Team Jelly Belly!!!

bup pics 31 weeks


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I already told you how sexy and lovely you are in these pics but I will say it again!!! You are a gorgeous pregnant woman and it suits you well honey. :hug:
AWWW Jai Jai, you are gorgeous! I love the pics! Its going so fast, soon you will have a little baby! So exciting! I am planning a trip to Myrtle Beach during the weekend after you are due, I will be waiting for pics when i return! Happy 4th of July everyone, it is raining here, and has been all day. DH and I have ordered pizza and rented some movies :)
Oh wow! Jenna, you look amazing and what a beautiful baby bump.

Girls we could make guess as to what Jenna is baking in side!!

I have a scan tomorrow so will hopefully have a new picture to share with you all.
I should be around 10w3d tomorrow so just two more weeks until he can tell us with 70% certainy what we are having. I just want to hear a nice healthy heart beat, boy or girl it doesn't matter to me.

Hope you are all taking care. I still have really bad MS and it is winter here and the computer room feels like a fridge. I no longer like winter, I want summer to come back!
Good to hear from you ash. Mrytle beach..oh you lucky lady you!:)

Mel~ Sorry af came again...that stubborn witch! How are things going..she gone yet?

Debs...sorry m/s still has got you. WOW 10weeks already! That's amazing...and oh i can't wait to find out what your having!!!:)

Rhonda~my luv you must be busy havent heard from you in awhile. Hope you and your family are doing well. xx

If i could guess what Jenna is carrying.....I'd say BOY for sure. Lol but other then what her bump looks like i have been thinking girl. But that bump looks all round and in all 3 of mine have been hehe.

I shall try and post a bump pic soon. Can't believe I"m 32 weeks today!
I know Gabs! I am soooo extremely happy you've made it so far! Just thrilling that your little man will be big enough possibly to just go home with you after he's born!!! Just keep it up!
Debs-I am eagerly looking forward to seeing your new pics!

AF has gone. A 4 day cycle. I'm not complaining!!!!!!!!! :dance:
Hi my lovely jellies :D I know it been forever since I've posted in here :blush: My life is like a blur lately, I'm so busy and tired and omg Gabby how in the hell are you going to do it with 3, 2 is more than I can handle atm. Mostly though because Brayden is being a rotten little 2 year old :( I want my good little boy back!! He's been jealous I think but really awful, and mostly to me :sad2: We went away for the weekend, spent time with my family, it was nice had a good stay and mom helped me with the feedings at night, god bless her!! I'm definitly not sharing my bump pics any more girls :rofl: I do still look pregnant, and I hate it!!!! :sad1: Can not wait until they give me the green light to start working out again! Having an issue with my little girl...for any of you with babies already HELP!!! Ok here is how it goes, Kaiya is for the most part a very good baby, she eats sleeps and it happy, until her 8-9pm feeding everynight, then she screams at the top of her lungs for 2-3 hours, and is in so much pain with a belly ache :( She's got very bad gas problems, I can put my hand on her belly and feel the bubbles...I feel so bad, I've tried putting her on different formula and using gas drops, which helped some...but I am only sleeping about 3-4 hours a night and I'm a walking zombie!! I bought her a new bottle today to see if she takes less air in, though I am worried as her gas and poops smell so bad...not what a normal newborns should smell like, I'm thinking she may have a milk alergy?? I'm going to give her a few more days and if things don't get better I'm going to call the doctor...I feel so bad for her at night!! I took a few pics over the weekend but we just got home and I haven't got it in me tonight to upload them, its getting late and I want to go to sleep, I'll talk with you ladies tomorrow...hopefully!!!
Rhonda...I'm no expert but I do know that there are goat milk formulas and regular goat milk. People tend to shutter when you suggest anything other than cows milk products, but honestly, it's as safe and is actually CLOSER in makeup to human mother's milk.

I know it worked for my niece. I highly recommend it. Also, after she eats keep her as upright as possible for at least an hour. nice to hear from you. So sorry your having a hard time, dont worry it DOES get easier!!!!!

About Kiaya...Is she spitting up at all? b/c if she maybe acid reflux. How are her stools..she going everyday, hard, soft, watery,etc? It def sounds like a colicky me I've had TWO of them. They would start about 8pm and go till 11pm SCREAMING!!!! I hated those days and i'm praying Jack doesnt do that.

So you've tried non milk based formula, and without iron? Soy.? And that's not helping? I would take her in and have them check her out hun. It is normal for them to be colicky and sometimes they are for months and all we can do is be there and sooth them. I use to just hold gavin with his belly pressed against mine and keep rocking him untill he fell asleep. I had him on soy milk with no iron and he finally was pooping at least every other day, otherwise I'd give him suppositories or even put karo syrup in his bottles.

I'd at least call the doctor and see what she thinks. Just to be safe to make sure it's nothing serious. BIG HUGS HUN!

An as for Brayden again I'm so sorry hun. It's quite an adjustment for all of you, but just take it one day at a time. Make sure you and brayden get time to yourselves and have hubby take him to do things so he doesnt feel so jealous. It's going to be awhile but eventually he'll get out of it. I know its hard and they tend to be the meanest to their mommies b/c he's so use to you and him.

I'm quite nervous to have 3...honestly b/c Gavin is SO needy and such a baby to me still that he is going to be very mean. He likes to bite and pinch alot and i'm afraid this baby is going to have it in for him!
Gosh girls. It is all sounding very real in here. This is what we are in for.
No sleep and crying babies.......eeek.....but when I see the pictures of your little ones it will all be worth it.

I don't have any advice to give but I am sending you all a big hug and Rhonda I am wishing you an excellent nights sleep.

