Team Jelly Belly!!!

:hugs:..Oh nikki I'm so sorry sweetie! I can't imagine going through this again...big :hug: to you and your family.

So they are thinking it's an ectopic for sure but don't know where baby is? Will the injections stop the pregnancy..or will you have to have surgery.? Sorry for the ?'s...

I'm sure you are so heartbroken and I can't imainge...I hope that a break from ttc will help you and I want you to know that we are ALL here for you whenever you want to come and chat or even vent...we're here to listen. Friends are the most important during hardships like this.

Glad you have a house full of kids all summer that will help you keep yourself busy. Please take this one day at a time and know your precious baby will be dearly missed and has a wonderful mommy that he/she will meet again someday.

Hang in there sweetie.........:hug: & Lots of thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time.

Thank you for your prayers as well. !
Oh Nicky I am sorry this has happened :hugs: but like Gabs said you can come in here anytime we have WTT in here - there are already 2 poss 3 with Michelle as we do not know if she is preg or not, so feel free to use us as a support network, we dont give up :D take care and thanks for your wishes xxx
Okay girls so i went to see my perinatolgist today and had my ultrasound...OMG I've never been so happy to hear positive things. She said baby Jack is doing great and nothing looks abnormal!:) He's alittle on the bigger side..almost measuring in at about 30 weeks....eeks haha. He's currently about 3lbs 1oz. She said it's not huge but i should take my gtt to make sure i dont have it. hehe She said his legs are sooo long .....werid b/c me n hubby are short with SHORT

Anyways...she said that my cervix is actually measuing 3cm which isnt short...just above short and yes it's opened but hasnt changed in the last 9 weeks so thats awsome.
Regarding my fluid my levels were fine today and that infact all the studying she's done she feels that my sudden loss of fluid at 29weeks last pregnancy could have just been a slow leak or a placental problem...and that it's never been proven for my medication to cause low fluid....!:) She said we will keep a close eye on it but she doesnt think FOR SURE it will happen again! YAY awesome.

Bottom is doing great and she said she can see me making it to AT LEAST 34 weeks! How awesome would that be! I'd be so thrilled! She said as long as I dont contract and take it very easy this maybe the Best pregnancy I've had. Fingers crossed i dont loose fluid and baby continues to grow.!:)

I'm sooooooooooooo RELIEVED i've been such a mess and this has just made me so much happier. Its hard to listen to one doc worry so much and then another say such positive things..but i'll go with the Peri's thoughts over my Ob's...hehe

YAY! Thank you all! Bad news...hubby is laid off next week(if you had heard)...but he's found some work and should get unemployment from his work and hopefully it will be just one week!:) lol

Anyways thought I'd share my good news!:) Thanks for listening!
:cry: I am so so soooooooooo happy for you hun :wohoo: thats amaaazing news :yipee: I am so relieved, so God only knows how you must feel!! phew ands well down Mr. Jack :D

Sorry about Brian but like you said it should only be a week so i will keep my FX :hugs:
Nicky I am so sorry to hear that hun, how awful :cry: You seem to be in good spirits though and maybe wttc will be a good thing right now, let your body fully recover so when you are ready again you'll have no problems. We're always here if you need us :hugs:

Gabby what fantastic news!!! I am so glad to hear that Jack is so big already. :happydance: Stay in there boy and pack on a few more pounds before you make your grand enterance into this world. Sorry about your hubby loosing his job hun, that seems to be the on going problem lately, I hope everything gets sorted soon and you guys will be ok, I know how stressful that can be. Keep us all posted ok? :hugs:

Caroline how are things looking this morning, hope the nasty :witch: stays away!!
Hi Ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA, morning/all-day-sickness is a real bit**. At least I am pregnant and I for that I am extremely grateful, it is just really hard to enjoy this part when one is being sick all day every day for days on end with 5 weeks still to go!

Oh well enough about my wining. R, again you and Kaiya look so amazing in all those lovely pictures. Sorry you are still in hospital but FX you get to go home feeling 100% tomorrow.

Fantastic news Gabby! I am so happy for you and little Jack. He is such a strong boy.

