Team Jelly Belly!!!

:hissy: If I have to answer this question one more time I swear I'll jump off a cliff!! I thought I had it covered but will explain one last time.

The reason for my first c-section was a very large baby that would not come out of me...small frame, big head...does not mix I was in labor for 14 hours with Brayden and only dilated to 3cm because he was too big and couldn't fit through my pelvis. My doctor told me this time I could "try" for a vaginal delivery but there is no way I am going through all that again only to end up back at a was awful. When they delivered Brayden they said given the size of me I would only ever be able to vaginally delivery a baby under 7lbs and well I'd have to be in labor at 34 weeks for that to happen :rofl:

Gabby I would call that guy to check back in, it makes you sound very interested and he may just move you to the top of the list! Sorry that Gavin is still getting you up all hours of the night, Why isn't hubby helping you with that? Doesn't seem fair to me! :hugs:
LMAO...sorry for asking....I thought b/c Brayden was BIg..but i wasn't sure...cmon forgive a pregnant brain! hehe:) I can't believe your almost done! How exciting!!!!

Ummm hubby doesnt get up with Gavin...HAHA yeah right..he works everyday and leaves at 5am so I can't except him to get up....i guess? lol. With Owen, Brian got up with him all the time.....but then again he started sleeping through the night at 6wks....rofl. I'm okay really just kinda annoyed with Gavin and he's at this WONDERFUL lets run the house stage. haha call....I feel annoying....what do i say? lol
It's ok hun, I have answered that question like a bazzillion times in 2nd and 3rd tri, I should just create a post and direct people to it when they ask :rofl: I know...only 58 more days!!! :wohoo:

I would just say something like I'm just calling to check on the status of the house you have for rent, tell them when you applied and were just checking to see if they had made any decisions yet?? Or you could wait a little later in the week to call?

Yes my hubby helped some with Brayden but I have some serious doubts that I'll get much help from him this time. I can see myself turning into a real B:witch: :rofl:
Awe....Yeah it seems the second time around they just aren't much help!! I swear...i can't remember the last time Brain changed one of Gavin's diapers...! haha. But you are having a girl..your hubby might be more help. I know if we had a girl my husband would do alot more with her .....then his 3rd

I was thinking of calling the guy and saying that I just wanted to make sure I find out either way by Wednesday if we got the place or not...b/c we got a different place but would like to see if we get yours first....something along those lines...haha

Gosh i'm such a spur of the moment kind of girl.....was having the kids go to the sitter so i could go to the dentist...instead I"m going to get my hair done...blonde...haha!
:rofl: I wish I were a spur of the moment girl! Isn't dying your hair during pregnancy dangerous? But blonde...yeeha!!!! :happydance: My hair is in dire need of something, I just don't know what to do with it, I feel so hideous all the time, I hate it!!
No hun it's safe to change your hair during pregnancy. Just can't get the chemicals in the blood stream. :) Me going blonde is probably the worst case with coloring...because we use bleach..but i've done it in previous pregnancies and my doctor said it's okay. :) can't wait to be MYSELF again...i just hate my hair dark.....btw i cut it awhile ago so it's short...i want it blonde like Kelly pickler.....from american idol/country singer.

Rhonda~ do you have highlights.....thats always simple and nice
I do have highlights but they were done last summer and are all grown out and faded...I don't mind changing the color its what to cut it like that gets me as I have naturally wavy hair and can make it curl really easily but I prefer it straight, go figure! LOL always want what you don't have! I just feel stuck but don't really think I want to do anything till after Kaiya is born as she has totally killed my hair, maybe I should just wait to see what happens to it after she's done stealing my beauty :rofl:
just wanted to drop by and let everyone know i have been keeping up with everyone. i like still reading up on how you all are doing. sorry not around that much but work is insane :)
Aww Ashley, I've been thinking about you. I read through our old buddy thread yesterday, those were the days :)
Well AF is due today and will be arriving promptly, I do believe. I am not surprised. Oh well.
I just wanted to check in. My goodness it seems like you preggy ladies are all catching up to Rhonda :winkwink: It's getting so close for all of you!! :dance:
Morning girls.

