Team Jelly Belly!!!

Gabby!! :hugs: Glad to see you back in here hun!! How's Jack doing? Anymore spotting?

I can not seem to stay awake today, so sleepy, I'm sure the rain isn't helping but this getting up 3 times a night to pee is getting old!!! I know its only going to get worse before it gets better, once she drops I'm screwed, lol! Getting excited for this weekend, Brayden and I are going up north to visit family, my nephew is turning 2 on Friday so going up for his party and then Sunday my mom has planned a little shower for me, so sweet, only with the grandmother and aunts so it will be very small but will be nice to see them and have a little brunch and get lots of cute girly things for Kaiya. Then I'll know what I'll need to buy and can finish up.

Girls I only have 9 weeks left!!! :shock: and poor Kaiya still does not have a middle name :rofl:
Rhonda....hey now I havent been MIA! lol. But thanks for the welcome back! hehe. I'm doing good and spotting...?? havent really had any..maybe you meant contractions...none of those either! hehe. Jack is good kicking lots and getting big b/c i'm getting big! I had a NIGHTMARE last night that he came very early....:( and hubby wanted to play softball instead of goin to see our son..:( he wouldnt do that but gosh that dream scared me...i keep thinking about it.

So girls.......we sold our house! ....which is good....but we have NO where to live!!!!!! now we need to find a place and agree on it fast or we'll be moving in with the inlaws in June!........OMG i'm freaking out!!! We are even looking at places to rent b/c trying to pick a house in such short time.....we couldnt even do it in the last 6 it's pretty crazy here. The people would like to move in by first week of now we gotta go through all our stuff! We've only lived here two years so i should be TOO sad....but it's still kinda daddy built this house. Please dont talk about it on facebook b/c if my brother finds out through there and not through me...he will be upset...he wanted the house but couldn't get a loan....

Rhonda~ your weekend sounds like it's going to be great!!!:) I hope you get lots of cute girlily things! Its......SNOWING here today.....wth honestly.....but it will be sunnday and 70's by Also the bedding i want i told my sis about and i think she's going to buy it!! YAY!...its like 200 dollars and she said she'll get it.

Debs.......PLEASE come back and tell us if you o'd or not! sorry you have to deal with the nasty witch....she needs to get a life and go somwhere else! ;)
Rhonda, my goodness when you put it like that it seems so close!!! Wow! :dance: Do you like the name Renee?

Gab, I am so happy you're doing well hun. I hope you get the home situation figured out QUICK! :)

I'm well, just trying to get a splinter out of my finger, makes me wish I had my mom close by to get it out for me :(

OH i love the name should ask hubby about that one if you like it!! least she has a first name my dear!:) Nine that is coming up fast!!!
Hi Girls,

Wasn't meant to pop in until the weekend but missing you all so much and wanted to let you know that I got my results back.

They are 50, anything over 10 means ovulation so my doctor said I had an AWESOME ovulation, which is great but when the hell was it. I had not metashczzzzzz thingy ma watzy and my CM got stretchy but not clear hmmmmm.

Guess I will just have to wait and see. I am CD25 now so AF is due any time from now until CD34, I am not too bothered. If it doesn't happen this month we are doing another IUI next month but hopefully I will ovulate with out meds.

Gosh Rhonda just 9 weeks that is just around the corner.

Gabby, no home. What is going on? I hope you find something soon.

MT our cycles are quite close together. Good luck in this TWW.

Caroline so sorry the witch got you. Best of luck with this new cycle.

Lea, congrats on having a boy.

I still have to find time to go back a couple pages to see all the bellies you are all talking about.

DH is calling me to watch Heroes so I have to go. Love to you all.
Thanks for the name idea MT, I had mentioned that one to DH and he said no way. We have it narrowed down to 2 names just can not decide as he loves both of them, She is either going to be Kaiya Brynn or Kaiya Ashlyn. I honestly like Ashlyn more but understand that DH is torn as he loves the name Brynn and wanted that to be her first name and I said no so I should be a wonderful wife and just let that be her middle name but I love Ashlyn so much, am I being selfish?

