Team Jelly Belly!!!

I talked with Gabby this morning on FB, everything is fine she's just been really busy.
Whew, thanks for the update honey.

I'm sorry for being quiet on our thread, but I don't really have anything to say :shy: I am on cd8 and I'm just going to try it all again. I'd like to know how you are Sarah and oooh, has anyone else been keeping up with our Sara??? She's got an almost triphasic chart and she's like 11 dpo or something! :dance: FXFx!

:hug: to everyone on the Jelly Belly side, miss you all!
I know!! I've been following her chart to, its looking so good for her! I hope this is it! I wish she had her computer fixed already!!!
hey girls, all quiet on the western front. Still don't think i've ov'd yet, but been keeping up the BDing pretty well. Getting bloods taken tomorrow ( I stupidly got the wrong time for tues appointment so didn't get them done, but I didn't think I'd ov'd so it didn't matter).

Hugs xxx
Caroline-good luck on the bloods hun. And good job on keeping up the BDing! :winkwink:
Thanks hon. Hope your and OH are having fun now the visitors have gone! ;-)
I talked with Gabby this morning on FB, everything is fine she's just been really busy.

FB?? U guys have that? easier for me to keep track and keep up! LOL (if i can remember ur names haha) Anyways look me up for those of u that do my email addy is [email protected].. Havent posted here in a few wks will post an update in a seperate thread!
Thanks hon. Hope your and OH are having fun now the visitors have gone! ;-)

Sadly, my visitors haven't gone...unless you're talking about AF and her entourage. I still have a house-full :sad2: I've just griped about that in my journal ...again... :rofl:

Feeling good though. I feel like half-a-million-bucks! :rofl: I may feel like a million bucks if I can get a few pounds off. :D Having fun working out though.

Ashley-if you're reading this, I miss you. I've been wondering how you were and what you're up to these days besides work. Let us know when you get a chance hun. :hugs:
Hi Girls,

Just popping in to let you know that I am thinking of you.

I saw my FS today and :yipee: he said it looks like I am going to ovulate tomorrow so I am going to IUI tomorrow morning :yipee:
I am soooooo over the moon. Then off on hoilday on Sunday for 7 nights of fun and relaxation back at work for 4 days and then we are going away for a friends wedding which will be about the time I can test. I know I only have a 25% chance but I do so hope this it, at least my body ovulated all on its own this month and I haven't had to take an HCG injection which can give you false positives for a while.

I love and miss you all. Have the most fantastic week.

Good luck with all the bedding Mel, Caroline & Michelle
Sarah I hope you either get a BFP or AF soon, obviously I am rooting for the BFP!
Jenna, Rhonda, Gabby, Liyana, Lea, Mel I hope all you preggy ladies are taking care of your selves :)
Oh my gosh Debs how exciting!!!! :wohoo: Sounds like a fantastic week ahead of you, I can not wait for you to get back and start testing :happydance: FX this is it for you hun, good luck and have fun on vacation!!!!

Poor MT your still entertaining house guests? For how much longer? Gosh I hope they are paying you rent at least :)


i'm soooo sorry i've been missing in action! so many things have kept me away from the net! first of all, office is under heavy construction so we've all been moved about to various temporary areas, and one fine day, the construction crew accidentally did major damage to our server, which took them about a week to fix. gosh! can you imagine, no emails no nothing for a week! it was back to your phonecalls and memos delivered by hand, lol!

also i went for a 5-day family holiday with my inlaws, all 13 of us (brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews) all went to a local island and had an absolute blast! we went island hopping, cable car rides and all that! :D i love being in this term of pregnancy as i feel absolutely great! :happydance:

on the topic of pregnancy, i went for my 5 month checkup last week and all is great :) although the doctor still couldnt tell if Dot is a boy or a girl. The cheeky baby kept turning onto its side, showing the back or kept the legs crossed, hence no way for us to view his/her nether region!!:dohh:

So we're holding on to buying any theme coloured stuff for the time being, and just doing some browsing about to see if we can come up with a managable budget (baby stuff are so expensive here!!).

Currently i'm on the lookout to buy the Medela Freestyle breastpump from the UK, have it sent to my sister who's studying there so that she can bring it home with her in June. Can you imagine, that same pump costs more than 2000 in my local currency?! it's crazy!! It's a lot cheaper for me to purchase it in the UK and have it sent to my sister. Any of you happen to know any online shops which sells the pump at a good rate? much appreciated!

Anyway, my bump's pretty much visible nowadays, will upload photos of me later :D i celebrated my 26th birthday 2 days ago and i must say, it's really something to turn 26 and be expecting a baby. Dot's kicks are far stronger now and i can actually see my belly swelling with bumps whenever Dot kicks! It's so unreal!

oh gosh, i think i've rambled on enough about me. i just miss talking to you guys so much!! ok, that's about all from me for the time being. i'm goign to go read up on what i have missed.

big hugs to all of you!!!


p/s : thanks for messaging me Jenna :)
Oh, exciting to hear that news Deb! Good luck sweetheart!!!! OMG!!

Liyana, I am so happy you are well and Dot is doing well, silly LO won't let you know what s/he is!! :rofl: Gotta love that! :D

Yes, we STILL have guests. They have given us's not horrible. But it is getting quite old. I keep saying to DH, "I just want my life back!"

It interferes with :sex: and I'm done pretending I'm 100% content with this arrangement...not that they think I am, but I have to trick myself and I'm starting to think it's more like 20% happy with this arrangement. She cleans the main part of the house (Kitchen, livingroom, greatroom...) so that's nice. But that IS it. I'd be happy with an empty less than perfectly spotless house to myself though.