Mel~ are you spottig or what is the reason you know af is coming...? I'm so sorry if she is but glad you seem okay about it. I swear that stork needs to stop wasting his time and get to your house!!! I'll pray for you.

Rhonda~ lol i want curly hair and mine is stick straight!!! I guess it's easy though i get out of the shower and can go looking decent. So whens the next belly shot.?

Lea~how you doing sweetie?

Debs! .i'm DYING to know if you got BFP or that nasty witch came..please come update.

Jenna~do you have any CLUE to what your

Ashley` nice to hear from you. are you on a ttc break..? Glad work is good.

Well today I'm at work girls. All i'm doin is sitting in a room with a 25yr old who overdosed on heroin.....gross/scary. I just take care of him and give his meds and talk to the's so boring but at least i got out of the house. My doctor said i could go to work but of course not do much at oh well making some extra money.

I called about that house for rent b/c it has 4 bedrooms and a huge yard and just is really nice and it's only 950/month! We pay 1300 for our morgage right now so we could have alittle more money for a year. Yes we are kinda wasting it but hey if this house works then i guess thats fine. Anyways lol i talked to the guy and he said our application was excellent and all looks good.and he will let me know by Wednesday morning for sure! yay!

And i can't believe how far we are getting us preggers....we NEED a new pregger lady NOW!!!!!!! luv you all
:happydance: Gabs that sounds awesome, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, so you'll find out tomorrow morning...nice!!

Yes Debs where are you we want to know good or bad, we're here for you hun :hugs:

Jenna is having a girl! LOL Just "my" gut instinct :rofl:

Gabby I want stick straight hair that you can just wash and go!! :hissy: LOL!!!

Hey Ash! Glad to hear your doing well...almost time for you to start ttc again too!!

Gabby is right we need another prego Jelly, one to take my place cause in 8 weeks I'm all done!! HOLY CRAP :shock:
Yeah tomorrow morning. But i just talked to hubby and he's like.dont you think we should just buy something for now..? Idk. I think if we do that then we will be stuck there untill we could sell AGAIN....why not just rent only for a year and find a perfect home for us? What do you is a bad idea to rent.....?

I'm SO SO bored at work...idk how people can do a sit down job all day long...i'm going insane...and the sun is shining.

Two girls from work just had their babies..both healthy and so so cute. A boy and a girl! I love seeing newborns! in a few days...your baby will be born the next month...thats just crazy..i still remember you saying...GIRLS i did it!! :)
Hey darlings. Thank you for your prayers Gabs. I have only dark cm but it's not making it's way out. It's the cramping and the deflated, no longer sore boobs that is making me know AF is on her way. I am just waiting. I also have dropping temps.

Jenna, thanks for stopping by my journal sweetheart! :hugs:

Geez, Rhonda will be in the parenting forums soooooon! :winkwink: :hugs:
It's over for me. CD1 today, let's hope she continues to be nice to far so good. :hug:
:cry: Oh I'm sorry MT atleast your doing ok and not too upset. That mean old hag, when is she going to get the hint that you don't want her for another 9 months!!! :grr:

Gabby any news on the house? Did you get it? Have you made up your mind yet? I know renting is a waste of money but if its only for a short time and will allow you to save some money each month until you find the house of your dreams well...that alone would be worth it to me :D

What a mess I was last night, this has been a rough couple of weeks with DH finishing up his degree, his last class is tomorrow :happydance: and I've been stressed and so has he, I cried so hard while trying to eat my dinner last night, surprisingly he was very supportive, if you've read my last entry in my journal you'll see why I've been so upset...I'm just ready for this week to be over with!!!
Mel...Big hugs sweetie. I"m so sorry she got you. But so glad that you seem "ok" about it. She really is just pissing me off and needs to fly out of your state for 9months! Just 9 months...cmon witch Mel wants to be a mommy!!!!!! Luv you.

