Team Jelly Belly!!!

My Jellies!!!!!!


it sucks that i can't come on here as often as i used to. work has blocked all forums and chat related sites, and the internet went dead at home after a really bad storm. It's only back up today and i'm so happy to be able to say hello to all of you!!!

before I forget, welcome to the newbies :) i'm liyana a.k.a MsTwiggy :D

today's my 1 year wedding anniversary, and also the day my little one turns 16 weeks, and i went in for my scan today too!!! no clear picture of my little Dot, but the doctor says it's 80% confirmed that i'll be getting a Princess Dot! :D well, as you all know i was rooting for a prince but hey, i'm happy all the same!!

baby's all fine and healthy (thank you God) and all is well. however, the position of my placenta is anterior, meaning it's in front, therefore blocking the camera's view hence no 4D scans. That's why we couldn't see for sure whether it was a boy of a girl, but my dr judged from the nub (she knew the nub theory!!) and gave us her prediction.

that's all from me! packing to go over in-law's house, prolly better connection there, will keep in touch!

love you jellies!!!
Ladies!!! I'm trying to catch up. I have been home now since Wednesday night, but I can't use BnB often anymore because I have houseguests for an undetermined amount of time and they have to use the computer and I don't want her to know I'm ttc. Each time I come on here I have to delete the history.
Anyway...I had a wonderful trip! I got to visit my family and I wanted to attach a pic of my adorable new nephew and his beautiful new top lip! (for those of you who don't know, I have a 6 month old nephew who was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate and had corrective surgery in January)
I have to get off of here now, but I wanted to check in to my beauties...and welcome those of you who are new JB's
I'll have to get more time to read up on everyone, I can't believe how time is passing for my preggy ladies!
(the older kid pic is my other nephew, Darren)


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Liyana!!!!!!!! :happydance: we're both having princesses!!!! OMG so exited hun!!! I know you wanted a boy but there is always next time right? Are you going to have more you think?? DH told me yesterday that he really wants 3 kids...ahhhh don't know if I'm up for another pregnancy but I can decide that later right? This baby has drained me of everything, I'm so exhausted all the time and today we had to run a bunch of errands well I couldn't even make it through the last store I was all but in tears I was so tired and my feet hurt I had to go and sit in the car. I got home and took a very long nap...I definately wasn't this tired this early with Brayden. Is still have 11 more weeks...I don't know if I can do it. I started writing my resignation letter for work but I have to give a date that I'll be leaving and I just don't know...I do have a doctors appt this Thursday so I'll beg her to give me my c-section date, even though she said I had to wait unti May :hissy: I'll tell her I'm giving work my date and need to know when I am leaving....maybe I can bribe her??

Caroline - haven't started in the nursery yet as for now its still Brayden's room. DH is "suppose" to start painting Brayden's new room this weekend, as there is a ton of work to do in there and then once we move him over we can start on Kaiya's room :happydance:

SARAH!!!!!!!! Welcome back hun! 2 more weeks, wow! You'll be bding in no time!!

MT your nephew's lip is looking great! I remember seeing the first pics of him, he's going to be one handsome little man!!!
You know, I am trying to get caught up and I didn't even realize that you told us the sex of Dot!! I'm so happy for you Liyana! I am sorry I didn't get it earlier....sheesh! :hug:
( MILs have the most awesome internet connection speed, hehheheh)

Rhonda!! Yes we are having princesses!! *giggle* I guess I can pretty much join you in finding all things pink? :D although because the doctor didn't really get such a clear view, i want to wait till next month's checkup before i get down to some serious shopping *grin*

I'm so sorry you're feeling all tired hun, it must be awful. but being the strong momma that you are, i'm sure that you can plough through the next few weeks for sure and soon little precious will be in your arms :) and being a stay at home mom would be great for sure!

MT glad to hear your nephew's doing great! potential heartbreaker in the making that little cutie! :D

Jenna!!'re 20 weeks along!! halfway through!! are you still on team yellow?! we want to knoooowwwww

Go Sarah Go!! Two more weeks yaaaaaaayy!!!!

Gabby, how are you? miss you loads!!

Sara - enjoy disneyland!! (that's one of the many places i'venever been to!) and sorry to hear about your grandpa..

Michelle - i laughed out loud when i read your introduction to Nicky, chart stalker, teehehehe

Nicky - hello and welcome!!! you'll love team jelly belly, we're our very own support system :) things are a bit slow now as i believe everyone is a bit preoccupied with other daily going ons, but hey, doesn't mean we've ditched each other :)

Ashley!! hello hun!!! *hugs* :D

Mel!! Glad to have you back and congrats on the BFP!!

