Team Jelly Belly!!!

hello girls,
sorry to have been awol. The weather here has been beautiful and so I've been busy gardening and bbqing and today we went to the seaside - there wasn't a cloud in the sky! played with my neice and newphew for hours on the beach.
I'm shattered now though!! New carpets coming tomorrow.

Mel honey, I'm so sorry the bitch has turned up again. Maybe it's time to talk to an FS? I'd be there tomorrow if the NHS allowed it!

Wow - only another month! can't wait to see Kaiya!

Jenna - how you doing? nearly finished Uni right? enjoy the last few days - it all changes afterwards (not least coz you'll have a baby soon!)

Debs - glad all is going well with you. can't wait for your scan either. wooo

Gabs, I'm sorry your OH isn't looking after you. Give him some time to get the move sorted and settled in your new place. big hugs.

Sara, fingers crossed your 5dpo, my temps have made no sense this month either, but my bloods last month said I'd ov'd around day 15 or so, which is when I normally do, so I'm kind of assuming that for me. What happend with the clomid? are you going to try it again?

Hello to the new girls! Please tell us about yourselves.

Hope all the rest of you are doing well. I'm too tired to stay much longer and work in the morning ....sigh.

Hey dear, I am glad you had such a productive weekend. I am doing good and might not try the clomid next month and see what happens. I m scared though because I don't want to have another annovulatory cycle. I guess we will see which fears win when the time comes.
Hi Caroline. Glad to read you sounding quite positive. FX you caught that eggie.

Sarah, I see you FS says you are 7DPO :yipee: I hope this is it.

I have only read this page, so I best go back a couple and see how you are all doing.

Nothing to report my side. I am in limbo until I hear the heartbeat and then you ladies in the USA will hear me scream for joy!
:rofl: Jelly Brains! Yes mine is about that lately!!

Sara I took a peek at your chart and I don't think your temp today sucks at all, its still high! FX you'll get those cross hairs tomorrow!

I must have missed you two girls talking about this. I would have thought I am too early for preggy brain but I have it in a big way!
I wonder if this means it is only going to get worse?! :blush:
Sorry your cycle isn't behaving Sara. Clomid sound good to me and it's meant to improve the quality of the eggs.

Well I'm pretty sure I ovulated late this month, I only got my temp rise this morning (was 36.1 yesterday and 36.6 today) and I got a really positive OPK yesterday with FMU and not positive today (I've not been doing them everyday, so that might have been the end of my surge by temp says otherwise). managed to BD every other day from cd13 till yesterday - so fingers crossed some of those spermies can swim well.
So ten more days till AF is due. Going to take 600mg of Vitamin E and 3mg of L arginine to try and improve my LP. Will see how it goes.

PG brain seems a good symptom Debs :)
Oohh Caroline I ovulated late the cycle I got my bfp! Right around the same time as you, I think I was CD19...fx you caught the eggy this time hun! :hugs:
Caroline- I usually don't O until cd 18-20 and I believe I Oed on cd 23 when I got PG with Sebastian but the clomid makes me O sooner so we will see. FX you caught the egg.

Debs- Yes it will get worse, and even worse after you have the baby cuz all your focus is on the LO and lack of sleep. It is a pain but well worth it. I am so dang excited for you.

