Team Jelly Belly!!!

i do not know babe what it is like in the USA but i know they can't fire you for not training (doing the hr and training managers job). and it is more than their life is worth and rep and money to fire u after 11yrs whilst preg, u could sue!!! ur so lucky it is sooo hot :grr: i wish it was that warm here!!! xxx
Gosh my face was numb all day!! bout you jenna? lol.
Aww Rhonda, I can sympathize with you-but I definately agree that you should follow your heart hun!

Ok, FF gave me purdy solid crosshairs! We will see how this goes!

I'm sorry you had to get your teeth done Gabs, I am in for it when I finally find a good dentist, I haven't been in 2.5 years :blush: (it's a long story, but I have really good dental hygiene) :rofl:

:hug: to all my beautiful Jellies!
Hi guys!
Well, it turns out that my dr scanner was pretty old and perhaps that's why it didn't pick up anything but just the sac - I SAW/HEARD THE HB!!! I'm just so relieved!

The ultrasound tech said today that maybe because the other machine was old and because we did a transvaginal we weren't able to go up the far (baby was on the top corner) and that that happens sometime. I was pretty convinced something was wrong and that I had to accept a second mc, but was so surprised when he pointed at the blurry flickering thing on the screen and said "well, see here? that flicker is your baby's heartbeat". I just started crying.

I think next time - next pregnancy - I might wait until I'm 10 week along! This early scans could be double-edged.

Either way, thanks for the support you guys! I might post a picture later :)
:wohoo: wow thats great news Mel!! See I told you it would all be ok :hugs: I am sooo over the moon for you, its the best news I have heard for a while, this is it Mel ur gonna have a baby :yipee: :kiss:

Gabs - I didnt have to have any anaesthetic cos my Dentist was sooo gentle it didnt even hurt, I had 2 fillings on the side and he rebuilt my farthest tooth at the back, which did hurt, but I am so pleased it was all free :yipee: and I got white fillings too :wohoo: hope ur mouth is ok :hugs: my experience has definitely restored my faith in dentists, i had a horrible experience when i was 15 which terrified me for life, could not eat for 2 wks :(
:happydance: yay Mel!!! Fantastic news sweetie!!! I bet you are on :cloud9: right now. I remember having my first ultrasound after my mc and hearing and seeing the heatbeat, I burst into tears, its the most wonderful thing in the world isn't it? :hugs: I think DH even shed a tear!

Jenna glad your trip to the dentist turned into a good one!

I am on :cloud9: today because I'm not at work :happydance: and its so beautiful here, only 8:30am and all I see is blue sky everywhere i look, so excited its going to be near 70 today :happydance: I've just done some :laundry: and am going to go hang it outside on the clothesline, nothing better than the smell of freshly hung out clothes! :D I know I'm weird, just so so happy to see the sun!!! I'm also going to work on my letter of resignation today, would you girls give me some opinions if I posted it in here? I've never written one before :blush:

Hope everyone has a super fantastic day today!! :hugs:
:grr: well I am just jealous :mwaha:

I will defo look at ur res letter babe, i get given them a lot and have written a few myself so i am pretty gooooooooood ;)
Oh Mel I am so happy for you! I am glad you've seen the HB!! :cloud9: congrats hun!
Just popping in to say I miss you all.

Mel so glad that your little bubba is fine and you got to hear the heart beat, it is such an awesome experience.

Good luck Caroline, I hope tomorrow brings you your BFP.

Jenna, Rhonda, Gabby and all you lovely ladies I hope you have had an awesome weekend.

PS: I get my CD21 test result tomorrow to see if I ovulated this month because I didn't last month : FX
hey Mel! Congrats! So glad you got to see your baby's HB :)

I'm feeling shitty. AF came today. (had a BFN on friday, so was expecting it). I really wasn't suprised. I have a bit of hope each month, but something inside me really doesn't expect to get pregnant anymore. I KNOW we've not been trying that long, and BnB is not really that great a place to hang out when AF is around. There's either peeps getting PG in their first month (and then posting on TTC forums!) or LTTC - which makes me feel bad for feeling so down about 8 lousy cycles. No tears or anything, just angry.

Had an argument with my Dr too, as she really couldn't get her head round a luetal phase defect and insisted I couldn't tell when I'm ovulated from temps and OPK - grrr - I'm pretty damn sure I can! Anyway, she's going to do cd22 bloods to check I'm ovulating. She wasn't sure when to do them as my last cycle was only 23 days, so cd22 might not work. seems weird that you yanks have cd21 tests...not cd22...??? anyway, at least AF has arrived properly, with only spotting yesterday and flow today, so I know today is CD1.

Rant over!!!

Glad you're all doing ok.
Fingers crossed for your BFP melT

Anyone heard from Sara? is she ok ???

Hello all! I started my TTC Journal finally and when I have time to get on BnB I usually only can look at that and read (not post) all my other stuff.
Caroline, I am so sorry sweetheart. I do agree, just starting AF is definately better than her taking her sweet ol' time to get going. I am still very sorry and also for the argument with the Dr. That's no good. :growlmad:

I'm glad you stopped by Debs, I've missed you. :hug:

I'm doing well, FF changed my Ov date......weird... and I played with my temps (they are invalid anyway) to get it back to where it was, and it's still a day later than I know it happened. Oh well.

Love to you all! :hug:
sorry that nasty old :witch: arrived caroline!!! if i see her i will smack her for you :ninja: she really annoys me, cant she get the hint she is not wanted in any jelly belly!??! :grr: sorry about ur Dr - can you see another one....she sounds an idiot!! we have CD21 tests at our Dr not CD22....!?! maybe she is confused!?! try see f u can see anyone else!

