Team Jelly Belly!!!

Mel and Debs, I'm so sorry the bitch came again. sigh. she's horrible.

Gabby and Rhonda, sorry your men folk are being such pains - I'm a terrible nagger too, and I don't think he ever sees how much I do around the house. But luckily we both work full time, so I feel I have every right to expect him to do as much as me! And most of the time he agrees - even if it doesn't actually happen!
Is the wii new? the novelty might wear off in a few weeks if it is. have you played it? there's some fun games you could play together. Nick plays alot, but also some times with me (he plays when I'm out with friends, or doing crafty stuff, but not too often when it's just the 2 of us, as that's so rare anyway!).

The sports thing is impossible I'm sure. Sounds crappy (and makes no sense to me - how can there be that much sport in the world??) I'm glad you've accepted it! I'm not sure I could!

anyway hugs to you both.

Started the full scale BDing campaign last night. Going to try for every other day as best as possible.
Going to see new Dr next friday (8th) - which is CD20 - I guess that means no CD21 or 22 bloods for me as the surgery will be closed. anyway, will see what he says. fingers crossed. Cd17 bloods on tuesday.

:hug: to you all xxx
Good luck with the bding Caroline. Hope you get that :bfp: this cycle
Caroline -Good luck with :sex: marathon ;) hope this is the month for you!!

Debs - Sorry the :witch: came at least now you can mellow on your holiday :dance: and enjoy those cocktails :yipee: (I know its not what you wanted but PMA)

MT - Sorry the snotty rude hag got you too!! :grr:

Gabs - I know what you mean about the computer console, at least your OH is at home, mine goes to his mates house to use his as we dont have one - then he stays out all night :cry: which is awful.....he keeps saying we should get one, but I would only agree if it was a wii so i could play on it too and i would like the wii fit...but he wants an xbox :ninja: not happening!!!

Rhonda - that would do my head in with all the sports I dunno how u deal with that - at least you get to watch Greys Anatomy!?!? Don't worry about the text its all good, I just thought it was lovely :cry: but I do understand, sucks that it costs you to receive blooming roaming charges eh!? How is work? not long now!! (i think the double in the middle is a lovely idea and the choice is lovely - sorry I cant get onto my email to reply properly) :kiss:

Ash - thanks for popping by its nice to see you are still about :D

Mel - Hope you and :baby: are ok, must be getting excited now!!

Sara - how are you? when are you gonna be back properly? its lonely without you :cry:

Sarah - come on its May where are you girl?? :hugs:

Lea and Liyana - you have both gone a little quiet whats going on in your worlds?? decided on the buggy thing yet?

:hugs: to all jellies and sorry if i missed someone i prob have i always do now with preggo brain so just slap me if i have and i didnt mean it offensively :(

As for me I am all good, Jellytot is still a wriggling :wohoo: love it :cloud9: and I sit at work watching my tummy twicth - which is where I am right now - arrrgh work on a bank holiday weekend - I have to work MOnday too - SUCKS!!! I am a little peeved as OH used all the milk last night, used all the bread and ham this am, so I had no breakfast, no cup of tea, and no lunch today :grr: good thing I can now get lunch from work :grr: so inconsiderate!!!!!

What is everyone doing this weekend?? Is it sunny where you are? It is here - apparently it is going to be really hot June July and August here in the UK staying in the 80's which is great for the UK as all we have is rain rain rain the last 2 yrs!!! but I knew it would be really hot as I am heavily preg in June July and August!! Bloody typical!! I would rather that than rain though as it makes me feel down so I will just have to get some fans in :D

