Team Jelly Belly!!!

Good morning ladies..for those of you who are actually still in here. :cry: I swear my belly (and other body parts that I didn't want to grow) grew lots in the last 2 days, I feel so huge all of a sudden and outgrew one of my favorite shirts, doesn't cover the belly anymore! :( and a pair of maternity jeans are suddenly super tight *sigh* I hate to go shopping this close to the end but if I don't have these pants than I am down to 2 pair :dohh: All this time I was thinking I was going to be smaller than I was with Brayden but I think I am the same size now! I'll be 28 weeks Sat which means its time for my next belly pic, I think I'll scan my 28 week belly pic from when I was preg with Brayden and post them next to one another so you guys can tell me if I'm the same size I was with him or not?? I'll have to look at the pic maybe I can even wear the same clothes :rofl: I'm sure I still have them.

Hope you all have a wonderful day! :hugs:
hello gals.
Michelle- i know what you mean about emotionally draining, i am exausted but i can not stop, i am too neurotic about figuring out what is wrong with me. :rofl: good luck, maybe all this planning for a break will be pointless cuz you willget a BFP.
R- i wish i was able to see your belly when you post it, i will get my computer fixed one day, lol. my birthday is in 20 days and we will be taking Sebastian to disneyland for his first visit. i am so excitedfor that. i wish i had vulted and would be getting AF now but nothingis going right again. :sad1:
Sara how fun!!! Make sure you take lots of pics, I can't wait to see them!!! Sebastian is going to have so much fun!!! Don't worry about your cycle just yet, your only 13DPO, most girls don't get AF until they are 14-16dpo, you still have time for that witch to show up, though I really hope she doesn't and you get your :bfp: instead!!! Either way it will work out, just keep the PMA girl :)
So what does one have to do to join team jelly belly? I would love to be a part of the group and make some new friends who will insist I am NOT neurotic lol
well there is a huge initiation - r u sure ur up for the challenge ;)
:rofl: Jai-Jai you are so funny.
Nikki is it? sorry i can not check cuz my computer took a crap and i can only post from my phome. basically all you need to do is say hello and introduce yourself and you are in ourteam :rofl: we have no terms or conditions, just friendship but i must warn you, this team has been getting a little slow, i will check a lot now since i found them again but others are slowert respond. that being said, if you join and have patience with us, you will be in great company.
:rofl: Jai-Jai you are so funny.
Nikki is it? sorry i can not check cuz my computer took a crap and i can only post from my phome. basically all you need to do is say hello and introduce yourself and you are in ourteam :rofl: we have no terms or conditions, just friendship but i must warn you, this team has been getting a little slow, i will check a lot now since i found them again but others are slowert respond. that being said, if you join and have patience with us, you will be in great company.

Yup I'm Nicky from the east coast 30 and I do very much have a "jelly belly" :rofl::rofl::rofl: hoping to get my :bfp: by christmas but not actively trying till this summer
Hi Nicky :) Welcome!! I am Michelle (duh!) TTC again after loss (lost our son at 16 wks this past dec) Feeling kinda BLEH this month about it.. we only bd'ed once after i got my +opk lol.. Been kinda quiet here think alot of ladies are enjoyin some nice weather!! How long u been TTC? Im a chart stalker u got one? lol
hey girls, hope you don't mind but I was practicing making blinkies and made you one:
Nicky Welcome :dance: maybe we need some fresh blood :muaha:

its slow cos all the TTCers are down :hugs: an I think most preggie ladies are just busy and now getting on with there preg and forgetting what helped us all through it and we need to keep the positivity going to help those TTC and you/Sarah who are WTT (Sarah is waiting until May)

I am 20 wks preg on Tues :wohoo: gone so fast already I am 25

There is Debs (Debshopeful) - TTC
Sara (SRM)- TTC
Mel T (MelTia)- TTC
Michelle(missmyangel) - TTC
Caroline (chococat)- TTC
Sarah (hattersarah) WWT
Rhonda(1cre8tivgrl) - PG
Gabs (Gabrielle)MIA :rofl:) - PG
Mel (Mel84)- PG
Lea (Nyltin)- PG
Liyana(mstwiggy) - PG

hope i got everyones avatars right-ish, know u all by real names now and preg brain has officially arrived :rofl:
Thank you for the intro Jai Jai!!! hopefully I will make some great connections here!!! I go today for a scan of my ovaries to make sure I don't have a ton of cysts on them. hopefully all goes well.

Hey how do I get a blinky is there a good site to go to?
Hi Nicky :) Welcome!! I am Michelle (duh!) TTC again after loss (lost our son at 16 wks this past dec) Feeling kinda BLEH this month about it.. we only bd'ed once after i got my +opk lol.. Been kinda quiet here think alot of ladies are enjoyin some nice weather!! How long u been TTC? Im a chart stalker u got one? lol

I'm so sorry for your loss, I lost mine at 8 weeks :cry: I can't even begin to imagine how it was to lose your baby at 16 weeks :hug: :hugs:

I don't have a chart being we arent "actively" trying sorry. but we haven't been doing anything to prevent it since our loss last june
Jenna you forgot 1 very important Jelly Belly!! YOU!!!! :rofl: Welcome Nicky, just to let you know, Jai_Jai is Jenna and she's pregnant too...silly girl forgot herself. Yeah most of the TTC Jelly girls are down and taking a break from bnb so its very quiet in here lately...we all used to be so close it makes me sad :cry:

Sorry for your loss Nicky, I too lost a baby at 7 weeks, it was very hard, I wish you the best of luck when you do finally ttc again!
:rofl: oh yeh I forgot me - preggo brain :rofl:

Nicky, our blinkie is text is below if u just put a [ at the beginning of it and a ] at the end and paste it into your siggy it should work :D


sorry for ur loss, i had a loss at 11 wks, was really hard, i think most ppl like Rhonda always says, loose their first and go on to have healthy pregs. Hope ur scan goes ok and u dont have any cysts :hugs:
Well I am hoping it was a one time thing. I had no problems with my DD but I think God allowed it to happen for several reasons, 1) To show me His Glory 2) so I knew that I COULD still get pregnant 3) to make me appreciate the child I already have more 4) to make me appreciate and future children I may have.

R, I got your message girl!! It's so good to hear from you=). I can't believe that little girl is going to be here so soon!!!!!!

I really cant stay, but I just want you all to know that I'm thinking about each and every one of you and can't wait till I'm done with school so I can get on here and be active like the old days!

Adios ladies!!
Hi girls,
sorry to be so awol, it's just busy and I'm trying not to think too much about ttc.
Hi Nicky and welcome. I'm caroline, 29 and in the UK. Trying for our first, I've never had a BFP...I have a short luetal phase, around 8-10 days, and lots of spotting, which might be causing me problems with TTC. This is our 8th cycle.

I haven't temped this month, as the first week I was in the US and I figured that and the jeglag on my return would throw everything out. It's kind of nice to take a break from thinking every day about what each temp means!
I think I ov'd sometime in the last week, which also means I can't get caught up in worrying about my LP this month (I also stopped taking the B50).
Feeling pretty positive in a way, happy with life and work at the minute and not really expecting a BFP this month.

Looking forward to seeing what my scan on monday says...fingers crossed for something positive.

R - sorry you're feeling so big - a nice healthy bonny girl in there :) How's your nursery plans coming along?

Sara - when are you testing???

Jenna - congrats on the new job, how did it go?

sarah - wooo hooo - soon you'll be BDing left right and centre :)

gabby - how are you doing? feeling better?

love and hugs xxx

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