Team Jelly Belly!!!

Gabs!!! I can't believe that....I am soooo sorry honey and I just can't even imagine how you must feel. I wish I was there and could give you real hugs....
Love you lady...
Please stay strong for Jack!
Thanks Ladies for your well wishes for Gabs, I have not heard anymore :( so keep her in your prayers and lets hope everything sorts itself out - Gabs we are here for u hun :hugs: and love u lots
I dont know if i posted this yet, but i am going to be an aunt again. I think i did post it, but i am just thinking about it again, and so here it is again if i did. Also my friend just found out she has no eggs, and she is going to a fs now. I feel bad for her she is only 31. I hope they can help her and her husband.
Congrats on being an Auntie again Ash, and sorry to hear about your friend, that's horrible news :( I hope she can figure out a way to be a mommy, its such a wonderful experience, everyone should get to go through it :hugs:

I haven't talked with Gabby personally but she posted a status on FB yesterday saying she felt loads better so I'm praying they worked things out. All that stress isn't going to help with keeping Jack in there :(
OMG! Gabby, I am sooo sorry. I can't believe you DH is stressing you out like this when you are so vulnerable.

I don't think you should do anything right now except try and relax, get fluid and food into you and look after you and Jack.
Don't rush into filing for papers or anything like that, he is in a mood and you are sensitive, it isn't the right time to be making such a life changing decision and a couple months won't change that.

When he does agree to speak to you and I am sure he will, remind him that Jack's health (and by that your health as well) is the main priority at the moment and the rest can wait.

Time is a healer. In this situation perhaps it is going to take more than before but it will still work its majic. I wish I could wrap my arms around you and make it all better but you will just have to know that I am saying a prayer that this time will pass and things get better soon.

Rhonda I hope the same for you too sweetie. Gosh you also seem to be in the wars. A month is a long time to wait to get better so I hope the time flys by quickly or better yet that cold just f***s off!!! I hope that changing the formula helps.

Jenna, sorry about your hair cut. I have heard that being pregnant makes your body act differently to hair dye. I am going to wait until next year to do my hair, hope no more grey hair pop up in the mean time. I already have three and i am not going to pull them out because they will be replaced by seven more each or so "they" say!!

DH is calling me we are going out to the movies with friends, the guys are going to watch Transformers and the girls are going to watch the Proposal so I have to go.

Sorry I didn't get to mention each of you individually but know that I think of you all and whish you all the best. :hugs:
Hey girls. THanks for all the advice and thoughts.

I can tell you that we will NOT be getting a divorce...:) I knew in my heart that wasn't the case, b/c we have always said Diovrce is not the answer and we'll work through everything. But I'm sure as you all know in a heated mess the words do come out. So that's a good note. I'd be devasted if that happened..but I know it wont

He came home that night and things were okay. He put his ring on and we got along pretty well. I didn't mention much about what happened b/c I didnt want to agrue and I wanted to enjoy our family.

Well last night his sister was babysitting the kids and when my hubby came home, they had gotten into an argument about Brain telling owen to do something...idk exactly what was going on i was at the doctors. But I walked in the door to him yelling, with swearwords included at the top of his lungs. And his sister wasn't screaming but simply trying to talk to him. All he could say is get the F out , blah blah blah. He told me to tell her to get out of our house now. I just told him to calm down and that made him more furious.

Well she ended up leaving and of course he was in a bad mood. He said it's stupid women like "us" that make him act like that. I said honey, you have a problem and need to get help!! He disagrees and said he DOESNT have a problem and we all need to start discipling owen better. Well we ended up calming down and things were okay for the night.

His mum called me this morning and said that something needs to be done and that if I and the kids would like to , we could come stay with them and tell Brain he can't see us untill he gets help. We think that thats the only thing that will get him to get help. He doesnt listen to anyone but himself and he does need anger managment.

His father also said he wants nothing to do with Brain untill he seeks help.

I have no idea what to do. i love my husband to death and I know that he has a temper but I don't think me and the kids could just dissapear for awhile..thats so hard. We generally have good days but all of this has just been a mess for the last few days. And I know stress with me, the baby and money are all playing an issue as well. And he's been working his butt off but still none of it's an excuse.

Soo I guess I'm lost at what to do. I think the best thing would be for me and his parents to sit down and talk and not lecture him but simply explain why we think he needs counceling or even us getting family conceling. Instead of everyone lashing out on him......
Oh Gab...I wish you didn't have to do this NOW. I so wish it could just all wait until after Jack is here safely and healthy.