Jenna sweetie. How is the guessing game going? Which team are people leaning towards? Is your bump high or low? Like a football or a watermelon??? I can't wait to find out which one it is. Has your pram arrived?

Lea, how are you doing?

Liyana, also would love to know how you are doing and I remember you had really bad morning sickness so if you have any advice please share it. I tried those travel sick bands and they didn't do a thing for me :cry:

Mel, how is the TTC? 6 1/2 years. Surely it has got to be your turn. I hope you don't have to wait to much longer.

Sara, when I scanned Bnb very quickly yesterday I saw that you were 16DPO. I hope this is it.

Sarah, where are you??? Your exams are over. Are you going to start trying??!!!

Caroline, I am not sure where you are at in your cycle but from the comments above it sound like you are around testing time. FX you get your BFP.

Michelle, if you ever pop by. I am thinking of you and hoping everything works out.

Nicky so sorry to read about what you are going through I hope the break helps and it won't be to long before you get your sticky bean.

I hope I haven't left anyone off. I love you all. :hugs:
Thanks for all the lovely comments....Also Rhonda just wanted to clarify hubby didn't lose his job....he just doesnt have work through his company next week. OMG i'd die if he lost his They said hopefully only a week they wouldnt have work. Also he does get paid from his work b/c they dont have work for him and he's doing side work this we should be okay!

Rhonda~ how are you feeling hun? No fevers still? I'm so sorry again that your stuck in that hopsital without your beautiful children. I showed my hubby pictures of your daughter and he said she's SO cute. He laughed at the picture of her in the purple and said look her cute little face....AWE i loved how he acted towards a little girl.....
Hope you get out tomorrow! Is Tim going to bring the kids up to see you today? Wish i could come visit, i'd be there in a heartbeat!

Jenna~Sorry your in pain today!:(....I was in so much last night from Mr. Jack taking up all my belly i HAD to lay down flat to make it finally stop hurting..:(

Nikki...hope your doing okay hun.

Mel~ I hope things are fun in Ohio and of course we MISS you dearly!:)

Sara~I'm dying to know if your preggers or not....going to stalk your chart and journal now. Hope your having fun fishing!:)
aww so sweet of your hubby to say those things. Its funny how very attached Tim is to Kaiya, he's always calling her his little princess and wanting to hold her all the time, he seems much more attached to her than he was to Brayden at the beggining. Maybe its because this is the second one and he's more used to babies?? Or that he finally got his little girl? I don't know but I think its so cute, it makes me smile :D

Oh and girls they are letting me go home today!!!!! :yipee:

Sorry I misunderstood about your hubby's job Gabby, thank goodness he didn't get laid off, that would have been awful!!!!

Debs so nice to see you back on here more often hun! I see you got the see your LO's heart beat, so amazing!! Congratulations!! And you got to hear/see it the day Kaiya was born :D I hope the morning/all day sickness hasn't got you down too much babe :hugs:
oh wow - congrats Debs on seeing your little bean's hb - sounds like they've got a lot of strength in them - morning sickness is meant to mean a strong baby :)

Gabs, so glad you and Jack are doing ok. Please try and take it easy.

Hope you have a good home coming Rhonda :) she's adorable.

AF is here now, still light, but more then spotting and the sore bubs have gone. On to round 11. Not happy, but still thinking of all we can do before we have kids, and tryingto see the bright side.
but I am getting worried about what might be wrong, I know I'm ovulating. My LP is short, but I can't help but think I've had no symptoms really, so I don't think I've had a fertilised egg fail to implant or anything. Really thinking of getting a sperm test for OH.

Sara, are you testing? fx
Hugs to you nikki - I hope your Oh is looking after you.
MT - how's tricks??

I can't stay on long, or say much but I wanted to give all my Jellies a huge :hugs: I will catch up later. Miss you all~~
Thanks for all of your well wishes gals but AF came on Sat, i am ok though I have a game plan.

Nicky- I am so very sorry this is happening to you but as the other gals have said, you are always welcome here and we hope you pop in from time to time to visit and let us know you are ok.

