've had friends have baby after baby and siblings for those babies. I've lost numerous names, middle names and so forth...but one way to look at it is that the name Brody might become the next 'Aiden' or 'Emma'* and you'd want something more unique for your next little guy. :hugs:

*My point isn't that these names aren't nice, it's that they were voted most popular in 2007 and top 10 in 2008. (And a great friend of mine had both an Emma and Aiden :rofl: )

I too have lost a lot of names, lost my girl name last year when my friend named her baby Addison...I was crushed, then the year I was preg with Brayden DH's cousin was also preg and had a girl and named her Madison which was the name we had chossen if Brayden had been a girl, its just a never ending vicious cycle! And now this...sigh...I can't win for loosin! But thanks for understanding. I freaked out to DH last night and told him we def need to start telling people our name now so no one takes it, I would freak as I don't have a back up name! :hissy: All he could say was don't worry no one would pick Kaiya...yeah just never know!

Oh what did your friend name her baby??
R - that video is the cutest thing. Really made me smile. And like Jenna it's lovely to hear your voice! I guess cause you've got an American accent it makes more of an impact on us!

I have an accent? Get out! LOL You guys in the UK have accents, and I love them! I've got nothing, just plain ole reg me. :D

I am in such a funk today and I can't shake it, down in the dumps and just can't smile at all today, tired, worn down and just feeling yucky, not to mention mega bad hair day! :hissy: couldn't do a thing with it this morning and feeling hideous! I just want to crawl back into it June yet?

Gabby 72 degrees??? When it that coming to Maine? LOL Its going to be 50 here today and tomorrow so I guess I'll settle for that, no sun though, cloudy, but warm. Come on spring I know your out there somewhere....
*Cry* Woke up with more spottin today and Helluva cramps so AF im sure is on her way.. I am in ALOT of pain UGH.. So not in the mood to deal with work today! No one better cross my path today! lol:hissy:

I'm sorry hun! :hugs: Boy its a good thing we don't work together :rofl: we can be grumpy together today! :D
Rhonda-Ok, you asked about my friends baby's name...brace yourself...:rofl:
I've had a hard time with it since they told me but I understand why they chose it, I just think they are going to have a hard time with people actually saying it correctly so it is:
Dalinda (pronounced DAY-LEENDA) Nicole. I will be calling her Day though :D The mom is White and the dad is Cuban...that's why it's got the spanish twist. I'm so excited to go see her again today. I need to get in gear so I can get everything I need to do today done!

Well girls my temp keeps rising so I think I'm about 2-3 dpo. Hope this is it!

Michelle, honey I'm so sorry, I can't say it enough....AF definately needs her arse kicked! :hugs:

Caroline-So good to hear from you sweets. I wish I was in the Boston area so I could set a meeting with you for lunch or something...but then again I'm glad I'm here because I don't think I could handle the weather up there atm! :D
Sorry ladies, I hope it warms up for you soon and poor Rhonda-believe me, you think it's a bad hair day but others probably think it looks great!! :hug: At least that is how it seems to be with me...

Ok, I have to get busy! Love you guys!
hey there, sorry you're all down in the dumps. :hug:

Ok, so I'm a cat person, so I find these videos really funny and you guys are mostly dog people, but hope the simon's cat videos cheer you up (there's a dog one too, but it's not as funny IMHO). Hope they cheer you up even just a tiny bit!
I have an accent? Get out! LOL You guys in the UK have accents, and I love them! I've got nothing, just plain ole reg me. :D

yep, you have a lovely accent. Mine's slightly yorkshire - like Sean Bean. Or the guys from the Full Monty if you ever saw that. :)

OOOo!! got my scan rearranged for the 6th of April...fingers crossed I'm Pg by then and don't need to go.

Damn it, now I'm back on BnB it's sucking up my time and making me obssessive again - excuse me if I vanish soon!
Hi Caroline, glad to see you back here. No I have worked in HR/Personnel for most of my working life so I know all the legalities and all my rights, but unfortunately there is no fool proof trap to ensure they do not let you go. I have only been with the Company 3 or 4 weeks, and my probation is 3 months, so they could find a reason to let me go, which does not make them look bad, trust me I have seen it before. I will not roll over though I will try and sue them etc if they do, and tbh if they don’t hold my position open its not the end of the world. No I am not entitled to Maternity Pay of any kind, for that you have to be employed with the same employer for 26 weeks by the 15th week of preg, so u have to be there for 8 weeks before u qualify. I will get Maternity Allowance, if they do not sack me within the next 9 weeks otherwise I get nothing and I will be royally screwed. I have to legally tell them in the next 8 weeks, and I doubt they are suspecting I am cos I don’t have that much of a bump yet, just look fatish – but they have not known me any other way…..I also dress very well to hide it, and sit down most of the day so it is not visible. I would love to tell them and it all be ok but I just know it wont. They are an odd company and replace people whilst they are on holiday, there is no loyalty here and they don’t obide by the regulations, but get away with it. So you see this is why it is a bit difficult to just tell them, because I face no money and that my friends is just not an option, no one could help us out :cry:

I too am in a bad mood, feel crap, look crap and feel fat tired and i just wanna cry my hair wouldnt do anything today and i just feel sooooo blah I cant wait for August and my time off and my little Baby to look after - its what is keeping me sane at the moment!!!

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