Team Jelly Belly!!!

thanks MT i love my pics and have one on my phone, always looking at lil jellytot!! We had to go to hospital last night as i was leaking and they were worried my waters may have broken but after much prodding and undignified positioning with legs spread tubes up me and a great big torch shining up my vagina to peek at my cervix - all is ok!!! its not amniotic fluid, think its just a discharge of somekind - they have done a swab and checking for infections so FX it is nothing!!

Ya i had that alot with my other kids.. it sucked LOL.. glad all is well with u and jellytot! :hug:
Awe Jenna.....sorry you had a scare last night. Glad it wasnt your fluid! That stupid discharge is a just never know! Do you smell different...tmi sorry lol...but maybe it is bacterial vagnosis.
Michelle~ hope you enjoy your break and good luck with school!!! Nursing right...? That's what i went to school for.....VERY busy so have fun and make lots of time for it!;)

Rhonda~do we have a finished baby room photo yet??

Mel~ any plans for the summer?

It's SO warm here today...i went outside this am at 8 and it was almost HOT...hehe SOOOO exciting.!!! Nothing new here...just hanging low to not have anymore contractions.
:rofl::rofl: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah no! :rofl: Brayden is still sleeping in the crib! DH has just started working in Brayden's new big boy room, we're at least a month off from starting in the nursery. I can't be too naggy as DH is graduating from college in 3 weeks and is right out straight with his thesis, he's so stressed with school and work and trying to find time to do anything at home. Its a slow process and I'm very limited to what I can help him with so it will be close to my due date before we're done in the nursey! Thankfully that room needs the least amount of work though! Don't worry I will post pics when we do start to work in there!

My boss is irritating me once again today, girls I am so frustrated with him I want to leave earlier than June 12th, DH said we would make it work but I can't help but feel guilty as we do need the money, am I being selfish for wanting to go sooner? I haven't given my notice yet so I do still have time to change my leave date. Urgh its so stressful, if he didn't work here I would have no problem staying till the end, I just can't get away from him soon enough!!! :hissy:
Gabs glad ur ok!! and congrats on 20wks - in answer to ur question, no it is not smelling diff and not urine.....its been happening for a few wks and i just thought i would emtnion it to mw and she whipped me in hospital at least they are thorough tho.
Hello Ladies,

I've been catcjing up and it sounds like everyone is doing ok.

R - I'm glad that Brayden is doing better. Easter parties always help with the healing.

Jenna - I loved the pics of your jellytot and your your belly. You are so little it looks so cute!

Gabs - Glad your LO is healthy is a little boy and your belly looks great! Nice to see another stretch mark mom.

MT - I hope the BDing is going well.

Ashley - I would love to be in Jamaica right now. I know your trip is a couple of weeks away but please have drinks for me.

Debs - I had to laugh when you said you are going through withdrawl from your FS. I hope you get to see him soon, but I hope you enjoy your holiday!

As for me, I have uploaded my 16 wk belly shot. I have finally built up the courage. lol I have a scan pic from my US but it's not that good so I will load one from my 20 wk one next month. HE is doing great. That's right I said he; it's a boy. I got my boy!


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Warning....Warning.....Venting.......Venting...........I'm so nervous about how I will connect with my little man. I wanted a boy because I have a little girl but I feel like I won't have that same feeling when I look at him. I keep having this image that a grown man is going to come out and he won't be my baby like Zoe is. I admit when I first found out Zoe was a girl I was a little dissapointed because I had this whole birth order thing in my head but as time went on I was so excited about having a little girl. When I saw her I fell more in love. She was beautiful! I can't help but think will I feel that way. I love him already and can't wait to see him, but I feel like I will have less babying time with him (because I have to help prepare him to be a man) than I have with Zoe. I know I'm just being crazy (at least that's what DH thinks), I know he will need me and he will be my baby and I'm just overreacting. I know this feeling will change. I just needed to vent!
Lea!! Congratulations on having a little man!! :happydance: That's so exciting hun!!! Do not worry...I don't know what its like to have a little girl but from the boy end of it I will tell you this. Little boys just adore their mothers, always need them and want them to help with everything. They are so lovable, far more than girls, only what I have heard from other people. But you have nothing to worry about hun, he will probably need you more than you think. Brayden is almost 2.5 and he still needs me all the time, he's much more attached to me than he is DH. Little boys are mamma's boys let me tell you! HUGE congrats again, and cute belly pics!! I do have stretch marks too, mine are just all in front which is why you guys never get a front belly shot of me :rofl:

You guys! I'm kind of freaking out now... I had my scan yesterday and found perfectly formed gestational sac and perfectly shaped uterus but no baby or HB... I'm so nervous! Isn't it supposed to be there already? Could it still be too early? I'm going for another scan in a bigger (newer) hospital tomorrow and I'm hoping to have good news but I'm so disheartened already.
When did you see/hear the HB? Please share your stories!

