Team Jelly Belly!!!

:yipee: at least it went up, I am so excited for you to have another u/s and things are at least going up.
Nicky, did they do progesterone!?

Sweet Sara, I have seen a couple of posts where you say you're feeling a bit down...:hugs2: I don't know what to say hun, but I know how it feels. I do feel a bit cruddy knowing that I'm one of the ones who is 'surrounding' you and not helping your feeling not so good. I know, I know, it's still exciting when your buds finally get it...but believe me, I sincerely can not wait for you to have joy for YOURSELF.
After so long, you know how shocked I all I can say is just keep strong, I would persue further testing, and hey, you might get knocked up the cycle before you even start further investigations! :hug: You're such a special Mommy...we all love you.

Caroline, and Ash, I feel the same about you two...I honestly believe you will get this.
:hugs: LadyBee, You getting your miracle M&M is not in any way making me feel down. Having trouble getting pregnant myself, You give me hope more than anything. I am just tired mostly of family members who knock up illegal immigrants who happen to be 7 weeks pregnant but they have only been together 2 months? Stuff like that. For my friends on here it is exciting to hear and experience with you but I feel like i am on the sidelines being left out of the huddle if you know what I mean. I in no way wish to avoid you news and excitement though which is why I went crazy trying to find a HCG doubling calculator for you :hugs: Don't feel cruddy in even the tiniest amount. :hug:
Well, I get that...but believe me, I watched lots of past cycle buddies go from first tri to the parenting journals.....
I think you're awesome. :) That about sums it up. :) You'll get it too hun...:hug:
Hey girls thought I'd come stop by and say hi and check on everyone.

LB~ Excellent numbers my dear, sounds like you've got a great sticky bean in there! Can't wait for your u/ must still be on :cloud9:!

Debs~Where is your BUMP? lol I bet you must have a beautiful one now. Forgive me if you've posted it and I've missed it. :hugs: Do you have a nursery picked out?

Sara~I'm still praying that BFP comes SOON! You will be pregnant by xmas i know it!:) :hugs:

Rhonda~how are you and the kiddos? I can't believe Kiaya is 3 months already.

Lea~Any news sweetie? I bet your getting anxious now. Jack needs a guy friend! lol

Jenna~ i'm DYING to see a pic of your little adriana. I understand your super busy soaking up all the new family time! hope your enjoying it sweetie!

Well I should let you know my husband and I are improving day by day. Things are moving forward and we are working hard at it. I still go to couseling once a week so that helps me and gives me ideas for us to do to work on our marriage. I know both of us want this forever and we WILL get there!

Owen started preschool!!!:( It was so sad and exciting. He LOVES it...just thinking though next year, he'll be in kindergaren everyday all day!:(:cry:

Gavin has been sick at least once a month and 3 times in the past 6 weeks, so he's seeing a Immunologist at childrens in a few weeks...hoping/praying he's okay.

Jack is sick again. my pooor little man. He's got pneumoina again! We've been living at the doctors since his birth. He weights alil over 9lbs now!:) Despite being sick he's doing really well so thats good. Today he started puking up alot after every feed and is extremly crabby....but we're seeing doctor at 3pm.

Thats that for now. miss you all!:hugs:
a few recent pics of the boys!


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Oh and Nicky....SORRY I forgot you above! BIG I think it's great that your numbers went up, i'm sure that everything will turn out the way it should. THinking of you, can't wait for your scan next week.
Gabs! Those pictures are precious! I haven't seen the boys before, and they are just soooo adorable! Thank you for posting those!
I'm glad things seem to be getting better hun, I just want you and your boys to be safe. :hugs2:
Gabs, I have never seen the boys before either. They are heartbreakers!!! I'm glad things are looking up at home. I hope it stays that way.

As for me no playmate for Jack yet! I'm hoping this little guy was just waiting for his daddy to get home and will start trying to do something. I think I was spoiled in my thinking since Zoe came at 38 wks I just assumed he would come now or maybe a week before. I know that i'm not due for 11 days but I'm READY!! Went to the doc today.....No Change............Going next Wednesday..........probably will be no change. If I'm lucky I won't make it, especially since the doctor that I'm seeing is one of the docs I wanted to deliver my little guy.
Girls.......AF due today. No sign of i ALWAYS have.....:( CM is white, thick and creamy, cervix is medium and closed super tight. I noticed the other day i'm peeing alot more(and this was b4 i even thought a chance of pregnancy..) and also today i'm so constipated that i have a bit of blood.............

Should i test....or give it till sunday?

I'm kinda freaking out here.
Thanks ..I think i shall wait till sunday. IF no AF then, then I'll be worried and take a test. obviously don't want to be,...but if i am then of course I'll be happy and accept it.
Thanks Gabs and everyone else!! I went in today cuz I was having really bad pains and was worried about ectopic again. They did another u/s and saw a gest. sac (and what I think was a 2nd one) Said I was very early only about 4 weeks so that would explain why we werent able to see anything last time and not much this time
Sara, I am sending you hugs and praying that you get your blessing of pregnancy soon!!
OMG Gabby!!! I'm sure your not pregnant hun, I was 10 days late getting my period this last cycle, your body is not regular yet, since having a baby, this will take awhile before they are back to normal. I am freaking out a little though about the white creamy CM...what happens if you get pregnant this soon after having a c-section, your body isn't healed internally so you would have to have the baby aborted right? I always wondered about that. Hope the :witch: shows soon!!! :hugs:

Great News for you Nicky!! And 2 sacs? OH my...our first set of Jelly Belly twins :yipee: Are you going for another u/s anytime soon?

Hang in there Lea, boys are lazy and they like to take their sweet ole time entering this world. Your almost there! Have you settled on a name yet??
Nicky thanks for the blessings and OMG :shock: two sacs? So glad things seem to be looking good.
Gab, test! I am not one for waiting at this point!
Nicky, :hugs2: I'm so happy that things are looking better!!
Lea, hope your little guy makes his grand entry asap!!
Lol Rhonda your so funny. lol.....but you did get an IUD soooo theres explanantion for you being late haha.

Well i just feel yucky and guess what......i have a UTI!!!! NOOOOOO that totally means pregnancy for me. I'm sure i'm fine lol but we'll see. I took a frer tonight and it was negative..but it's night and I know sometimes I dont show positive for a few days. If i dont have af on sunday I will test that am.

Rhonda...i have NO idea what they would do? i obviously planned on keeping it if i was....but idk how they go about that. I've had two sections and also i'm at EXTREME high risk for a placenta accreita......and hemmoraging to death....SO yea idk. But I feel God will handle this and if i am pregnant then it's for a reason.

Dont worry if i'm good to go I will be getting the mirena ASAP....he made me wait for this next period.

Nicky!!! Two sacs.....HOW EXCITING! I think everything sounds great so far babe, hang in there sweetie. hugs to you all

I'm going to work in the am......URGH!!! its 10pm and I have to get up at 5, not to mention getting up with Jack. What was i thinking??????
Gabby I researched it last night, if you get pregnant again before 6 months after your section you have to abort it, if you don't there is a VERY good chance that not only will the baby die but so will you. I really hope your not pregnant hun :cry:

Heading up north in a few hours for the weekend. Going to my brother's surprise 30th birthday party tonight and Kaiya's christening is on Sunday :dance:

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