Caroline, no matter how much fun you've had being away, i bet it's always greater to be home in the familiar arms of the one you love :)

Lea!! baby pic!! baby pic!!!

Debs, i'm praying for your little miracle!!! *hugs*

Fuh! Our Jelly team sure has grown!! i hope i havent missed out on anyone, but if i have, BIG HUGS TO YOU!!!!

Here's one of the few pics DH managed to snap during my scan. It's of Dot peacefully resting while sucking on her thumb :) (will start to refer to Dot as "her" now, hehehheehhe


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Hey everyone! MT I your nephew is too cute! I am glad all is well. I just wanted to stop by and say hello! I will forgive you Jai Jai for not including me in your previous post, I am not on much anymore I know :winkwink: Nothing new is going on though with me. AF is gone finally on cd 6 now. I dont know that we will be ttc this month or just if it happens o well kinda attitude because of our trip to Jamaica at then end of may. I would gladly go to Jamaica pg though :) so it doesnt matter to me. We are relaxed about it now. My brothers gf had a mc. Its sad but everything happens for a reason and they were not wanting another so soon. Either way its sad, but like i said everything happens for a reason. So Two girls so far huh. So exciting. I am having some family over today to watch movies and eat pizza. I will talk to you all later. Have a wonderful week!
shit sorry Ash :( preggo brain!! I knew I had forgotten someone I just could not think :cry: really sorry hun :hugs:

Will catch up more later but congrats Liyana on your baby :pink: :wohoo:
LOL its really ok, no hard feelings, I am not on much really so its easy to forget, plus mini Jai Jai took over for a bit there :)
Ash, I am really hoping you have a fabulous trip and that maybe you'll get a great surprise either before you go or afterward!!! Wouldn't that be amazing?? All I can say is keep taking care of yourself!
CD7 for me, will Ov in about 6-8 days. I am really just taking it day by day at this point.
Oops! Gotta go!! :hug:
:rofl: mini Jai_Jai!!

Nice to hear from you Ash! Jamacia...I am so jealous!!! You must stow me away in your suitcase ;) make sure its an extra large one! :rofl: I know I am due to post my 28 week belly shot, I haven't taken one yet :blush: it was a hectic weekend, I'll try to do one in the morning so I can post it tomorrow from work.

So we have two 20 week scans this week, Gabby's is Tuesday (I think) and Jenna's is Thursday :happydance: I can't wait!!!!
Hoping your all doing well. Sorry I've been MIA..i just didn't like coming and reading nothing all the time so i just kinda stayed away. I"m glad you all are doing well and forgive me for being selfish. I know it's been a hard couple months for many of you ttc and us preggos are so busy I'm sorry!

Good luck with your scan jenna!

Ash~ have fun on your vaction!!

Mel~ your nephew is adorable! Sorry witch got you...enjoy your family visits!

Ms twiggy~congrats on your lil girl!!!:) How wonderful! you lucky thing!

Debs~ I know your taking a break from BNB ...but thinking of you and hope the break will do you the best!

Sara~ have you tested yet? hope you get your BFP and your life starts going uphill!:) hugs

Caroline~sorry witch got you hope she's not treating you too bad.

Rhonda~ can't wait to see your beauty belly! how is the room coming along?

Lea~when is your scan..are you finding out what your having??

Mel82....hope all is well..hows new little bean???

Well I had a scan today........It's a .................................BOY!!!! haha.....TOLD ya!

But........SO glad he's doing okay.....i went into ptl today and am dialating and had to have mag to stop labor....getting a cerclage tomorrow moring and been put on strict bedrest!!! So just thankful he's ok!

btw......Thinking Jack for the first name......stuck on a middle...whatcha think?

Luv you all..and again SO SO sorry for being a ........b*tch!
Lots of scans and baby news this week.

Gabby - I really hope you and your little boy are ok. Please hang in there little one. (a boy! ooo! Sorry it's not the princess you were hoping for - but at least you have heaps of clothes and everything you need for him). Jack is lovely btw.

Liyanna - a girl - wooo. Any ideas for names? My neighbour had her 20 week scan on friday, but the day before had to get a scan as she was in an accident. so on the thursday the US tech said it was 80% a boy, then on the friday a different tech said 80% a girl! so now they don't know at all! so 80% is just that, it could still be a boy. But either way, it's a healthy baby on the way :)

MT - glad your back. Hope your super building up that eggy ready for ov! You and your nephew are beautiful - you're a good looking family! I know what you mean about wiping history - I have to do that too. I try using a privacy window, but it doesn't see your cookies, which is annoying!