Same thing happened with my DD at 7 wks was just the sac n stuff and didnt see HB for 2 wks later! Try not to worrry!!!! :hug: keep us posted
Mel try not to worry i went for mine and just saw sac..........i didnt see baby orhb til 8+2ish it was defo 8 wks tho!!! keep smiling and PMA thats wat will see all is ok :hugs:

congrats Lea on ur boy :hugs:
Aw!!! Congrats on your boy Lea!
I'm loving all the belly shots, they're great! Thanks for sharing. Very jealous! :)

Mel, it sounds like it's too early from what the others are saying. Fingers crossed today they can pick something up. Is there a reason you're having an early scan?

Hope you all had a nice easter. It was manic here as usual. I finally got my lawn turfed - so I'm excited to finally have a garden I can work with.

I'm not sure whats going on with my body...I've no idea if I've ovulated or when. I thought it was 2 weeks ago (on the weds or thurs) - but I've not been doing my temps so I can't really be sure.
I've not got any pms or tender boobs and no AF yet. Feels like AF is a long way off. Although most of my cycles are really short (23-24 days) I did have one that was 31 days with late maybe I've just got a long one this time. just to confuse the heck out of me!
I had a spot of pink last thursday..but I'm guessing if it was implantation I'd have detected something on tues... maybe?? I tested on Sunday as well (of course) and didn't get anything, but when I checked later (as you do) there was a smudge there - so I did a FRER with second morning pee - BFN. sigh!

I think with being in the states and in a different time zone it might have shifted my ov. Tested negative on tuesday. waiting till tomorrow to test again as I'm going to the docs in the morning and want to be able to tell her one way or the other. Hope she has some good news about my scan and also a cure for this horrible rash I have!!

Fingers crossed for a BFP tom!

Hope everyone is good xxx
Mel, I am with the other girls, sometimes it just takes longer to see the hb-was your scan internal?

I feel like I'm on probation or something. DH says I'm on BnB 'ALL THE TIME' and when I can get on here I'm only able to check a few things before I have to hop off because I don't want my company to see me on here......grr! I've missed you all and I haven't really been able to catch up.

I will tell you though, BDing has worked out despite having company and I OV'd earlier this cycle than previous ones, though FF hasn't detected it as of this moment. FX something amazing is happening!
Caroline hun, I was spying on you last week and I definately think something is up. Maybe you're right about the change in time zones, etc., messing your cycle up...but with the spot of PINK (new blood) I'm very very curious!!!!!!!!! FX tightly for you sweets!
Mel I never had an early scan so I don't know hun, sorry I wish I could be more helpful :hugs:

Caroline...oh that spot of pink could definately be something!!! I really hope so hun, fingers tightly crossed for you!! :happydance:

Girls I am at the end of my rope...I was going to wait until June 12th to leave my work but I honestly don't know if I can put up with my boss for that long, he's making me angrier every day. This morning I find out the loser who filled in for me last time I was out on maternity leave is also going to be this time (only because they don't know I'm leaving for good yet). It was a meeting they had yesterday and the only reason I found out is because a friend of mine here over heard, don't you think I should have been involved in that meeting?!!! I felt like it was very behind my back and secretive. My boss knows I don't want that man on my computer because of what I came back to, I was outraged. (I found tons of nude lady pics saved all over my hard drive) I was so angry!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what to do anymore, I can't stand my boss and it seems to be getting worse, every day he does something new to piss me off. I'm seriously thinking about leaving earlier now, I know the money would be nice but is it really worth putting up with his BS? I just don't know how much more I can take! Sorry for the rant!
Caroline - I have a gd feeling about this month for u!!

MT dont worry just make sure u pop in here as and when u can, i too hope that this month is urs, as things are different it is highly possible!!