Gabby yay on getting your house sold, that is awesome, that's usually the hard part. Maybe renting for a bit would be best, that way you don't feel rushed into something and can take your time looking. Gosh buying a new house and having a baby, so stressful, for both you and Jenna! Please no lifting or anything for you girls!!!

MT....elmers glue will take that splinter out, if you can see any of it? Put some glue on it and let it dry, then peel it off and out comes the splinter!

Debs, 50 that is wonderful hun!!! Not every woman gets a sign that she is going to ovulate, I never did until I had Brayden. FX that you get your well deserved bfp next month (if you haven't already concieved this month that is) :hugs:
Oh debs that's AWESOME news!!!!!! I'm so happy that you o'd on your own! Hope we have a nice BFP to follow!:)

Yeah Rhonda....we really dont want to rush but dont have a choice now.....and i really DONT want to live with his in laws specially with a new baby
So as of now were looking at houses for rent and for sale...well see what we find.

So i'm not a cook at all...hubby does alot of the cooking, i just do basics.....but i just made my first pot of homemade chicken noodle soup..and it's SOOO GOOD>...hubby graded it a proud of myself! ( i know i know it's simply...but i am still proud.
Awesome on the Chicken soup!!! :happydance: Don't feel like that isn't an accomplishment , I too do not cook :blush: DH does it all, though it will be changing once I am home all day, I know basic stuff too and mostly I just bake deserts, really good at that, lol just have no interest in cooking, no desire at all! So I am proud of you too Gabs! :yipee:
:aww: you ladies!! ur lucky u dont do the cooking :rofl: actually DF and I share the cooking, he cooks the simple things and i do the more complicated stuff!! i love cooking :D although it makes me fat so I will stop when I have baby to lose weight :rofl:

right I know u have babies and this is ur 2nd or 3rd but think waaaay back to ur first - were u absolutely terrified at the prospect of actually having a baby?? I have wanted to be pregnant for about 8 yrs now.....and now i am i have just realised that in less than 18 weeks ii am going to have a :baby: aaaaaaaah I am soooo scared!! will i be able to do anything anymore? :rofl:
Hello Ladies,

I've been catcjing up and it sounds like everyone is doing ok.

R - I'm glad that Brayden is doing better. Easter parties always help with the healing.

Jenna - I loved the pics of your jellytot and your your belly. You are so little it looks so cute!

Gabs - Glad your LO is healthy is a little boy and your belly looks great! Nice to see another stretch mark mom.

MT - I hope the BDing is going well.

Ashley - I would love to be in Jamaica right now. I know your trip is a couple of weeks away but please have drinks for me.

Debs - I had to laugh when you said you are going through withdrawl from your FS. I hope you get to see him soon, but I hope you enjoy your holiday!

As for me, I have uploaded my 16 wk belly shot. I have finally built up the courage. lol I have a scan pic from my US but it's not that good so I will load one from my 20 wk one next month. HE is doing great. That's right I said he; it's a boy. I got my boy!

I found the belly shot. Awesome picture Lea. Your belly looks amazing.

Jenna, I can't believe you are still holding out on what you are having. I can't wait to find out :hugs:
Thanks Debs :D You can all guess now if you like :rofl: I think I can accept it hehehe I was just being hormonal before!!!

Debs I am not sure if I said before (nappy brain) but congrats on OV'ing...u must be over the moon!! is there a chance u got preggo this month then??? eeeeeek I do hope so!! Have u been on hols yet? xxx
:rofl: Jenna if you think I'm not scared this time...oh is something but two...I am very scared, not about taking care of the baby as I know what I'm in for but dealing with 2 at once and worried about Brayden accepting another in the house that he has to share his attention with...yes I am worried!!! I was scared before I had Brayden, I know how your feeling but like people kept telling me and its very true, you just adapt, its like once you have your baby your motherly instinct kicks in and you just know what to do...its strange! Everyone will say don't worry but you still will, its part of becoming a great mother which I know you will be!! :hugs: And you wont have the complete freedom you had before but yes you can still do stuff...we swore after we had Brayden we would never go out the eat again, lol I had to laugh when Gabby made that comment as well. We go out but not like we used to its lots more work but also because we don't have the money to do stuff like that anymore, and now without me working I really don't see us going out at all!! But life is full of sacrifices right? And I'm definately a family girl :D
Congrats on ovulating Debs - great news! I'm going for my cd5 bloods tom - fingers crossed I get some good results at the end of the cycle - :)

Well done on the chicken soup - my poor OH got bacon sarnies tonight because I couldn't be arsed to cook - mind you we both worked the same length day today - so why should I cook?? and I emptied the dishwasher!! he's not a experienced cook - it's all very basic (pasta!)

