Aw!!! Congrats on your boy Lea!
I'm loving all the belly shots, they're great! Thanks for sharing. Very jealous!
Mel, it sounds like it's too early from what the others are saying. Fingers crossed today they can pick something up. Is there a reason you're having an early scan?
Hope you all had a nice easter. It was manic here as usual. I finally got my lawn turfed - so I'm excited to finally have a garden I can work with.
I'm not sure whats going on with my body...I've no idea if I've ovulated or when. I thought it was 2 weeks ago (on the weds or thurs) - but I've not been doing my temps so I can't really be sure.
I've not got any pms or tender boobs and no AF yet. Feels like AF is a long way off. Although most of my cycles are really short (23-24 days) I did have one that was 31 days with late maybe I've just got a long one this time. just to confuse the heck out of me!
I had a spot of pink last thursday..but I'm guessing if it was implantation I'd have detected something on tues... maybe?? I tested on Sunday as well (of course) and didn't get anything, but when I checked later (as you do) there was a smudge there - so I did a FRER with second morning pee - BFN. sigh!
I think with being in the states and in a different time zone it might have shifted my ov. Tested negative on tuesday. waiting till tomorrow to test again as I'm going to the docs in the morning and want to be able to tell her one way or the other. Hope she has some good news about my scan and also a cure for this horrible rash I have!!
Fingers crossed for a BFP tom!
Hope everyone is good xxx