Team Jelly Belly!!!

Hi Liyana!! :hi: So great to hear from you hun, you look stunning, what a cute pic! I don't think you have to worry about going early because of the position of the baby, each and every baby makes its own mind up about when he or she will come out. I carried Brayden much lower than Kaiya and he ended up being 8 days late and she was almost 3 weeks early :rofl: I think she's going to take after me as I am always ready to get up and go and DH is more laid back (notice I didn't use the word lazy..he hee) FX you don't go that late though, when is you exact due date??

Hi Liyana!! :hi: So great to hear from you hun, you look stunning, what a cute pic! I don't think you have to worry about going early because of the position of the baby, each and every baby makes its own mind up about when he or she will come out. I carried Brayden much lower than Kaiya and he ended up being 8 days late and she was almost 3 weeks early :rofl: I think she's going to take after me as I am always ready to get up and go and DH is more laid back (notice I didn't use the word lazy..he hee) FX you don't go that late though, when is you exact due date??


Aww, thanks R! That's actually helped make me feel better. I'm like little-miss-panic at anything anyone says, being first baby and all, and well.. let's just say that so far, all people have been telling me are gruesome birth stories and it's always ALWAYS about early births and the PAIN *groan*

My due date given is so far September 19th. Hope it holds true!!
I have managed to catch up on everyone I believe! I dont remember if I have posted anything since I went to Jamaica, but I had a wonderfule time. When I returned, I logged onto my myspace account and saw beautiful pictures of R's little girl! I loved it, I almost cried. Then I got on here today to find out that after so long Debs is pg! I really did cry then! I am so thrilled for everyone that has had something grand happen to them lately, and it really does give me hope that it will happen soon enough for everyone! I miss you all very much by the way. TTC became obsessive for me as well, I realize I was trying to fix something that had been broken. When I had my ectopic, it was mission create replacement baby. It has almost been a year, and I am starting to calm down. My friends babies are all doing wonderful, and now I just want to have my own family again. DH and I are going to start ttc again next month. I have an appointment to see my obgyn in July and I am going to talk to her then. I have not had af since the first wk of May so therefore something is wrong with my system. I dont think I am ov. Work has me super stressed out, but this should all be over by Aug-Sept. Well I just wanted to drop in and say hello. I do keep up with everyone and I am missing you all. I hope to drop in more often than I have been. :)
Hey dear, glad you are feeling better and will be getting back to TTC when you are ready.

Liyana- I learned when I was PG with Sebastian that it does not good to listen to others horror storied, I had so many told to me that I was scared but it all went just fine, you will do great. As for early or late delivery, Sebastian was a low rider (meaning he was head down from early on) and his original due date was 9/23, then Sebastian measured bigger so his due date was changed to 9/18, then when i was 38-39 weeks I asked why I wasn't getting checked every week and the dr told me because I was only 36 weeks and I would carry Sebastian until 9-30. I said "UMMM no" so they measured me on the 5th of Sept, on the 10th I lost my mucus plug and went into the drs on the 11th and was told I was only measuring 36 weeks and Sebastian weighed 6lbs 14 oz and was 18 inches long and that I was going to carry him until the 30th, I said no I lost my mucus plug and was told that means nothing so she checked me and I was 1-2 cm dilated and went into labor that night but I wouldn't go to the hospital because I did not want to have my baby on 9-11 so I had him on 9-12. All in all everyone is different and every baby is different so just try to go with the flow and have faith that everything will be just fine.
Hi all.... I am fairly new to this forum and I was wondering what I needed to do to be on Team JellyBellys???? I would love to join, so could someone let me know?? THANKS
Hello!! SgtHaleswife-there aren't any requirements for the Jelly bellies! We are all in different stages, some ttc, some pg and Rhonda just had her baby girl! Welcome!

Ashley! I am glad you're going to be back soon. I've missed you!

Can't keep online, I just had a minute to say hello!
Liyana, It is so exciting that we are close together. I didn't hear any horror birth stories. Like Rhonda said, they come when they are ready. Zoe came 2 weeks before her due date which was fine with me because I was complaining so much the day my water broke. The doctor said I'm measuring a bit bigger with him and I did with Zoe too. So I'm hoping that instead of 9/28 it will be about 2 weeks sooner. I'm not rushing it, but just like with Zoe I knew I was going to go into labor before my due date and I have the same feeling with him. BTW, that's a cute pic!

Ashley, glad your back and and going to start TTCing again. Hopefully your doc will be be able to help.

Welcome SgtHalesWife!
Hi girls,

looks like it's been quiet round here! Sorry I've been away so long, work is manic and so we went away for the weekend to de-stress - which just meant more work this week!

Liyanna you look so lovely in the photo! Beautiful.

MT - sorry that you can't persue any medical intervention just yet.

