Team Jelly Belly!!!

Okay sorry about the last post. I had a long post about my appt and everything an a few bits about me and hubby and he came and deleted it all and did that. B/c he's immature. Sorry girls. Now i must type it all over again.......GRR
Okay so yesterday I met my new doctor. Before I went to see him I drank the glucose drink that I had been refusing b/c I hate doing it and never had it with Owen and Gavin so didnt think there was a point. So I felt like crap after it yuck! Then i went and had my bloods drawn for glucose and anemia.

I arrived at the doctors and the nurse was SUPER nice!:) She took my bp, weight and went over some ?'s. I noticed I had gained 4lbs!!!, since last thursday! I was freaking out. She did my bp which was fine and she said that i only had a trace of protien in my urine and some sugar. She asked if i was swelling? I said we don't know why i gained so much so fast....Specially b/c i havent been eating due to stomach and gas pains and going to the b/r all the time.

Anyways doctor came in and we started discussing previous pregnancies. he asked if i had any questions. My ONE question was " since i take a high riks med, what are YOUR plans to monitor me."

He goes" well Toprol isn't really risky to take during pregnancy. It's just a beta blocker and theres no really harm to baby. He said some beta blockers have risks of IUGR and placenta deterioation but not Toprol. So just b/c you take toprol wouldnt make me monitor you closely. BUT since you have a history of preterm labor in the past and now, and the fact that you lost all your fluid and we're not sure why i would like to monitor you closely. He went on to say that he would do ultrasounds once a week untill i deliever. he's WRONG.......this drug is a class D(not safe) and i've had 3 high risk ob/gns say what needs to be done to make sure baby isn't in distress, making sure he is gaining weight , etc. you can look it up on and it shows your right there ..that toprol causes risk for IUGR.....but he says no. What an idot! But of course Mrs. Passive over here just kept her mouth shut....:(

I was upset about that but he is going to monitor me and well as long as my baby is safe and i can be reassured I will be fine.

Then we went on to talk about when he would do my csection. He said at 39weeks, but i might have to go earlier with all the stuff in the past and now. He said they don't try and stop labor at 34weeks or further. So i said what if i come in with contractions. he said well i can't really send a pregnant women home contracting with a csection scarr b/c if something happened obviously i should be in the what does that mean, i'm not sure. Assuming he'd do the csection.

He wants me to continue my medications untill 36weeks b/c they seem to be working and if i stop now i might have baby. But if i go in they won't give me anything more.

He then did an exam and said i'm about 3cm and almost all the way thinned but couldnt feel bubs pushing on my cervix......So that made me think bubs has turned again. lol which is okay with me.

Overall him and his nurse we're super nice and i think things will be okay there. I have an u/s tomorrow at 10am and i will see him next week.

So then i'm driving home and i get a call from his office. It's one of the physican assistants. She said my labs came back. She said my hemoglobin was only 8.4 so i'm very anemic and need to take 2 iron tablets a day! grrrr i hate those.
The she goes on to say that my glucose test was elavated too. She said it was So high ...190, that they wont even do the 3hour glucose test, and in fact they are diagnosing me with gestational diabetes.....:( I have to call a doctor today at 10am to get an appt to learn about my diet and get set up for doing home blood sugar tests. I'm SOOOO upset.....i never thought i had this and i didn't want it!!!!:(

NO wonder why jack is big....i'm dying to know his size tomorrow!

Well thats it for baby wise...great day eh!

So i come home to hubby and I tell him whats going on etc, and all he could say is " you whine all the time and always stressed out." he didnt even seem concerned for me or bubs...:(

He then left to play golf with his friends( i didn't care) , but came home watched some baseball, and then left to watch the game at a friends. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My god, he doesnt have a heart. Honestly i got no comfort from him and i was so upset and had to take care of boys myself.!

We he got home he told me he cares about our boys but hasnt cared about me for awhile now. I then went up to bed and cried. HE came up and hugged me and said he didn't mean that.....whatever i just dropped it.

So we're okay but i'm just sick of him showing no concern for his unborn child and his wife. I also went to plug in his cell phone when he was sleeping. And guess was turned off. so i turned it on, and well there was a locked code on it so i couldnt get do anything with it.....WTF, why is your phone locked.............

Hmmmmmm, idk but that freaks me out, specially when he said he doesn't care about me.

Okay all done!

Rhonda~ I said Happy birthday last night it my post.:) Btw, so glad you and hubby are doing better, and how cute he was making your cake at 6am!:) what a keeper.;) And kiaya is adorable i just want to squeeze her!

Mel~YAY for getting laid AGAIN!hehe...i hope you enjoyed it!:)
I wondered about that post yesterday, I thought maybe one of the boys did it...

Gabs, I feel like he's just trying to jerk you around. I feel confused for you...his actions aren't making sense.

