Team Jelly Belly!!!

I don't know if I'll test, you girls know me...I am no fun! I don't like to waste my tests if I feel AF is coming. I will see if I'm compelled to test at 12dpo or so.
And about my chart....I'm confused! Usually my temps shoot straight up to the high 98s and then in the 99s. I'm not even at 'normal' temps yet, and they are all over the place. Any thoughts?
OMG Jenna are you serious?? Don't get me all excited like that for nothing :rofl: EEeeeee!!!!!! :D

MT maybe your chart is reading lower because you are pregnant this month, you say they are always higher but you got negatives then right? Just trying to be optimistic hun :happydance:
Are you really going to see her Jenna? that would be way cool!:)

Mel....I am no good at temps.but i agree positive thinking....something different is a GOOD sign! :)

So since Gavin started on whole milk he has yucky runny poops like 3 times a day and is so cranky. So i'm thinking he's lactose intolerant. Doctor said to keep him off milk so thats what i'm doing.

But one thing....Gavin doesnt eat maybe four bites of something and thats it. HE's always tired and crabby and crying like in pain, and he gets sick all the time. HE is really starting to worry me..:(
Gabby have you tried giving him soy milk to see how he reacts to that? That may tell you right there if he is lactose intolerant or not. Brayden didn't switch well to milk either, though he had the opposite problem and either didn't go for days or if he did it was so hard it hurt him. I switched him to soy for awhile and it was much better on his stomach, I gently switched him back to whole milk and he's fine now. I think its such a rough thing compared to formula, just takes them awhile to adjust.
Gavin only ever had soy milk b/c he couldnt poop on regular formula and was VERY colicky. He's got like every sign of lactose intolerant....she's assuming that's what it is. She wants me to keep him on formula and not use soy milk or anything at this point...
ooo MT testing soon - fingers crossed! I hope soooo much it's a BFP!!!

Gabby, sorry you're worrying. my nephew has long periods of not eating well and it leaves him very tired and cranky - my sis gives him a build up drink/supplement like complan (but I'm not sure it's that) and that seems to get him out of the dip and eating a bit better again. and if it doesn't at least it's squeezing in more nutrients. maybe something to look at?
Don't assume you're stopping at 3!! My neighbour had her first at 18, amy is now nearly 5, aaiden is 3 and harrison just about 1. She's expecting her 4th (unplanned) about the same time as you.....:)

Thanks for all your support girls - saw the nurse yesterday, she as LOVELY! and recommended a more sympothetic Dr at the surgery for me to see, so I'm going to try and see him - especially as I'm still confused about cd22 (or cd17) - just trying to think of a good reason for seeing him. my friend says just to say i want a second opinion - but I dont' want to sound that naff!
Anyway, fingers crossed for ov! (tmi alert - my period is quite long and heavy this month, but feels much more normal - no weird spotting etc...and my last cycle was 30 days, I wonder if this is going to be a good month too??)

debs how you doing?
Sara - hows you?
Liyanna - hope life is good

Yeay - R is having her baby soooooon!!! xxx
glad your Dr appt went well and yes it sounds like all is turning around for you

Gabs sorry Gavin is poorly and ur worried, is there a nutritionist you could see to discuss options?!

Rhonda - I was awarded £500 today from Uni to help me as I am in money worries - so i could use it as my ticket to see you :wohoo:
Gab-I would suggest Rice Dream rice milk, it's actually quite good, and a great alternative to soy.

Ladies, I am so nervous. I hope this is going to have a happy outcome. I have had cramps for about 4-5 days off and on now. But with my miscalculation on when AF was due, it might be fairly normal to start cramping that early (the only thing is it has been fairly consistent and that is a new one for me). I haven't had any spotting, and my cm has turned watery. AHH! I hate this!
Gab-I would suggest Rice Dream rice milk, it's actually quite good, and a great alternative to soy.