Jenna - I totally understand why you're scared, I'm sure it's part of becoming a good mum and you'll be a fabulous mum!!!

Thanks for the good job on the soup..Hubby actually said it was BETTER then his mums!!! And btw....he always LOVES his mum's soup! WHO HOO!!! hehe. Okay but i had to clean clean the kitchen and me b/c it smelt like chicken and i was going to puke! YUCK.

Jenna~ I totally remember that feeling..specially being ummm 18!! lol. I wasnt worried about not doing things b/c i was always home helping my family out or in sports..never really went out. But i was like omg will i do this right and all that good stuff. I always knew i'd be a good mother and even at 18 years old i would say i did a great job....and my hubby does awesome too! he's so good with new babies:) Once you have that baby in your arms honey you will be so's like your thoughts about life change COMPLETLY!:) About going out....hmmm after our first...we got to do things still...but never wanted to leave baby untill he was 1years old. With our second we had to adapt that a sitter was going to be harder to find with two little ones and i never trusted anyone. We get out once in awhile on our own,....and as far as going places with the kids...UM we go where there is activities and stuff for the boys. Out to dinner.....umm not so much! lol it's rather impossible..we end up arguing b/c the kids were naughty and we get embrassed and can't even enjoy our food. And too we don't have the money for it....i said after this baby we will not go ANYWERE.....b/c we really can't waste our money and taking 3 out will be not so fun. lol
Don't worry Jenna you are going to be an awesome mom! You are so emotional and warm hearted ...he/she will be so lucky to have a mommy like you. HUGS.

Debs....WHen do you think you will test....i'm dying to know! I hope you got your BFP. i crazy for wanting a new carseat? Ours is only a year old but i want a cuter I keep saying this is our last baby so i want everything new and cute! I'm glad we are moving b/c then whether we rent or buy....i'll make sure there is a room for baby! yay!!!!! So excitied.
How did I miss the OH cooking train?? He makes nothing...unless instructed. :sad2:

Oh, Debs I am so excited! I'm so hoping this is it!!!!! :hugs:

Rhonda-I like both of those names but when I voted on your poll I chose Ashlyn because it's unique. :hugs: Oh, and thank you for the info on getting splinters out! I'll have to try it sometime. Mine actually is a cactus needle!! I still never got it out but I have a big hole in my finger from the attempted surgery!

Gab-silly girl, don't get another carseat, get a cool jogging stroller or something you can resell! :D (Like, um, maybe to me in oh, another 3 years when I finally get pregnant) :D

Caroline-Honey, I am sending all the good vibes I can muster up for tomorrow! :hugs:
Good morning girls! I just got back from my doctors appt, she gave me the time Kaiya will be born :happydance: So mark your calendars, June 24th at 10:30am. Exciting...its all coming together now!!

Thanks MT, my first choice is still Ashlyn too...we will see if I win :muaha: Will you be testing this weekend? Chart still looks fab hun!

Caroline good luck at the doctors today!
:wohoo: booked in, now all I need to do is book the flight!!!! :dance:

yes Carolin gd luck at dr's today :hugs:
Where you going Jenna.....?

Rhonda~ Awe how exciting!! IT's all so real now!! YAY! I have my c section date and time as well...but we dont really count on that happening so BUT mines August 21st at 8am. hehe

Mel.....when will you be testing?
to Ameeeerrrrricaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :wohoo: to be with Rhonda when she has Kaiya :dance: :rofl:

ooooooh 21st August - I like that date :D hope lil Jack stays in until then FX

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