Rhonda~ Sorry you had a bad night....but look hubby is done today! YAY. thats exciting!!!:) How is Brayden doing?.....and is he in a big boy bed?

Debs......where are you pretty lady?

Well girls I've offically had it!!! My husband comes home from work and plays wii all night. he was up untill 12am last night playing some army shooting game! CRY. He came home from work and did 2 loads of laundry, then went to play softball, then came home with two friends and they all ate dinner and played wii. I gave the kids a bath, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned up dinner and then went to bed. I had to pee at 1145 and he was STILL up! I started telling him to get to bed and i'm going to break the game....he said..Shut the fuck up all you do is nag!:(:(

Sooooo last night in bed i could here him you love me? will you forever..? It's seems like each day you hate me more....i said thats before i'm tired of it. Well this morning he woke me up and said are you going to make my lunch? (b/c i do everyday) and i said nope.....make it yourself. I'm tired and you were up all night and so make your own lunch. He got pissed but gave me a kiss then left with MY car!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH I made him bring it back. Anyways....I texted him saying he's a terrible husband and either the wii goes or me and the boys are gone.....u pick! He's called four times but i'm not answering............

What do you i being too harsh?? I dont mind if he plays but not all the time and SO he had softblall and tomorrow night he has softball again....grr i DONT DO ANYTHING fun for myself.....

SORRY for the long rant.....

About the house.....he should be calling soon i hope. Another lady about a rental called last night and asked if i wanted a black frigde...she wanted to buy a black fridge. lol And was asking me all kinda of questions and she really likes us. Lol this place is further away so i would have to quit the fire department and my nursing job for sure.....
Oh you poor girl :( I can relate to you 100% Men are blind and they don't see what they have until its too late and they totally take us for granted, its like the more we do they more they expect! With my hubby its not the Wii as we don't have one and lord knows he wants one but there is no way I will let him have one now, lol! With him its sports, 24/7 and it drives me mad!!! He listens to sports radio all day at work then when he picks me up we have to listen to it all the way home (we commute and have an hr ride home) then when we get home what goes on the tv? You guessed it sports center and he watches that for an hour then he cooks supper which I am greatful for but after Brayden goes to bed he puts a game on, there always seems to be something to watch in the sports field, it makes me sick!! I used to kick scream and throw a fit, he would get mad and say similar things like your hubby did, hurtful things. I never threatened to leave but I did threaten to cut the cable!! Now that we have the internet at home he's reading all these sports articles till the wee hours of the morning, and a lot of the time I will get up to pee around 1am and he's still up, either still online or has fallen asleep with the tv on, I get very angry!! I guess now I have just learned to accept it as there is nothing I can do to change it, all the nagging in the world doesn't get me anywhere so what's a girl to do? I feel for you hun I really do!!!! :hugs:
Hi Girls, I haven't got a chance to read everyones news but promise I will revist these pages on the weekend. Just wanted to let you that bloody witch got me yesterday morning CD32 and arrived in full swing.
Looks like Mel and I are cycle buddies :hugs:

I hope you are all well and happy.

Big hugs,
Awe Rhonda..I'm sorry! I would go nuts with that too!!! Grr if that was wouldnt fly! Damn men. He's apologize and said he's not going to play so much and that he loves me. Lol i said I'm selling it lol....I'm better now though. We fight then its over and done with lol.

Okay so we got that house for rent....he left a voicemail and said if we want to sign a lease to call him back to set a time....Ahhh i'm nervous to move and all that.....and we'd be moving by june 1st! YIKES!!!! Well I talked to my husband and he said lets just do it, it works for us. SO i guess I'll be calling the guy back shortly.

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