Team Jelly Belly!!!

MT - I know what you mean it is so annoying that ppl always have a bloody oppinion on it and what you should and should not do :grr: FIL is always dropping in oh you cant do that until u finish breastfeeding blah blah blah well 1) I will do what I want when I am BF it is up to me and 2) why assume I am BF!?!! :grr: I am going to try and I hope I enjoy it and succeed but if i dont i dont and i wont beat myself up over it!! Anyway he said yesterday cos I said about having a glass of champagne after bubs is born and he was like well if ur bf u cant (well i will no matter what it does not hurt, has not hurt any of my friends babies soo he can take a running jump it is up to me) so i just turned around and said well I am not breastfeeding anyway so that wont be an issue!! he shut up very quickly (at least he did not lecture me hey??) oh what a rant :blush: i just hate ppl butting in I am very stubborn!!! and do not like to be told what to do and will normally do the opposite of what I am told to do!! :rofl:

Rhonda - that is sooooo funny!! it had been about 4 months i think since DF and I did the deed the other week and it did feel like the first time :rofl: so good luck :hugs: enjoy and i am super happy your gonna get laid like MT has :dance:

We have not had :sex: since cos my spd has gotten worse and it hurts to open my legs :rofl: but hey ho we will get around it soon i hope!!!

Gabs - r u contracting again? :hugs:
Jenna..your so hurts to open your poor thing you. I feel so bad for you.....specially b/c ummm to get that little tiger out of yours you've GOT to open them...hehe.:) Okay i know it's not funny but the way you said it made me laugh.

I'd like to wait untill I'm skinnier to have sex....b/c right now i'm SOOOOOO unatrractive and will be worse after bubs. I'm going to try and start running 2wks after my csection...i did it with gavin....

No jenna I'm not contracting but I was always wondering what they would do in that situation that i posted...speically when they won't stop labor i going to have to sit and contract and dialate b4 they go ahead with my operation.?
:rofl: I know hehehe so hope I do not get induced cos I want want WANT a waterbirth :hissy: It helps my spd being in the water! so FX

:hugs: you are not unattractive u r beautiful!!! I have always thought that!! no more talk of thid fat/unattractive stuff :ban:

I hope they do not allow you to dilate etc etc before c-section!! do u have to have one? if so why? is it cos of ur low lying placenta thing? how come u dont dilate very much!? I was reading a preg book yday and it showed the actual dilatation circle (life size) well I have always known it is 10cm etc but OMG to see the circle in front of me like that :shock: it looks soooo huge how does our cervix just open that much?? :rofl: it is amazing!! I do not want to have a streched minni and for DF to feel that it is different after (like i mean does it not feel as good for them!?! :cry: )
your so funny. I know isn't it AMAZING how BIG that tiny hole gets. HAHA...LMAO. Well my hubby JUST told me the other day he could notice a difference since we had Owen. He said it's just alittle "looser".... he said this in front of a friend of ours,,and so i go...."it can't be that bad, considering you still only last 5 mins. " lol. So I'm sure they notice a little change but I doubt that it doesnt feel good...obviously thats not the case here. He always tells husbands to tell the doctor to put a few extra stitches in. lol he's a dork.

And thank you for calling me beautiful..that was much needed. I don't mean to talk negative it's just alot of ppl comment on how big i've gotten everywhere and i know it's true so gets to me. I never had cellulite and now i do and idk if I can get rid of it..! eeks.

As far as the whole csection thing goes. I've decided it was the best thing to do. B/c my vaginal birth was filled with postpartum hemmorage, requiring a blood transfusion, and my blood clots in my veins as well. PLUS tbh the recovery for vaginal birth was WAY worse then a csection in my mind. My gosh my epiostomy incision STILL hurts to this day! ouch! And so far all doctors agree Csection is the best way to go.

The thing is if i start contracting and they get closer and stronger but no more dialation idk if they'll just send me home, or go ahead with the section...?
:rofl: what are Men like - i am pleased u got ur 5 min dig in there :rofl: well done :D

Oh yeh and dont you have that lydons factor 5 thingy too? so I guess it is better for u to have a c-section!!! eeeeeeeek dont tell me that ur epiostomy still hurts I know I will need one!! maybe they will stitch me up a bt tght :D I think they will do the c-section if start contracting again they wont just send u home or stop it if u have an agreed c-section they cant keep pumping u full of drugs!!!!

I hear u on the cellulite i never had it either and it is ALL OVER MY LEGS :rofl: it will go it is just excess fat and water retention that causes it :D dont worry u and I will work ouot/diet together and monitor our progress online together yeh? :hugs:
Yes, I do have a clotting disorder, so generally a csectin isn't great b/c the risk of clots is higher....BUT since I had 5 clots after I gave birth Vaginally, we dont really want to go that route again. Plus my heart condition, surgery is easier to monitor it and I don't have to worry about me working too hard.

And OMG my scar from getting cut hurts with certain sex positions and I agree your so tiny you probably will need one. But i think it sucks to get cut, alot of women say to tear...b/c the scar heals better?!?!