Ladies, I am so nervous. I hope this is going to have a happy outcome. I have had cramps for about 4-5 days off and on now. But with my miscalculation on when AF was due, it might be fairly normal to start cramping that early (the only thing is it has been fairly consistent and that is a new one for me). I haven't had any spotting, and my cm has turned watery. AHH! I hate this!

Good luck sweetie! Keeping everything crossed for you! :hug:
MT this soounds soooooooooo positive :dance: good luck I really really REALLY hope this is it for you :hugs: I won't drum up anything this time and be good to u ladies flase hope is poooo but I have a secret feeling in my waters ;)
Thank you girls! I have to work for a baby shower today, so it will be a long day preparing and setting up then having to clean up afterward. Hopefully it will be some slight fun for me.
Hi Mel, I see you are online. I hope you are able to enjoy the baby shower and it isn't too upsetting.
Hi Jenna sweetie. Congrats on getting five hundred pounds. That is awesome.
You are just kidding about flying all the way to America at this stage in your pregnancy?!!! Have you got everything you need for your little one?
Any thoughts on names?

Mel, are you going to test today? You said you would test at 12DPO.

I am on CD29. I did a HPT yesterday morning and it was a :bfn:, no real suprise there.
I know, I know it aint over until the :witch: arrives, but she will probably be here later today or by Monday at the latest. Not too upset since in two weeks time I will be on the beach in Mauritius :yipee:, so excited. Depending on when the :witch: arrives I will hopefully get to a an IUI treatment just before we go.

Has anyone heard from Sarah? It is almost May which means it is time she started trying.

Gabby, Rhonda, Lea, Liyana, preggie-Mel, Sarah, Sara, Caroline and Michelle
I hope all you lovely ladies are doing well.
The baby shower was actually quite fun! The ladies were all wonderful and very nice. It was a very posh shower held at the Ritz Carlton (where the woman I work for lives on the beach). So I was pouring the champagne and interacting with the higher ups :D I'm not into that, but today, I felt like going along with it.
No AF, some cramps, and they feel a little more intense at times...not a good sign.
I don't know.....blah!

Deb-Aww, poo! :hugs: Stupid BFN! :growlmad: I'm not going to test until I think I need to. I have a company party to go to on May 2nd, I'm just really hoping to have an answer before then.
Michelle-How are you doing sweetie? :hugs:

:hug: :dance: :hug:
ooooh i saw u had posted and got so excited parying for the :bfp:

Rhonda and I had cramps before and twinges!! its a gd sign :dance:

Glad u enjoyed urself - just going out so i will do a big post to everyone later but for now Aurevoir and :hugs:
Hey girls I'm back!! Had a wonderful weekend with my family up north, got lots of goodies for Kaiya as my mom threw me a little shower today...I just need to sort everything all out and make a list of what's left to buy...shouldn't be too much though..we're getting there :happydance: I told DH the other day that I gave him full responsibility of picking her middle name, he told me tonight that he's pretty sure its going to be Brynn...which I guess I am ok with, I don't hate it and its only fair as I did get to pick the first name. Once he's made up his mind for sure he agreed to let me tell family :yipee: They were bugging me all weekend!! I've done good to keep it quiet though! It was so beautiful here all weekend, in the 70's warm and sunny, I'm starting to swell with this heat and had to take off my wedding rings as I had all I could do to get them off last night :blush: It's going to be 90 degrees (F) here on Tuesday, sooo excited, loving this warm weather!!!!!!!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and hope that Debs and MT get their :bfp: this week!!! Jenna as much as I would love love love to see you hun you can't fly in your 3rd tri they wont let you :cry: Don't worry babe our day will come!! You need that money so put it to good use :hugs:
Hey girls!

Debs...sorry about the BFN>..don't give up yet sweetie. and how exciting a vacation!!!:) Fingers crossed for you!

Mel~get your butt tested pretty lady!!:) I had TONS of cramps before my bfp.:)

Sara~hope all is well....miss you! Going to check your journal and see if anything is going on.

Jenna~yes...NO FLYING lol. We will all get together soon enough!:) I'm dying to know what your's house hunting?? Btw i got your text...did you get mine back...?

