Team Jelly Belly!!!

hahha.....or tears...idk......but i just KNEW if i wrote then went to the loo.....of course theres so more pink when i wipe...:( shes on her way girls..shes just making a slow entrance.....

Im so sad b/c if i have a long cycle again next month then no lil bean for xmas...:(...does anyone know what you do when you have cycles that vary in length..from abotu a i just bd everyday or can they fix this or give me something...?

I mean i didnt o when they did cd21 maybe i never o'd?
sorry..but i couldnt have o'd on cd 22..b/c why the heck is af coming now...that would be 5days early?
TMI>..but i've been so constipated ya know..and i tried b4..and thats when i had the pink when i wiped..could that be way...sorry holding onto strings here...

now i wish shed just come NOW...put me out of misery...:(
So sorry you are confused Gabby, I still do not think I Oed which means no x-mas :bfp: for me because I do not even know when AF will arrive let alone get another chance to O. I have read that IB can last 3-5 days so I really hope that is what it is.
My temp this morning was 97.77 but I just went and tested 2 thermometers and mine is 1 degree lower than my other one. So if I try to believe that I did O (holding on to strings) then I can tell myself that I might have had a higher temp somewhere in my Post O time and thus feel a little better about my cycle.
Debs- sorry about your news but as you said a miracle can happen and wouldn't it be an even better x-mas present because it was such a surprise? Hope a spremie can find his way, it only takes one.
Gabs- Being constipated and pushing can cause some spotting like I said yesterday Pg woman have extra blood flow to the cervix and a lot of things can irritate it.
I am tired of waking up every morning just to be disappointed that my temp is not high, I really felt like I had Oed though because the cramps, I do not normally have cramps during O time, I barely have cramps during AF I just thought maybe it was a really good follicle so that why I could feel it. I still have cramps and my boobies are getting sorer each day it seems so I am with Gabby if I am not PG (which I high doubt because of temps) then WTH is going on?
Aww. so sorry hun...i know this really sucks...I hope to GOd you o'd...i think your temps are just being wacky! I would just stop temping all together and just wait to see what happens...easier said then done i know...i keep telling myself no chekcing cp...and of course i keep doing it! I just want a xmas bean..and i know i wont be getting it.....hey if we both arent preggers then we have each other..:)
Yeah at least we will be out together and we can complain about how our body's went wacky this month and that is the reason we are crying in the corner looking at R's ultra sound picture. :rofl: I totally pictured that. Ok so no crying in the corner but we can help each other with our PMA. Good luck still I am hoping the :witch: stays away.
lol..totally see that happening...! Do you think i should ask my doctor why im just a week or even days sometimes...i just dont get it. can i not ovulate and then keep getting a period...maybe thats the case...? sorry just really confused lol
I am really confused too, Maybe if you talk to your Dr about the inconsistency of O am af arrival they might be able to give you clomid, I heard it is supposed to help. I think that might be the only thing they could give you and even that is not a guarantee.
oh ok thanks..thats what i thought. i guess we Have to BD everday!!! surely i cant miss the eggy then!
When should AF be here? your usual LP length? I know how hard it is to have your cycle be messed up. Which makes it harder since there is only a 20% chance of getting PG monthly and that is with a regular cycle so we are just plain swimming against the current, we will get to the edge but it may take some time.
Well ok..the thing is ..b4 i had the last baby i got a period every month 28days. Since i had him i got one from 6wks on..and i get one every month. i never kept track untill we started idk but i know it was between 4 and 5wks.
So since august it was.....August af came..September 23rd( so that was 35days long. ok so then next af came Octoboer 22(so 29days ) i assumed af would be here on November 19...but had cd 21 ovulation (no temp rise, no positive opk, had ewcm, thought mabye body tired to o but didnt. ) So then on cd 21 bought opks..and SUPER DARK..cp SHOW, Cm ewcm..and then temp rise on o'd then...assuming af would now arrived on november 25th. spotting today.ikd my lutheal phase. .....

sorry so long..just wanted to you to see and give any adivce.
So during the months when they were longer did you O on the same day every cycle? (example 35 day cycle did you O on the same CD as the other shorter months). See what your longest LP is and then go off that.
ummmmmm well idk..hehe..i never started using opks untill cd15..and they were positive then for sure! that month when i didnt get af i took another opk and it was super postive so i figured maybe i o'd late there...and then af idk its really confusing...

but the whole thing with me spotting since 9dpo.(if not pg..) isnt that not a good thing?
it seems like i either am never ovulating..but gearing up too. like i always get a positve opk right around cd 15, so i think i ovulated. Then i will get an af either two weeks or three weeks after that. but sometimes i take an opk on cd 21 or around there and i will too have a positive one. this is my first month temping and it shows you then i didnt o untill cycle day 22. So idk whats going on.
It is hard to say without the temping to show when you did actually O. My Lp is usually 11 Day on on what would be the 12th AF shows but that could have changed I do know that spotting a few days before AF can be considered normal and 9 DPO is early but for me that would be ok since my LP is on the short side. I do also know that your LP can vary by a day shorter or longer every month and still be normal. You will get a better idea after a few months of temping to show you O and your LP. If your LP is 10 which is seems 10 DPO came already so don't worry but if it is 10 or shorter or over 18 days then you need to worry. I think that you should probably wait this month out and the next month to show two months of temping to your dr if you do not get PG. That way they can see your pattern and if you are Oing late then they can prescribe Clomid to help you.
oh ok great! Thanks for all your advice and listening to all my questions and concerns!:) Your a great friend!
You are welcome i just wish I could give you more definite answers and also find out what is going on with myself. You know that saying where you always give out the advice but never take your own. Thats me, i tell everyone calm down wait it out but mean while I sit over here freaking out about if i even Oed. :rofl: We might have to start a side team called team nut balls.
LOL totally understand that! i always say dont worry you time will come and youve done the best you can..and over hear i am freaking out and wondering what else can i do..what did i do we are crazy! Those darn hormones..just blame them!!!:) What are you doing today..? hubbies at work so im suppose to get some stuff done around the house..but instead im playing around on here, dowloading xmas music and baking
Sorry I am doing my math homework, it is one of my last classes to get my associates in early childhood education. Then tonight I am going to watch the movie Sarah and I were talking about (Twilight). I have 48 problems to do and I am only on #26 because my son keeps trying to get me to look at something every 3 minutes. :rofl: I keep saying "Oh wow, that nice, or Hold on honey Mommy's almost done with this problem" Can't help but love him though.

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