Team Jelly Belly!!!

Well of course I woke up in the middle of the night again, The baby and I have to stay at my parents house because a plummer is coming today and having a plummer in the hallway with a two year old does not go well. So yeah I woke up at 2 instead of my regular 6 temping time and my temp was 97.77. Up from yesterday but not high enough for me to believe I Oed. Maybe my temps are so out of whack because I am pregnant with a girl and she is already starting to get PMS. :rofl: a girl can dream can't she? How is everyone doing this morning?
Nlytin a few more days until testing time huh?
Debs are tests still messing with you?
Rhonda any freaky dreams last night?
Mrstwiggy pretty soon it will be time to :sex: again and I might still be here waiting to O with you so who knows.
1st baby- how are you doing?
Gabs hope temp went up this morning.
Did I forget someone? If so I am sorry morning brain and all.
Sara, maybe you did O on CD16 and since your temp went back up it could have been an implantation dip.

Don't think I'll make it to testing I think the :witch: is making her appearance today. Went to the bathroom and wiped and cm had a pink tinge. Which is so weird because my temp didn't drop to somewhere in the 97 range, which it does most time when she visits. It will probably drop tomorrow and be full fledge then. If she gets to a light flow today it will only make my lp 9 days and that's never happened. Oh well, I'll see my :bfp: next cycle.! Gotta keep the PMA! O:)
Morning work today! cant really come on...temp went a tad lower..nothing bad though...creamy cm..and MAJOR cramps today..:( Idk what it causing them but i woke up so sick to my stomach like i had to ate and then felt so full! idk whats going on! btw cramps dont mean af for well hope you all have a good day...

Sorry this is so messy and short just busy at work! luv you all!
Nlytin I hope AF stays away from you and you body is just playing a trick on you because it seemed like a fun thing to do. Hope your spotting goes away and I know what you mean about temps dropping. When AF arrives for me my temps usually just drop, there is no small drops just like 98.2 one day then 97.5 the day AF arrives. Don't know what to expect though because nothing seems to be going to normal for me so far. Good luck and fingers crossed.
Gabs- slightly lower is still highly good, cramps when they are not normal is good too, when do you test?

I am hoping I did O or am Oing which ever but more that i did O since did not get :sex: in last night because the baby and I had to go to my moms last min. because the plummer was supposed to come last night but when we got here the plummer called and said he would come today. AHH of course I probably did O yesterday, Oh well everything happens for a reason right? It will happen when it is the right time.
Hi Girls, DH says I can only be on the computer for a few minutes because he has a meeting on Skype. Just wanted to drop by and tell you that the witch got me today. I called my FS on his mobile and I am going to start eustrogen tomorrow and see him on Friday to discuss this next cycle.
:hug: so sorry the :witch: got you DEBS, hopefully next month will have better success. Really wish she had just stayed away.
Gosh what a day I've had already and its only noon! Got to work and got a call from dh, ds's daycare was closed :hissy: no heat or water. Massive problem since we travel 45 minutes one way, I was not happy. They open at 6:30am you think they could have called people to let them know?? Grr!!! So I had to bring ds to work with me, that lasted about 4 hours surprisingly, he was pretty good but I only had 2 diapers with me and of course he went right through them, second one had bad diarrea (sorry tmi) and I didn't have backup clothes with me as he was "suppose" to be at day care today, grrr!! Not a fun morning at all! So I am back home now and freaking a little cause I've missed 5 hours today and will miss another 2-3 tomorrow too! Ok enough bitching from me.

Sara it does look like you o'd on cd16 now, and the cramping you had makes total since, I always get cramps when i ovulate!

Liyana nice to finally know your name!

Debs hun I am so sorry the :witch: got you I thought for sure you were in this month!! I'm glad you don't seem to upset though, great to have so much PMA in here!!

Gabby...implantation cramping!!! and the creamy cm is just what i had before I got my :bfp: fingers crossed for you hun!!

Lea maybe the little bit of pink you saw in your cm was implantation bleeding and not the :witch: after all? I hope so!!!!

No completely off the wall dreams last night...thank god!
R so sorry you had a bad day, hopefully the rest of your day is better. That sucks that the day care did not even call you. Plus being so far away it sucks for the inconvenienced but glad your son was good for you at work.
Debs, sorry to hear about the witch but glad you are still positive.