Debs great to hear from you and I will be hoping and praying u OV'd this month come on eggy hope u came and that :spermy: joined you for a 9month long beautiful journey!!

Gabs - how u feeling? what u got planned for this week? resting I hope!!!!!

:hugs: to all my jellies :kiss:
Mel, I'm so glad there was a HB and that it put yout mind at ease!

Rhonda & Gabs, thanks for the baby boy wisdom. I'm falling in love with my mamas boy everyday!

Rhonda, If you have to resign early then do it. There is no since Of having the last 10 weeks be stressed because of work. Also I was ROFLMAO when I read about your coworker. I can't believe he had the nerve to do that.

Debs, I hope the test comes back pos for OV.

Caroline, sorry about that b*tch of a :witch: making her appearance.

Gabs, With Owen turning 4 does he still ride in a stoller with Gavin? I'm trying to figure out what do do about Zoe (BTW she is very excited about her little brother). I am realistic about going out with them both esp since Zoe likes to run from me and doesn't listen as well as I'd like (working on that big time). I'm not really worried about looks from having my soon to be 4 yr old in a double stoller with the baby if it makes for an easier trip. Right now Zoe is 44 lbs and 42.5 inches tall. So I'm running out of options stroller wise. Any suggestions?
can u get one that has a little ledge on the back so she can stand on it like a skateboard type thing, they look pretty good, and then she would hold on to the bar with you?
I read about those but they have weight limits as well and moms are split (like everything else) on their reviews. Most seem like they wind up selling it because it doesn't work as well. I'm trying to figure out to keep them both in my view and make the outing pleasant for everyone. I thought about the harness and tying it to the stroller but if she takes off and i don't have my hand on the stroller there goes the baby. So that was a bad idea.:dohh: Right now when we go out I put her in a shopping cart at the grocery store and one of those rented carts at the mall. She by far is not lazy and likes to walk and run but I need her somewhat confined in large crowds.

This is when I kick myself for having kids 4 years apart.:hissy:
Oh Lea I hear you hun, I'm in the same boat, though Brayden is only 2.5 he is the same way Zoe is and doesn't listen to me and just runs everywhere he wants to, I'm scared to do the stay at home thing for this reason, what if we are in the park and he takes off on me...I can't just leave Kaiya to chase after him. I know I'm being silly but I think about it all the time. And Zoe being 4 scares me, I was hoping Brayden would just out grow this phase but now I'm thinking its just his personality. He doesn't sit still for 2 seconds! Oh and yes that guy I work with is horrible, he's not good looking at all and can't get a girl so he resorts to that. I don't know how much he did durring work hours as a lot of them had saved times of after hours but ick to think of what he was doing at my desk...ahhhhhhhhhhhhh :hissy: needless to say he got a nasty letter from me!! :devil:

Caroline, sorry about the :witch: hun, I do remember what it was like to get unwanted visits from her and coming on here then was not fun. But we're all here for jellies must stick together, through the thick and thin! :hugs:

MT...have been watching your chart, looks lovely...fx for you!!

Debs...what's the good word hun, did you ovulate??

Jenna I have seen those strollers that your talking about, I thought about it too but then thought there is no way Brayden would stay put on one of those, he's a challenge and I certainly have my handsful with that one, Kaiya better be a piece of cake!!! If she's anything like her mom she'll be an O:) :rofl:
Hey girls!:)

Lea~ umm wow your little girl is 44lbs! she's a big girl. Owens 41lbs and everyone says he's huge! lol. When will she be 4? Owen will be 4 in early August. Um He doesn't go in a stroller anymore. I bought a double front to back when i had gavin...and i put him and Gavin in it but it was SO hard to push...omg impossible sometimes! He was about 2 nhalf and did pretty well. i would say trying without a stroller for her hun..... Owen runs away from me like crazy too but i let him help push the stroller and that and he seems to do very well. I'd maybe get a double one to take to the zoo or something like that?
I see the stand up ones all the time but i thought owen wouldnt stand up in that either so that's why i went with the basic double one. I'm sure she can fit in it and simply tell her....if you can't walk nice you ride in the stroller like a baby, or you can be mama's big helper and walk with me? :)
I remember going to the grocery store for the first time with two and i was TERRIFIED!!! It wasnt too bad but i wont let owen in the back of the cart so he had to walk...he stayed by me but we bought the whole store...haha.

You girls are all nervous to have 2....i remember that stage..i was so nervous to go anywhere.i use to take hubby when he got home. I keep telling brain that we arent going ANYWHERE with three kids!! B/c we go out to dinner now with Owen and Gavin and owen is impatient and gavin wont sit in the high chair!!!! I said when they are like 10 we will go out in joys of kids!
I don't really have anything to say, but it's nice to see lots of action back on here :)
Awe, I agree Mel.

I wonder what Debs cd 21 tests showed....I"m praying she o'd!!!

Mel....hows the tww?

Me and hubby and owen were watching Jack kick me...we can finally see it from the outside....TOO CUTE!:)
wow - you can see the kicking - that's fab.

My nephew is terrible for running away and not sitting still, he was 2 1/2 when alice was born. he kind of got that mummy couldn't run after him when she had alice and so would at least hold on to the buggy when crossing the road. my sis does use a double buggy sometimes, but it's much easier if he walks.

Hate, hate, hate AF. A friend at work is trying for her second - would be sooo lovely to get PG together and have maternity leave together. Fx
the nurse is drawing bloods on thurs, so I'm not sure how much advice she can give me. but might book in for cd21 for the second set - just say I made a mistake if she calls me on it!!
Or see another dr :)

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