Sooo quiet in here lately...hope everyone is doing okay. is that little princess growing? I can't believe how far you are! Gosh she'll be here before we know it.
LB~how are you feeling? is the morning sickness getting better?
Rhonda~ I follow your journal...but had to say hi in here as well!
Jenna~your little princess is adorable...and yes witch did come.
Sara~your chart is looking very nice so far. Fingers crossed for you my dear!
I hope life isn't to rough lately for everyone, always thinking of you all!
Things are going okay around here. First off we bought a doggie!

She's 2yrs old and is a lab, pointer mix. She's chocolate colored, 60lbs, pure muscle, and is AWESOME with our boys! I love her to death !!! It's amazing to see after one day of being here she knew that I was her mom and she comes to me for everything. Gosh it's like having another it!
Jack is growing sooo much these days. My little porker is 3months old and is 12lbs!

He's still battling his sickness......he had RSV and pneumonia again...
He hasn't been completely healthy since we was born..

He's doing okay and still full of smiles and coos!
Not much else going on . today is hubbies bday and the boys and I made, flowers and trees with foot prints of them , and then Owen and I made a Jar and put picutes and happy bday on it and filled it with thoughts of our feeling about daddy and things we love to do with him.
Tomorrow we are taking just Owen to Wisconsin Dells just for two days and a night. He earned it by doing little things and filling up his piggy bank. I'm so excitied to spend time with just him and Brian, but sad to leave my other babies too. PLUS i DONT want to wear a swimsuit....

I am going to get a one piece today.
Well that's it for now. Love you girls. Hang in there and can you believe Turkey day is around the corner?!?!