I am going to speak from my own opinion so I hope I don't offend anyone.

Divorce shouldn't ever be an option. When you work through problems like these, you only get stronger. You grow as a couple, and you grow together. It might get boring at times, and you might forget to be polite and cordial because you're together all the time, but honestly...that's what a marriage is.
Brian has a problem, it's obvious. But also take what he says into consideration. He is stressed and if Owen is acting out, maybe it's just about all he can take. There is NEVER an excuse to get violent with words, but also, he might have a valid point.
We all know you're a sweet heart Gab, and you obviously love your family. You have a lot on your plate to say the least. This is the time you need to be working together. It sounds like you're both trying.
My advice at the moment is to just calmly try to talk to him yourself...alone, in your room. Having his parents involved might just be too much and what puts him over the edge. I know how I would feel with that sort of an intervention...and it makes me nervous since you're so fragile with Jack atm. Express your love, be genuine, and be candid. He loves you and it's obvious...just try to get him to talk.

I hope this was ok to say. Since I don't really KNOW you personally or him, I just hope you don't mind my simple and understated as it is.

:hug: for you, I know this is hard...
Thank you Mel for your advice. Of course I'll take your advice thats what were all here for.(HUGS) I wouldn't share all of this with you girls if I didn't want opinions,etc.:)

I agree about the whole never getting divorced. No matter what happens I feel in my heart that's just not an option for me. I married him for a reason and like it says, "untill death do us part." And I know he feels the same way.

Right now while things are good I am not going to push getting help. Like I've said we've got enough going on right now and throwing another thing at him would just be wrong. We have been discpliing owen the same way for the last two days and both being very strict about what we say. Example....if i say, you do that again your not doing this....then i STICK to it. Parenting a strong willd child can be VERY fustrating, specially when we use to argue alot in front of him. Things are doing okay, of course I'd love them to be better, but at least we're all smiling and doing things as a family and we NEVER forget our hugs and kisses each day and night.

Thank you again for your thoughts. How are you doing? Anything new lately?
:hug: I'm so glad it's going well. And look! You're almost to 33 weeks! :dance:

I have been sick with the flu and I'm scared it's turning into bronchitus. It's been over a week now and the nights are the worst. I woke up this morning and it feels like it's in my chest, and that's awful. I'm on antibiotics and I sure hope they kick this thing before it gets worse, I'm in bad enough shape! :(

No TTC related news for me, especially since I haven't gotten laid in over a week!! :cry:
Being sick is NOT sexy. :D
Jai, Beautiful belly. I think your on my team the way you look.

Debs, 11 weeks! Your little bean is getting bigger everyday!

Rhonda, I hope you and Kaiya feel better!

Gabs, I'm glad things are getting better for you at home! I know whatever it is you guys will get through it.

Mel, sorry that the flu has got you down and you haven't gotten any in a week!

Ash, congrats on becoming an aunt again!

As for me, nothing much over here. I went to the doctor on Thursday and they did a measurment ultrasound since I was measuring at 31 weeks even though I'm 28 weeks. All is well, he is measuring right on track. Other than that I'm just trying to get ready. I am so bad because I haven't even started the nursery. I have everything for it just need to clean it out and set it up. Talk about procrastination.....I know I'm pregnant and he will be here before I know it. I guess I think my fairy godmother will handle it all.:blush:
Oh Gosh Debs honey, I'm so sorry you're facing all this stress at times when you need to rest and relax most! I'm glad everything sounds like it's moving towards the better. My bear hugs to you hun :hug:

Everyone else, I hope you're all doing great :)

I can't believe I'm 30 weeks preganant already. It seems like only yesterday I was batting morning sickness! Although now it's a whole different battle. I'm trying to cope with Pelvic Girdle Pain, where the back of my pelvis is pretty much killing me whenever i walk, sit, stand or even turn in bed. It sucks, seriously, but I'm trying my best to take it up in stride. Although stride is definitely not in my dictionary nowadays. Try waddle. LOL!