You have cellulite all over your thighs too? THANK GOD>.i thought i was the only one! I never got it with Owen or Gavin, but now its ALL over my thighs and butt I look about 50 years old with these thighs and ass. It's nasty, but if you say it will go away I can deal with that!:)

And that sounds work out and make sure we stick together and get to where we want to be!:) how many lbs have you gained? I've put on 37! Thats alot. They say 20 to 35 you should put on.
ooooooh I see - yeh with all ur probs c-sec would be the best way!!

With cutting and tearing idk cos it says tearing is harder to stitch and takes longer to heal but i think that a natural tear would be better than a cut as it would only tear as much as is needed etc rather forcing layers of skin splitting etc......

:rofl: yeh i soooo have that old lady look :sick: i hate it!! i was sitting down with a skirt on when it was really hot and pulled the skirt up a bit and OMG :sick: I was gutted :cry: but it will go!!!

I have put on 28lbs so yeh would be good to lose it together is more motivating :D we can have weekly weigh in's and stuff :wohoo:
Ohh, I'll have to join your post pregnancy weight loss, I have gained a lot of weight during your pregnancies :rofl: I tell my friend that all the time, that I am still trying to lose the weight I gained during her pregnancy. :rofl:
You're both gorgeous ladies and you're also young-that will help the process :D :hugs:
The thing is if i start contracting and they get closer and stronger but no more dialation idk if they'll just send me home, or go ahead with the section...?

They wont send you home Gabby they will do the section, happened to me this time, if they know you want a section there is no way they will leave you like that. Don't worry hun. I was contracting for almost a week but not in any real pain till the last day, my contractions were getting stronger and closer together but I wasn't dialating at all, they finally decided to put me out of my misery, thank god! They worry about a rupture from your previous incision so they will want to monitor you anyways, they'll take Jack if it comes to that hun :hugs:

Been fighting with DH all night am not doing very well and feeling sorry for myself, I don't think I'll get my :cake: tomorrow :cry: Tim was going to make it tonight when he got home but since we've been fighting he hasn't done anything and its late now so I'm going to bed. Pray that Kaiya is better than she was last night, I was up from 2am-5am with a screaming baby, then Brayden woke up at 6 :( Good night girls.

Oh and I want in on the weight loss band wagon, I gained 50lbs and I've only lost 20 of it so far, I get the green light to start working out again next week...been eating better lately too so I will need to put up a weight loss ticker soon. We'll do it together, and Jenna and Gabby...girls I am the queen of celulite, I'd scare you 2 to death! :rofl:
I want to join that weight loss too........once I drop this litte guy.

Rhonda, I llovethe honeydo list. Does it work better when it's called honeydo?

Gabs, I hope they don't make you suffer with contractions but it seems like if things jump off next week Jack may make his appearance. But FX for Jack to stay put longer. We haven't come up with a name yet but it wil begin with a Z.

MT, I breastfed for 9 months and will probably do the same for him. I do know what you mean about opinions. When I was pregnant with Zoe and the
BF topic came up people were so judgmental if you weren't going to breastfeed. I think they those people have too much time on their hands to get so upset about what others are going to do with their babies.

I have been kind of off with the belly pics but here they are.


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:yipee: come on ladies!!!! we all wanted Jellie Bellies and now we can get rid of them together :hugs: excellent :D

Lea I love love love LOVE your bump - i wanna rub it :wohoo: its soooo beautiful :hugs: Thank you xx
aww thank you Jenna :hugs: Tim bought me some big beautiful sunflowers which I woke up to on the kitchen table at 2 this morning when I got up to feed Kaiya, and he was baking my cake when I got up at 6:30...guess we are ok now, I said I was sorry even though I don't think I was the one in the wrong :rofl: My mom is on her way down, she took the day off and is taking me out to lunch, I'm so happy I don't have to be all alone today now. Oh and my b-day present from Kaiya this morning...her very first smile :D I didn't get it on camera but here are a few new ones for you guys.

Lea thanks for sharing your beautiful belly with us hun, can't wait to meet your little guy! Here's a Z name that I've always liked for a boy, Zeik.


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your daughter is gorgeous!
I love the bump lea!
Have a wonderfuly day girls!
she is beautiful and gets lovelier by the day :D i love all her little outfits
Lea! You're looking wonderful sweetie! Thank you for posting your pics!!! :dance:

Rhonda! Kaiya is so precious...I can not wait to meet the other jelly babies! Kaiya looks very content and have I mentioned how adorable her nose is?!?

I think I'm ovulating. :hissy: I haven't been temping because I've had a low grade fever for a week. I have some EWCM this morning and I haven't gotten laid since last time! :hissy: I just think this month is a bust. :cry: I think next month is a bust too, its a right ovary month and that one never works right for me. :( I still have this cough and I'm not feeling very attractive! But, I need to figure out what the problem is before I'll get a sticky M&M anyway...I hope to do that next month.

Oh well. I hope everyone has a good day. Gabs? What's wrong??
Happy Birthday Rhonda!

She is adorable! What a great birthday present!
:dance: I GOT LAID! :rofl: Yay! I managed to feel attractive and to not cough long enough to DTD! :D I'm sure everyone is so happy too! haha!

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