Team Jelly Belly!!!

Congrats on ur bfp mel! Im feeling BLEH about TTC.. and everything in general so been pretty quiet.. My job is really stressin me out today
well MT and Rhonda - hope u both have a fab weekend I am off away this weekend too so I guess I wont see or spk to anyone either - we are all away!! :hugs:
Have a fun trip guys! I wish I could be out of town now, we just got 19 inches of new snow... I want spring!

I haven't seen Gabrielle here yet, is she still around? I've missed her!
Rhonda, when is your due date? Did you find out if you're having a boy or a girl? or both? I'm so excited! All our little group from October is pg! Do you know anything about Dukechick or HatterasSarah?

And when do we usually find out the sex of the baby? On what week? I can't wait :)

Baby :dust: to everyone!
yes gabs is still here but she has desserted us for august mommies :cry: she is there more than here :sad2: Rhonda is having a Girl (sure she wont mind me saying as she is away now) :yipee: great hey? You normally find out o ur 20 wk scan but you can tell from 16 wks....

Dukechick is preggo too :) and Sarah is still here but she is WTTC unti May so she can finish school first.

So pleased ur back mel :hugs:
Hey girls NEVER talk!!! So in a way yes i have desserted you for August It's just b/c they talk alot and I need somewhere to go and talk to and get I did say that i dont check this thread often girls......BRING jelly bellies back !!!!!


MEL.......omg CONGRATS!! I'm soooo happy for you sweeite!! Praying this is a nice sticky bean!!! I am glad your preggers yay! How you feeling..and when are you due???
:grr: Gabs no-one talks since I have been busy!! :( everyone seems down and no one wants to talk how we used too :cry: i dont like it i loved i thread before now no one is sharing the love
lol i know......thats why i dont come around..:( it's kinda depressing..............
hey girls,
sorry to have been away for so long.
I guess the jelly bellies have busy lives. and really for us TTCers I think we've got what I can from BnB and I really only check in to check you girls are ok. But there's nothing much new going on in my life in TTC terms.
I like to hear you're all ok though!! I miss how it was too!

AF has been here for over a week and it sucks... I'm not home till Monday, and I've not been able to temp this we'll just have to do it the old fashioned way.
my scan is coming up in a week...hopefully they'll be able to tell me something useful...

Boston has been fun, but I'm so ready for home now.
Hope everyone is doing ok.

Meli are you testing soon?
Sara hope you're ok. :hug:
Hi Ladies just popping in for a second to say I miss you all. I haven't managed to stay away for long, have I :rofl:

The witch arrived today so at least my lap & hyst are behind me.
We are going au natrual this month and next month but a miracle could happen if not we will book our #4 IUI for end of May.

CONGRATULATIONS stranger :yipee: Where have you been hiding Mel? I want to go and visit it.
Now you see this is why I think I should be taking a break from BnB because both you and Lea did it and came back with a BFP of your own. Hmmm...I need to find some will power!! We have a couple new girls who have joined our group since we started we started as cycle buddies on the 22nd Sept 08:
1stBaby -Ashley
Smr - Sara
MT - another Mel
Chocolate - Caroline
Missmyangle08 - Michelle

Gabby, I hope you are feeling better and passed the last stone. That must be very painful.

Jenna, still can't believe you are going to make us all wait until to end to find out what you are having.

Rhonda, when is your next bump picture due? Have you had any 4D scans yet?

Liyana, so glad the m/s has stopped.

Lea, you still have posted one bump picture and you are in 2nd tri...

Sara, I am so sorry about your grandad.

Sarah, May is just around the corner !!

Ashley, Caroline, Mel, Sara, Sarah and I are all that is waiting for our BFP..........

I hope it is soon.

I hope you are having a great weekend.
Hey ladies, well keeping away from BnB has not granted me a bfp so i dont know whats wrong with me. Well DH and I are going to take a break from ttc. I dont know why but it got me down so much that I am actually happy to take a break. I was thinking of wttc for a year. This will let me job settle down and it will be past my coworkers due date and she will be back from maternity by then. Plus we will have one car paid off and no credit cards by then, even though we only have one now. We are going to Jamaica at then end of May so we have to wttc until after that vacation anyway! Wow MT you are coming to me! i live in ohio. Its not that bad weather here actually. Well youre coming from Fl so yeah its cold here to you lol. I am not going back on bc because i dont want to have to go back off it again, but whatever happens happens per god after our jamaica trip. Until then we are wttc. You know what does feel good, a shopping spree! DH and i bought so many fun things and toys with our tax refund. I had a list of things i wanted and we got almost all of them! DH spoils me badly. I am feeling more relaxed now and a lot better. I have to say i was a little depressed lately as a lot of the ttcers are on here. With my insurance if we wait as well, we will have the money saved up to pay out of pocket for the deductible, which is high, but we can do it then. We would not be able to right now. So it all makes since, but if God wants us to have one before thats no problem by me! I hope everyone feels better and Mel i am so glad youre back! Congrats!
Hey Debs. Sorry you're out this month. Hopefully taking it easy this month will work for you. I'm kind of with you, that too much BnB doesn't seem to help our chances of conceiving! Completely irrational really...but hey ho!
Ashley, I hope the break and wttc ends in a nice surprise BFP after Jamaica! Fingers crossed.
sorry forgot to say congrats to you mel :)

My last night in the US - heading home tomorrow. I've had such a great week and made a really good friend I think from the lab I was visiting. I'll be sad to not see him any more....:( oh well, back home to my lovely hubby and kitties :)

hugs to you all xxx
I hope it does too lol. How is ttc going for you what day are you on in this cycle choco? By the way, funny thing I am on cd 38! This is just even more annoying that the hpt i took 5 days ago was a bfn so its like what in the world is going on with my cycles! its not worth the money to look into because its all outta pocket. so its just not meant to be for now. but at least gimme some regular cycles!
Rhonda, when is your due date? Did you find out if you're having a boy or a girl? or both?