Here's one of my rare bump pics that I thought I'd share with you ladies :blush: I'm really quite shy about sharing this but oh well, you ladies are like sisters to me :hugs:

So check out my bump at 29 weeks, picture taken by my best friend *giggle*


  • Belly@29 weeks.jpg
    Belly@29 weeks.jpg
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Aww Liyana what a beautiful baby bump :D I love it!!! Don't be shy sweetie, we're all family in here :hugs: I can't believe your 30 weeks! And Lea is 28 and Jenna and Gabby are only a few weeks ahead of you guys, there will be lots of babies popping around here very soon. So exciting!!!! :happydance: Oh and Lea don't worry about the nursery, Kaiya may be sleeping in hers but its not completely done yet either! Talk about procrastination :blush: though it is not on my end as I bug DH every weekend to finish. We'll see if it gets done today or not?? All that's left really is to install the chair rail, hand some pictures and put up her shade. I mad him a honeydo list for today :D

I am feeling better, actually got 7 hours of sleep last night :shock: Kaiya slept from 10 last night till 3 this morning I was soooo happy :wohoo: If only that could become a regular thing I'd be tickled!! She is back to having the watery poop so I am switching formulas! I think that Enfamil is just too hard on her system...going to put her on goodstart which is what we ended up putting Brayden on too when he stopped pooping on Enfamil. Opposite problems for my kids but I think its just too much for them, Brayden did great on the goodstart formula so I guess I should have just put Kaiya on it from the and learn!
Mel~Sorry your sick..that is no fun. Have you been to the doctors for antibotics? And not getting laid in a week...oh i know that feeling....try months! but i'm okay with that because i'm HUGE!!!!!!! YUCK.

Lea~Do we have a belly pic from you at all? I can't remember? you sound like your feeling well so thats good. And don't worry about the nursery. We just did ours about 2 weeks when i was 31weeks. It's almost done. Just needs the valance up and the rocking chair in it. OH and all of his clothes still need to be washed and put away. lol
Do you have a name for your little man?

Lyiana~can i say........i'm completely JEALOUS of that bump of yours!! It's sooo perfect and your so tiny everywhere else, all baby girl! I not only have a bump, i've got fat arms ,face,butt, legs, etc! :( It totally sucks specially on these hott summer days. So have you started the nursery yet? do you have a theme?

Rhonda~ YAY for sleeping so long. Amazing! I just started getting about 6 to 7 hours a few months ago and ummmm Gavin is 16months! lol. But now he wakes up at 6am EVERDYAY no matter what time he goes to bed. grrrrr. That will be tough once i am getting up with Jack all night.
About the formula. I had Owen on simulac and he was constipated and having lots of trouble, so we switched to Good start without iron and he did much better. Then with gavin he had to be on Neonate formula bc he was so preemie and it was so bad on his tummy too. So we ended up putting him on Good Start Soy. And it seems good start is wonderful! But I recently discovered Parents Choice....its um 14 dollars for a huge can! Instead of what 26 like simulac and good start are. It's totally the same ingredients just a store gavin was on that for alittle while and he did fine too. So i think i'm starting Jack on Parents Choice Soy right away. I just dont want to deal with the constipated and colickyness!

I'm so glad your feeling better and Brayden is adjusting. I know it can be so difficult but you'll all get the hang of it!:) How is hubby dealing with having two little ones?

Jenna~how are you honey?

Well girls...I'm 33 weeks TODAY!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! it's so amazing. Ive never gotten past 34 weeks so next week will be a huge step for me.!:) I see my new doctor on tuesday this week and I'll probably get a new csection date from him. So right now i dont have one. And i THINK that at 34 or 35 weeks they will have me stop my meds to prevent contractions and then let me go in labor if i do. So it's kinda scary knowing bubs could be here...but I'm quite ready to be unpregnant. I'm dying to getting back into shape! lol. I've gained 37 lbs so far, but look like i've put on 60.
Oh my goodness, everyone is getting so close! Liyana you look awesome honey! No need to be shy sweetie, you look better pregnant than I do unpregnant! :hugs:

I have a general question to ask...and I hope it doesn't offend: Why are we formula feeding the babies as opposed to breast feeding? I just wondered. :hugs:

Gabs, I am happy and you really are at a huge milestone. I'm so excited that you might have a very short or no stay in the NICU at all! That's incredible! Yay for 33, rock on 35+!!!

I got laid yesterday :blush: :rofl: So it's not all bad. I am actually feeling better today, not at all like the nights prior-I haven't slept a solid 2 hours in a row for a week due to the coughing...but last night I had a nice long break and that's why I feel better this morning. DH massaged my neck, face, back and glands so I really think that helped a lot in feeling better today! Please let me feel better and better each day!