I've got some bad news...OH did a home sperm test (fertell) and we got a negative result. It's only 95% accurate, but considering we've been trying for some time and I'm ovulating ok, we're not really surprised.
The test measures motility and number - you don't get a seperate result for each, but overall a pass or a fail. It comes up with a line like a PG test - but no matter how much squinting we did there wasn't a line.
We saw our GP today (the nice one that did my bloods). He's referring OH for a proper test - which jumps us ahead a little bit, as otherwise we'd be waiting till September before we could get a referral.

I'm kind of gutted, but not surprised, neither is he. I don't think either of us will believe it until he's had a proper count and everything, so we're going to do our usual thing this month, but I'm not holding my breath.

Sorry for the downer. :(

I'm not sure when I'll be back on here as work is manic. But I hope you're all keeping well. Miss you xxxx
:hugs::hugs: Sweetheart. I am so sorry...:hugs: I am happy now though that you do have a point to start from, and you don't have to wait until September!!!
What test did you and DH use? I am thinking about that myself.........

Liyana, that is such a lovely picture. Your bump looks amazing and I love all the girls pretending to be quite not to wake her up!!

Ashley, so lovely to hear from you. Thanks for the tears. I am still in disbelief myself.
I hope your turn is coming very soon.

Lea, I do believe it is your turn to send show us a picture of your lovely bump!!!

R, how is your beautiful little girl? Have you got pics of Kiaya's room to show us?

Jenna, once again I love your littles ones room. So awesome.

Gabby, how are you doing? How is little Jack? I hope he is settled in for now and not causing you too much grief!

MT, I am sorry you have to wait before you can get some medical help.
I really hope you get that bfp before you go and see someone.

Caroline, I am so sorry about your DH, but on the upside knowledge is power.
I put my DH on a Zinc & Selenium combo and this is excellent for improving sperm count, morhpology and motility. Good news you will get a proper test done but try and go to Hollard and Barrat and get some of those minerals and they are sure to at least help.
FX all will be 100% in no time.

Sara, how are you doing sweetie? I see you are going to ovulate in a few days, are you on clomid again this cycle? I really hope this is your month.

Has any heard from Sarah lately? Has she decided to wait a bit longer before trying? I am sure just having graduated she would like to take a much deserved break. If you read this sweetie, we miss you.

Nicky, I hope you are okay.

Welcome SgtHaleswife. The main part of becoming a Jelly Belly is we all use our real first names, this way we are a much closer group. We started out as cycle buddies last year 22nd September and eventually started this new thread where we could stick together no matter what stage of the desire to be a parent we are at.

Listed in the order we all joined:
Jai-Jai = Jenna :bfp: team yellow
1cre8tvgrl = Rhonda - baby girl
Gabrielle = Gabby :bfp: team blue
DebsHopeful = Debs :bfp: team yellow for now
MsTwiggy = Liyana :bfp: team pink
Nlytin = Lea :bfp: team blue
1stBaby = Ashley
srm0421 = Sara
HatterSarah = Sarah
Mel42 = Mellissa :bfp: team yellow
Our lovely new friends that joined us in this new thread
MT = Mel
Chocolate = Caroline
:hugs: Caroline...I'm so sorry to hear the bad news hun, but its a good starting point, now you know where the problem lies and there are steps you can take to overcome this, I'm glad they are moving up helping you out and hope they will get you some answers soon. Hang in there sweetie I believe you have the power to overcome this now :hugs:

No nursery pics yet guys, minor set back this weekend and DH didn't get to finish the guys will be the first to see it when its done I promise :)
Looking forward to those pics Rhonda!! :D

My client/boss's DIL had her baby boy yesterday. That's all there is to report really...

I hope everyone is doing well :hug:
i need to post in here :blush: I have not for ages - please forgive me!!!

I am at work now but will try later and I will even include a bump pic :wohoo:
:yipee: Bump pics!!! I love your bump perfect! :cloud9:
Hi girls,

all quiet on here - we're just carrying on as normal and waiting for a testing day for spermies.
MT - how you feeling? any symptoms? The test is called FERTELL - is not particularly cheap - 60 pounds - and a private test at a clinic is probably only 80 pounds! But you can do it in the privacy of your own home and get the result quickly - although of course then you want a proper test done - but for us we can get that done on the NHS for free now and it starts us on the path to seeing a FS. I'm really glad we did it as it's actually made us both feel a bit better - that there might be something that can be fixed (well helped out).

Late ov for me again this month I think. :-( going to London for the week for work tomorrow, so today is this months last 'shot' :)

Jenna! I want to see your bump!

R - hope your get the room done this weekend.

Hope the rest of you are all ok.
hugs xxx
I'm not symptom spotting this cycle, or in the future if I can help it. I decided to wait until I'm 30 to freak out if I'm not pregnant by then :D

I will say this though. I feel like crap today. I'm trying not to speculate but I have a fever and headache. I hope this doesn't throw off my cycle too much. I don't understand the sudden crappiness...I'm rarely sick anymore.

My temps usually go downward pre-AF and today it keeps going up and up. It's much higher than my waking temp now (99.9-100.1). I really really hope if AF is going to come that she gives the courtesy to come after work on Monday...I can not work on CD1 or 2, it's nearly impossible. :(

I looked up the test, thank you. I think DH wasn't too impressed :( I'll just have to wait that one out. :hugs: thank you for the info though.