R- i still haven't gotten a chance to read what happened and why you went back in the hospital but your journal is next on my list and I am glad you are home now.

Gabs- Fan-freakin-tastic news, this is so great for you.

Caroline- sorry the :witch: got you too, I hope we both can beat her this month,

Mel- You are joining our band wagon to beat the :witch: too, hope you are catching that egg now and can pave the way for Caroline and me.

Jai-Jai- in pain? I will be heading to your journal too, Gosh I go out of town for on weekend and miss so much.

Debs- So glad things are going great for you.

Did I forget anyone? Af is giving me headaches and making me very tired this time around. Glad to be back but I have so much to catch up on. Off to stalk.
Gabs, I'm so glad to hear that your doc gave you such great news! You so deserve it.

Debs, Sorry to hear about your MS, but I'm glad your bean is sticky and you doing well.

Caroline and Sara, Sorry that AF came!

Nicky, I'm sorry to hear about your pregnancy. What a better way to keep busy this summer and keep your mind off of TTCing then a bunch of kids. Taking a break can be really helpful.

Jai, what's going on?
I can't address everyone just yet since I have to go to work, but I wanted to say I'm back and we are finally house-guest-free!!!
I will catch up later! :hug:
:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Yay for being house guest free Mel, can't wait to hear about your trip.
Well I updated my journal but I wanted to let you all know that I've decided to go back to our 'laid-back' approach in TTC. I will be on BnB still, but I am going to try and retrain myself not to be so obsessive. I'm going to stick around and keep up with everyone but due to the economy and our situations, I can't persue medical help right now. You don't TTC for over 6 years and wear rose colored glasses all the time :)

Hi Jellies!!

Ok i know i've been dropping by much less these days, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to drop a hello and see how all my lovely jellies are doing. It's tough juggling work and prep for my little Dot!!

I have my 9-5 job (which usually streatches to 6.30), then I've got article writing job (which is raelly taxing when my brain refuses to co-operate) and on top of that, I've got a blogshop selling brandnew/used clothes! SO yes, pretty much takes up almost all of my time.

However, I've decided to let go of the writing job once the little one comes along, as I just don't think I'll be able to cope with all the research needed.

Neway, enough about work, glad to read that everyone's doing pretty much great so far!!

R : Kaiya's simply gorgeous!

Jenna : Hope everything's ok hun!!

MT : all the best on the laid back approach, hope that'll help do you wonders *hugs*

Caroline & Sara : Sorry that blasted hag comes visiting you again, we'll get rid of her one of these days!!

Gabby : Glad you and little Jack are doing well, rest lots hun!! :hug:

Lea : It's so exciting that we're just about a week apart!!! How's everything going hun?

Nikki : big hugs to you.. you'll get your rainbow soon :hugs:

Debs : ugh, sorry you have awful MS!! I know how that feels like!! These are the few remedies that helped me a bit. Whenever nauseous, take hot water with honey, it helps get rid of the gas that builds up. Also, nibble on small dates!! They helped give me energy, and also diminished a lot of my nausea!! I'd have like 7 a day, two in the morning, another 2 hours later etc. Even if i didn't feel like eating nething else, I'd pick up a date or two. Worth a try :) It doesn't get rid of MS completely, but it helped me a bit.

Sarah : Any news from your side? :)

Phew!! ok i hope i havent left anyone out!!!

As for me, pregnancy's going ok so far! Although yesterday my mom pointed out that I seem to be carrying rather low, and i'm not even 7 months yet (to be fair, i'll be at 28 weeks next saturday!!) So she's thinking that I might be having this baby early. Praying that little Dot stays put till when she's due!

Attached is a recent picture of my and some friends at another friend's wedding taken 2 weeks ago *giggle* just thought I'd share!


  • June weddings 115 small.jpg
    June weddings 115 small.jpg
    91.3 KB · Views: 9
Goodness gracious! What a group of beautiful ladies Twigs!!! :D You look fabulous and so happy! :dance: I am so glad to hear from you hun! I hardly ever have much to say unless I'm having symptoms, but even then I try to not be too obsessed or overly excited about them. I'm so glad you and precious Dot are well!!! :hug:

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