Bye for now :hugs:
Hi girlies! :hugs: 32 weeks today!!! :yipee: I'm doing good but feeling very large and starting to swell a lot! I have no more ankles, my fingers are so swollen I can't wear my wedding rings :sad2: and my toes are puffy too..flip flops for the rest of the pregnancy I guess. I'll take a new belly shot later today and post for you girls so you can see my hugeness :rofl: Brayden has a yucky cold and I've been home alone for days taking care of him, I hope I don't get this one, I already am too tired to do most stuff I don't need that to drag me down further. But like always I'm sure I'll get it! I told Jenna about another middle name we are considering but that would give Kaiya 2 middles names and I'm not sure about it, I don't personally know anyone with 2 middles names and not sure how it works, can any one help? What do you do when you have to fill in a form for her that only lets you put in 1 middle inital?? I'm considering Kaiya Elizabeth Brynn McDonald. Do you think its too wordy? DH said he liked it but is worried that his name (Brynn) is going to get left out most of the time. I don't know how the 2 middle name thing works, anyone????
My ex had 2 middle names and a few ppl i know have them Jos's Dad does - its quite common over here in England or it used to be......I have not come accross any forms that only provide for one middle norm has space to put two or says first names so You would put all 3 I dont think there is anything to worry about in that dept....but if DH is worried maybe have an agreement that if there is only room for say 1 name then you put Brynn there!?! But I seriously doubt you will have that issue i say go for it - its sounds lovely altogether :D
Afternoon ladies!
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. The witch has her bags packed at the door, so her visit is pretty much over, thank goodness.
Talking about packing bags, I am off next Sunday to sunny Mauritius for 7 nights so if you don't hear from me, just know I will be having a cocktail for you all, especially you lucky preggie ladies. I am seeing my FS on Friday so will probably update my journal afterwards as to whether or not I can have IUI or if it looks like I am going to ovulate to late for it, FX.
I am going to go out on a limb here and please don't hate me, but I really like the name 'Kaiya Brynn McDonald' and although there are people with multiple middle names they are normally guys not girls. Just my thoughts, you are going to chose the name/s that you are happy with and this is going to be one lucky little girl to have so much thought go into her name.
Jenna, what names have you come up with?
have a wonderful time Debs!!

My names are getting to me i have too many atm so i started a thread :rofl:

let me know what you guys thinks?
Debs of course I'm not going to hate you :hugs: I ask you girls because I want your honest opinion and I thank you for it. It looks like she's going to be Kaiya Brynn as I couldn't convince DH of the 2 middles names...oh well It'll just have to grow on me :) I just got home from the park with Brayden and a friend of mine who has a little girl about his age, they had so much fun and Brayden fell asleep int he car on the way home and now I'm trying to get him to go back to sleep and take the rest of his nap but he's been crying for the last 30 minutes so I'm thinking its not going to happen :dohh: Guess I better go and get him, talk with you girls later!

hey all, hope you're all well. In a hurry, thought I should input my temps on FF and check in on you guys. pretty sure I've not Ov'd yet this month. grr. Going for bloods tomorrow, so should tell me if I'm right or wrong!
good luck Caroline! :hugs:

Well its official now she is Kaiya Brynn and DH said I can tell people starting on Mother's day :happydance: So in the mothers cards we are going to sign her name and see if they notice..hee hee sneaky but should be fun to see if they pick it up, my mother is dying to know what her name is and has been bugging me for months so what a great mother's day gift! Hope she likes it, of all the people I am scared to tell the name to she's at the top of my list as she's so judgmental and her opinions always sway me so I am a bit nervous about that. I'm going to make her promise not to tell me one way or another if she likes the name or not!

Oh I almost forgot, I took a belly shot this morning and was a bit nervous to post it as I am getting HUGE :blush: So for anyone that would like a good scare today have a peek, its in my journal
good luck telling ur mum i know how hard she can be on u sometimes - although very supportive i know she does not always say things diplomatically!! i love the name :D
:dance: This is getting so exciting! We have a new week for bump pics ladies......ahem! :rofl:
and if u wanna be scared again :rofl: go here (not at all saying ur bump is scary Rhonda darling, I just find the entire growth process scary!!!) xxxxxxx :hugs:
:rofl: Oh no it is scary :rofl: Scares the hell out of me and I still have 7 more weeks to go ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
:rofl: and I have 3 months!!! aaaah!!! 7 weeks!?! now that scares me!!! means i have only 15 and a few days and i will have a baby - what do i do with it?? :rofl:
oh and has anyone heard from gabs - she has been very quiet!! hope she is ok xx
:rofl: Oh hun you make me'll do fine, your going to be a great mom :hugs:
I was wondering about Gabs she still active on the other thread? Hope she's ok.

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