Rhonda, isn't that the worst. Isn't that always the way sometimes when you have the little one unexpectedly and somehow you never have enough of what you need. I hope now that you are home your day is going better. Glad to hear you didn't have any off the wall dreams last night.
Hey girls. Had a busy day today, nothing exciting just work. I will be on a bit tomorrow too but nothing exciting I have to work from 8 till 9 tomorrow YUCK, mostly meetings though so not too bad. Since af is still here nothing fun going on anyway. I am just waiting for my preseed in the mail but i dont ov until between cd 17 and 20 anyways so i have a while. i am taking my vitamins and they do make your pee neon yellow haha.
Morning ladies! How are we all doing?

Debs...I am so so sorry and sad that the witch got you! I really thought it was your month...:(. So glad that you have a great doctor and hopefully you two can put your heads together and find out if there is anything possible more to do to get pregnant. Dont be let down, I know you've done all you can to try and get pregnant...but thats all we can do and the rest is in Gods hands and he will decide when a lil bean it the right time...i know it seems cruel for us to keep waiting but only he knows the plan..:) I hope you do something very nice for yourself and keep your head up! I cant imagine going through all of that and i hope that lil bean will be in your belly soon! Take care babe!:) lots of hugs.

Nlytin...whats the verdict? BFP...witch....or clueless yet? Hope she didnt come!

Ms are you today. witch gone yet?

1st baby~ hope you have a great trip...when are you going?

SRM~soooo did you ovulate for many dpo are you?

Ronda~ Scan today! YAY...what time to you see your lil bean!:)

Jai said you'd be on today! WHERE are you! WHats the verdict!

Well so far looks like its me, jai jai, and Nlytin still in this cycle! SOMEONE needs to get a BFP!!!!!

Well i dont have any new symptoms to report...i worked yesterday and was in bed by exhausted! Cp is still low and ewcm hear and there...i have a feeling i will start spotting by monday and i'll know im out...:( GOod thing is someone is working for me today....for the heck of it! HEHE....and hubby took off tomorrow so we have a nice long weekend starting tonight! YAY.....that shall be nice!:)
Good morning girls! How was your temp this morning Sara? And Gabby? I am feeling icky today, want to go back home and crawl into a nice warm bed, soooo cold here this morning, 18 degrees! Brrr!!! Scan is today at 1pm...excited and nervous for that, hope everything goes ok. If it does we are probably going to tell the rest of our family and friends, still not work though! Holding out as long as I can here!! Will post a pic of the :baby: if I get one! :hugs:
Hey R ..sorry your feeling sick! Hope m/s isnt kicking in...! So happy you get to see your lil bean today! Dont worry...everything is ok...SHE is doing fine!:) hehe.

Umm..NO not testing friday...way to scared! idk i might test on thanksgiving if the witch isnt here..
Hello I am Jenna :D I have been away for a while but back now for about oooh 45mins :D gosh what a rollercoaster everyone has been on!!!

I can't believe that no one has a :bfp: yet!>?!>! what is that about!?!?! |I thought we all would have :cry:

Well hello everyone!! I have missed you madly!!!

Debs - sorry :witch: got you!!

Gabs - thought u were pg with that ticker u monkey!!!

Nyltin - good luck!!!

1st baby - sorry asbout witch too but glad ur lp is longer

srm - how r u??

Sara - hope college is ok and that ur movie was good?

Mstwiggy - sorry about witch!!

And Rhonda, Rhonda, Rhonda, Rhonda!!! I have text you like a thousand times!!! I still dunno whats going on - if you knock the 0 off my number and replace it with +44 (gabs it worked for you maybe you can explain to Rhonda what you did) cos i tell u i have text u every which way I can!!!

last of all I feel like crap - minging headache exhausted emotional and just down right depressed the :witch: got me and after no symptoms this month really i have concluded that I was PG last month and had a chemical!!! everything was so damn symptomatic last month that I just had to be which is making me sadder!!!!! :cry: give me some loving!!!

:hug: for you all as missed ytou heaps!!!!!! xxxxxx
JAi jai...awww hunni im so sorry you are so down and the wicked witch got you too! I have a feeeling none of us are prego...:(

Lol just had to laugh when you said that you thought i was preggo with that and called me monkey! hehe

WEll i hope you treat yourself to something you have any new plans for this next month?
btw jai jai...i DID show rhonda must be here preggie brain! haha:)

Miss you jai jai!
GABBY!!!!!!!!!! No...Thanksgiving, that's a week away! Don't make me wait that long hun....please!! :hissy:
I'm pretty sure its not my month so i dont want to waste test....i thought about going to get some and testing tomorrow...but im so scared..hehe

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