:hug: to all jellies from me!!!xx
I am considering the test you ladies are talking about myself actually. I know that i have been pg before, but since something went wrong, i cant help but think something needs fixed. i am going to the dr toward the end of july, and i am going to ask her what our first step should be, and let her know we are considering doing the sperm test and i want to have ultra sounds done myself. the first thing i want to do thoiugh, is get on clomid to help regulate my cycles. i just had a 50 day cycle and it is making it awful to ttc. i have no clue when i am ov if i even am sometimes. so i want to try clomid for a bit, then it will be a yr of ttc in oct.
Ashley-I'm sorry about your cycles being irregular...that's no good. I do hope that you can get the clomid.

I don't know what's going on with me. My cycles are perfectly regular now, my endo is under control and I am healthy. Though I can't really persue fertility treatments, I can look into the SA for DH and contact a NEW Dr. (cuz I hate mine) and see what I can possibly do. But that doesn't mean I will be doing any of that soon.

Who knows. I wish I just had a great doctor that could help me. Having to persue a new doctor and have to do all this is too daunting of a task for me.
I know exactly what you mean MT. I have a great dr. but i have not been able to see her because she is in such high demand, you have to schedule ahead at least a month and a half. Two of my friends have had trouble ttc and i referred them to her because their current dr was not helping, and one just had her baby after only seeing my dr once, and the other is seeing her currently and got put on clomid, and my dr is doing ultra sounds on her to make sure all is well. She is 33 and she is very upset about not being pg yet. She has been ttc for a while as well, and the dr found out there is some trouble with her fallopian tubes. I hope she can get help. On a better note, my SIL is pg with her second. This will make my 6th niece/nephew! My mom keeps saying, "when are going to have one" I just reply, "when i am ready". I am happy for her because she wanted another, however, she is 35 very overweight, and has health issues. I just hope all goes well and the baby is healthy. I am in a business where i see a lot of health problems and dissabled children and i cant help but wonder sometimes. Well, maybe i will be pg with her someday soon :) i hope.
Helloooooooooooo ladies!!! well I am baaaaaaaack and you are all being quiet :D we do go through stages dont we - I guess everyone is busy busy busy???

Gabs - how r u? Jack ok and all wriggly - dont worry about the fluid too much but get yourself checked espesh with your history - and um BUMP please?

Liyana - glad your doing ok, love the pics of u and ur girls - can we have a proper bump piccy too?

Lea - where are you my love? all ok? How is ur DD? I think we need a beautiful bump pic from you too!!!

Rhonda - how are you getting on with the nursery? has all your bleeding stopped? Brayden still being a bit better? :hugs: no bump pic from you though :( maybe a little pic of Kaiya?? :happydance:

Ash - lovely to hear from you, sorry about ur cycles that must be so hard i cant even begin to imagine how frustrating but glad u can start investigations!!!

Caroline - how are you my dear? any news? did u get DH to have the test?

MT - thanks for your support, how are you feeling with your relaxed approach now?

Debs - how are things going? have u had another appt? any news? are you finding out the sex?

Sara - eeeeeek nearly testing day for you :dance:

Michelle - if u pop bye i hope ur ok?

Nicky - how r u feeling? did they find it all out? hope ur ok hun :hugs:

Sarah - oi oi oi saveloy where in the world are u? get ur butt off facebook and in here and just let us know your alive!!!!!

Welcome SgtHaleswife.....:hugs:


I woke up at 4.30am yesterday- knickers soaked ad bed damp grabbed my doppler and seemed to have a slower HB than usual, so like my MW told me to do I rang the Labour ward, they were lovely and told me 'you have to come in'

So DF and I got in the car and drove 40mins to hospital....were greeted and shown to our room... I have never been on a labour ward or in a room - not been on my tour yet!!!! it was very daunting!!! she hooked me up to a monitor to monitor HB and any contractions (which were nil) and then the consultant came and looked at my cervix - all ok and it was just LOADS of watery discharge - she was sooooo nice about it and said I can totally see why you thought your waters may have gone there is a lot here

So we had a cup of tea and were sent home DF's face was a picture when we heard someone in labour bless him kept flinching at every moan - I tell you I think this woman sounded fine and quite relaxed to me poor guy has a lot coming his way!!!

They were so lovely though and never made me feel panicked one bit - couldnt find HB at first and she reassured me ad told me that it is sometimes hard and that the pad might be faulty so she went and got another one and it worked fine. Also told me if it is my waters not tow orry at this stage as they would not panic or worry about delivering me at this stage - phew that is nice to know!!!!

Today I am tired and have had a few painful twinges and kicks but nothing alarming!!! I am tired!! got lots of cleaning to do :cry: borrrrrrring!!! then i have to wash my hair etc and off out with DF for pizza and cinema!!! :dance:

:hugs: to you all my beautiful jellies xx

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