She's such a cutie Rhonda! Jack looks so much younger then her...and she's so much more alert. Was she alert at 2 months of age? He is for a little bit like twice a day but thats it.
Okay so a good friend of mine has had rash for months and no doctor could figure it out...well her daughter and her mom just broke out in it and now they are saying it's scabies....EW!!!!
Anyways...this friend has watched my children a few times and has been here quite a bit..and I"m terrified we're going to get in.

I called a doctor (not ours, shes off) and they said to not PRE treat it and if we start to show signs then treat it......urgh!
I rather get the cream and use it, b/c it can take up to two months for symptoms appear and well I don't want to start dealing with that.
What do you ladies think......she's held the baby quite a bit, we've been to her house and she's been here, do you think we'll get it? Thats just so gross! yuck. I know she's clean but she does home health care and I'm sure she got it there.
As far as AF goes......I got it on August 17th last month. and it last the normal 9day. So techinally it should have been due by the 15 of this month(28days), but I know i very from 28 to 35 days. i'm at Cd 35...and NO sign of it. I always spot for a few days, and I did when I got my first one since Jack. It started off spotting for 3 days then it came. So idk, It could just be late but then again I have a few things that make me think/feel preggers so idk.
I think i'll buy a test tonight and if it's negative in the morning I'll wait a week adn if i STILL don't have it I'll do a blood test and then get the IUD.