Team Jelly Belly!!!

Yay Caroline for a longer LP!!! :happydance: and yes no testing yet...its probably too early hun. Hang in there, good things come to those who wait and you girls have waited this long your all going to get great news soon I just know it! :hugs: Oh and if Kaiya wants to come early she very well can, I am starting to get VERY uncomfortable!!! I don't know if I slept at all last night, I am soooo tired today, moved in the night and got this terrible cramp in my leg, omg it was so painful!! I've been getting up to pee like every 2 hours so sleep is definately not happening anymore :sad1: Must mean she's coming soon then...I hope!!! 6 weeks today girls :wohoo: I am so nervous tomorrow is D Day...I have to give my notice to work, I am so scared I'm starting to make myself sick....anyone wanna do it for me?? :blush:

MT sorry its family that is staying with you, that does make it a bit harder...hopefully they will be out soon, I'd hate to think they were hindering your baby-making :D

Jenna we want pics of the new place hun!!!!
Hi Michelle!!! how r u?? where have u been we have missed you!!! thanks for popping by my journal.....time has flown!!! ooooooooh when r u testing??? xxxx :test:
hey girls

:hissy: temp drop today and some blood. was a complete bitch to OH last night, so I pretty much guessed she was coming!

AF is here already :( 9-10 dpo

Feeling very down.

It's weird, I'm not surprised, I've got to the point where l don't expect to get pregnant each month. but I'm still gutted.

I should get my blood test results soon - I'm not sure what I want to hear - if I'm ovulating I probably have been for the last 9 cycles, so why am I not getting PG? But if I'm not ovulating, then that's another hurdle to cross.

hope you're all well xx

I am soooo sorry Caroline :cry: - lets hope some good news comes out of the tests :kiss:
hey girls, it's very quiet....

*tumbleweed rolls by*

Hope you're all ok.
Saw the nice doc today, looks like I'm ovulated - yeay. Progesterone level of 34 and apparently above 30 means ovulation.
so nothing more they can do for now. I just have to keep trying. Can't got for investigations until we've been at it a year. Fingers crossed it doesn't come to that!

Well that's good to hear hun, glad your body is working like its suppose to...just keep at it, you will get your :bfp: soon hun!! It is really quiet in here...anyone heard from Gabby lately? I know she's getting ready to move so she's probably just busy...hope she's ok!

I've been busy lately too...gave my notice at work yesterday, stressed me right out but it went surprisingly well, I couldn't believe it! I will be sad to leave but also looking forward to a new challenge. 4 more weeks left of work...and 5 weeks and 4 days until Kaiya arrives!! :wohoo:
eeeeeeeeek Rhonda how exciting :yipee:

Caroline soooooooooo pleased you are ov'ing thats great news - keep at it (average is 6-8 months) so dont worry you will get your :bfp: :hugs:
Hello my lovely jelly bellies,

I'm glad to see everyone one is doing well.

Debs, FX for the IUI and hope your holiday is a blast!

Rhonda, I can't believe only 5 more weeks until Kaiya is born. I voted for Brynn so I love the name. Congrats to your DH on his graduation! You belly pic is just belly you can hardly see the weight gain. At least I can't!

Jenna, Congrats on the 500 pounds! You are still so small with a cute belly. I could really hate you! LOL! I know what you mean about summer months and pregnancy. I had Zoe early August but I was hot as hell all summer and this little guy isn't coming until end of September. Maybe he will make a 2 week early appearance like his sister. FX

MT, I hope your houseguests leave soon.

Caroline, Good news about you ovulating!

Ashley, Have fun in Jamaica and have a drink for me!

Gabby, Congrats on getting the new place. Hope you have a smooth move.

Liyana, Happy Belated Birthday! LOs can be so iffy at those ultrsounds.

Well I'm halfway done and I saw my little man again yesterday. Tech said he's about 13 oz. I can't believe it already. I've been feeling him kick for for awhile now and I love every single one (even the ones that feel like he's kicking me on my bladder)! They couldn't get all the shots they needed so I have to go back next week....YEAH!!!!! We still haven't decided on a name I'm sure by August we'll have it. We got his middle name just not his first. I've decided to get the double stroller because I have to do what is going to work best for me and the kids so It's between a Graco Tandmen or a City Jogger Double Stoller. They both work great with Zoe's height and weight.

Talk to you ladies later!
This is a good bye post.. Me and Dh have decided to seperate.. Ill pop in from time to time at work to see how everone is doing.. Love you guys!
OMG Michelle I am sooooooo sorry :hugs: u can come here anytime to chat this is not just a TTC thread we are here as a support network!!!! I really am sorry and I hope things work out the way u want them too, be strong!! here if u need us :hugs: xxxxxxxx
Michelle so sorry hun...I hope things work out for you, like Jenna said we are all a great big family and are here for eachother, stop by anytime hun :hugs:
I've just gotten home from Ohio on a extremely short notice trip since DH's grandfather passed away. I am so very very sorry Michelle, I just don't know what to say love. Huge :hug: and again, please stop by here anytime, we're like sisters here! :hugs:
Caroline...I just want to give you a :hugs: I keep saying it, but we'll get this hun, we WILL get this!
All my jellies, I'll be back soon I hope, I have got to catch up and my dad will be arriving soon.......yes, as if I needed more house guests.......ugg.
Hey ladies I joined you a while back but haven't posted any updates.... I have been on metformin for about 3 months now and it appears as though it has started to regulate my cycles!! I have gotten the :witch: twice now with out provera and that is awesome:happydance: (although is did enjoy not having her for upwords of 7 -8 months at a time :rofl:)

I started temping (not sure how to read it though) but also using OPKs and I got a + on CD 15 ov pain last night and today CD 17. OH and I :sex: today so god willing......
oh yes welcome back Nicky! Good luck with this cycle it sound promising!! I will be MIA for a while ladies and not around much over next 3 weeks as have so much work and exams to sort out so wishful, intelligent good luck vibes would be appreciated!! Take care my beauties, and I will pop in when I can!! :hugs:
Michelle, sorry to hear about you and DH.

Jai, sending you smart brain vibes. GL!!!!!
As most of you know me and dh are gettin divorced.. took a test today because my period is wierd.. Very light.. got a bfp *sigh* Dont get me wrong im happy but am sad because will be raisin this baby alone.. May be havin a MC though am bleeding again and have had bag cramps and backpain.. Ill keep u ladies updated
oh honey, I'm so sorry you're going through all of this. Big hugs to you. I hope you and your hubby can maintain a good relationship what ever happens. Congrats on your BFP - how's your bleeding? have you seen your doc yet?

Jenna - good luck with your exams - you'll be great!

Mel - more house guests! blimey! hope it's going ok BDing wise.

Nicky welcome back and good luck!

Me and oh are thinking of getting the fertell home sperm test...60 quid...there don't seem to be too many people on here trying it...but it is a clinically tested thing and published in a good journal...
Also thinkng of trying Vit E and L-argnine for my LP probs.
hope the rest of you are well xxx
Oh you poor girl Michelle :hugs: you tried so hard to get pregnant and finally fall pregnant at the wrong time. I'm so sorry hun. Maybe all the stress of the separation is causing your bleeding, maybe gods way of ending things as it is best right now? Either way I hope it works out for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you girl! :hugs:

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