As for the Dr. situation. I'm glad you like them. I hope that the medication stuff gets cleared up. I honestly can't say I understand fully what's going on...but hopefully the GD isn't really the case?!
I wondered about that post yesterday, I thought maybe one of the boys did it...

Gabs, I feel like he's just trying to jerk you around. I feel confused for you...his actions aren't making sense.

As for the Dr. situation. I'm glad you like them. I hope that the medication stuff gets cleared up. I honestly can't say I understand fully what's going on...but hopefully the GD isn't really the case?!

Thanks hun.:) yeah i know his actions have gottne me confused. Okay i really dont think he's cheating on me or anything..but when he acts like that saying one thing and then another and the whole phone gets me thinking. But so far today he's been a sweetheart and i checked out minutes and he didnt talk to anyone. So i'm sure its just me being paranoid.

And you got me confused lol.....what do you mean the GD isnt really the case? What don't you understand so i can explain.......hehe
I mean, hopefully they're wrong with the gestational diabetes...I hope you don't have to adjust too much??
Well according to the PA i talked to, she said mine is pretty severe and that I might need to do insulin b/c i'm not allowed to exercise. She said that I will probably be checking my sugars about 6 times and day and changing my diet. (even though i don't take much sugar in.......) They said usually when they do the glucose screening if it's 135 they will just tell you to take it easy. But if it's 17 to 180 then they will go ahead with a 3 hour tolerance test. But in my case since it was so high at 190 that I do have gestational diabetes and there's no need to do the 3 hour.

Does that make alittle more sense.

How are you today? anymore luvv making......hehe;)
Aww...well that's no good. My good friend Jen has been a diabetic since she was 7 and went through 3 pregnancies. I know it's not the same, but I do know that insulin isn't the worst thing in the world. You'll be ok honey! :hugs:

Just the once yesterday :D He's a happy guy, and I'm a happy girl......:rofl: Maybe I made it before/during Ov and it will work this time. I just need a sticky...please!
Yes you do! I started tearing up when i saw your status on here...............Truly a mother at heart.

That is so true and I pray that you get to hold a baby of your own, SOON! No more waiting! You've waited long enough!!!

And yeah i give insulin at work all the time and I know diabetes from working with lots of patients but when it comes to yourself it's kinda scary ya know. lol. And i just dont want to deal with all of that but thats life right. hehe. I can't wait to see Jack at my u/s tomorrow!!!!:) Then friday i meet with the doctor about my diabetes stuff.
:wohoo: u had :sex:

sooooooo sorry Gabs he is being a penis!!!! what is his prob?? i would love to see him :grr: :ninja: :gun:

Glad ur dr is ok and hope things improve more :D
So i said what if i come in with contractions. he said well i can't really send a pregnant women home contracting with a csection scarr b/c if something happened obviously i should be in the what does that mean, i'm not sure. Assuming he'd do the csection.

WTF?!! They totally sent me home while I was still contracting, and I continued to for 4 more days after that! Then when I came down with the uterus infection they said it was because I had been in labor for so long before having the baby :growlmad: I hope this doesn't happen to you hun! And as far as Brian goes...I better not run into the boy, he has no right to mess with your head like that! I hope your ok sweetie!! I am always here for you :hugs:

So I have finally stopped bleeding :happydance: I wanted to have :sex: this morning but it hasn't been 6 weeks yet and I have a doctors appt tomorrow with a pap and they are putting in my IUD so I knew I shouldn't do anything time will come too MT :D Getting a little nervous about the IUD though, any of you girls have one before? I've just always been on the pill...I've heard it hurts like hell if you've never had a vaginal birth but I did dialate to like 3-4cm with Brayden so hoping that will be enough and I wont feel a thing! FX!!!

Glad your new doc sounds like he is on top of things Gabby, hoping for good news with your scan tomorrow, what time is it at? Sorry you have GD too..I feel so bad for you hun - you really can't catch a break this time can you? I'd be there to hold your hand if I could!! :flower:
Thanks Rhonda.:) Yea my doctor said he wouldnt want my incision to tear or anything so even if in early labor he wouldnt want me at home....but that doesnt mean if he's not there that the other doctors would feel the same way.!?!?! My ultrasound is at 10am! I think he's breech again though...which is okay but werid that he turned. Thanks for saying you'd be here for me! I know GD isn't the end of the world but i HATE pricking my finger with the lancets, it hurts like hell! and tbh i LOVE LOVE sweets so not having ANY is going to be soooooooo hard. This is going to be quite strange having a baby that isnt

I had an IUD after I had owen. And tbh i HATED it. I bled for months so bad and they said it would stop, but it never did. And hubby could feel the IUD up He said it was poking his wee wee all the time. I couldnt feel it but I ended up getting it removed b/c of the bleeding. But I'm not allowed anything else so i might have no choice but to go with that.