Rhonda~ glad you had such a wonderful time! How is the room coming along? And JEALOUS of your weather...we had 80 on Friday..and well it's rained ALL weekend and it's only going to be 50's this week....:( I think the middle name is cute by the way.:)

Michelle~how all is well. I know your on a ttc break.

Lyiana~we need a new belly shot! how are you doing?

Lea~have you got a name for your little man?

As for me I"M getting HUGE...not kidding..i almost weigh what i did when i gave birth to gavin.....:( I'm really getting upset about how big i am and its not my belly its my legs and's disgusting i'm not wearing a swimsuit this summer.....
We went to the zoo on Friday for just 2 hours and it was fun. I was so tired by the time we were done and my feet have been killing me for days! argh...this extra weight is no good!
We've looked at a few places for rent and for sale. FOund two cute places to rent and filled our that was kinda cool. We shall see what we decide to do.
Also this weekend we decided to go through ALL the boys old clothing and their clothes now. We sorted out 9 HUGE bins of clothes. And we labeled it from 0-3months,3-6months, 6-9months and 12, 2, 3 years. My god I'm not kidding it took HOURS to BUt it's all done and all the boys have plenty of clothes and today we went and bought owen 100 bucks worth of new stuff. :) GREAT
Wow..okay lol that's it for me.....feeling good and all. See doctor in two weeks and have an u/s then....:)

Hope all is well . HUGS
Meli and Debs - fingers crossed for you both. I hope you're testing soon! can't wait!

Gabs I'm sure you're tiny compared to how I'm going to look - I have no will power now, so god knows what I'll be like PG! although I have finally started running again - only a pathetic 15 mins, as I'm THAT unfit, but will try and keep it up. It's raining this morning and I'm aching from gardening all weekend, so I bailed - oops

:hugs: to you all xxx
Gabby darling you are not alone! My hips have gotten so wide I can only wear 2 pair of my pj bottoms now :blush: and my butt and thighs are also taking their tole, don't you just love what these kiddos do to our bodies, hee soon as I'm able to work out again after Kaiya is born I am going to like mad! I said that after I had Brayden and I did nothing, I was so mad at myself but I was also working full time and was exhausted! I'm hoping this time since I'll be home I'll have more time to exercise!! And Caroline I too am completely out of shape! You'd definately beat me running for just 15 minutes :rofl:

This week is going to suck, DH is turning in his final Thursday so he's working late tonight and taking Tues and Weds off to do school work then will be at school all day Thursday and Friday and has to work all weekend to make up the time he's taking off for school so yuck!! I didn't see him all weekend and probably wont much at all this week either :( He has post poned the floor in Brayden's new room to the day after he graduates (May 10) which I just discovered is mother's nice. At this rate Brayden will still be in Kaiya's room until the the beginning of June! *SIGH* Nothing much I can do he is busy and I can't do much to help...I'm starting to stress :hissy: I just want to get in there and make it all pretty already!!
Caroline....yay for 15minutes that's great! I LOVE running..usually run about 5miles a day..but of course not now..b/c of preterm labor..grr. Just go every other day and you will do awesome. and your motiviation will go up so much. :)

Rhonda~ awe sweetie...i'm sorry things are getting crazy at home. Just think though you know hubby will have it all done before she arrives so that's great! come you have c sections? I agree once i have Jack i will be making myself get up to run at 430am everyday....i dont care what it takes..this is just gross and I hate that it's summer and i'm so fat!!!:(

?.....So we've only rented once before we bought our house. Well i told you that we put in two applications. The guy got it on Friday I'm i just wait to here if we got the place and if i dont hear anything do i assume we didn't get it? He said for sure before the 1st of may he wanted to make a decision.....or do i call and ask him i dont want to bug

Gavin went to bed at 9pm.....woke up at 1130, 345, and got up for good at 615....AHH it's so annoying.i'm so tired b/c between getting up to pee, make hubbies lunch, and getting up with Gavin.....there goes my whole night! I get angry at him..and i know i shouldnt lol i really just need some sleep!

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