R - sorry you're feeling crappy. Try and make decisions about what NEEDs to be done and what doesn't (eg cleaning) and order your groceries online and get them delivered. And REST!!!

Jamica - can I come too??? have a great trip x

My scan is this afternoon. I'm not sure what I'm hoping for. If it's polyps at least something can be done...if there isn't anything, then why am I bleeding for so long (9 full days, but no spotting this last cycle) or erratically??
Fingers crossed for some good news of some kind!

Gab! A boy! I am happy you aren't upset, he's a blessing no matter what. :hug: I like the name Jack too......

Caroline-I'll be thinking about you today luv, you'll get some answers soon! :hug: and thank you for your compliments on my know, the older nephew isn't as silly looking as he wanted to be in that pic, I took 3 and he just wouldn't look 'normal' for the, silly boy.

Well it's going to be a busy day, so you ladies have a wonderful day, and I'll catch up when I can!
GABBY!!! OMG hun! Another little boy! Awww...I'm glad your doing ok though, you sound in good spirits about it, and like Caroline said at least you have everything already, love the name Jack...I had wanted to name Brayden Jackson but DH said no way :sad1: I'll think about a middle name...let me get back to you on that! I hope you are ok and don't end up going into early labor...PLEASE listen to your doc and stay in bed!!!! We want to keep that little boy safe inside!! :hugs:

Well I am so upset, I was ok till I scanned in my 28 week pic of Brayden and put it side by side with my current 28 week pic...OMG I AM BIGGER THIS TIME :sad2: I though it anything I was smaller....I am so upset!!!! :cry: but as I promised here they are...first one is me 28 weeks with Brayden, the other I took this morning, 28 weeks 2 days with Kaiya.


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Gabs - congrats on ur boy, i know u wanted a lil girl but boys are lush and i love love love the name Jack :D its lovely!! i will also think on middle names for you :D and yes STAY ON BED REST dont attempt anything and def no :sex: missy i know how much u cant sttop urself!!

Rhonda - i dont think u look bigger at all....i think ur bump is higher and the shot is much closer but atually u dont look any bigger to me!?!? not jst saying that i dont think u do, pls dont be sad :hugs:

good luck with all the scans hope all goes well and Caroline I hope they figure whats causin the bleeding.

:hugs: to all my jellies

only 3 more sleeps til i see my beautiful jellytot again :dance:
Thanks girls!

Rhonda~ Honestly I agree with Jenna. Your belly just looks higher and it's a closer shot. I'm jealous of your belly!:) I have a bump but it's kinda fatty feeling and hasn't grown in like a month!!!!!! I'm just getting bigger love handles!!!:( SURE you don't want to know what your having??????? hehe...i think a girl for you! :)

Caroline~good luck for your scan! hope it goes well!

Anyone heard from Mel82.....i hope her and bean are good?

Glad you all like the name we aren't telling family and it's quite hard! lol. But my hubbies side will be like TOLD you it was a boy......and rub it in my what its a bad thing? I'm glad to have 3 boys ..honestly! I just wanted to go shopping like crazy hehe!

please help with a middle name! hehe. Owen was talking to baby last night. saying "hi, i'm owen. Can't wait to meet you baby jack. "........hehe!
Awww so cute Gabby...little boys are the best, they really are! And now you can shop....the fun part!! Until we get some names for you try this website, its pretty neat, just put in the baby's first name and last name and it will generate middle names for you. It's fun to play around with anyway!

Guys my massive jerk of a boss just told me he's out the last 3 days this week :)happydance: hee hee hee) and that he wants me to do ALL the newspaper ads before I leave...umm...I don't think so! (he doesn't know I'm leaving for good btw) There are tons of them, for the rest of the year. He asked me when I was leaving and I said honestly I can't tell you that yet as I don't have my c-section date yet, which I don't....should by me a little time...but he said the possible 2 people he's having fill in for me while I'm on maternity leave can't handle the ads so I should do them all before I go. HA! I don't think so!!!! Little does he know he's going to need to hire a new aritst. I can totally see him pushing me to do everything before I leave. The only thing he's going to get is me to leave sooner! GRRRR!! :growlmad:
Okay......Jack Bradley Wolters?? .......Bradley is brian's brothers real name(called Brad for short).....but he is Owen's God father...that doesnt matter does it?
no i really like the name bradley :D and it links both owen and baby Jack together too :D

how u feeling now babe didn't sink in how bad/close it has been for u and jack!!! r u ok?? how r they gonna monitor u??

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