It doesnt hurt going in or anything, and hopefully you wont bleed forever, but i do belive you do for a few weeks.?! So is the plan to have sex tomorrow night!?!?! I bet hubby is DYING for it haha. How was your birthday sweetie?
Hi Girls,

Happy Birthday Rhonda, sorry my wishes are late but if you girls take a look at my journal you will find out what I have been going through the past few days.
Oh and R, those pictures or Keiya or too precious.

Gabby, I am so sorry that your DH is being such a pain in the arse or as Jenna would say a "penis" :rofl:
I hope he sorts his sh** out fast. I think when it comes to doctors and hospitals sometimes you just need to get bossy. If you start contracting and you want your C-section, don't take no for an answer.
Good luck for getting past 34 weeks.

Jenna, I am so sorry you aren't well. What is this condition you have? Do you know how long you will have it for? Do you have any guesses as to what you are having? I know you want to keep it a suprise.

Us girls certainly now how to keep this thread interesting.

In summary I am on strict bed rest until Monday. My DH has managed to set up his playstation so I can get on the internet so I can keep myself a bit occupied and he is working from home so he can bring me what ever I need from the rest of the house. I feel quite useless but he is such a star.

Lea and Liyana, what beautiful baby bumps. You both have such beautiful skin colouring. I am feeling so pasty and white. I have had enough of winter and technically there are 44 more days until Spring.

I know neither or you have started your baby's rooms yet but do you have any ideas yet what you would like to do?

At my scan on Tuesday my gynae said that based on the angle I am havin a girl. This is said with 70% certainty but I am quite sure it won't change because I have felt like I am having a girl right from the start and this pregnancy has been very different from last time around.
DH and I are quite boring and so for a daughter we like Jessica and for a son we like Luke.

Mel, I love the new siggie. I am only 12 weeks pregnant so if this is your month we will still be quite close together. FX you caught that eggie.

Ashely, lovely to hear from you. Hope all is well and congrats on being an auntie.

Sara, how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a while.

Caroline, I hope you are getting the help you need and your BFP is around the corner. Have you put your DH on Zinc and Selenium?

Sorry if I have left anyone out.

Big hugs,
Thanks condition is SPD (symphasis pubis disorder) it is where the body releases relaxin in preg to soften ur pelvis in preparation for the birth of baby well in SPD the body releases too much of this hormone making my pubic bone and pelvis separate too rubs, grinds and is out of symmetry i have a support but it gets worse if i do anything has been ok last couple days as i have barely moved from the sofa :rofl: but today i have done lots of hoovering and i can hardly walk again :(

So sorry u seem to be having probs; i will go check out ur journal now - congrats on the :pink: bump i thought girl for u too and i love the name Jessica :dance: and Luke actually both very nice names!!!!!
Debs....why are you on bedrest till monday?? i'm lost .

WOW a girl...congrats!!!!:) Jessica is a very nice name. And I LOVE the name luke! It was on my top 3. :) How exciting that your probably having a girl, does it seem more real now. how are you feeling? Glad everything is going well:)

it's 4am and i can't sleep again. So i took my blood sugar for the first time and it wasnt high it was only 60...which is so low it's considered hypoglycemic! So i can tell that my pancreas isn't doing its job right.grr Have scan at 10am and I cant wait..:)
I am sure you aren't supposed to be doing house work with that condition.....naughty naughty Jenna!
Make sure you take it easy from now on.

Lets hope that on the upside perhaps your waterbirth will be less painfull if your muscles and bones are so relaxed :) I have to have a C-Section because I was induced twice last time around and didn't go into labour which suites me fine. I am not sure if I would be able to make the decision to cut or to tear all though they do say recovery is quicker natrual - ouch!

Gosh we all go through so much effort to get pregnant but don't think about how we are going to get the little ones out!!! It won't be long before we have four more Jelly Tots joining exciting.
Thank you Debs.....that was very nice for you to say!!! :hugs2: I sure hope we can have our bumps together!!!
Gabby, aren't I right in saying that you drank a glucose drink just prior to doing your test.
Did you tell your doctor? I am sure it was that drink that affected your glucose test and that you don't really have hypogylcemia.

Insulin can be very dangerous if you don't need it. When I stufied nursing for a very short spell back in 1997 we were tought that you can put someone into a coma if you give them inslin and itn't required but I am sure with your training you already know that. I would definitely ask them to do a confirmation test before injecting yourself with anything, if you do need it then great and it will work wonders but it isn't wise if you don't. You have had such a rough time we need you to catch a good break. :hugs:

PS: I am writing from the bedroom on a keyboard attached to hubbys Playstation 3 so there isn't a copy and paste function so I can't copy my entry from my journal here and it is such a long story but in short I started bleeding on Sunday and was in hospital for two nights and then allowed home so long as I don't get out of bed for anything other than going to the loo. Baby is fine though. I have another scan on Monday to check that there won't be any more bleeding because I passed quite a bit of blood on Tuesday. Scary stuff. The link to my journal is in my signature.

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