Seems I've got a :bfp: streak in my recent :friends: buddies....let's hope those of us still working on it here can get it and join this streak.......go :spermy: go!
xoxo girls big :hug:
Oh Liyanna, thank you for coming to tell us about your life and dot's. It's lovely to hear from you.
Dot sounds like she's being awkaward - I hope that's temporary!
Sorry things are so expensive where you are. I haven't really been looking at baby stuff yet, so sorry I can't help, but I think there's a section on BnB with cheap things flagged up, so worth looking at that? I bet you end up buying heaps!
Where did you go island hopping? sounds nice. I MUST book us a holiday. very tempted to go to Asia again...
FF keeps shifting my ov date between cd15, cd16 and cd19 grr - I'm going to try and hold off testing until at least next weekend when I should be about 12dpo (which is late for me!) Fx please!

Sorry your houseguests are being a pain, how much longer do you think they'll be there? hugs xx

hope everyone else is doing ok :hug:
Caroline, your temps are looking very consistant hun! FX for you to get to 12dpo and see that lovely :bfp:!
I don't know how long it will be, I can't imagine it would be more than another 3 weeks, but I don't want to get my hopes up :rofl: So I'm telling myself it's going to be July before they are out. That way when it's earlier I can celebrate, and if it happens to be July before they leave, then I have prepared myself for that too. :D
Hey girls!! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. My DH FINALLY graduated from college on Sat :happydance: and life has been so stress free and wonderful since, I am loving it!! I hope it continues!!! On the baby side I have been having contractions the last 2 mornings, not to long after I wake up, they are off and on and only last for maybe 20-30 minutes then they are gone the rest of the day, so definately false labor. I do have a doctors appt this Thursday and am going to mention it to her, its to early for Kaiya to come now so please stay put little girl!!!! We told our family her name, finally, it went pretty well over all, DH's grandmother didn't love it I could tell as she asked me where I had come up with such a name, she didn't believe me that it was in the baby names book...oh well I don't really care what she thinks, she's very opinionated anyway and never has too much that is good to say. I'm just happy my mom seemed to like it :D

Sorry to hear its going to be that much longer for your house guests MT...can I be nosey and ask why they are staying with you?

Caroline...testing next weekend...oohh yay!!! And yes your chart looks promising hun!!! :happydance:

Liyana!! So nice to hear from you hun, sorry that dot wont let you know for sure if it is a he or a she, but will be a nice surprise for you in the end anyway!! Happy belated birthday!! :cake: And yes definately show us new belly pics!!!!!!!
It's not nosey at all Rhonda hun, it's my BIL and SIL and my niece. They are with us because my DH wanted to help them out like they helped us out when we first moved to FL from OH. We, however only stayed with them for 5 weeks. And we worked VERY hard to get out of there ASAP so they didn't feel invaded for too long. I'll never forget when we were moving out, they were so rude and played the song by Pink-Get the party started. They never helped us move a single thing and then they didn't speak to us for about 5 months after that. Family. Gotta love it.
Over the years, it's been 6-7 years since our move, things have had their ups and downs. After the birth of my niece at 26 weeks and 6 days gestation, we all aligned and fought for her life. Since then, we've all been in good standing. It's been 3 years. I guess it is time for them to start another 'issue'......oh well.
So that's that. We're just trying to be good family members.
awwww MT sorry there still there and it makes you feel uncomfortable - its so hard when its family cos you feel like your hands are tied!!! :grr: for makin you feel bad and for not helpng and playing that song when u left theirs - I hate it when ppl are like that!!!

Caroline - your chart does look good so lets hope this is going to be the month for you, Debs and MT

Debs - wow this is amazing timing for you and so pleased u got to get an IUI before you went I will pray for you everyday and sending you truck loads full of happy holiday sticky preggo baby :dust: and that y ou OV'd all on your own :happydance: that is the best news ever :wohoo:

Liyana - glad youor ok - what an eventful time u have had, and glad Dot is great and wriggling around for you!!! its amazig isnt it - I love it and laugh at my tummy and kicks all the time it excited me so much, and makes me so happy!!! did you want a boy??

Rhonda - I am sooo happy your Mum likes the name that is great news :dance:

Everyone else I hope you are all ok and happy!!! :hugs: for all Jelly Bellies!!!!!

My update is quite long as I have moved house this weekend :wohoo: so here is the link to my journal
Awww MT i do read your posts! I miss you too! Life has been crazy and i have been making it that way. i have been keeping myself so busy on purpose, i think it is helping me deal with not getting pg. i interviewed someone today for the first time. lol it was fun i am going to hire this person too so it was a good experience. i am keeping super busy with both jobs but i have made a few new friends being a supervisor. some of the other supervisors are very nice and we have been going out and stuff. there has been so much going on really that i could write a novel lol. i miss you all and i am keeping up. i am on cd 5 stupid af..... it makes me so mad my cycles are so messed up i will eventually be going back to the dr to get help with it but for now i am waiting till its been a year since my ectopic which will be oct. so on the brighter side, i am goin to jamaica the whole first week ok june! woo hoo! well thats all for now, i am glad to still be keeping up with you all!
Thanks for the PMI girls. Temps up again today. Really wanted to test today - but I might only be 6 dpo (or I might be 10dpo!) - so didn't want to dash my hopes so soon! No symptoms now, had various pangs, queasy stomach etc... last week, but that was too early to mean anything. Don't think AF is coming today...hope not anyway. So my cycles are getting longer :)

Hope you lucky girls going to the carribean soon have lovely hols and come back knocked up :)

MT - I totally understand how difficult it is helping out with families and sharing your home or someone else's home with them. Good luck and FX they leave soon!

Jai Jai hope you enjoy your new home :)

R - congrats to your OH, glad it means life is a bit more peaceful for a few weeks. Hang in there Kaiya - only a few weeks to go, you don't want to be early!!

:hug: to all JBs x

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