I am so over the moon girls. I had my scan today and my little peanut was waving its arms and legs around all over the monitor, it was sooooo awesome.
My little one is measuring in at 10w6d, 3.9cm and 155bpm. It looks so happy and healthy, DH and I are exstatic. I only have to take the progesterone until Friday and then hopefully no more morning sickness :yipee:

Love to all of you and best luck to our lovely ladies still trying, I pray your turn is soon.


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Thanks girls :hugs:

Debs your LO is so cute hun!!! Funny how quickly they start too look like a little person isn't it? I can't wait to find out what your having!!!!

Gabby, how long did the colic thing last with your boys? I never had to deal with this with Brayden so I'm just figuring it out now, we can get her to stop crying if we walk around the house and bounce her...but if we put her down watch last night I made DH drag the baby swing out, put her in that and worked like a charm, I was thrilled!! :yipee: She's not spitting up at all so I don't think its reflux but for the last day and a half now she's having greenish colored watery bm...I'm calling her doc tomorrow if she doesn't show any signs of improvement tonight, I think she's alergic to the formula, but we've tried a few kinds, not soy as I want to wait and see what the doc says, they don't like putting babies on soy if they don't have to. I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow as my insision has started to open up and is ozing yellow discharge..and I'm getting sick :sad2: have a sore throat, usually my bodys way of telling me I have a nasty cold coming soon. I feel like a can't win lately I swear! But on the upside Kaiya got up at 2ish this morning to eat and let me sleep till 7am, I was thrilled!!!!!!!!!! :D

Oh and she is 4 weeks today :wohoo:
OMG Rhonda...she's a month already! WOW that's crazy! Time flies doesnt it...that's why i say, no matter how many sleepless nights you have count your blessings.:) ....(remind me of that in a few weeks. lol)

Umm Owen was colicky for about 3months and Gavin was for about 4 months. It was terrible! And yes the swing works WONDERS!!! Owen lived in that thing untill he couldn't fit. We actually had to buy a new swing this time b/c both of my kids slept in there for awhile and the motor totally broke. lol

the watery poop I'm not so sure, other then maybe allergic so she'd probably go on soy. That's what happened to gavin at a year old.

I've always dealt with constipated babies but that doesnt seem to be the issue for you guys. Hopefully switching her formula will do the trick!:)

So sorry about your infection...that's NO fun. My incision got infected after I had Gavin but all i had was a fever and alot of redness, they gave me an antibotic and it cleared right up. Let us know how it goes. And again honey your doing a great job just so you know...and once all this crap that doesnt need to be going on goes away, life will seem better.:) hugs!!!

So if you girls havent heard I was in the hospital and almost had Jack!! i went into labor and we didnt think we could stop it but we did....thank god! I'm currently TRYING to be in bed as much as possible but some mornings I have the kids by myself. I'm 3cm's and all the way thinned out! yikes!

Oh and baby was breech and completely turned head down and fully engaged as of yesterday!!!!:(:( So lots of pressure and now i'm terrified if i contract then he will fall out! I saw doc yesterday and after i got home i was bleeding a bit and cramping so bad. But today seems better. I dont know how long i got but I'll take everyday i can get!

Hope you all are well!:)

Yay Debs for a nice healthy baby! I'm so over the moon for you! it's amazing that your so far.
Oh my gosh Gabby how Jack will be here very soon then? How old were your boys when they were born again, 34 and 36 weeks? :hugs:

Just got back from the doctors and I'm ok, not infected at all, the yellow discharge is normal, and I'm only getting that because part of my insision is slightly overlapped, which is where I thought it was open because its the inside of my skin, sorry tmi...its still freaking me out, hopefully it heals ok, my doctor didn't seem concerned. One thing off my plate! I'm giving Kaiya to the end of this week to bounce back from the watery poop and if she doesn't I don't know if I should call the doc or just try to switch formulas and see if that does the trick? I am coming down with a cold and have no energy at all...I'm beyond exhausted, didn't think it could get lower than I was at but I was wrong! My doctor said I'd start to feel better in another month :shock: good grief! :dohh:
Thats great news Rhonda!:)

Owen was born at 34 weeks and Gavin was born at 30weeks! ..So i'm right in the middle at 32 right now.

So i just changed doctors girls. I'm so fed up with my ob and she has just drove me to my lowest point.:( I'm so nervous its a male, at the hospital i work at ....never been a patient there, idk him, nor the staff but i am praying its better then it was.

I went to my doctors today b/c i thought i was leaking fluid....well the paper test says I am leaking fluid and the fern test says i'm not...?!?! She sent me home......and didnt even check with u/s to see my fluid levels....WTF?/////after I had no fluid at 30weeks with gavin...werid. Also i swear it's leaking out i keep feeling it big time. I'm so upset idk what to think or do.
This is what my lifes all about at the moment...I just want to crawl in a hole..:(

Can't handle another thing thrown at me. :(
Okay I dont know how to put a link to my other post in 3rd tri...but go ahead and read if you want. It's in thrid tri and it's called......

Can't handle another thing thrown at me.
OMG Gabby :sad2: I wish I were there with you right now hun, you don't deserve that, I know how the terrible tempers are, my DH gets them a lot too...he yells and says things he shouldn't, I would never call his mom though that I know would piss him off beyond anything, which is probably what happened to Brian...he needs time to cool off, give him his space, I know that hurts right now but if he doesn't talk to you in a few days he'll realized he messed up...guys don't like to be suffocated, I've learned that the hard way, one to many times :blush: they are the total opposite of us and they like to be left alone when they get mad. He'll come back sweetie, I truely believe that, you are having his baby for god sakes, he's not going to leave you now, he'd be stupid to! I wish I were there to give you a big giant hug sweetie :hugs:
Gabs, I hope everything is better. How are you doing? I just wanted to say i am thinking of you all. I hope all is ok. Have a good day.

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