Hey Mel, glad to see you on here more often, maybe you'll be able to bring us all back together, we're starting to fall apart :cry: I am technically due June 27th however I'm having a scheduled c-section so it will be sometime the week before, I'm guessing either the 24th or the 26th as my doc only works in the hospital on Weds. and Fridays. Only 12 more weeks I can't believe it, wow, sneaking right up on me. And yes as Jenna told you I'm having a baby girl, her name is going to be Kaiya...still fighting with DH over the middle name, she'll either be Kaiya Ashlyn or Kaiya Brynn, depending on who caves :rofl:

Are you going to find out what your having? Or be on team yellow?

Gabby get your butt back in here girl!! The reason its so quiet in here is because most of the ttc girls are taking a break from bnb and Sara is without a computer, Sarah is still wttc until May. I think there are 6 of us now that are prego...sincere apologies if I missed anyone.

I had a great weekend away, got to see my family and spend lots of time with them, it was nice to get away from here. For those of you who I haven't told yet I have offically decided to be a stay at home mom, was a hard decision to make but now that I have made it I'm excited for the change, I think its what I really need! I'll be leaving work mid-June. I have yet to tell them...really scared to as they are going to freak! I've been here for 11 years so its going to hit them pretty hard. I'm ready to get away though! I'll probably break the news the first week of May to give them plenty of time to find a new artist.

Girls I am officially in the 3rd trimester now...holy crap! :shock:
Gab and Rhonda sweet dears...I sure hope things get better ASAP, neither of you deserve to have it so rough right now :( :hugs:

Jenna!!! :wohoo: That's just amazing!!! :cloud9:

Well ladies, I'm not symptom spotting and I like it. I also have a while before AF is due so I'm sure it will commence :rofl: The only thing I have to say is Sspotting or not, my nips are sooo sore! This is pretty typical though.

Sara, sweetie, I don't know if you're keeping up with this thread, but I saw your journal and I'm so sorry. I can just say that my thoughts are with you and your family and it's wonderful to know that he's not suffering. Huge :hugs: for you sweetheart...

C-have a wonderful and safe trip dear! :hugs:

Everyone, take care and keep the Jelly thread alive!! :)

Mel dear ur chart is look great! Keepin everything (but legs sorry I am O'in soon) crossed for you.. GL!

:hug: catchin up on posts now lol
Hey Rhonda, congrats on making the decision! I'm sure you'll have a great time and a proper amount of time to bond with the new baby. And yey! Third trimester. Congrats for that!

Hey Michelle, I think (judging by past cycles, but I've not temped this month because of the jetlag thing it seemed a bit pointless) I'm ovulating in the next few days. So the same TWW for us (or 9 days for me!)
Fingers crossed we get our eggies :)
Hello Ladies,

I've just been busy with life but I'm glad to see everyone is well. Mel congratulations! I'm sure your chances are great of it being a sticky bean!

My 12 week appt went great! Deb, I'm trying to post a belly pic but having a problem with making it small enough.
hello, girls sorry i have been mia, i could not find you gals and it takes a long time to just get onto my journal. lol, i will try to address everyone.
r- how on earth did you get to 26 weeks? sorry you have been having on and off weeks.
gabs- so sorry you seem to keep facing more and more problems, this better be a little girl. lol
caroline, ashley, michelle and debs- so sorry af has found yo all, why can't shestop beinga bitch? lol, i wish you all the best.
Mel T.- hope you comeback with good news.
Jai Jai-i can not believe we will not get to know whatyou are having. lol tell yourwk, what can the d about itM
Mel- congrats on your bfp, i think you left befoe i joined.
if i forgot anyone i am sorry, it has taken me an hour to write this. lol i also can not see wat i am writingff says i oed on the 21st, which is the same day my grandpa passed away. the funeral is tomorrow. i had some weird cramping around then but still do not trust that i oed. i will try to get on here more often now.
yay Sara good to see you!!

Michelle, MT, Caroline I hope it all works for you soon!!

Debs - really hope the au natural thing works for you, would that not just make it all that much sweeter? You really deserve it!

Lea - if u need a hand u could always email me ur bump pic and i could post it for you? Did u see ur puddah? did u get a pic?

Liyana - How are you darling? feeling more energetic?

Rhonda - I too cant believe ur already nearly there :wohoo: cant wait to meet your little girl and so pleased you had a good weekend espesh after what happened with that girl :grr: Are you all sorted?

Gabs - When do u find out the sex? U need to come in here more, even if u just copy and paste ur posts from aug mummies to here....i am in both and i know what u mean it is more active in there hey? i miss u though lots :cry: are you feeling better? glad u can pee on your own!!!

Mel - how r u feeling? any symptoms? i bet u r excited :)

as for me....i am starting a new job tomo, where they know about jellytot so all is much better and less stress and i can really enjoy this now!! Jellytot is moving LOADS everyday and has a routine already!!! :dance: soooo lush to feel jellytot now :D DF has just felt the first kick too, cant believe I am half way already!!!
How is everyone? SOOOO quiet.. I got the biggest headache UGH..I think we have decided to take a break for a few months if we arent pregnant this month.. One its just gettin to emotionally draining and two with me startin school dont want an EDD in the middle of a semester lol.. Seriously though i think the break will do us some good.. how is everyone?

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