Team Jelly Belly!!!

Um well if you have time if you want to go into 2nd tri and read the thread by Kimberly 28...called about's all in there! the plan of attack! hehe. I see my ob at 1pm today as well.

I'm feeling okay.........still scared and it's hard to cope on bedrest and two little ones and family is giving me a hard one is free to help and my MIL gets stuck doing it all.....i need a nanny but don't have money for one....BLAH!
hey girls,

Rhonda you look fab! I love the bump, it's gorgeous!

Jack bradley is very sweet! I like that. hope you're still in bed!!

So I had my scan, the guy took a while and did a normal one and internal to check my ovaries properly. anyway the bottom line was that he couldn't find anything wrong at now I'll have to see what the doctors say next time I see her...

hugs xxx
Ha and you ladies said that this group was starting to get slow!!! look at all the activity since you all welcomed me!!
Wow gabby, i am so excited about Jack! that is so cute! congrats! You should be in bed right now, and i hope you are. I hope everything is ok.

Oh my goodness your bump is so cute r! I love it! I want one! At least you can totally tell its a baby lol !!! You dont look any bigger in the pic with your little girl than with Brayden, I promise.

MT- how are your house guests?

I hope your scan goes well caroline fingers crossed for an easy solution to anything.

I am completly supportive of you not wanting to know Jai Jai, you are a strong person, and I am planning on not finding out either! I am going to be going crazy not knowing, but i think it will be so much fun. I already have so much yellow and green things handed down, that i think it would just be easier to go from there.

So yes, I am thinking Jamaica in 4 weeks now, instead of 8 :) I need a break and as long as the prices stay the same we can afford to go sooner. we are booking it on May 1st I just hope that doesnt cut it too close to when we are leaving. i would like to go May 7 thru the 12th. I need a break, this job is sucking both the life and fun out of me. I am so mentally exhausted that i am physically pooped too. I dont want to work out or do anything but lie in bed. I just want to read and not think about working. then I think, there is no way i could be a mom right now too. i couldnt handle it all, my mom would be raising my kid. that makes me sad to think about. i know lots of people do it, and i hope i can be one of them, its just overwhelming to think about. then i start thinking o well i can the night job if i get pg, and i start stressing of money, there is always a way right :)

Its so nasty rainy here, i am going to get a coffee and curl up in bed with a good book :) funny the book i am reading is a novel on a woman who thinks she is pg and then is releaved she is not, but then starts ttc with her dh and its all about their journey lol, i am such a dork.
R-the only difference to me is that baby girl K is higher and pointier...I think you looked rounder with B. Gorgeous though!!! I'm green with jealously at your glorious belly! :)

Thanks Ash, the houseguests are fine, it's family so we are ok, but it's good to be alone when possible. My BIL should be arriving tomorrow...this is where it might get interesting. haha.

C-Sweetie, I'm hoping you get some answers and possible theories.... :hug:

Ladies, I feel like I'm not caught up or in the loop...:rofl: I wish I had a better memory!!! Grr

Gab-sweetheart, please stay well and be careful! I feel so protective of you! :hug:
:hugs: to all my jellies xox
R- love your belly, i can download somethings to my phone it just takes forever. lol. i do think your belly looks different but not really bigger, this pg you seem to have more of an arch in your back, i love love love it.
Gabs- 3 boys, wow fun, my grandma would tell you it is the best thing in the world. no one will hurt their mommy.
caroline- glad your can showedgoodnews, now you can move on to the next step.
i took a test and it said no, now FF says i am only 5 dpo. i giveu.
Okay......Jack Bradley Wolters?? .......Bradley is brian's brothers real name(called Brad for short).....but he is Owen's God father...that doesnt matter does it?

I love Jack Bradley Wolters!! Such a strong and handsome name :D
hi everyone, ok i'm having some major itching problem!!! I'M GOInG MAD TRYING NOT TO TURN MYSELF INTO A SCRATCHING POLE!!!

i'm getting these red bumps (like insect bites) all over my belly, my sides, my thighs and even my arms! aarrgghh!! i've tried cocoa butter, olive oil and they don't seem to work. calamine lotion helps to ease it up a bit for a few hours but then i'm back to scratching! heeeeeeeeelllpppp!!!
Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know what to do for that hun! I think TigerLady had that problem and Rhonda as well.....maybe R can offer advise! :hugs:
Thanks girls for not saying I looked like a giant whale :rofl: I am very concerned though as I got on the scale this morning (huge mistake!) and I have gained 7lbs since last Monday!! Good god! I have a doctors appt Thursday morning, good thing because I have so much to ask her!! They are testing me for gestational diabetes and I'm also getting my shot of Rhogam...good stuff!

I had the night from hell last night, got a phone call from Brayden's daycare saying he tripped and fell and smashed his face into a bookcase. We left work early and brought him to the ER, he tore the skin between your lip and gums and almost knocked out his front tooth, loosened 2 of them blood everywhere. Poor little guy. The good news is he doesn't need surgery but we have been referred to a children's dentist that we need to bring him to in the next day or 2 to have x-rays done and see if the tooth needs to be pulled. I feel so bad he's in so much pain :cry: Then I wake up this morning and my basement is flooded (my finished basement) we had heavy rains all night last night and the water rose and came right on in :hissy: I didn't have time to clean it up before I left this morning, so I have a huge mess to tend with tonight. I'm not a very happy girl this morning! I am very thankful though that my little guy is going to be ok!

Liyana I would go see your doc hun, just to make sure the rash isn't preg related, I had a rash all over my belly a few months ago and it turned out to be nothing, though it was a pain to deal with, doc told me I could use hydrocortisone cream for the itch and also take benadryl. They are both safe during pregnancy.