Rhonda - i think u should leave when ur heart tells u too - NOT YOUR HEAD!! It is not always wise to follow ur head but i think ur heart is ur true path, and it takes u to where you should be!! :hugs: do what feels right!! and oh my god wat a loser that bloke was before, i mean its sad but to have to look at stuff like that at work - beyond pathetic
Thanks hun, yes and the sad thing is he works here, just in another dept so I have so see him every day, when I first found out I wrote him a nasty letter and told him I did not want him on my computer anymore, that is the one thing in life that truly makes me so very angry. And to do it at work is something else, totally makes me sick!!! My work is just to tight they try to save a penny anyway they can so that's why they are having him fill in again, because they wont have to hire and pay someone else....they make me want to pull out my hair :hissy: I'll be bald before June gets here!
Hey girls!:)

Jenna~ how'd your appt go? I just got back..and my face is SOOO numb!! I hate that feeling. I had one filling on my front tooth. I have to go back to have some fillings on the right side....urgh..i'm DONE eating sugar i swear!!! lol

Mel82~Dont freak when i say this but i saw a heartbeat at 5wks 6days...BUT everyone is different and so is every baby. Don't worry just yet sweetie. I hope your scan gives you some reassurance! Have they been checking your hcg levels? Good to hear from you! Prayers for you and your bean.

Rhonda~ i think maybe you should talk to dh and tell him that you need to leave now. All this stress is no it's summer so you and Brayden could do alot together before the new arrival comes..i think that would be great for him. If you guys can afford it i say leave when your heart is ready..just like jenna said.!:) HUGS

Lea~awe a little boy!!!:) let me tell you.....(from the mom of 3 boys to be..hehe) that boys are in LOVE LOVE with their mama's. Owen is going to be 4 and he hates to leave my side for ANYTHING! he is always worrying about me and has such a big heart! I know that my boys will always be there for me to protect me and love me and know that i will be there for them . I am excitied to have 3 lil boys to LOVE me so much. I think you will do just fine...and tbh i think you will be shocked at how much you love and adore your little man. Mom's and son's just have that connection.:) Congrats and don't worry your hormones are messing with you and you will be a great mom and raise a wonderful son! How does your daughter feel about a baby brother?? :) (forgot her name at the moment forgive me.

Well it's going to be a high of 64 degrees and sunny today and tomorrow a high of 68! who hoo!!!:). I'm feeling good and loving the weather.
Thanks guys, I kind of have a good feeling too...BUT I don't have any symptoms, premenstral or PG I think I'm just in the wrong bit of my cycle to feel anything! Can't wait to test tomorrow.
going to a scrapbooking class tonight for the first time, so should keep my mind of things a bit. :)

R - sounds like you should get out soon. And def don't go back. Can you work out how much money after tax you're losing if you leave? If you're staying off work for a while, can you claim your tax back from the time you've worked this year? to make up for some of the money lost in the next couple of months. Have a look at what you can sell from the house to make up the money too.
good luck with the decision. x
Thanks girls, no I definately wont be coming back, that is for sure!! When I'm ready to go back to work I'm going to look for some place new. Financially we can do it once DH changes his filing, which he was going to do the beginning of June. My boss is out all next week :happydance: yeeha!! So next week should be happy and stress free!! Their was a lot of maternity leave talk today which is starting to make me nervous, I need to go through all my files and start pulling stuff for my portfolio, and slowly take personal things from my office home I have a bad feeling I'm going to be telling them sooner than I would have liked! I was trying to get to mid-May before giving my letter but that seems so far away. Let me ask you girls this, Isn't is against the law to fire someone for refusing to train the next employee?? Cause I am down right refusing to do that as they need to hire someone that knows Graphic Arts. The guy that filled in for me last time hadn't even used a computer before and it was such a headache, not to mention the fact that he smokes so much weed he can't remember anything the next day that I taught him before! He's already told my boss he's nervous about filling in for me because he doesn't remember a thing, and my boss said I was going to retrain him...THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!! I wont! And I will tell them that, just want to make sure they can't fire me for that...its not my job to teach someone something like that, you need a college degree for. If they fire a pregnant lady its asking for trouble anyway! Ahhhh its such a mess here!!!! :sad2:

Gabby its nice here too...going to be almost 70 tomorrow, so glad I'm not working!!! :happydance:

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