R-3 weeks? Seriously I have lost time some one give it back. I am so excited for you but at the same time I am wondering what happen to my time. Are you all ready?
:rofl: Yep only 3 more weeks!! And no I am not ready at all!! We've just started painting the nursery last night...Tim wont let me help as the paint for this room is very smelly, not sure why as its the same brand I always buy?? But for what I want to do in there with 3 different colors it will be awhile! Brayden's room is just about done!!! All I have left to do it touch up a few areas where we got some paint on the ceiling and hang up pictures on the wall, then I will take some photos to show you guys, came out really nice, I'm liking it!! :D I have washed all of Kaiya's 0-3 month clothes and have them all put away waiting for her, the nursey is a mess with Tim painting in there right now, he really only has next weekend to finish the painting as he has to go to Boston and take a test the weekend after, then the following weekend its pretty much show time :shock: Its coming to fast!! I hope we'll have everything done in time! I have put some new belly pics up in my journal for anyone that wants a good scare this morning :rofl:
Hello! I just wanted to pop in and say that..... :D
Nothing too exciting going on TTC-wise but I did have a kitten show up this morning and now I'm it's momma...I have pics in my journal-one of the latest pages. She's cute. I just hope it works out.
:hug: to the beautiful Jellies! :D
for those of you jellies who have not yet heard....
Geez, Rhonda, I'm keeping up and I thought, 'there's no way she's had her that darn quick, I just read your journal 15minutes ago...:rofl: '
Oh my gosh, oh my!!!

Rhonda - how you feeling now? I can't believe our first Jelly baby is nearly here!!!

So excited for you!

Keep us updated. Big :hugs:

Meli - are you keeping the kitten???
Thanks Caroline, I'm hanging in there...a little frustrated as I wish she would just come already and not make me wait :( I'm still having contractions. I think its going to be a long weekend! I will definitly keep you guys posted!
Hey Rhonda!! Hoping your weekend goes by quickly and your little girl comes sooner rather than later!!

ok ladies I need your input. I am 18dpo and this is the test I took tonight be honest what do you see? a line or another evap?


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thats a line Nicky a faint :bfp: for sure!!!! :wohoo: how exciting!!! congrats :D when are you going to :test: again?? you should get a FRER as in my experience IC's are rubbish and do not show up for ages!! u would prob get a strong line on a FRER - my IC's didnt show much til was 8 weeks!!!! :hugs:
thats actually a $store test out of the case. I took it last night. I tested again this morning but the line is much fainter so I am confused. I'll test again later today and grab an answer to do tomorrow. mu temps took a nose dive this morning :cry:
when is :af: due? I have everything crossed for you and Sara xx
Hello ladies. Hope everyone is doing okay. I just finished moving this week and we just got the internet here on thursday. Then yesterday was a very eventful day.

I was having reduced fetal movement and some contractions so went in. Saw a midwife(never seen one in my life, but she was the only one at the closest clinic.) Gosh...i could NEVER have one of them she seemed so laid back and not concerned. Anyways bubs seems to be "okay" according to the NST and I took my meds so contractions have slowed. But they did a Fetal fibernectin to predict if there is a high risk chance of baby coming in the next two weeks. Well last time at 24 weeks it was negative...yaya.....but yesterday it came back POSITIVE>....:(. I'm terrified girls...i CANT have this baby yet. Two weeks would put me at the most 30weeks and thats when i had gavin and tbh i dont think i could go through all of that again.

At this point I'm on STRICT bedrest again and I see my ob on Monday morning at 945am. I have to go straight in if i have 5 or more contractions and hour. Dont have any now and i hope and pray it stays that way. Wish me luck please!:) hugs

Rhonda~i posted in your journal but again YAY for baby and i hope your waters break so you can meet your baby girl!!!:) How are things....still contracting????

Jenna~ Glad everything is going good. I saw you have SPD...seems quite common ever since i got on this site. Hope your not in too much pain. Congrats on school being done! Next thing you know bubs will be here!:)

Nikki.....DEF a BFP....faint but there. I would request a blood test. I hope this is it for you sweetie!! FX

Debs~how is your lil bubs doing and how are you feeling? what are all your symptoms....did nausea hit you yet?

Sara~do we have a testing date for you????? I hope this is it!!!!!!

Mel~you got a kitten..or found one? how exciting they are so fun and cute. I miss mine terribly. Did you decide on your next step for ttc?

Lyiana~ has she been around here? Miss you little lady how are you and your little princess?

Michelle~how are you babe...come update us. I'm thinking of you!:)

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