I'm feeling charged for TTC next month. I have a plan and I hope to be able to stick to it! I'm going to talk to my insurance and talk to my GP about referrals to get more help TTC!!! Yay!
:hugs: to everyone! I can't wait to see all the Jelly Babies! (check out my siggy!!!)
awwwww MT u r sooo cute with that countdown on ur siggy!!! :D bless u!! oooh and yay for getting laid and feeling better :wohoo:

I am feeling ok thanks Gabs - in huge amounts of ain re: spd and really hope bubs is early i am going to see physio again and mw is coming over on thur to discuss options....!! :dance:

Lea glad ur feeling good hun!! would love to see ur bump we have not had one :cry:

Liyana - omg u look amazing - so jealous! :grr: u should be a preg model!!!

cant believe how u and Lea are catching Gabs and I up....we could technically all pop within 2 weeks of eachother!!! OMG :wohoo:

Rhonda - that is fab news for sleeping so much :yipee: hope it continues!!

MT - I know Rhonda tried to BF Brayden and it just didnt happen she tried and tried sooo hard but couldnt - and obviously with the infection etc she could not BF Kaiya......but I know some people just do not like it or do not like the thought so they don't BF.....none of us were BF and neither was my Mum..... am unsure what I am going to be like I hope to BF but I will use a mixture anyway and I know I will not BF for months and months I do not want to and it is not practical for me to - just how i feel and no amount of pressure from any MW is going to change my mind!! I admire ppl who can and enjoy BF for months and months but i know i will defo not go past 4 months....
Sorry your in pain jenna..I can't imagine what that feels like. BUt it seems very commmon and i never heard of SPD...besides maybe in nursing school?

Mel~ I've tried breastfeeding my babies twice, and well they were in the NICU it was just so hard and they wouldnt latch...i bf owen for 6 weeks and gavin for 4weeks. Idk if i'll try it again. Also my medication i take for my heart I have to switch if i want to breastfeed and its kinda hard to find one that does a good job for my heart. SO i've always been stuck. And honeslty Gavin is SO attached to me i think having a baby here is going to be a big enough adjustment and if i'd have to have Jack on me every 30mins idk how well that would fly. but we'll see.

Yay for getting laid...haha, and glad your feeling better!:)
Thanks girls, I was just curious because I hear it's just not for everyone for one reason or another. I understand why some can't or don't want to. And Gabs, I know...NICU babies are nearly impossible to BF! BFing is such a touchy subject, there are major advocates out there who aren't open minded. It's this picture perfect fantacy to some, and in reality, we have to be flexible! :D
There are 2 subjects that if/when I ever have a LO I will not discuss with people: #1. Breastfeeding and #2. Sleep patterns/habits. People are so idealistic and have all the answers!
P.S. I'm gonna get laid again tonight! :dance::rofl:
Yeah for getting some MT! :hissy: 1 more week till I can get laid :blush: Its been so long I worry I will have forgotten how :rofl: Girls its been since October!!!! No joke, we'll have to have a big party when I finally loose my virginity again :rofl: it will probably feel like that, this is the longest I've ever gone! I had no desire at all when I was pregnant. I have my 6 week checkup Thursday and I'm getting the mirena IUD put in, a little nervous as I've heard it hurts like hell...guess I'll find out soon enough! But then bring on the :sex:
Rhonda~ your too funny....but OMG i totally just realized your soooooo LUCKY! Your vagina has never gotten stretched....haha, your hubby must be pleased. I'm werid i know. ...but Brain said he noticed a difference after I had owen and he wasn't even a big baby and i had an episotomy!

Wow almost a year of NO SEX?? I bet hubby is DYING over there! Mine still tries to get some but knows he cant, so i end up having to do other things:blush:

Rhonda I bet it's going to hurt. lol

Mel~yay for getting laid again...i love that you say getting laid.:rofl: Hope you have some fun, kinky sex! hehe

About bf I've got a few friends that HATE that I end up quiting, but sorry girls it hasn't been easy and sometimes you have to go a different route.
Rhonda ? for ya. Sooo if I start having contractions and they can't stop them.....BUT i don't continue to dialate b/c i never seem to get past 3cm' you think they'd go ahead with the c section at this point or no? I just am terrified that's going to happen and I'll either have baby or be stuck contracting. I had to have pitocin with Owen and I took HOURS to dialate, and with Gavin i never got past 3cm's i'm just curious.

Or like when i stop taking meds to prevent labor...if i go in with contractions and they get stronger, will they wait for dialation or go ahead with my csection?

Thought mabye you'd have an idea. Thanks babe.

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