Gabby Jack Bradley is a very handsome name!! How are you holding up today hun?

Sara!!!!!!! I was all excited for a minute I thought you had your computer back! Glad to hear from you hun, sorry about the bfn, I'm sure it was all the stress you had to deal with this cycle though, will you be using clomid again this time??

Caroline sorry they didn't find anything to fix with your scan, but on the bright side that means that everything is working right and you just need to be paitent (I know that's easier said than done) and when the time is right you'll have your beautiful :baby: too! :hugs:
Hi Ladies,

Only just had enough time to briefly go through our Team news.

Rhonda, I love the picture sweetie. Both of them are just so femanine and beautiful.

Gabby hunny, I hope you and little Jack are going to take things easy for the rest of this pregnancy.

Jenna, just a couple more sleeps till you get to see your little one....eeek :)

Liyana, what a pity the placenta is blocking the view but you did still manage to get a cute little picture there. Congrats on a little girl.

Lea, I am not sure if you have already posted about your scan. I will have to go and have a hunt for it if you have.

Mel, how is you little one?

MT, lovely picture of you and your nephew. So glad his lip was able to be fixed.

Sarah, how is school? Are you still on for TTC next month?!!!

Sara, I had a look at your journal and it says that you are on CD45 and 6DPO. I am confused. Is it just an old ticker or are you still in with a chance. I hope you don't have another extremely long cycle again.

Caronline, I am glad the scan didn't pick up any thing wrong. FX your BFP is around the corner.

As for me, I am on CD11 but think I have started seeing a sign of my cm turning into EWCM, going to :sex: tonight just in case. I am having withdrawl symptoms from my Fertility Specialist. I am so used to seeing him every two weeks. I am not sure if I can wait until I come back from our holiday next month to do another IUI cycle, I might just have one before we go because spending the tww on an island holiday has got to be relaxing and the way to do it, but it would require me to drink cocktails in the tww and I still need to get my head around that .

Love and miss you all.

Big hugs,
Aww Deb....I'm so glad to see you doing well. I really think that relaxing would be a great thing to do, and drinking in the 2ww is ok, we just have a hard time with it, hopefully you can manage it. :) (sorry for those who might get offended at that)

R-my goodness, poor little guy!!! I can't believe it! And your basement!!! Oh, I wish I could help you-that's awful.......:hug:

Caroline-I thought the Dr. was going to discuss more with you?? Did I misunderstand??
hey MT, no I have to make an appointment now with the doctor to talk about the scan, but it's a 4 day weekend this weekend, so the surgery is too busy, so I need to make an appt for next week.
I am pleaesed nothing is wrong so far, but I still think something is wrong in someway because of my stupid short cycles - although I'm happy to be proven wrong with a BFP.

my CM is kind of 'bitty' with white clumps in it, has been for a couple of days. odd, but not smelly, so I don't think it's an infection.

R - sorry about the basement and the baby - sounds horrible I hope he's feeling better today.

Debs, I'm think having the TWW on holiday would be stressful, having it over christmas (although more that I was late then it being the TWW) was rubbish, because its on your mind too much, and your kind of wishing the time away to get the result. Just my thoughts. but if you do go ahead, then make sure you have some cocktails too! at least in the first week as a minimum. before bubs implants you can't do much to her.

hugs to you all. Bed time now, so can't remember everyone's posts - sorry!!!
Morning girls! :hugs:

Brayden is doing better today. We took him to the pediatric dentist yesterday afternoon and had x-rays done, everything looked good so they said we just need to let him heal. YAY!! Thank goodness! He was so awful in there though, cried and screamed the whole time, it wasn't a fun trip at all! And DH was angry that he was being such a brat that he got mad and took Brayden's paci away...he only has it at night to fall asleep with and I was waiting till he was in his big boy bed before I took it away. DH was so grumpy and mean broke my heart to listen to Brayden cry himself to sleep :sad1: I'm just a softy I guess. DH said he didn't want it to slow the healing down even though the dentist said it wouldn't...DH was just being a hard a** last night!

Yay! My jerk of a boss is out for the rest of the week :happydance: hee hee hee!! :D
:hugs: Debs I know I am so excited to see LO again - only 1 more sleep Jellies :wohoo: then u get to see pics - I will only post pics if you promise not to guess the sex!! I dont want any guessing ok? u can secretly guess but I dont wanna know - sorry :hugs:

Caroline - hope u get to see the DR and sort it all out!

Rhonda - glad Brayden is doing better, did u manage to sort basement out?
Jenna-I promise not to guess the sex sweetheart! I can't wait for you to see your little jellytot! :hug:
Thanks MT :D ur chart looks like u maybe having an OV dip? is it usual for u to have it about now?? :hugs:
I pretty much keep going low and then after Ov it shoots right up! I think the lowest is 97.3 for me :hug:
I too promise not to make any guesses :shhh: Jenna! Can't wait to see pics of Jellytot!! :happydance: You must be so excited!! So let's see, if your scan is at 2:45 then it will be 10:45 my time right? I'll be at my doctors appt but you can def still text me luv :hugs: DH took Brayden home from the dentist yesterday and was home hours before me so he cleaned everything up...god bless him! My basement is a total wreck now though, furniture and stuff is strown everywhere...can not wait for the weekend to get everything back in its place. Just found out we'll be going to the inlaws for Easter so I am getting robbed of a day this weekend :growlmad: I have too much to do and no time to do it, story of my life it seems!

MT get :sex: girl!! Catch that eggie!!! :hugs:

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